Emerald Spartan

By MachineKing123

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Sierra-009 was not the luckiest Spartan II. Being stuck in the deactivated hull of the UNSC Arcturus while fa... More

The Fall
Gem glow
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together breakfest
Lava Lake
So many birthdays
The Gun Slinger
Hunter or Hunted
Mirror Gem
Terms and Conditions
Space Race
Just another day
Fusion Cuisine
Lessons in Shapeshifting
Scouting Mission
Quasar's log 1
Operation missing Quartz
Snowed In
Marble Madness
Rose's Scabbard
Old Scars
Future Vision
Revelation and Retribution
Passing the Flag
Unwanted Guest
New kid on the block
Spartan Training day 1
4th of July special
The Signal
Into The Lion's Den
Bump in the night
Nature of the Beast
Secrets and Shadows
Cleaning house
Ghosts that walk alone
Omake: Bus stop
From the Beginning
Inner Demons


910 27 1
By MachineKing123

Bridge of the UNSC Ironclad

Captain Ryan Andrew was getting an assessment from high the holotable and the ships AI. And needless to say he was pissed. The gem known as Sunstone came out of nowhere and grabbed Admiral William. Then the ship fired and damaged the armor around the Ironclads Portside hangar. Where it proceeded to dissapear into Slipspace.

He needed to find where they had taken the Admiral. But for right now he had something else to get to.

"Clear a Longsword to intercept the escape pod Peridot used to escape. I want that gem hunted down." He ordered the flight control officer.

He smirked when he saw said fighter leave the hanger with it's fusion engines roaring. Leaving toward where it had gone.

"Captain, we've detected a Slipspace rupture in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. I'm almost certain that it's the gem ship." Said one of the bridge crew.

He turned to the ships AI Dusty. Who took the appearance of a 19 the century cowboy. Dusty nodded and prepped the Slipspace coordinates for a jump.

"Captain, Slipspace jump is charted. We're ready to jump on your command." Said Dusty from the holotable.

Ryan nodded. He pressed a button on the table to open up a shipwide communication. "Attention all crew, brace for Slipspace jump." He said simply.

The swirling blue and white portal of the eleventh dimension opened in front of them. He felt the ship lurch slightly as it's engines pushed it into the portal. Everything turned back around them as they entered. Thankfully it wasn't a long jump. Only lasting a few minutes to reach the part of the system they needed to reach.

The ship lurched once more as they exited and entered back into Realspace. Immediately Dusty and the bridge crew went to work figuring out exactly where they were. Now their Slipspace drive wasn't the most precise. Only being able to get within several dozen miles of those destination.

"Sir, were 20,000 Km form the ruptures exit point." Said Dusty. Ryan nodded and turned to talk to the crew. "Full speed to the destination now." He ordered.

The Paris class frigate fired it's engines to full and rocketed through the vacuum. It's powerful fusion drives propelling it at several hundred kilometers a second. The frigate struggled to keep the g force of such acceleration to a comfortable amount with it's inertial dampeners. But it quickly calmed and the crew could move easily again.

UNSC Ironclad Portside hangar

The Crystal gems stumbled as the ships inertial dampeners struggled to compensate for it's acceleration. Steven even fell to his knees before quickly getting back up.

"Damn it, how could I have not seen that coming!" Garnet yelled as she knelt and punched the floor. Creating a small dent in the floor. Amythest walked over and out a hand on her shoulder. "Garnet, you couldn't have predicted that would have happened." The purple gem said to try and calm her down.

Garnet turned to Amythest. Her teeth gritted. "But I should've, I should've been an alert still. But I failed."

Steven turned to Garnet with determination in his eyes. "We'll find him Garnet. Because he reached us and now well rescue him." He smiled after he said that.

Pearl walked up next to him. Which Lapis narrowed her eyes at but didn't do anything. "Yes, we've already gone to the area that they travelled to. I'm gonna guess that their Slipspace drive was damaged so they didn't go far. And we're already heading there at maximum speed." She said with a determined smile on her face.

Garnet slowly smiled. She got back up and brought her chaingun out to reload. She then placed it on her back to get ready. "Your right, thank you."

All of a sudden the large hangar doors opened. The massive bulkheads of Titanium armor opening into the vacuum of space. Being separated by a barrier of blue energy to stop them from being sucked into the void.

"Recovery teams report to your Pelicans. Sabre 1 and 2 standby for launch." Said a male voice through the loudspeakers in the hangar. Quasar spoke up for the first time. He had been in shock which was even more frightening for the AI.

"I've contacted the bridge. I've cleared a pilot and Pelican to use. But Steven you'll have to stay here. We didn't have the equipment or time to get you a vacuum sealed suit." The AI said through his circular body.

"But I wanna help to!" He yelled. The AI soaked up to him. Narrowing his optic at him. "Steven, you've helped tremendously already. But your not suited for this task, the gems are. So you just have to sit this one out." The marble

"Follow me." Quasar said. The gems followed after him and went over to an awaiting Pelican. Steven tried to follow him but was stopped when an armored hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned around to see the ODST he heard was Winter. "Sorry kid, but your not going."

Steven tried to get out of his grasp. Accidently using gem strength and making him stumble forward. But he put his other hand on his shoulder and turned him to stare into his visored face.

"Kid, look at yourself. Your tired from blocking all those attacks and the commotion form today. Even if we had a suit to fit you you would be a liability right now. So think rationally. They didn't let you go for a reason." He told Steven.

Steven let the words sink in. Deep down he knew the soldier was right. But he just didn't want to admit it. He wanted to help rescue his uncle. He hung his head slightly and Winter finally let go of him.

"Good, now you can go to the bridge and wait for them to get back. Because it stinks get pretty hectic in her quick."

Steven followed Winter to the bridge of the ship. It wasn't to far with just a few hallways and an elevator ride. They approached a large set of bulkhead doors that were open. Showing the bridge and their crew directing the ongoing operations of the frigate. Steven followed winter into the bridge.

"Captain Ryan sir." Winter saluted. Ryan turned around to face the ODST. "At ease soldier. Now why are you up here? And why do you have the youth universe here as well?" He said calmly but with authority.

Winter gestured to Steven. "Well sir, he couldn't stay in the hangar for the Crystal gems to return. So I thought him staying out of the way on the bridge to watch everything would be a better idea." He said to the captain.

Ryan nodded in acknowledgement. "Okay then, he can stay here. But he she to stay out of the way of the crew. You can return to your duties." The captain said to them.

Winter nodded and left him. Leaving Steven to star in fascination at the command center of the ship. Ryan knelt down to him. His black hair starting to turn grey and his green eyes staring at teenager. "Feel free to observe. But stick to the sides without consoles and move out of the way of people moving okay." Ryan told Steven.

Steven nodded and Ryan smiled slightly. "Good, enjoy the view of the stars." He said before he went back to working at the holotable.

Steven watched as the ship slowly made its way through the hectic field of rocks. Occasionally having one bumb off a thin golden barrier.  He then cost the ship slow slightly and saw a holographic cowboy appear on the table in didn't of the captain. "Captain, were 22 kilometers the Slipspace portal exit point." Said the cowboy to Ryan.

"Thank you Dusty. Have rescue crews and Longswords scan the area as well and see what they find. The admirals gotta be out here somewhere." Said Ryan to the AI now named Dusty to Steven.

He saw the ship slowly go through the rocks as well as seeing small ships leave the hangars.

All of the Crystal gems had arranged into the troop bay of the Pelican. With 2 crew members in heavy exoskeletons and red crosses hooked into hardpoints. All of them were relatively nervous about this. Hoping that everything would be well.

Quasar was doing system diagnostics in the corner. Noting that his world was down to 62% integrity. As well as one of his legs being completely missing. He walked slowly over to Garnet, who was going over her chaingun to make sure nothing was wrong.

"Sure." She said out of nowhere. Surprising the AI for a moment.

"You didn't even know what I was going to ask." He said. To which Garnet just smiled and pinged to her sunglasses.

"Ah, future vision." He said before climbing up next to her and jumping into her shoulder. Morphing his remaining legs to attach around her hand and torso. With his main body shifting apart into various pieces that formed around her head. They reattached into ßhape with his optic forming into a black tinted visor and the rest of his head becoming an angular Helmet.

"Oh I love Gem tech." Quasar said excitedly from inside the helmet. Garnet smirked at this, she did so this coming due to her powers. But it was still exciting to use and see. Almost reminded her of the anime she sees Amythest watching sometimes. Or the Ironman movie.

"Just remember that while you may have a lesser Version of a Spartan helmet now. That it only has limited durability and holds my data." He then pauses to let it sink in. "Don't shake me around to much please. I don't want to digitally throw up." Which his avatar moved around like he was stumbling when Garnet playfully flicked it.

"Alright ladies and gentleman. Buckle up and get ready to rock and roll." Said the pilot as he walked up the ramp and through to the cockpit.

Garnet turned to the rest of the gems before things got loud. "Alright." Taking a moment to get used to how her voice was slightly different from going through a speaker. "Everyone ready." She continued.

Pearl and Lapis nodded.

"Hell yeah." Amythest pumped her fist. Garnet then turned to the two in the exoskeletons. Their names now displaying above their heads. A private Jonah and petty officer Miranda. "You good to go?"

She already knew the answer, since it was the same in all timelines. "Yes Ma'am." They both said. She smiled under her helmet and got ready. Just in time for the ramp to close and for them to take off.

"Huh, never thought I'd fly around four magical alien women. Guess you do something new every day." The pilot said to himself as he slowly brought the Pelican up. It steadily flew out of it's cradle in the port side hangar.

He saw on both his radar and to the left of him that the other 2 Pelicans were also in the same position for takeoff.

He then glanced down and saw that the two launch ramps for the Sabres that took up the rest of the space in the port hangar we're ready as well. They may have been more costly than the Longsword that resided in here but they were sure as hell better equipped.

"Avery and Gabriel. Launch on my command." Said the flight leader in her center Pelican.

Avery readied his Pelican to take off rapidly with the others. The engine bells opening for the increase in power.


The engines started to light on the Sabres.


The Pelican thrusted more fusion energy to it's thrusters.


All five craft shot off. The three Pelicans lagging behind the Sabres. Who soon lowered down form launch speed and joined up with the Pelicans.

"Alright boy and girls. You alright back there." He said over the intercomm. He flicked a switch and one of the screens displayed a view of the troop bay. Showing the blue and purple gems were disoriented. The white and red ones were good and the heavy rescue team were good.

He then turned back out his viewport and let his neural lace fully open up. Allowing him with even better control of the dropship.

The two Sabres pulled ahead slightly and moved out of the way of asteroids. The Pelicans stuck close by and weaved through asteroids as well.

"I see the ship up ahead." Said Sabre 1. Avery banked left and began to slow down. The other Pelican followed suit and they approached the ship.

Honestly it looked like a more angular and gem version of the hydra bomber form Captain America. But it would serve it's use of stealth well in the vacuum. Possibly even rivaling a Prowler.

"Nuclear detonation detected. Get out of there now!" Yelled the Captain. All five pilots could see the large ball of energy expanding rapidly just a mile away form them.

"Shit, a nuke was just detonated. Hold on tight." He said to the passengers. He banked the Pelican harshly, using it's gimble thrusters. He nearly blacked out from the g force, even with the inertial dampeners

He then gunned the engines to maximum velocity.

Outside the pelican the thrusters glowed bright orange from the fusion energy. Rocketing the Pelicans forward to several thousand miles per hour. He wouldn't go may faster because he would never be able to dodge asteroids.

And let's just say hit g one at that speed would suck.

The Sabres expertly dodged around asteroids and meteors. The skill of the pelican pilots was showing as well. Dodging out of the way.of several.

"Alright, were out of the blast radius. Just need to wait for it to stop and we can go in." Said Susan, the flight Commander.

"Oh my god, Gabriel just flipped on asteroid. He's spiraling out of control!" Yelled Sabre 1 over comms.

Avery angled the Pelican to see. He saw it's entire right wing was sheered off form the force of the hit. It started to careen out of control where another asteroid hit it in the entry ramp. Which caused it to dent, which would make it impossible to open for those inside.

"The ship is detected to start to move. We think it's going to flee. Sabre 2, go and Chase that ship. Pelican 1 and 2. Your new objective is to save Pelican 3." Reported the comm officer on the Ironclad.

"With all due respect ma'am. We still have an admiral to save." Reported Susan.

"That is where Sabre 1 comes in. We've detected a roughly 2 meter by .6 meter wide junk of high density titanium go flying toward the direction of Earth. Sabre 2, you are to chase after it and try and catch it." She said.

"Copy that ma'am." Said Sabre 1 over the comm. He broke off and went after what was most likely the admiral.

"You heard the lady. Avery tell your passengers to get ready for a different rescue." Said Susan.


He then turned on the intercomm once more. "Change of plans. Sabre 2 is chasing after the gem ship while Sabre 1 is going after an object that is most likely the admiral. But we're going to save a downer Pelican. Thief entry ramp is jammed and their going out of control. Now your the only ones with the tools or power to get through the armor. So buckle up chuckle fucks and let's go." He finished with a smile.

"So first a nuke, then Will most likely turned into a human projectile, and now a crashed ship. Well this day can't get much worse." Amythest dryly said.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "My word amythest. Now is not the time." She chastised.

Gander turned to Lapis, who had her arms crossed and looked slightly angry. "Lapis, I need to to fly and try to stop the spinning of the Pelican. Can you do that." Garnet asked.

Lapis huffed. "Whatever." She crossed her arms.

Garnet sighed, Lapis was a pain to deal with sometimes.

"Does she have an attitude problem of something." Garnet heard someone asks form next to her. She turned and saw Jonah was looking at her. His visor staring into hers.

"Yes, but it goes deeper than that. She's dealing with issues from the past millennia." She said. Garnet knew that lapis needed to deal with a lot more than an attitude problem. And Steven is the best one to help her with that. Possibly due to lapis having an attraction toward him.

She may have even encouraged it and helped them if she wasn't worried that Lapis would try to kill the rest of them. Well that was mostly Pearl but the rest of them weren't much better in her eyes. Although Sapphire was giddy at the prospect of Steven having a live of his own. Ruby didn't like the fact that it would most likely be Lapis. She would much rather it be with Connie, but while they may have been that in the other universe she'd seen. It would not be so in this time. But Garnet herself was mixed in this, on one hand she wanted to see them happy together. But on the other she was worried about what Lapis might do.

"Alright, time to go." Yelled the pilot over the loudspeaker. The armory door was closed so the other half of the ship would remain pressurized as the ramp opened.

"Lapis, you fly ahead and try to slow it down. Pearl and Amythest you'll be working on anchoring it into place with an asteroid." She then turned around to look at the two rescue workers in Exosuits. "I'll help you breach the hull and pull out any survivors. Got that?" She asked.

Both nodded and Lapis flew out of the ramp. The rest of them using the force of the vacuums sucking to eject them out.

Lapis flew ahead, flying between the debris of the asteroid belt. Showing her millenia of flying experience. She got within a few feet of the out of control Pelican. She then grabbed onto a piece of the side and flew in the opposite direction. Effectively slowing their rotation down. But without more water she couldn't do much more.

Pearl and Amythest wonder on an asteroid that the pelican was near. Pearl summoned a spear and handed it to Amythest. "Wrap your whip around it." She told the gem. Amyhtest did so and handed the spear back to her.

Pearl extended her and back to throw it. Lining up her shot before she released it. Sending it hurtling through the vacuum and right into the broken engine mount .

Amythest gripped the end of the whip. "Ha it feels like fishi....." She said before the momentum made her fall forward and drag her through the mud.
"Amythest!" Pearl yelled. She sprinted after the short gem. Amythest get to her feet and tried to tug on the whip. But even her gem strength wasn't enough and she still kept sliding forward.

"Pearl, break that engine. I can't hold it while it's still going. And miss water witch can't reach it."

Pearl then jumped up into the whip, which made it how slightly as Amythest struggled to hold it. She sprinted across it and jumped up on top of the Pelican. She went over to the broken thruster. It's fusion conduits were busted, resulting in it continually burning at maximum.

She summoned another spear and pried the broken armor off, exposing the inner workings.

"Ok, how do you work." She scanned the mechanics and workings of the thruster. Not finding anything she knew in here. She really needed to learn how these things were built.

"Oh to hell with it." She then stabbed her spear into the thruster. Causing it to sputter for a moment before deactivating.

"Ah, good." She then pulled her spear out. Finding it melted to slag where it was inside. She threw the useless spear out into space.

She then walked over to the makeshift grappling hook and pulled amythest over.

"Nice one P. And good one stopping the crazy spinning Lapis." She said as she turned to see blue gem land next to them.

The three then made their way to the ramp to find the two had man's stuck to the side using their magnetic boots. They each took off a device from their backs and extended them out from the side. To where they extended outward outward like a beautiful origami creation. When it was done it covered the back half of the Pelican in a thin but strong foil. It sealed itself to the hull of the Pelican.

"Begin pressurization in 3...2..1." said Miranda as both her and Jonah clicked a button on the Tacpad on their arm. Then air from thanks on their suits exited into the bubble. Extending it slightly and filled it with air.

"Oh my, this is certainly interesting. It even made a small airlock as well." Pearl healed at seeing the small but advanced piece of technology.

"Cool, they just made a bubble. That could pop at any second and kill every human not in protective suits." She said flatly.

Amythest looked to her. "Wow, pessimistic much?"

Lapis simply shrugged and flew over to the other three. Where garnet and the first responders pried open the ramp.

"Alright, we need to see if anyone is alive." We can get the troop bay. Garnet, can you check on the pilot." Asked Miranda.

Garnet nodded and went to check on the pilot. She had to fly open the door slightly to get at it but thankfully she could.

Inside the cockpit looked like a disaster area. The consoles were all fried, the controls were broken. And the windows looked like the were one tap away from shattering.

She took a look at the pilot himself. He was in one piece so that was good. But it looked like he was slammed into the console. Given the fact his visor is shattered and his nose is broken.

"I detect a faint heartbeat. But you'll have to move him carefully. He has several cracked ribs and a damaged spine. As well as some minor internal bleeding." Said Quasar from inside the helmet.

Garnet ran through possibilities of what could happen. Any sudden moves would elevate his condition. And if she waited here to long the windows would finally give way and he'd be sucked out into space.

She reached over and carefully undid the belts that held him in. Putting her arms over his chest so he wouldn't fall forward. She carefully out her arm under him and lifted him so he was sin the and position he was sitting in. She made sure to put her hand on the spot of his spine so it wouldn't be damaged even more.

Garnet then soaked out of the cockpit. Quasar shifted half into his other form and forced the door to close. So the rest of the inhabitants wouldn't be at risk of vacuum.

He then crawled on top of the injured pilot and shifted his body once again. The laltes that made him up shifted and moved around his torso. Forming a large splint that kept him in place and kept pressure of his injuries. Making it easier for Garnet to carry.

She walked back out to the troop bay and saw the gems as well as the first responders moving the ODSTs through the airlock and into their Pelican. Gander then floated over to Jonah.

"His visor was shattered. He needs something to block the vacuum." She told him.

Jonah reached around his side and pulled a piece of the same fabric as the bubble was made of.

"This will work as a makeshift helmet." He then pulled sit over the pilots head and it sealed to his broken armor. Inflating and pressurizing with air.

Garnet then kicked off from the Pelican and went through the makeshift airlock. She fazed through the thin blue barrier and quickly landed into their Pelican.

She placed the pilot in a chair and strapped him in. Quasar then ejected a chip from his body and Garnet grabbed it.

It was about half the size of her palm and had a light blue circular light in the middle. Then a small hologram sprang forth from it and Quasar appeared.

"Well, I kinda have to keep my body there to keep him stable. But all in all a good test run for it. Probably should make another one." He said with excitement.

Garnet simply smiled and she out his chip in her gem for safe keeping.

Then the rest of the crew came in with the last two survivors. Carefully setting them down at the back of the troop bay. Miranda then applied biofoam from an application in her arm and went to sit down.

"Well, none of them died, but their in bad shape. They should be stable enough to receive treatment on the Ironclad though." She said.

They then closed the ramp. But before it did they could see the large form of the Ironclad approach them. It having finally caught up to them. The pelican then re pressurized and they entered which to the hangar.
Nathan wasn't exactly having the most fun time at the moment. His ship, Sabre 1 was going as fast as it could through the asteroid belt. He was trying to get to the ship ship.

He rolled around another large asteroid. He had finally gotten thirugh the densest part of the belt and was now approaching the ship.

"Slipspace rupture detected." Said the dumb AI that replaced the second passenger in the Sabre.

He looked ahead, magnifying the image in his visor. And sure enough a Slipspace portal was opening in didn't of the ship.

"Oh no you don't." He said.

He activated his missiles. Quickly getting targeting solutions for them. They locked into the ship and he let them loose. They screamed through space and rocketed toward the ship.

They grew ever closer and closer. But it would seem they were just to slow. The ship had entered the portal just as they would have impacted it. Causing them to instead impact an asteroid behind it and shatter it with their explosion.

"Damn it!" He said as he slammed his fist down on his Titanium cockpit wall. He sighed as he turned around to head back to the Ironclad.

Captain Ryan wasn't going to be happy about this.

The gems and humans were just docking back in the Port hangar of the Ironclad. Everyone they got out of there was still alive when they got back. The dozen men and women that came to grab the injured also said that they would be taken good care of.

"Well, for our first mission in space for millennia. I say that went rather well." Said Pearl as she beamed with pride.

"Damn straight. We were awesome." Amythest boasted assume held her arms behind her head. She was excited to do something different other than rounding up corrupted gems and artifacts.

Garnet smiled slightly. She was proud of how the gems preformed. Pearl and Amythest worked well together with no bickering. Even lapis did her job well and seemed to be slightly happier.

Garnet then took Quasars chip out of her gem. The blue circle glowing slightly before a small hologram appeared of his avatar.

"Damn, it's weird in there. Do you always hear two disembodied voices. I mean one sounds like a tomboy and the other is like princess bubblegum." He looked serious for a moment before his face turned to laughter.

"No really, wasn't expecting to be able to hear Ruby and Sapphire in there. Guess that's another thing to add to gem physics." He then pulled up a screen and started typing.

Garnet simply shrugged. It was interesting that he was able to hear her parts. That could be interesting for the future.

Pearl then walked over to them. "Wait, you can hear a Gem's thoughts?" She asked curiously. She then started mumbling to herself about how that shouldn't be possible.

Quasar simply shrugged his holographic shoulders. "Kinda, but I need to be inside the gem in question." He then stopped for a moment. He frowned at seeing Amythest grin. "No! Not that kind of inside. God you have the mentality of a teenager." He said as he facepalmed against his holographic head.

"Now what does that say about you that you thought about it as well." The purple gem said while she laughed.

"Whatever. I'm gonna transfer into the ships systems of you need me. Just hope this places AI can make room."

He then dissapeared and the glow in the chip ceased. Garnet then put the chip back into her Sapphire gem.

"So, what now." Lapis asked flatly.

Garnet then turned to her. "Well, we go back to Earth and find Will. He was propelled that way from the nuclear device."

"Got it." She then summoned her wings and took off toward the bulkhead to the rest of the ship.

"Well, isn't she just a that of sunshine." Amythest said. Sarcasm just dripping from her mouth. She was starting to get sick of her attitude as well.

"She has a good reason for being like this Amythest." Pearl told her.

Amythest scoffed and folded her arms. "Yeah, but doesn't mean she should just take it out on us."

"Were simply the only ones left for her to take out her anger on. Homeworld isn't here anymore and the crystal gems didn't really do much to help her "

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm gonna go check this place out." Amythest said as she went the same way as Lapis.

Pearl simply sighed and walked toward the blue barrier that kept the atmosphere in. She crossed her legs and sat on the heated titanium floor.

"I wish we could just explore this universe. Without having to constantly worry about rogue gems. Maniacal overlords, of genocidal alien conglomerates. Even these last few thousand years we've been cleaning up our own mistakes."

Garnet sat down next to her. Staring out to the stars as well.

"I know, but we do what we must. Because it's our mess to clean up. And we have to face the monsters that threaten the existence of everyone we love and hold dear." Garnet told the pale gem.

Pearl sighed. She lowered her head, staring bllankly at the silvery floor. "I know, but I just want a break. We only have brief moments of peace before something crazy happens."

"That's how life is." Said a voice form behind them.

Pearl turned around to see the ODST commander that was on the ship with them. Garnet of course knew she was coming.

The redheaded woman stood with her helmet against her side. Pinned there like on a hook. Her weapon firmly on her back.

"Care if I join you?" She asked.

"Sure." Garnet said.

The woman sat down on the other side of Garnet. Her red hair resting just above her shoulders.

"Names Mira Shepard. Thanks for the save back there." She told them with a smirk.

"Your welcome." Garnet said.

"It was no problem. Just another mission passed on the long list."

Shepard's smile deflated slightly. "The purple one is definitely the more lively one. You two need to loosen up a bit more. Trust me, I've seen what happens when soldiers don't relax. First mistakes get made. They get riled up easily, their emotions and anger get the better of them." She then paused for a moment to let it sink in. "And that ends up getting people killed." Shepard's face remained neutral as she said that. Letting the severity of what their doing sink in.

Shepard then stared back out toward the stars. "I've only seen the admiral a few times. And talked to him even less. But I know someone who's high strung when I see them." She then turned to the two gems. Pearl was simply staring at her. While Garnet simply continued to stare out  the hangar.

"I can also see it in your two. But he'll, I don't know much about Gem's so for all I know a crown could be a big bright smile in your culture." She said with a small chuckle.

Garnet smiled slightly at this. Even Pearl cracked a small smile.

The three women just stared out toward the stars. Simply enjoying the view of the vast cosmos.

After all. Not many get a front row seat like this.

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