Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad...

By Raven_Hellfire

408K 13.4K 14.1K

HELLO EVERYBODY THAT LOVES MARVEL!! My name is Raven Hellfire and I am the author of this book. How are you... More

🥀Running away🥀
🥀Running Away Part 2🥀
🥀Running away part 3🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀The fight🥀
🥀The Red String🥀
🥀Where's Peter Parker!!🥀
🥀Mission Suicide🥀
🥀Don't push your luck🥀
🥀Don't Push Your Luck part 2🥀
🥀Disney Land🥀
🥀Auntie Tasha's comfortable🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 1🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 2🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 3🥀
🥀Just Call Me Anansi!🥀
🥀Peter is Artistic?!🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀
🥀Bucky is NICE🥀
🥀Death- part 2🥀
🥀The Pranksters met Loki and FLOWER CROWNS🥀
🥀Back together/ Reunited🥀
🥀Road Work Ahead🥀
🥀The Big Reveal🥀
🥀HALLOWEEN🥀 (2018)
🥀We Are.....Venom🥀
🥀We Are.......... Venom Part 2🥀
🥀 Veterans part 2. 🥀
🥀Happy Thanksgiving!🥀
🥀The burning golf course // RIP 🥀
🖤🥀RIP White Wolf🥀🖤
🥀Finding out🥀
🥀Finding Out Part 2🥀
🥀On Your Left!🥀
🥀Swear Jar🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 2🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 3🥀
🥀Talent Show/Holiday's Special🥀
🥀An angry Peter, is not a Peter you wanna see🥀
🥀An Angry Peter, Is not a Peter you want to see Part 2🥀
🥀The end game/ I'm Coming Home🥀
🥀The End Game/ I'm Coming Home🥀 Part 2
🥀Holy Crap🥀
🥀Plan H🥀
🥀The Frozen Tongues🥀
🥀FINISHED Stop Stealing My KIDS🥀
🥀Kidnapped, The Rogues, and Ross🥀
🥀Dad jokes and Angry Peter🥀
🥀Appreciate Tony Stark Day!🥀
🥀Tony Stark Appreciation Day Part 2🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀 PART 2
🥀I Will Kill Everyone In This Room🥀
🥀In the Soul Realm🥀
🥀Catch Fast🥀
🥀Shotgun! Part 2🥀
🥀Happy Birthday🥀
🥀Too.... Strong....uuhhhh🥀
🥀Happy (Late) Fathers Day (I MESSED UP)🥀
🥀Caw caw Mother Fuckers
🥀Come little children~🥀
🥀Cousin Sergei🥀
🥀Back Again
🥀It's going to be ok...right?
🥀I don't care...
🥀Halloween (2019)🥀
🥀Watty's-This isn't where your story ends-Not on my watch
🥀I love you...🥀
🥀Bad day🥀
🥀Birthday Boy🥀
🥀Birthday Boy part 2🥀
🥀Mission gone wrong 🥀
🥀God bless America🥀
🥀Strange are you okay?🥀
🥀Floor Is LAVA🥀
🥀Happy Holidays!🥀
🥀Instant Kill🥀
🥀I'm your new Dad🥀
🥀Please Help Rhodey!🥀
🥀Oh My Thor!🔥
🥀New Years and GROOT
🥀Light Sabers
🥀That Was My Son!🔥
🥀Attacked Part 1🔥
🥀Attacked Part 2🔥
🥀Attacked Part 3🔥
🥀Your Son Peter?🔥
🥀Red Bull🔥
🥀Rare happiness
🥀My leg-
🥀Trans Visibility day!🔥
🥀The Unknown Blog/ Going on Hiatus🔥
🥀Russian Singers~🥀
🥀Bad idea🔥
🥀Shit talking🔥
🥀Beep Beep🔥
🥀A Menace🔥
🥀Holy- BUCKY?!?!
Howling Angels
🥀The sun will shine on us again brother.🖤

🥀Life is cruel...🔥

1.3K 54 37
By Raven_Hellfire

Peter sighed. He'd been sitting at his desk for the past 4 hours just doing homework.

He turned his attention from the homework to the city view.

It was four o'clock in the morning and he was exhausted but he couldn't take a break yet. He still had so much homework to do.

Due to the coronavirus, all schools had been closed and online school was in session. 

Now you see Peter is amazing at using the computer, and school has always came easy to him.

But after Thanos... after losing Mr. Stark... his memories have been fogging up. Concentrating on one thing became a challenge. Waking up in the morning became a struggle.

He also has to help Pepper out with the company, taking care of Morgan, his Spider-Man duties, it's all just been too much. 

But like I said before, his memories have just slowly been disappearing. Before his fight with Thanos... he used to be able to remember what his parents looked like, the few memories he had of them.

Now... Now he doesn't even remember what happened two months ago. He remembers bits and pieces, fighting Thanos, getting thrown around, losing Mr. Stark... 

But anything before that had just disappeared into thin air. 

He doesn't remember what his Aunt May used to look like, his Uncle Ben. Nothing. And thanks to the memory loss, school became harder for him since he didn't remember anything.

He felt awful asking Pepper for help since she has to deal with the press and other things so he just kept everything to himself.

Peter slowly got up, stretching, hearing a satisfying pop from his back. He tiptoes to his door and carefully opens it.

He looks down the hall to see if anyone was awake and slowly walked out. He closed the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen.

He was careful when he made it to the kitchen, careful to not make any type of noise. 

He grabbed two wine glasses and Tony's favorite alcohol. He made his way to the elevator quickly and quietly.

"To the roof FRIDAY," Peter says in a monotone voice.

The AI complied without a word. 

The sparkle in Peter's eyes had died out when Tony passed. The happiness in his voice turned dull. He could, of course, fake it when need be but when he's alone, he doesn't try. 

The elevator doors open, and Peter walks out.

"Thanks, FRI," Peter says while walking to the ledge. He places the glasses and bottle down, before sitting.

He swings his legs over the edge, looking done at the silent city. He never believed he'd see the city this deserted ever in his life. But there it was. Not a single person or car in sight.

He sighs, picking up the bottle and pouring some of the drink into both glasses. He places the bottle down and picks his glass up. 

He clings the glasses together before turning his attention to the moon. He takes a small sip.

"Hey, Mr. Stark... It's been about 3 or 4 months since you died... and it's not going so well... so much has happened since you left and I can't but help think this is some sign from God that the end is near... but funny enough, I don't believe in God..." Peter lets out a shaky breath, before taking another sip.

"I've been losing my memories... Why I don't know but it's not going so well... I'm doing my best to help Pepper with everything but with this damn memory loss I just don't know anymore..." Peter fiddles with the glass, a single tear falling into it. 

He downs the rest of his drink, before pouring himself some more.

"I just wish I knew why this was happening, but I guess everything has some type of purpose."

Peter sits in silence, taking another sip.

"I'm going to kill myself in 4 months. I'm going to have as much fun as possible in these next few months, and hopefully, I'll be able to join you after this pain ends..." Peter says sadly.

He downs the rest of his drink before looking over to the glass next to him. He picks it up downing it as well. He gets up and spreads his arms out wide as if embracing the winds.

"Till we meet again dad, addio (goodbye)." Peter picks the bottle up and walks back to the elevator.

The doors open and the second he's about to walk in he feels a warm presence near, and then feels arms wrap around him.

"Stay... you're story can't end so soon...." And with that, the warm feeling disappears.

Peter drops the bottle and glasses, they shatter within seconds. He falls to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He ignored how his knees now bled because of the shattered glass.

Peter grabs his left hand, feeling his pulse. He folds in on himself and cries his heart out. 

He never heard the elevator doors closing and then re-opening, he never heard a figure walk out and gasp his name. But he did feel them hug him.

"Hey kiddo, come on what's wrong?" Bucky whispers, pulling the kid in for a hug. Peter sobs into his shoulder, holding on as tight as possible.

Bucky rubs his back whispering soothing words.

Bucky and Peter had become very close after Peter lost Tony and Bucky lost Steve. 

Once Peter calmed down he took a shaky breath and gave Bucky an embarrassed smile. Bucky laughs at the sudden mood change. 

"You better now?" Bucky asked seriously. 

"Yeah, just... just had a panic attack," Peter says, pulling away and standing. Bucky stands next to him, looking down at the broken glass and spilled drink. 

"What were you drinking?" Bucky asks confused.

Peter pauses before sighing.

"Tony's favorite alcohol... I came up here to talk to him, even brought him a glass..." Bucky sighs, before pulling Peter into a tight hug. 

Peter accepted the hug, a few tears escaping. 

Carefully they moved away from the broken glass and walked into the elevator. 

"I'll send someone to clean that up, for now, I need to get you fixed up," Bucky says sternly. 

"I'll be fine, my healing can take care of it," Peter says nonchalantly. He didn't want to be an inconvenience, it's bad enough Bucky had to see him breakdown. 

"Absolutely not, we're getting that fixed up now Peter," Bucky says, his voice was hard and stern. Peter flinched.

"I'M FINE!" Peter shouts in retaliation, before smacking his own mouth shut in horror and surprise. Bucky looked just as surprised.

"Peter-." Before he could say anything Peter ran, he ran and ran and he had no clue where he was going but he kept running. 

Peter stops to catch a breath but hears footsteps. He enters the room next to him quickly not reading the label. He held his breath as he heard Bucky pass him. 

He carefully walked backward, his attention on the door. That's when he hits something causing him to freeze. He carefully turns around and sees Loki sitting on a floating beanbag.

"Hello, Peter. What are you doing up this late?" Loki asks concerned for the boy. He had dried tears on his face, and blood on his knees. 

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you Loki, I'll go..." He quickly turns and tries to run out, when Loki freezes him with his magic.

Loki places his book down and jumps off the bean bag. He walks towards Peter and raises a brow at him.

"You wanna tell me why you were crying and have blood on your knees or do you want me to go into your mind?" Loki asks. Peter stays silent. Loki sighs, placing a hand on Peter's forehead. 

Loki inhales shocked at what he was seeing. There was some type of parasite in Peter's mind, eating at his memories. Loki attacked it with a knife, but the beast was strong, it had eaten 17 years worth of memories. Peter had about 2 months of memories left and that was it. 

Loki continued attacking it hoping to distract it, save the last few memories Peter had. 

The parasite's attention turned to Loki who shook from the power the parasite radiated. The last person who made him shake with fear like this was Thanos-

It couldn't be... Thanos was dead, Tony killed him!

"Oh ho ho but he didn't Loki. You see Anthony snapped my army away and my physical form but I had managed to implant a small part of my mind into the boy. Slowly I've been eating his memories to get stronger."

"Once I finish, I'll be able to take over his body and I'll rule the world. The first thing I'll do is kill these stupid Avengers and then that Pepper Potts-Stark and Morgan Potts-Stark that Peter and Anthony care so much for." The parasite that was actually Thanos says sadistically. 

Loki started glowing green. He was so pissed his magic was getting out of control.

"You dare harm the child to get back at us? You dare hurt OUR Peter for you're entertainment and revenge? HOW DARE YOU!" Loki shouts, shooting magic beams at Thanos. 

Loki made clones of himself that attacked Thanos with all types of weapons. The real Loki continued shooting beams, absolutely enraged. 

Thanos attempted to fight back but he was getting weak. Peter was (mentally) holding Thanos in place as the Loki's attacked him. 

Bucky walked into Loki's room after hearing a shout. There stood a frozen Peter and Loki. Loki had his hand on Peter's forehead and they were glowing green. 

Bucky cautiously walked forward, placing a hand on Loki's shoulder when he was transported into an unfamiliar place. 

He looked around, freezing when he saw Thanos getting attacked by Loki's. He turns his head and sees his hand on the shoulder of one that's shooting beams at Thanos. Must be the real one. 

"Loki what the actual fuck is happening right now?" Bucky asks concerned and confused. He was also extremely angry but he kept that hidden. 

"Long story short, Thanos is alive and has been feeding off of Peter's memories this whole time. Grab a gun and shoot!" Loki shouts, an array of guns appearing in front of bucky.

Bucky grabbed the first one he saw and started shooting at Thanos like crazy.

With Peter holding Thanos down, the Loki army and Bucky, Thanos was done for. 

Thanos's eyes rolled back, as he exploded.

There Peter sat, hugging himself with tears running down his face. 

Loki and Bucky ran to him, Bucky dropping his gun in the act.

They hugged the boy tight, relieved he was alright.

"I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry- If I had just asked for help, in the beginning, this never would have happened- I'm so fucking sorry." Peter sobbed into their shoulders. 

"It's okay kid, everyone makes mistakes," Bucky whispers.

"Believe me we know. We've made loads of them." They all chuckle.

"Promise you won't tell anyone this happened?" Petr asks quietly. 

"I don't think anyone would believe us if we even told them," Loki says whilst chuckling. 

"Heh... wanna go eat ice cream and watch some movies?" Peter asks.

"I'm one for that," Bucky says with a big smile.

"Yeah, let's go home first," Loki says.

"That's probably best, I don't know how I feel knowing I have a demi-god and a super soldier roaming around in my brain," Peter says. 

They all laugh.

The next morning when Natasha sees the three passed out on the couch in the living room, she doesn't say a thing. Just simply takes a picture. 


Of course my first chapter in a while is an angsty turned fluff one-

Sorry I havent written a chapter in a while everyone, I've been dealing with so much crap recently, my books just slipped my mind and my apologizes for that.

Uh- so corona is happening- Everyone please wash your hands using soap for like 30 seconds. 

Avoid touching you're faces and meeting up with people. 

I just want you all to be safe cause I care about you all.

Also, I shaved all my hair off cause I had a mental break down and its shark week-

Also currently dealing with online school, I hate this.

Also 210k views y'all I'm gonna cry thank you <33333

I love you so much my demons!

Live, Laugh, Lie~

Posted on: 3/19/2020  4:17 am

Word count: 2070


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