The Lost Lycan

By Raph_rocks01

357K 16K 2.2K

20 years ago a baby was born. A baby of white hair and bluebell eyes, she was the daughter of two powerful cr... More

Quick Note
Chapter 1: Selenophile
Chapter 2: Jericho
Chapter 3: Moon Lit Runs
Chapter 4: Beloved Cubby Picnics
Chapter 5: Crystal Clear Florist
Chapter 6: Jericho the Shield
Chapter 7: Glowing Eyes
Chapter 8: Brink of death
Chapter 9: Sri Lanka
Chapter 10: Jordan
Chapter 11: Dragged away into the night
Chapter 13: A flight to the future
Chapter 14: We're in bald eagle territory now
Chapter 15: Sanctuary at Redstone
Chapter 16: Vanessa Burling
Chapter 17: Heart to heart
Chapter 18: Oh how you've grown
Chapter 19: White Crescent Moon Pack
Chapter 20: One step forward
Chapter 21: How big can one pack be?
Chapter 22: Jamie Ava Lee Garcia
Chapter 23: Adrien and Theodore Bosque
Chapter 24: Family talks
Chapter 25: A lycan
Chapter 26: The White crescent moon pack
My sudden disappearance
Plot twist

Chapter 12: Motel Lowa

9.9K 551 67
By Raph_rocks01

A wolf.

A giant wolf is in front of me. And Jericho is trying to play with him, not even bothered by the fact he is predator. He's a bit bigger then Jericho, more muscle and more sharply defined. Pelt a dark grey and eyes a soft golden glow.

His eyes cause me to shiver at an unfamiliar déjà vu. 

"Shift back" Noah turns me around, giving Jordan privacy.

"Are you clothed?" He just grunts. 

I cant believe he just stripped. Right in front of me, I don't want to see my brothers packaging. I cant believe he turned into a wolf, AN ACTUAL WOLF.

I knew everything wasn't adding up, I have misplaced memories, see myself beaten up. And I suspected that my parents were the reason, but I never imagined that my so called family could turn into fucking wolves. Whats next? Am I going to find that mice and birds can talk and sing with you. 

What the actual fuck is my life right now. 

Jordan stands awkwardly in the middle, dressed and gaping like a fish. Before anything can be stand I beat him to it, I let all my thoughts out onto the table.

"Ok, so you turned into a wolf. What the fuck is up with that, and why the hell did I not know you could do that shit until now... Omg am I going to turn into a wolf too, is that why we are going to america so I can do some wolf shit?!" I Abruptly turn to Noah, "Are you one too?" I continue before he could even speak, "Fucking hell Jordan, you do release you were bigger then my bloody dog, he is not a small dog. He's about 30 inches in height Jordan and you are telling me that Noah here" I point over my shoulder, "Is something similar, possibly even myself too"

Noah and Jordan both rush to my side when I begin to shake with pent up emotions. Them hovering causes me to start hyperventilating, they are too close, I cant digest this information if they swarm me. Feeling overwhelmed by their questions of worry I feel myself becoming unstable, "Back off!" I growl with a force behind my words. Jordan backs right off, a slight shake to his body. Noah pauses in his step, a cautious expression sporting his face.

"Jaime?" He takes his step slowly, but something is telling me to stop him from continuing that step, "You need to calm down"

An aggressive growl leaves my throat, leaving a vibration feeling to cover my throat. I go to say something but stop short when I feel something prick my lip. I instantly pause, all aggression gone, replaced with embarrassment and mortification, "Did I just growl?" I whisper spooked. 

I growled, and my teeth are sharp, as if I have fangs. I begin shaking again, but this time from anxiety.

"Jaime" he speaks so softly. I don't answer his call, but instead sink to the floor. They weren't lying, Jordan did turn into a werewolf and something is happening to me. What am I going to turn into, what am I gong to become.

Noah calls me again, his face now level with mine. I look into his almost black eyes, my previous actions almost disappearing from my mind, a comforting feeling surrounds me, causing an intake of breath. Why is it that I get lost in his eyes so easily. One look and I'm a goner. 

"I think brown is my favourite colour now" I whisper so softly.

Noah looks at me just as intrigued as I am for him, "Why"

"Your eyes" A small blush covers his cheeks, causing me to feel proud to cause that reaction. A desire to kiss him floods my mind, I cant help but wonder what it would feel like to have his lips touch mine. Would it be rough? or soft? What is this feeling?

"I wish I could say the same, but your eyes aren't naturally brown" I pause from our moment and whisper softly, "They aren't?" He shakes his head softly, this fingers playing with the birds nest on my head.

"what colour then?"

He shrugs, looking over my features, "I'm not sure, I've only heard that they were a bluebell colour, and your hair a common thing for your kind, a beautiful pure white, your mothers hair is truly spectacular"

My mother. She has blonde hair, not white. Confused I go to comment but Jordan steps into our view and sheepishly smiles, "I hate to break up your love fest but I believe we owe you some civilized answers. I move away from Noah quickly, a flash of disappointment shows in his eyes and I cant help but feel disappointed also.

"I-I'm going to have a shower, clear my head... then I want the whole story" I grab my bag and quickly escape to the shower. Slamming the door, I throw my back onto the door and sigh heavily.

I wanted to Kiss Noah; what was that feeling we shared? It felt more haunting then a simply crush, not quite love but something......else.

I quickly undress and jump into the shower. The titles moldy and cracked. I wash my hair quickly with the motels provided soaps, I draw my fingers threw my hair; I hadn't noticed before that my hair was almost up to my bum. I jump out of the shower and change into my night clothes. Pulling my hair up into a bun I pause momentarily.

Brown hair, brown eyes, he must have been mistaken. How could my eyes just change colour or hair stay brown. Even if permanently dyed. 

So confusing, so many questions. 

Only one way to get the answers, through these doors I'm finally only to get some answers to my questions. Taking in a deep breathe I take a step forward. Towards my answers, to the truth.

The boys are quiet when I step out of the bathroom, I feel their eyes on me straight away. Unsure and cautious.

I sit beside Jericho on the floor. Taking in a deep breathe I look up at them with a determined look, "OK, lets get straight to it"

Jordan nods, his hand nervously rubbing his neck.

His mouth opens and closes, much like a fish. He sighs stress-fully, the hand on his neck starts to rub his neck raw with the constant stress he is putting on it. Grabbing his free hand I pull him to sit down in front of me, "I'll try to keep an open mind, ok" he looks at me with such an unsure expression on his face, it shakes me up a bit, I don't think I've ever seen Jordan this.. lost. He's always been the planner out of the two of us, he knew who he was and what he was going to do with his life. 

I do the only thing I can do, I give him a small smile and I gently press on his hand encouragingly, "Just start from the beginning"

"From the very beginning?" He sounds unsure at this, but I nod. He sighs again, then looks to Noah, who's seated on the bed. He too nods.

"Ok, I'm going to say it as a story, it'll just make it easier for me" I respond with an ok and squeeze his hand softly.

"Centuries ago the moon goddess created Lycans. Humans with the ability to shape shift into a wolf. Her goal was to create immortal creatures to be a guardian to the supernatural forces. To keep the peace. she originally created five males one female. It's believed that the goddess Artemis had a say in the creation, as female lycans were created to be more powerful then males, making them the most powerful creature to live on earth. Only females can reproduce a pure lycan, and a female can only be mated to a lycan-"

I interject him quickly, "Sorry but how does this affect me?"

"Be patient Jaime " Noah voices out. Sighing I nod for Jordan to continue.

"Right, so the goddess saw that the immortal creatures were exactly that. Undying creatures that instead of being protectors where instead feared. So she created werewolves, a lesser species that was capable of dying. The lycans became their Alphas and ruled separate countries" He pauses and looks at me seriously.

"This is where you come into the story Jay, the first female lycan. Alvery Fambe. Because of her rarity and abilty to reproduce powerful children she was hunted, by lycans and werewolves and other supernatural creatures. She didnt stop running, hiding, not until she found her soulmate. Together they hid and had a daughter. They devoted their lives to protecting the child of their love. Della Rosai.

"Unfortunately her parents died when she was young, leaving her to fend for herself during her upbringing. For hundreds of years she was on the run. Many believed the Lycan to be dead. But only a few years ago she reappeared. She found her soulmate, Dxton Bosque. She revealed her self to the world, because of the threat against her mate and his pack. She was forced into it but she made it clear that she was done running. It worked, she proved to be what the legends told. A creature of unstoppable force, together with her soulmate they created a peace that latest for a little while"

He stops to allow the information to sink in, which I was grateful for. 

"But all good things come to an end, 20 years ago, their new born daughter was stolen from them"

A confused frown covers my features, "You're not saying what I think you are saying?" He doesn't answer, "Right?' I try again. I even look to Noah but he too doesn't answer. 

"Your name is Delilah Bosque and you are the most searched for baby in all of supernatural history"

I was so sure someone had just thrown a bucket of Ice cold water on me. My eyes more awake and a shock coursing through my veins. I'm given a moment to get my bearings in check. Which felt like hours until I was able to form a proper reply. 

"But why didn't Mum or Dad tell me?" I cringe after, releasing that it would be harder to not refer to them as my parents.

"That's because David and Sharon Garcia are my biological parents; When you were a baby they took you from your family, it was an act to show that the Lycans could be destroyed. That they would be the ones to do it" He looks saddened, and very guilty. He carries a tremendous amount of it on his shoulders and he wasn't even truly involved, "Your real parents have never stopped looking for you Jay, Once a month they will send out squads to try and locate any leads to your whereabouts. Or if you are even alive" Jordan winces slightly, as if already feeling the backlash. 

"So, they weren't my parent after all" Is all I manage to say. I know they were evil, I've suspected something for awhile, but to hear confirmation, its a slap in the face. But hopefully a slap into the right direction. A safer path.

"Sorry, but no. It's a compliment if you ask me" Jordan says in a act to try and enlighten the mood, hes silent for a few seconds before he ask quietly, a hand on my shoulder, "Would you like me to continue?" 

"If they aren't my parents who are they? What do they want with me?"I ask, because I want to know who the people I called parents really are.

"Are you sure?"

"I have to stop thinking of them as my parents, in order to do that I need to know who they are and what they have done"

He mumbles a quiet ok, "My parents are the terrorist leaders to the supernatural group called the Mortem, the cause started before I was born. David use to be a werewolf warrior for his pack, but vampires ransacked and killed everyone. Davids soulmate and children were taken and used as blood bags until they died. He blames your father for the attack on his pack. Your father was meant to protect them from such things happening, he sees it as the lycans fault. He believes they just want to gain power. Now Sharon, use to be a younger sister of a witch coven leader, but her sister was killed by a lycan years ago, in her grief she run the coven to the ground. She believes that Lycans are too powerful to be on this earth, that creatures that powerful shouldn't have existed"

I feel a choked sob leave my lips, "Is she the one that did this to me? Abused me? Changed my appearance?" He nods morosely.

"Omg" I wail. I have lead a false life afteral.

You're childhood is meant to be the happiest years of your life, but I spent my days being tortured and lied too. Away from my real family. I have a family looking for me, a family that doesn't even know that I am alive. 

 A mother who didn't get to give her words of advice in those important years of growing, a father who didn't get to protect me, parents who didn't get to see their daughter turn into a women.

"That's why we are going to America, your parents are the Alphas of the pack White Crescent Moon, I think you have all waited long enough for your return" Noahs soft reply causes more tears to stream my face.

I turn back to Jordan, he too has tears down his face, "How? how did she do this, what is wrong with me?" I plead.

He grabs my hands softly and croaks, "Your soaps, she laced potions that hid your lycan, changed your hair to brown. She would get shitty if you didn't wash your hair regularly. Because it turned your white hair brown. Your food was laced with components that made your lycan weak, slowly she was testing different potions on you. She was trying to find a way to kill your lycan. She almost succeeded. Your eyes are brown from a spell" 

"My family?"

Noah slides down from the deb and sits on the floor with us, he takes over Jordan, who looks utterly defeated. 

"Your real parents names are Della and Dxton Bosque as Jordan said. You have two older brothers. Adrian is the oldest, he is to take over his parents pack in a few years time. Theodore is to be his second in command or Beta. We can go over the proper terms another day"

"Your Mother is the second female lycan to be born in this world. This is important because you are one of the most powerful creatures right now. You are capable of so many things that many could wish for, or some like his parents find a threat. But no matter what you can't let them look down on you" he softly rubs the small of my back, "You'll later find your lycan wouldn't let you anyway, again something we can go into detail another day"

Jordan looks up at us suddenly, "I remembered an important detail, for you it might be different. You might never be able to shift. You shift into your beast at 16. You never have, your entire life your Lycan has been drugged up. The fact she is still alive is extraordinary. Shes strong, but not strong enough for a normal lycan. Noah would be able to beat you easily and that's not right. A female was created to be stronger then a male"

"Hopefully your parents can help you" Noah finishes.

I want to sleep, curl under the dona and hopefully wake up to find this all to be a dream. One messed up dream. But I have more questions I want answered. Some can wait for another day. Wiping the tears away, taking a deep breathe and look to Noah, "Whats your story then"

He suddenly looks at Jordan and gives him the deadliest glare ever, "Tell anyone what I'm about to say and I'll kill you myself, brother or not I don't trust you" 

A powerful amount of anger swells within me at his words.

Jabbing a finger at Noahs chest I glare up at him, "Oi, he might be the enemy but I trust him and you have no reason not to, he helped me out and he hasn't given you any reason to kill him. Besides I don't know you very well yet, even if we have something between us, you will treat my brother with respect. You're the elder here, act your god damn age"

The room went very quiet, stepping down I felt myself go red in the face. I start to fiddle with my clothes and mumble please awkwardly. The rush of the moment leaving very quickly, leaving me very anxious and feeling very silly. Why did I defend Jordan to that extreme, Noah has every reason to not trust him. He is the enemies son, I know him but he doesn't. But I just felt so mad at the thought he was threatening him. What is with the outburst today?

"You good there sis?" Jordan says, a small smirk on his face.

"Im fine" I cough, "You where saying your story" I direct to Noah. Whom looks slightly shook.

He blinks rapidly, "Your Lycan would appear to be quite emotional right now. Unstable almost" he mumbles. I ask what he means, but he looks too shaken still. Jordan puts a hand on my shoulder, "Your Lycan came through, Lover boy here will feel your emotions more because of the bond between you and because your a female lycan its like a sucker punch"

My brain hurts with all this lycan stuff, "right"

"Another time, I think you should get some rest little wolf, long flight tomorrow"

Falling onto my bed, I groan. Please have liquor on the flight, I think I need some after today.

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