Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

145K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 10: Duels

4K 111 91
By Wolfinator12

Y/n woke up to the sound of someone clearing their throat. Groggily he opened his eyes to see an angry looking Summer, her hands on her hips with a angry pout that reminded him of Ruby.

Summer: "Mind telling me what you did last night mister?" she asked in a voice Y/n knew from his mother when she was not happy about something he or his siblings did.

Y/n: "Good morning to you too Summer." Y/n said before yawning and standing up, the blanket somebody placed over him falling off to his feet. He quickly felt several stares on him coming from his female guildmates. "Eyes are up here ladies."

Yang: "I have made my choice." She said proudly as she continued staring at Y/ns midriff. "Damn you could grind a blade on those."

Y/n: "You cant, I tested it."

Ruby: "What?"

Y/n: "What?"

Phyrra: "What do you mean you tested it?"

Y/n: "I tested what my high Resistance could do so I used a dull dagger and tried to grind it on my abs."

Summer: "You are joking right?"

Y/n: "Of course Im joking, why would I do that?" Y/n said with an eye roll as Summer realized what he did.

Summer: "Oh no you will not get out of this that easily, answer the question young man."

Y/n: "I stayed up and did some forging. If you can wait a moment I can go and get the things I made for you and your daughter." Y/n didnt leave her time to answer as he walked off, a sad noice came from Yang. A few moments later Y/n was back with Red Death and Summer Serpent. "Now first something I promised Ruby." The Reaper looked at the scythe with big eyes. "Her name is Red Death, its blade is made out of iron infused with the rock the Elder Grimmling dropped, very resistent yet surprisingly light, the handle is made out of the antlers and has magic runes engraved into it. Those Runes are enchanting the weapon to be extremely sharp, very light and very durable. I cant tell the exact stats only that it is atleast B-Rank, you should go and get it appraised."

Ruby: "T-this..." She carefully grabbed the weapon and admired the design. "Thank you..." Ruby said with a small sniffle.

Y/n: "Hey I promised you to make a scythe for you, dont go break it too fast ok?" Ruby nodded and Y/n stepped towards Summer. "Now for the thing I made for you Summer there is a small catch attached."

Summer: "What is it?"

Y/n: "I will accept you as my sworn sword. "Y/n said while presenting the arm ring. "In my believes arm rings like these were considered the biggest sign of loyalty, an oath sworn on one of these has the highest value, next to an oath sworn on once weapon, and shall never be broken. Do you understand what that means?"

Summer: "Yes." Gingerly she grabbed the arm ring and put it on her right arm.

Y/n: "Do you swear your loyalty to me?" kneeling down Summer nodded. "Raise the arm with the ring on it, present it to me and hold your other hand to it." Summer did what Y/n said. "Do you swear on your ring?"

Summer: "I swear."

Y/n: "Than rise Summer Rose." Summer got up, a smile on her face. "Let me tell you more about the ring. It is a rather simple iron ring, it resembles the serpent Jormungundr, it too is enchanted with runes, as long as you wear this arm ring, fate itself can be altered by you."

Summer: "What does that mean?"

Y/n: "Basically you have higher luck." Y/n said with a shrugg.

Ren: "Are you planning to make rings for us too master?"

Y/n: "No, rings like these are meant to be given to people that swore their loyalty to you, they resemble the bond between a warrior and their Jarl. I am not your Jarl and you are not my servants, thats why you will not be given an arm ring." Y/n explained and the guildmates all looked at each other, everyone nodding towards the other before falling to their knees.

Hunters: "Hail Jarl Y/n!" they said in unison before looking up to see their baffled guildmaster.

Y/n: "Are you sure?" They nodded. "By Odin I will have to make a lot of rings now... Rise." He said and his guildmates did. "You are crazy you know?"

Yang: "I can be everything you want.~"

Y/n: "Be less thirsty woman." Y/n said sternly. "We stil-" A knock at the door interupted Y/n, who walked towards the entrance and opened. The boy, a worker, froze in shock as he got face to abs with the behemoth that Y/n became. "Can I help you?" Y/n asked politely.

Boy: "S-s-sir Win-chester s-send me." The boy muttered out.

Y/n: "Oh and what would Cardin want?"

Boy: "He- he told m-me to-o give y-you this." The boy presented Y/n a mace, the mace Cardin uses and Y/ns face went from friendly to stern.

Y/n: "Tell him I accept." With that Y/n closed the door. "That little rat, who does he think he is." Y/n growled out as Fenrir, Hugin and Munin appeared.

Jaune: "Damn what got you so worked up?"

Y/n: "Cardin challenged me to a duel."

Yang: "And? Its not like you cant beat him now is it?"

Y/n: "He used my beliefs to do so. He sent a worker to hand me his mace."

Velvet: "What does sending you his mace mean exactly?" she asked her guildmaster who just sat down on the couch rubbing his face in frustration.

Y/n: "If a warrior sends another warrior his weapon that means they challenge you to a duel, the winner gets everything he wants from the loser, IF the loser is still alive that is."

Ruby: "Why would the one losing the fight not be alive after?"

Y/n: "These duels are to the death, but Im certain he does not know that part and Professor Goodwitch will not allow such a fight so there is that." Y/n explains.

Phyrra: "I hope you dont mind me asking but why did you accept?"

Fenrir: "Master cant decline such a challenge without losing his honer as a warrior." the wolf growled out.

Ren: "Is your honor that important to you?" the boy asked.

Y/n: "If I lose it I will never feast in Valhalla with my ancestors, I will never hear the stories they tell, I will never share mead with the gods and I will never fight on the final day alongside my fellow warriors."

Nora: "You could have said yes." Nora said with a smile.

Summer: "One question still remains." everyone turned to look at her. "How did Cardin know that sending his mace would have this meaning to you? I mean only people that know the norse believes should know the traditions and most religions apart of the believe in Oum and The Brother Gods are nearly extinct arent they?"

Phyrra: "She is right, I mean my family and I still worship the greek pantheon, Y/n and his believe in the norse sagas but apart from those few exceptions only Oum and The Brother Gods remain worshiped."

Ruby: "Couldnt Cardin just have read about it?"

Yang: "Sis. Cardin and reading? That goes as good together as Weiss being nice and Y/n not being handsome."

Y/n: "So that only leaves the option of someone telling him. But who? Any ideas Blake?" the guildmaster got a few confused looks before everyone took a step back as Blake landed behind the couch without making a single sound. "Good morning Blake."

Blake: "Should I ask how you managed to find out Im there?"

Y/n: "I had Hugin and Munin keep an eye out for people listening in, I figured Cardin would send someone to make sure I understood his message."

Blake: "Mhm I guess I believe you. But to answer your question , it was Weiss, she gave Cardin money to hire the people that vandalized your guildhall, she also told Cardin how to challenge you." The assassine said.

Y/n: "Figured she will have a grudge against me after kicking her out." He growled out.

Yang: "So whats the plan now?"

Jaune: "I think it is rather simple, Y/n is going to fight, there is no way he will lose against Cardin." Jaune answered and a few of his guildmates nodded in agreement.

Ruby: "I cant wait to see you fight." She cheered.

Nora: "Poor Cardin is about to get slaughtered."

Blake: "If that is everything I will take my leave now."

Y/n: "Wait." She stopped and turned to look at Y/n. "My offer of you joining my guild still stands, so what do you say?"

Blake: "Hmm... Sure, I have nothing better to do and judging from what already happened I am certain this is going to be interesting."

Y/n: "Welcome aboard then." The two shook hands as Y/n smiled. "Now we need to get two new beds. Summer, Velvet could you-"

Velvet: "Sure, but you should hurry classes should soon start."

Y/n: "Thanks. Lets go guys." the heroes-in-training went to classes as Summer and Velvet went to the city of Vale to get supplies and the beds.

Soon the Hunters Guild members noticed that most of the school knew about to the fight that was planned between Cardin and Y/n, the entire day they would hear people whisper about it. Some placed bets other just speculated about the reason behind the fight. The bell rang signaling the time of combat class has begun and Professor Goodwitch already stood ready in the arena like structure that made up the classroom.

Goodwitch: "Good day students."

Students: "Good day Professor Goodwitch." The students greeted back.

Goodwitch: "Now as scedueled today we are going to have spars between students. Is anyone volunteering?" Of corse Cardin rose his hand immediately. "Mister Winchester, is anyone willing to face him?"

Y/n: "Me and him have a small challenge between another and would like to use combat class to fight it out if that is ok with you professor?" Y/n saw that the teacher didnt feel comfortable of letting Y/n fight as she is one of the few that knows about his powers to some extand.

Goodwitch: "I-if Mister Winche-"

Cardin: "I though you are going to puss out on me classless." The boy rudely interrupted Glynda which helped her put aside her doubt.

Goodwitch: "Very well, please get changed." The two got up and went to the dressing rooms used for the combatants.

Cardin was already finished and waiting impatiently in the arena, occasionally taking glances towards Weiss before his gaze would wander towards the members of the Hunters Guild, one in particular caught his interest, the busty blonde brawler bombshell known as Yang Xiao Long. A small smile grew on his face as he knew what he will take as his rightfully won price after he finished wiping the floor with that classless nobody, who yet has to arrive.

Cardin: "Guess I win by default ay?" he said cockyly.

Goodwitch: "Not yet you havent."

Cardin: "Come on teach, that classless loser probably bailed with his tail tugged between his legs as he finally realized who he was facing." Glynda was about to say something about respect as a chant was heard coming from the entrance where Y/n would enter from.

Chant: "Skeggǫld. Skálmǫld. Skildir ro Klofnir" Was heard as black wisps of smoke slowly spewed from the dark tunnel. "Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir ro Klofnir! Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir ro Klofnir!" With each repetition the chant grew louder and the smoke grew thicker. The members of Y/ns guild, like everyone else, didnt understand the words yet they knew what was to be done as they all cupped their hands over their mouths and began to chant too.

Chant: ""Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir ro Klofnir! Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir ro Klofnir!" The smoke was now covering the entire tunnel entrance as two blue orbs glared out of the abyss that was the tunnel. With heavy steps Y/n came out of the smoke, his chest bare revealing his impressive muscular build, a simple battle axe in one hand a round wooden shield in the other. He hit the shield with the axe before growling: "Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir ro Klofnir!" one last time.

Too say that the crowd or Cardin were expecting this kind of intimidating entrance would have been a lie as most were shaking in their boots as Y/ns friends cheered.

Nora: "Break his legs Captain!"

Ren: "Nora, do not encourage him."

Cardin: "Should I be scared of this little... lullaby! What did your mommy sing you that shit before it was time to sleep?" Cardin mocked but the seed of fear was already planted in his mind, now it was only time for Y/n to water it and let it grow until he can havest its fruits.

Y/n: "Oh, that." Y/ns grin grew more maniacaly. "These were the words the fallen warriors of Valhalla would sing on the final day. Ragnarök. The time to grab your Skeggǫld, your axe, to sharpen your Skálmǫld, your blade, and to throw away your Skildir." With a mighty hurl Y/n threw away the shield, revealing Fenrirs mark on his arm, the once tiny wolf tattoo new covering most of his forearm. "Your shield. And do you know what they are facing? Take a guess, Weiss must have told you alot about the legends." Both Cardins and Weiss' eyes widened. "Oh is the little couple of pricks shocked that I found out it was them who attacked my guild? Who covered it in rotten food?! WHO DARED. ATTACK. MY. FRIEND?!" Y/n shouted, his eyes now a bright blue inferno as the arenas floor was covered in a thick black mist.

Goodwitch: "C-combatants ready?" She decided to put an end to the drama.

Y/n: "Till Valhalla." Y/n said as he got into a battle stance. Cardin only nodded.

Goodwitch: "Three. Two. One. BEGIN!"

Y/n was upon Cardin in an instant, his axe soaring towards his victims throat. He was aiming to kill and Cardin noticed. Afraid the fighter stepped back, barely evading the swing. The short moment was enough to raise the mace to block another deadly swing. The sound of metal hitting metal echoed through the room as the crowd was dead silent, not once have they seen a sevage display of fighting power such as this. It was clear to them that Y/n was toying with his victim, not opponent in their eyes they were watching a wolf hunt a hare.

Y/n: "I am an accepting person you know?" Y/n asked rethorically. "I accepted you being an asshole from day one, because I knew it was ok as long as I dont let it get to me. I accepted your insults towards me, your accusitions back at my ranking exam. Those were all fine and dandy in my book, but the moment. The moment you and that prissy white brat over there decided to take it out on my guild and its members you did something similar to what I once did. Want to know what that was?" Y/n took a step back to let Cardin catch a break so he could answer.

Cardin: "W-what?" He panted out.

Y/n: "You broke the wolfs chains." Suddenly all the smoke in the arena gathered around Y/n. A loud howl followed by the sound of a chain break was heard. The smoke soone formed into a giant wolf that stood next to Y/n. "May I introduce to you Fenrir, my strongest familiar and the breaker of chains, the devourer of sun and moon and slayer of the All-Father. I thought because you showed such a great interest in my believes I should let you experience some of them, hmm how does that sound?" Cardin only shook in fear in front of the giant wolf. "Lets start with the little story on how Fenrir came to be known as the breaker of chains shall we?" Fenrir began to stalk around the arena as Y/n and Cardin engaged into battle once again, Cardin being on the defence now more than before. "As Odin had the vision of Lokis children with the giantess Angrboda, he forsaw their involvement in the twilight of the gods, Ragnarök, he send out people to gather them and bring them to Asgard, there he would cast his judgment other them." Cardin grunted as he was knocked to the ground. "The three children were monsterous in design, one was a serpent, bigger than a grown pine tree, with black venomous breath escaping his teeth, his name was Jormungundr and Odin cast him out into the sea, where he could not harm anyone as he grew and grew till he finally encircled the entire world. The second was a girl, beautiful if seen from the right yet if you saw her left you would stare at a rotten corpse, she was crowned queen of Niflheim, the home of the dead, who died an unworthy death, of old age, desease or childbirth. The last was a wolf, already the size of a fully grown alpha male at the age of a pup. The gods feared Fenrir, for he was no mindless beast, he had the mind of a man and grew bigger, hungrier and fiercer with each day. They thought of a plan to bind him, they challenged him, if he were to be able to break free from a heavy set of chains they would grant him the title of chain breaker. He accepted and of course broke free with out a problem." Cardin was kicked towards the middle of the arena as Y/n and Fenrir slowly stalked closer. "They tried it again, with the heaviest set of chains they could find. Pieces of the broken chain can still be found in the logs of trees on the other side of Asgard. They set everything on their last attempt, a silken ribben was forged by a dwarf, Gleipnir, made from things no mortal mind could comprihand, yet Fenrir was no fool, he saw through the lie of the gods and demanded for one of them to put their hand in his maw as a bargain. If they would set him free or he freed himself he would let go and not harm the god, if they didnt hold their end of the deal he would bite the hand off. Tyr, son of Odin, accepted and placed his hand in the beasts maw as it began to thrash against its binds. After countless minutes of trying he was still bound tightly and the gods began to celebrate their victory over Fenrir, one did not celebrate, Tyr was Fenrirs best friend and the two glanced at eachother before Tyr nodde. The god didnt flinch as his hand was severed. And that is how Fenrir became the breaker of chains and Tyr became known as the onehanded god." Y/n finished the story with another kick to Cardins head, knocking the sweaty , bruised and scared boy out. A moment of silence swept through the arena as Y/n turned to look at Weiss. It happened faster then anyone could react as the axe from Y/ns hand embeded itself next to Weiss' head, cutting off a few strands of the white hair.

Y/n: "Come down here and face your judgment." Y/n ordered. Weiss was shakingly getting up and went to prepare herself as Y/n let Fenrir disappate back into smoke, a familiar appeared in his hand as the crowd slowly began to clap and cheer. A few minutes past till the sword mage entered the arena, Cardin was already been carried off to the infirmary.

Weiss: "L-listen Y/n, I- I am s-sorry." the heiress stammered out.

Y/n: "You read my legends, you know my belives so you should know how you can earn forgivness." Weiss nodded as she began to calm down her nerves. The two combatants stared eachother down before Weiss send out a flurry of icycles. Y/n began to fight his was through the hailstorm until he got face to face with his opponent. The two clashed weapons and Weiss was thrown backwards, yet with a quick summoning of ice she managed to get back her footing. The fight was less one sided then the one before. The mage could actually hold Y/n at bay with hit and run tactics that was until she ran out of arcana.

Y/n: "Better give up now." Y/n said as he swiped away a bit of blood that got in his eyes. His entire body was covered in small cuts, results of countless razor sharp ice shards hitting him.

Weiss: "Not... yet." she panted out and Y/n smiled. The two walked towards each other before breaking into a sprint. They met in the middle, weapons raised they clashed and the force knocked up the tiny ice particels that coverd the floor, resulting in a cloud covering the two. As the snow settled it revealed Weiss laying on the floor with Y/n standing over her a dagger held high up ready to strike her down. The blade soared through the air as the heiress kept her gaze on her enemy. The dagger was embedded into the ground next to her face as Y/n got up. "Why?"

Y/n: "You have proven your resolve, if you would have flinched it would have showed you were not ready to repent for your sins." Y/n said while helping her up. "I will only say this once, get your ego in check and you will become a great friend of ours, but for the time being. Welcome to the Hunters Guild."

Weiss: "What?" she asked confused. "I am responsible for the attack on your guild. I was the one that told Cardin about your traditions. Why do you accept me back?"

Y/n: "You are a great fighter Weiss, you fought me bravely even after you witnessed what I could do to you. Even in the face of possible death you stayed strong just to prove something. These are qualities of a warrior that got granted entrance to Valhalla, so welcome back." Y/n said with a smile. "Good thing I let Hugin tell Velvet to get another bed."

Thats it for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Yes I accepted Weiss back into the guild, this way I can continue my 'planned' plot, also it felt wierd to have a RWBY fic without having the full team RWBY in the story most of the time so yeah.

I know this sounds wierd, seeing that this book is a very recent one, but I already have an idea for a new book which could be interestin. It would be a Overlord (the anime) x RWYB crossover where the last remaining guildmember of Ains Ooal Gown Y/n (yes it will be a reader fanfic again) gets transported to Remnant with the Great Tomb of Nazarik and its inhabitants instead of getting send to what ever the world in Overlord was called again. The plot will kinda follow both animes plots but have their own twist to it. Let me know what you think.

That will be all for now. Hope to see you on the next chapter and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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