Honkai impact, agent stories

By Dashas37

22.1K 326 9

Many short stories about the valkyries and the agents. Fighting the things that need to be fought, beginning... More

Story One: Rita: Part One
Story One: Rita: Part Two
story one: Rita: Part 3
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part One
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part Two
Story two: Fu Hua: Part Three
Story Three: Theresa: Part One
Story Three: Theresa: Part Two
Story Three: Theresa: Part Three
Story Four: Sirin: Part One
Story four: Sirin: Part Two
His world
Story 5: Mei: Part One
Story Five: Mei: Part Two
Story Five: Mei: Part Three
Story Six: Kiana: Part one
Story Six: Kiana: Part 2
The future of this book
Story Seven: Seele: Part One.
Story Seven: Seele: Part Two
Story Seven: Seele: part Three
Story Eight: Arc City: Part one
Story Eight: Arc city: part Two
Story Eight: Arc City: Part 3
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part One.
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part 2
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part Three
Story ten: Dundral: Part One
Story Ten: Dundral: Part Two
Story 10: Dundral: part Three
Story Eleven: Yae Sakura: Part One
Story Eleven: Yae sakura: Part Two
Story 11: Yae sakura: Part Three.
Story 12: Female captain: Part One
Story 12: Female Captain: Part two
Story Twelve: Female Captain: Part 3
What's next?
The new agent
The new agent: Part Two
The new agent: Part Three
Soukai city
Zhuge Kongming
Zhuge kongming part 2
Return trip
next assignment
The post
Returning once again
an unfortunate event.
Theresa Apocalypse
change of plans
The two captains.
The fallen rose
The fallen rose: Part two
A powerful foe
An unfortunate situation
in the scenario
Awake, but not ready.
An Attack
The final battle (sorta...)
A day with the captains
Something special
Back on the hyperion.
sarah's first assignment
The Olenyeva's
The other crew
The Void queen
Continuing the training
Assignment and camping
Final preperations
Night of the final battle.
One final effort
Zach's dream world
Bad news
Well enough alone
Spending some time together
Prep of the next mission
The night assignment
New faces
Sarah's childhood
Other world problems
A mix of confusion and despair
The Sea
Return home

Story Six: Kiana: Part Three

485 8 1
By Dashas37

Getting to the schicksal HQ was not an easy task. Theresa, Himeko, Alex, Mei and part of the anti entropy were ready to smash through the defences around the HQ. When Himeko went out onto the deck to fight some beasts, theresa pulled Alex aside and said "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Alex sighed and said "Yes, I am ready." Theresa smiled "Don't worry, we'll rescue Kiana."

"We're approaching the terminal now!" yelled out one of the crew members. Theresa smiled "Alright, everyone lets take that hub and start pushing on the HQ." The team then went down to the hub and were surprised that it was empty. "Odd?" said Himeko "What now, Theresa?" Theresa looked at Himeko and said "You, Alex and Tesla get down there and take out that shield. Then Report back to me on Helios. Me and Mei will deal with any attackers." Himeko nodded and said "Understood. Good luck."

The terminal was brimming with Schicksal mechs. Alex Himeko and Tesla destroyed them with relative ease. Upon arriving to the shield generator the used their mechs to take it down. Once the generator was destroyed, Two valkyries appeared. Alex recognized both of them. They ere fu Hau and Rita. "You." He growled. Fu Hua looked at Rita and said "Take care of the girls, the boy is mine." Alex got into a fighting stance and shot a look at fu Hua.

Fu Hua went for the first punch but was launched back. "Gah" She grunted as she hit one of the walls. "Guess I'll have to activate eclipse mode." Just as Alex was going to punch her, Fu Hua disappeared into the air. Alex was confused and was knocked back. The black battle suit with purple accents lost some of the fabric with an added mask and gained orange accents. Alex then went in for another punch but was swiftly blocked. Fu Hua then tried and she was also blocked. "Why did you take her!" Alex yelled while throwing punches. Fu Hua expression was hidden behind her mask but said "You will never find out. What I want to know before I kill you is. What are you?" Alex smirked "That is a secret that I will take to the grave if I have to." The two then pushed each other back and  Fu Hua was called out to by Rita "Fu Hua we have to go." Fu Hua grumbled "Not before taking him out." Rita sighed "Just leave him, we'll deal with him later." Fu Hua then looked back at Alex and saw he was still standing strong. Eclipse mode was deactivated and Fu Hua took Himeko away. Afterwards Alex sat on a railing and took a breather. "Kiana, I hope you're ok? It would hurt me to see you hurt." He said looking up at the sky

A little while later. Alex saw Mei fall from Helios and into the arms of someone. "Kiana?" He thought. He started to walk over to to where the two were. Alex he saw was Mei fighting what seemed to be Kiana.

Alex ran over to Kiana as She walked towards the downed Mei. He hugged her and said "Kiana. I know you're in there, please come back to me." Kiana's blue eyes appeared for a moment before snapping back to the orange diamonds. Kiana then looked at mei and Grinned. She floated up in the air and summoned void portals. By the looks of things, it was about to get hairy.

Beasts came crashing down on Mei and Alex. Alex took most of them on, while Mei hid behind mechs. Alex looked up and saw that Kiana was just floating up there. For once in his life, he had no plan to save her. This was his worst fear, having to fight the one he loved.

The gem of the third herrscher was stolen and Mei was out for the count. Alex and theresa, with the help from bronya fought the herrscher of the void. Alex was stressed, To the others he was adept. Be inside he was holding back. Once theresa fell, it was just Him and Bronya. His stress began to rise and he was sweating. "Kiana, I'm sorry, please forgive me. I failed" Alex thought. Just as he was about to break down he heard a noise. 

"You!?" Alex said looking at the woman that had just appeared. "Go, get those two back to your ship. I'll take the fight from here." Alex sighed but said "Alright, this doesn't excuse you from taking her though." he then nodded to bronya and the two escaped. Each carrying one of the unconscious member. It was only a matter of time now, before it was all over. One way, or another.

Alex was pacing on the bridge of helios, he wanted to do something but one of the doctors told him to stay inside. "I-I need to help somehow. Maybe if... No, They told me that I've done All I could and that I should just wait." Bonya was the one defending from threats. just as she was about to be overwhelmed, Himeko crashed down in fiery style. Alex looked outside and saw the entire thing. Then he saw something out of the corner of his eye that made him shudder. It was the thing that possessed Kiana, and she was looking for a fight.

Alex watched the fight. There were flames pouring out of the greatsword. Sparks flew from Kiana and clashes between. he was now just waiting for himeko to Bring her back. The files he read from a previous universe. With His interference he hoped that Himeko could bring her back before Kiana escaped.

Unfortunately, Kiana did escape. She went through a portal and disappeared. Medics were dispatched to help everyone. Himeko sat out on the deck holding something before she put it in a small compartment and passed out. Alex went out to her and took her inside. "Himeko, I know what your going to do, I'll be helping, and this time I won't hold back."

A day went by and Alex was sitting alone on the bridge of the battleship. He sighed and waited for Himeko to enact her plan. The elevator door opened and Himeko stepped out. "So, Alex why are you here still? Shouldn't you be with the others." Alex sighed and said "No, I gotta hep Kiana." he sighed "If your plan goes through, then she'll have no one. I can at least be there to protect her." Himeko chuckled and said "Well, do you have a plan for solo?" Alex looked up and said "Yeah, it is pretty much the same as my first plan. Why?" Himeko smiled "Well, I'll give you the container. Go save her." Alex perked up "Really?! Thank you, I'll help her and then, I'll protect her." Himeko then smiled "Well then, I'll leave you to it." Before Himeko left Alex said "What will you do now?" She smiled "Go back. I know you two will want your privacy, so I'll tell the others to not come and find you two." Alex smiled "Thank you, Himeko."

A little while after Himeko left. "Alright Kiana, I'm your opponent now, and I will get you back, safe." Then a crash was heard on the outside of the ship. "It is time then." Alex said as the giant dragon bearneas crashed through the window. Alex tackled the dragon onto the deck of the helios and started to attack it. After a while the dragon disappeared and the helios was now floating in an unknown location. He then heard a laugh followed by footsteps. "Who's there?" He called out. "Human, I see you are adamant in your quest to bring back her." Alex turned to see Kiana walking down some steps. "Unfortunately, this is your last day on this planet before you die." Alex got into a battle stance. "Oh, so you choose to fight? Heh, the last time we did fight you could not do to much to me, what makes you think this time will be different?" Alex smiled and said "Because last time I held back. This time, I will not."

Alex struck Kiana from behind causing complete shock. She growled and attempted to strike Alex, but she failed. The two then fought for quite a while until Kiana yelled out "Human... Now I will show you my strongest!" Multiple portals appeared and caught Alex off guard. They all shot out void powered energy Knocking down Alex. Kina grinned and walked towards Alex. "Human, you could never beat me. But rather than Kill you, I'll make you suffer, watch as this world burns, and then? I'll kill you." Alex sat up "Oh, and what in the hell makes you think that I'll let you do that." Kiana then picked Alex up and said "Because, the only way to beat me, is to Kill me. And I know you want to keep me alive." Alex snickered "Oh, I thought there were two, ps: The other is in your back." Kiana was shocked "WHAT, how did you." She got mad as her eyes turned back to blue. The space was collapsing. Alex looked away for a sec and looked back at Kiana. She was smiling weakly and said "T-Thank you, Alex." Before passing out. The space collapsed and the two were plunged back to earth.

A few minute later. Alex found himself on a beach "Huh, Kiana where are you?" He looked around worried and ran down the beach trying to find her. "She couldn't have gone far." He kept running until he saw a figure in the sand. He walked closer and saw the same white and orange battlesuit. He then saw Kiana, all wet passed out on the beach. He pulled her further out onto the sand. He looked At Kiana's peaceful face and smiled. "You're ok, I'll wait till you wake up, then we'll go somewhere, or we can go home. You'll pick.

Kiana's mind was racing. She wanted to stay away from people, but at the same time, she wanted someone by her side. She knew her life would never be the same again. While she wasn't in control she could still see and hear everything. She could tell that Alex was holding back. "You, Idiot." She thought "But that's why I love you." Kiana then took a deep breath. "I should wake up now."

Alex saw Kiana's eyes flutter open. She looked straight up and saw Alex smiling. "A-Alex?" She said. "Where are we?" Alex helped Kiana up and said "Unsure, we both woke up on this beach. Where do you want to go?" Kiana rubbed her head. "To hide, The others are going to look for me. I can't face them right now." Alex nodded and said "OK, lets go."

The two had made their way to a ARC city. Alex thought it would be a safe place due to the schicksal and Anti Entropy were unable to have outposts in the city. As they got closer it started to rain, So on their way to find a place to stay the two picked up jackets. Kiana grabbed on old white and orange jacket with a schicksal logo on it, while Alex just got a plain black jacket. After Alex paid for the jackets and left Kiana said "Thank you, This'll keep me warm." Alex smiled as the two walked down one of the streets.

The two found a hotel to stay at. It wasn't to big but they knew it would be fine until they were able to find a flat. Kiana yawned and said "I'm going to get some sleep." Alex hugged her and said "Go ahead, you've earned the rest." Kiana then walked to the room. The room had quite a large double bed and two bedside tables. She was about to put her pistols on the table until she realized she had none. She sighed and laid in the bed. "Life will be different now. But all I need is Alex, he'll be there for me." She then heard a chuckle from behind. "Talking to yourself Kiana." She turned over and smiled "Yeah, I'm just thinking about our new life. What do we do next?" Alex rubbed his chin and said "Well, I need to Keep you safe. So that my main goal. What do you want to do next?" Kiana chuckled "Well, I hope we could also stop honkai threats around the city." Alex smiled as he hopped into the bed. "I guess, we'll need to find you weapons though." Kiana smiled and said before dozing off. "Thanks, I love you." before she drifted completely she heard  "I love you too."

two months later. While Alex was out getting some food for the both of them. Kiana went to a honkai infested area to help evacuate citizens. She started to hear the voice of the second herrscher in her head as well as Fu Hua. She knew that if she fought too much she is going to reach the point of no return. After allowing the people to get away, Kiana retreated. Her head started to pound and eventually passed out. "Heh heh heh." Said the herrscher. "This should be easy." 

Alex was opening the door to the apartment. "Kiana, I'm back." No reaction. "Kiana?" He was now getting worried. "Kiana, you better not be pulling a prank on me?" His worry turned into fear and he thought "Did the schicksal get you?" He placed the bags on the counter. When he did he felt a presence. "I know your there. Fu Hua." He then heard a small sigh and appeared a woman with white and red hair. "You're good Alex." he looked away from her and started to put away the food. "What do you want? Did you take Kiana again." Fu Hua growled "What? No. But I do know where she is." Alex then dropped a can and ran up to her. "Then Where is she!? Where is Kiana?" Fu Hua looked down "She is a short while away from here. You can't miss the fires, and the beasts. So go, and Quickly, I don't know how long I can hold off the herrscher." Alex ran as fast as he could out of the apartment.

Kiana could feel the beasts chasing after her. Just as she was about to be hit She saw Alex running towards her. Then everything froze. She knew that she was strong, and seeing Alex made her realize something. She is going to see this planet till the end and She knew she couldn't do it alone. She knew She'll always have Alex and He'll always have her. So She did the one thing that they could do together. Fight.

Kiana disappeared and Alex said "Huh, Kiana?" He looked around and saw beasts. He got into a fighting stance and Kiana appeared behind Him and smiled. "Hey Alex, ready to smoke these beasts." Alex nodded and grinned "Of course, oh and great to see you happy again Kiana." The two then defeated all the beasts in the area.

After all was done Alex turned to Kiana who had her hair down and one of her eyes were orange. "Kiana, I was worried. You look nice." Kiana said "Thanks, and how did you find me" "Fu Hua told me." Kiana giggled "I see that the bird was able to help more." Fu Hua appeared and said "Hey, I may not be here physically doesn't mean I'm not here mentally." Alex and Kiana laughed and walked back to the apartment.

It was quite late and the couple decided to head to bed. "Hey Alex?" Kiana said. Alex tilted his head "Yeah?" Kiana smiled "Thank you, for everything. Ever since I have known you I have felt different. Like I want to do more, concentrate more, become a better valkyrie. I knew that I couldn't do it in my current state. I was acting like a child before. Then when I met you, I felt like I had to become better." Alex smiled "I think I understand what you mean Kiana. To be completely honest, before I met you I was a hunter, I hunted project end. She was able to destroy the universe. My bosses partner. She you remind me of her." The two then laughed and gave each other a kiss before fu hua said "Oh come on, you two just do it already. Have sex already, I've been watching you two for months now." Alex chuckled and Kiana blushed. Alex then said to Kiana "Only when you're ready." Kiana smiled "Well I am ready now. I was just waiting for you. Let's do it." Alex smiled "Alright Kiana. Lets do it"

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