Denial - A Nathan Sykes Fanfi...

By NathansHoney

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Evadine Relish has only just finished college with all the qualifications she needs to be a nurse but, when s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors Note & Sequel Details

Chapter 31

46 0 0
By NathansHoney

Okay so, I know I moved fast with the last 5 chapters but these next one will be kinda long. Chapter 34 will be skipped to the baby shower and chapter 35 will be when the baby gets here. I'm finishing this on like chapter 45 so I need to hurry up 😂 enjoy!!


~1st month~

"Eva, you okay?"  Nathan asks as I nod.
"Yeah, just nervous." We we're currently on our way to Lincoln to tell my family the news about the baby.

Jackson and Ethan already knew, Jackson's family also knew and it was now time to tell my family and I was really nervous to tell them.

"It'll be okay. I promise. They'll be thrilled." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I'm not so sure, Nath. I don't even have a job." I reply as he smiles at me before concentrating on the road.
"You don't need a job right now, Eva. My job pays enough. You'll be fine." Nathan says as I shrug again.
"Yeah, I guess." I say as he takes my hand and rubs the top of my hand.
"Trust me. They'll be so happy." Nathan says as I nod and look out of the window.

Soon enough, we arrive outside my parents house and now I was even more nervous than before.

Nathan helps me out of the car into my wheelchair before helping me get up the drive to my parents house. I knock on the door before Julian answers the door and give me a hug. Nathan helps me up the step and into the house as I see my family gathered in the living room just having a general chat.

"Hey." I say as my family all come and hug me.
"So, what did you wanna tell us?" My mom day as I tell my family to take a seat.

Nathan crouches beside me and takes my hand.

"Can you tell them?" I ask as he shake his head.
"Better coming from you, love." He says as I nod.
"Mom, dad. You're gonna be grandparents." I say as my parents look at each other then back at us, "I'm pregnant." I add on as my mother starts to cry and comes to hug me as my dad joins my mom and hugs me too.

My brothers didn't look so pleased and Sasha didn't understand it.

"Why? We won't ever see the baby." Thomas says as I look at Nathan, "I mean, you live in London." He adds in as Sasha looks at me.
"What baby?" She asks as I sit her on my knee.
"My baby, Sasha. I'm having a baby and you're gonna be an auntie." I say as she smiles.
"Eva is having a baby!" She exclaims while hugging me as my brothers still don't look impressed.
"Eva, did you even think this through?" Julian asks as I frown.
"Guys, I'll be fine and we can visit and you can visit." I say as they shake their heads.
"I can't believe this..." Thomas says before storming upstairs.
"I agree with Tom. We're never gonna see our niece or nephew." Julian days now joining Thomas upstairs.
"Mom?" I ask.
"I'll talk to them. They'll be fine once I've spoken to them." My mom says as I nod.
"How far along are you?" My dad asks.
"1 month." I reply as he smiles and hugs me again.

We stay talking to my parents and sister for a couple of hours before deciding to go home.

"See, I told you it'll be fine." Nathan says after starting he car.
"Nathan, it was a disaster." I say as he holds my hand before starting driving, "My brothers really hated it." I say as Nathan sighs.
"They'll come around, babe." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I hope so."


Once Nathan and I make it home, we go into the living room to watch some TV before Nathan gets a phone call.

He leaves the room to take it before coming back in.

"That was work." He says as I nod.
"Go. I'll be okay." I say as he smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I'll be back by 7." He says as I nod and smile.

I lay myself on the sofa and cover myself with the blanket while watching TV. Before I know it, I was asleep.


When I wake up, I'm laid in bed beside Nathan while he sleeps. I check the time on my phone and see that it's 2am. I must've been asleep for at least 10 hours.

"Hey." I hear Nathan's groggy voice as I turn to him.
"Hey. Go back to sleep, Nath. It's 2am." I say as he cuddles me.
"Go back to sleep with me?" He asks as I kiss him softly.
"I can't get back to sleep." I reply as he groans and sits up, helping me sit up.
"Then I'm not going back to sleep." He says as I kiss him.
"You don't have to stay up with me." I say as he kisses me softly.
"Yes I do." He replies as I smile.
"No you don't. I'll be okay." I reply as he frowns.
"What if you need to pee? You're chair isn't in here and I'll need to help you so youll end up waking me up anyway." Nathan says as it was then my turn to frown.
"Nathan, you're not my carer and I can do things on my own." I say as he looks at me.
"Eva, you can't just magically walk to the toilet. What if you fall off the bed and not only hurt yourself but also hurt the baby?" He says.
"Don't bring the baby into this, Nathan. It's fine." I say as he gets up and leaves the room.

I stay sat in the bed because I can't just walk out and find him. He's right though. I can't do it on my own but at the same time, he's not my carer.

"Nath!" I call but he doesn't come back.

He only left the room because he doesn't want to argue with me. He hates arguments and if we do fight, it'd be our first fight and I don't wanna fight with him.

I manage to pull myself out of bed and carefully sit myself on the floor. I spin myself backwards and start to push myself backwards. It was hard but I managed to make it through the bedroom door.

"Nathan." I say as I see him sat on the stairs.
"Eva? What are you doing?" Nathan asks as I stay sat on the floor where I was.
"I'm sorry, Nathan. You're right. I can't do it on my own but, at the same time, you're not my carer. You're my husband. You didn't marry me to take care of me. You married me because you love me, right?" I say as Nathan nods.
"Yeah but, as your husband, I wanna take care of you." Nathan says coming to sit beside me.
"I know you do." I say, placing my hand on his face and rubbing his cheek with my thumb, "I don't need you to take care of me, Nath. I need you to be my husband and love me. I can do things for myself." I say as he kisses me softly.
"I know you can it, if your chair is in the living room..." Nathan trails off as I kiss him.
"If my chair is in the living room then fine, you can help me but, any other time, I can do it myself. Okay?" I say as Nathan nods.
"Are you cold?" He asks as I nod.
"Yeah." I reply as Nathan scoops me up in his arms and takes me back to the bedroom.

He shuts the bedroom door before placing me under the covers. Nathan climbs into bed beside me before cuddling me.

"I'm sorry." I say as Nathan kisses me.
"I'm sorry too but, you know why I walked out." He says as I nod.
"Yeah. Just forget it, okay? We're fine and so is the baby." I say as Nathan nods and cuddles into my again.
"I love you." He says as I smile.
"I love you too."

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