Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.4K 17.7K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



6.6K 243 76
By chibicandimei



A/N: Sorry for having taken long,blame me being a dummy at school but I do want to ask. Any of you good at Math:statistics & probability?


( Your POV )

I had tried to find Carol over night, but with the stench of so many cut open walkers the only thing I kept finding was alive walkers stumbling through the halls. Walkers scent covered the hallways, and eventually I gave up on finding Carol. By the time I found a different trail, most likely Rick's, it was morning and light was beginning to peek through the few wall openings. Seeing some of the blood spill on the walls I could tell Rick was still on his rampage and I ought to be careful. With a sigh I walked through the hallways leading up to the room where Lori-

"Where are you?"

I froze at the sound of his voice, before looking around in confusion. That's Rick right? I began to take slow steps forward again toward who I assumed was Rick.

"You could be 1,000 miles away."

I stopped again, getting a clearer listen to the voice. Okayy, definitely Rick. But who the fuck could he be talking to?

"Are-are you someplace safe? Why is it so safe there?"

Oh god has he gone he talking to a corpse???

"I have a son. And-and a newborn baby." Do I kill him if he's crazy now, I don't know what to do. I shook my head and leaned against the door. "I'm with a good group of people. Would you be willing-could you take in others? We can pull our weight. We'll help you!"

I slowly pushed the door open, managing to not make a sound. I then peered inside the room but I couldn't see him. Did I hear wrong? Maybe it just echoed-

"Put them on,let me make a case! Please,please don't--don't go! Just please, we're good people here. We just need some help and we can help you!"

I eventually looked somewhere else and found him leaning against a wall, his hand holding a telephone,"Please you don't understand. We're dying...." He stayed silent for a bit before saying it again,"We're dying here."

His face ,which showed desperation, slammed down the phone before becoming emotionless, just like mine. I didn't know what to say so i just stood there watching him until he finally looked in my direction. His eyes lit up the tiniest bit before stumbling over in my direction. I just stayed still, watching him look like a drunk as he got closer to me. Once at arms length he gripped my shoulders and focused on me,"There is a safe place...somewhere." My eyes flickered behind him towards the phone, I didn't know if to believe he'd actually been talking to someone or if it was his imagination. "Help me save the group, please."

I could only nod, and with that he pulled me into a hug and stayed silent. I could feel him shaking a bit and I understood he was crying again. I had a small want to see his face, to see what a father looks like when he's breaking down because of his families safety. It'd be much better than remembering a shocked face, tears only coming out because of pain from a knife....

"Let's..get back to the others. You're daughter is waiting for her father."

He pulled away, his face still blank but he seemed okay now. And I knew that was as good as it was gonna get.


"Y/N you're back-"

It was Glenns voice I heard first, but he suddenly went silent as Rick walked in behind me and even passed me. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing,those who were only half awake were now wide awake at the mere sight of him. I stayed by the cell blocks door as he looked at everyone.

"Everybody okay?"

I'm not sure who answered, maybe it was all or some of them in a mere mumble that blended together,"Yeah, we're ok."

He walked further in, getting close to Hershel who seemed so much more lively. Everyone else began to move again as they raised food into their mouths, Hershel didn't as he stared at Rick,"What about you?"

I noticed the others toss looks between each other as Rick thought for a bit before responding,"Y-yeah...I cleared out the boiler block.."

"How many were there?"

Rick avoided their eyes, keeping his gaze on the table in front of him or on Carls moving hands. What are they eating anyway, I don't smell anything. "I don't know. A dozen of them, maybe two dozen." Rick moved to Carl and place his hand on Carls back,"I have to get back, I just came back to check on Carl."

I sighed as I watched him pat Carls back, not even noticing Carls face drop even more than . I didn't think it could drop more than after seeing his mother die. Glenn noticed and instantly stood up shaking his head,"Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. You stay."

Another stepped up, trying to back up Glenn,"Really, you don't have to-"

"No," everyone froze again at the sound of his dark tone. "I have to," and he walked away from Carls side over to the others sitting further from the table. Then he spotted Daryl sitting on the stairs with one of the prisoners beside him, he quickly addressed him,"Everyone have a gun and knife?"

Daryl tossed me a confused look before staring at Rick, and reluctantly answering,"Yeah. We're running pretty low on ammo though."

Glenn who was still standing joined into the conversation, even though it made Rick glance at him slightly aggravated. "Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon." Rick kept that look on his face which made me roll my eyes, Glenn continued,"We found a phone book and it had some places that we could hit. To go look for bullets and some more formula."

Rick had no time to respond as Daryl spoke up again,"We cleared out the generator room. Axels there trying to fix it and all, in case of an emergency." Rick looked away from them both and moved his eyes to the ground again,"We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well."

He quickly looked up and began to walk, well speed walk, to the door only tossing two words over his shoulder, "Good, good." Before he could leave I stuck my hand out and everyone heard my hand slam into his chest, he said nothing and just stared at my face.

I slowly turned my focus from the group to his face, he was glaring at me. Though it wasn't as dark as what'd I'd heard and seen from him earlier. In a mumble that only he could hear I spoke,"Forgetting something?" Like the fucking baby your wife died having.

He tried to push me away but I quickly moved my hand from his chest to grab his wrist tightly. He tried to pull his arm out of my hold but even though he was bigger and supposedly stronger, I had a military background and being a walker on my side. "Let me go Y/N."

"Now I know why you and Shane were friends."

I let go and he stormed out, swinging the door shut behind him. You were a sheriff deputy? I shook my head, everyone waiting for a reaction from me but all I did was walk towards Carl. The second I got close enough he let go of his spoon and turned to face me, and then he wrapped his arms around my wast hugging me. Hiding his face so no one could see it, and I returned the hug, his hat falling off an landing on the table. Pathetic Rick.

( Andrea POV )

I watched a group of people with children and adults play a game, others just walked and talked happily through the streets and sidewalks, and one was on a bike I hadn't seen before passing by with a smile. It wasn't noisy, but it also wasn't quiet. It was just comfortable,and it was normal. But in watching everyone.

I am the only one alone here.

My smile dropped as I continued staring, maybe I should have just left with her.

"You know you can join in," I jumped a bit in my skin before turning around with a smile,seeing him smile towards me as well. I know him though. "They don't bite. And that is the whole idea of this place."

"Seems like you also encourage people to punch each other in the face." It was slow but as my words left my mouth I watched his entire face fall, his smile going into a straight line. He didn't need reminding of what happened the day Michonne left. That grotesque fight of walkers being toyed with by Merle and the others. For everyone to watch like a game show. He didn't need reminding but I finished with two words,"The Arena."

He frowned and tilted his head as he stared at me," didn't like that much, huh?"

I slowly shook my head, staring behind him instead of at him,"No, not so much, but I get it." I sighed as I stared at him,"Listen, I wanna ask you something-"


I scoffed at his immediate answer and with a sarcastic smile I answered back,"Ok." A laugh escaped from my mouth without meaning to, and I just walked passed him. I'm unsure of myself now. I sighed at my though only to get interrupted by the mayor turned and catching up to me.

"Hold on. How do you get it?"

Should I answer, when I wasn't allowed to ask? Nope. I didn't stop walking, only lightly glanced behind me but I could clearly hear his footsteps trailing mine,"I'm not gonna tell you how to run your town."

He jumped a bit in his steps to keep in tow with me, and I lightly laughed at his actions. He cleared his throat before answering,"This is our town. You stayed. You are part of this now, so...tell me?"

I sighed and slowed down until I completely stopped walking forward, his came to a halt as well and I slowly turned around to face him. I looked at his face and was surprised by the look on his face, he seemed genuinely interested in what I would say. Since being here, his facial expressions never came close to this, he was never interested from curiosity, at least from what I'd seen. Maybe I'm wrong. I didn't know how to specifically answer him so I responded in a different manner,"It's some sort of escape, I don't think it's the right one. It's brutality for fun, and I think the world is brutal enough already. So what's the point."

"It really bothered you..huh?"

I nodded slowly,"But I do want to be here."

"So," he looked behind him then at me, that bight smile on his face slowly returning,"What were you saying before I made you condemn our sadistic way of life?"

"I want to contribute, everybody else does. So why don't I."

He thought about in silence for a bit before motioning his head somewhere behind me,"Well Robbie could use some help over in the food dist-"

I shook my head and cut him off,"I wanna work the wall." He instantly snapped his eyes back to me,"I'm a good shot, and I want to keep it that way."

He nodded and thought again ,"Can you use a bow?"

I shrugged, thinking of Y/N and Daryl with crossbows. I feel like she mentioned having used normal bows before, but I'm not sure. It can't be that hard though, with a smile I looked up at him,"I can learn."

"Well, i can get someone to teach you," he smiled at me in return.

This might be fun.

( Hershel POV )

"Are you sure about this?" The walk was slow as crutches weren't made to run or speed walk. Sometimes I would tip over and Y/N would lean over for me to land against her back and steady myself once more. "I know you're the best to talk to him, but he still isn't in his right mind."

I followed her as she lit the way for us through the hallways,"Thank you for taking me."

She sighed as we rounded another corner and we heard the sound of something slamming, and then a small ring. She stayed still, listening before nodding to herself,"It must be him. Thank god I guessed right."

"I thought you knew the way."

She laughed a bit at my comment," I did, but I wasn't sure if he'd go to a different room." I smiled as we continued forward until we reached a specific doorway, inside we heard pacing. She looked inside for a second before turning to me and motioning me inside. "Alright, good luck in there. Also be careful, their is a small stairway you have to go down."

"Y/N,May I ask a favor?"

She looked confused for a second but responded,"Anything, especially from you."

"Could you go with Glenn and Maggie?" She raised an eyebrow at me asking why. I understood and responded,"It's not that I don't trust the too, but I have a feeling they will need you. Please."

"I feel it too, don't worry. I'll make sure everything goes well." She nodded at me before turning back into the hallway and walking away, before she left though I watched in confusion as she ignored the flashlight in her hand. She is very familiar with these hallways, doesn't even need any light. "Thank you Y/N."

( 3rd POV )


Since early morning Merle had been trailing Michonne under orders to kill her from the mayor. Soon his group of four was down to two and there was still no sight of her. Now deep in the forest him and another suddenly stopped in the middle of a small clearing. "Wait."

Merle mumbled it but the other man heard, and both stayed in silence looking around in a circle, Merle had both his arm knife out and a gun in his good hand. Where is she? They both held their breath and they searched in plain sight, suddenly a rustle was heard. They turned to face it but nothing was there, but Merle quickly turned around to see Michonne. She came in swinging her katana, slashing at his companion before he pushed his companion down and away from her.


"Ahh!" Michonne swing her katana again, this time at Merle who switched his gun for a blade and clashed against her blade,the sound ringing out into the forest.

He easily smacked it out of her hold and she quickly dropped herself to the floor, sticking her legs up and out to hit him as hard as she could in his groin. Merle didn't expect it until he felt immense pain, seeing his distraction and slight bent over form Michonne then lifted her legs more and slammed them against his face. He groaned and quickly hit the floor, falling on top of her.

In disgust and pain of the weight Michonne struggled to push him off before crawling away and walker had quickly become attracted to the sound of the fight. Merle slashed in front of him while disoriented, and soon was holding his metal arm against a walkers neck to keep it away. It lasted long enough for his eyes to regain their focus and soon his companion stabbed the walker through their head. Michonne on the other hand crawled as fast as she could to her katana and slashed at the walker chasing her, unfortunately it only opened the walkers guts which quickly spilled all over her body and she shut her eyes and mouth in disgust.

Merle and his companion took care of the other one before turning around to face where Michonne had been, only finding the walker dead on the floor but Michonne gone. "That bitch."

( Michonne POV )

Fuck, my body is too hurt right now. I rushed to get my bad as quick as I could, I needed to get away from those two. I limped my way over to a tree where I struggled to lean down and grab my bag. Finally with a hold on it I flipped it up and around one of my arms. I forced myself up with help from the tree before turning around and seeing five walkers, shit shit. I raised my arm up to pull out my katana but then I paused and sheathed it again, wait...

I watched the walkers completely ignore my form, even when I lowered my arm and limped towards them. They just walked passed me without even sparing me a glance, they aren't even noticing me. I looked down at my body, seeing the gross guts of a walker laced onto my clothing. Is it the smell?

Is this how to hide from them?

I shook my head and continued my way through the greenery, soon I found a building and was able to see a town and the road. Finally. I expected to hear walkers ,eventually, but instead I heard a car so I stopped walking and slammed myself against the side of the building. I peered through the side and saw a red vehicle, it stopped and out came two people. Real people. No walkers.

They came out and walked over to the store in front of them, the girl stayed outside as watch while the boy rushed into the store to get supplies. I moved from the building over to a car to hide behind. I continued to watch them as the boy came out with a basket,"We just hit the powdered formula jackpot!"

"Oh thank god."

"I also got beans, batteries, cocktail wieners, many mustards." I saw them stare at each other with big smiles, staring down at the items collected. Baby formula? "Ok, it's a straight shot back to the prison from here. This is the best run we've had." The boy then opened the back door and I noticed someone arms stick out grabbing some of the things. He then grabbed more and handed it off to the person again. "We might even make it to dinner."

The girl grabbed a bag and held it as she stared at the town,"I like the quiet. Back there, back home, you can always here them outside the fence no matter where you are."

"And where is it y'all good people are calling home?"

They turned around quick and I looked over as well. My eyes widened and I reached my arm up to my katanas handle,Merle!!

The two of them quickly pulled out their guns and pointed them at him, they walked a bit before the boy spoke,"Wait...Merle?"

My eyes widened more as I watched them, Merle started laughing and willingly put down his gun and raised his hands up in surrender."Wow!"

He started walking towards them and the girl yelled,"Hey hey! Stay back!"

He paused in his step, and although his eyes stayed on the boy he answered back to the girl,"Okay okay honey."

I noticed a shadow in the car move,why aren't they coming out? The boy spoke again, looking up and down at Merle,"I can't believe it. You-you made it."

"Can you tell my brother alive?" They stayed silent for a bit and Merle raised an eyebrow,"That's all I wanna know."

The boy nodded his head before slowly saying,"Yeah, he is."

"Hey you can take me to him, and I'll call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta. What about that?" He kept his arms up, though not as high anymore as he was talking. Neither of them lowered their guns,"No hard feelings huh?" I don't know what he noticed but soon Merle laughed and began to shake his mechanical arm. "Hey you like that? Well I found myself a medical supply warehouse after that beauty saved my life. Did it myself. Pretty cool huh?"

The boy shook his head,"We'll tell Daryl you're here, and he'll come to meet you."

"Hey, the fact that we found each other is a miracle. Come on now." He was slowly getting closer and closer to them and I could tell they were nervous by their tight hold on their guns. "You can trust me, you trust me."

"You Stay Here."

I flinched as I watched him pull out his gun and shoot the back of the car, and I realized the shadow of the person inside was gone. The boy went right, and the girl went left falling to the floor in fear, Merle!

I watched as Merle rushed to grab hold of the girl only to be suddenly kicked back. My eyes focused on the third person, they were covered head to toe and I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. Whatever they were, they pulled out what I thought were swords from the bag and held them there and the girl crawled back and stood up.

"You know Merle, I don't think this is how trust works."

The boy rushed over to the other side of the car,grabbed the girl from behind and pulling her into his chest. She was shaking in fear,but even then I couldn't take my eyes off of the third person. "What fucking bitch-" I moved slightly, wanting a clearer look and I stared in shock as the man stared wide eyed. Mouth open like a fish. He even showed a hit of fear but it was quickly replaced with something I never imagined coming from him, genuine joy. "Now this is even better! The beauty herself, Y/N!"

I felt my breath leave my body,that name. Y/N. Andrea always mentioned her,said I reminded her of the military girl that she new.

"Glenn, Maggie, get in the car with the basket and leave."

"How about we all get in the car and go somewhere-" she pointed the points of her weapons at his left eye and at his neck. "You know I'm hurt kitten, I've been dreaming to see you again for another smooch and you're threatenin me."

"Glenn. Car, NOW."

"They won't be getting away for long, watch out!"Merle got up with his knife and his arm ready to attack her. Even though he was so happy to see her, he was ready to attack her.

The two quickly tossed what was left outside into the car and got in quickly settling in their seats. The other two began to fight, the girl was easily winning even with his strength that I had come to know personally. She was faster, she hit harder, she fought better. They turned it back on and quickly turned the car but stopped at the edge of the road,"Y/N...what about you?"

"I can take care of myself Glenn, it's not safe on this road. He's not alone. And I was told to come along to make sure you two got back." She didn't turn to look at them for a second. She knew Merle a lot. And somehow she knew there were others. She kicked Merles face making his body fling back against a car,he just grunted as he struggled to pick himself up and then just smiled,"Don't you dare tell Daryl, Go!"

They just rushed off and I continued to watch hidden from them both, what do I do? Do I got after the other two?

( Daryl POV )

"Those two really cleared out everything in here."

Y/N and Rick really took their time and fun killing all of these walkers. I sighed to myself as I thought of Y/N, I wanted her to come along with us. She knew the prison best but she told me why she needed to go with Glenn and Maggie instead. I don't have a good feeling about those three having gone.

Me, Carl and the prisoner Oscar rounded a corner only to crash into a walker and we all attacked in our three different ways. I shot an arrow, Carl shot his gun and Oscar threw a knife into its neck. It was the first one we'd run across in a while from walking through the dark halls, and it was big. "Guess not."

"That means Y/N didn't get this far yet,"I looked down at Carl who stared at the hallway we were facing. "Carol should be around here."


It was extremely late, I had sent Carl back with Oscar and I continued to search the halls. I half expected Y/N to appear out of the darkness and say she'd help find Carol but it never happened. I sat down in a hallway, the only noise being a door opening and closing lightly, a walkers body sat in front of it dead.

It was beginning to aggravate me, the sound of it and I ended up getting up and dragging the body away from the door. I pulled the knife I had been messing with out of the floor and flung the door open. Ready to attack the walker but there wasn't one there. There was just darkness and,"Carol."

She slowly opened her eyes, her mouth to dry to form any words and she seemed to barely register that I was there. That I was real and there for her. "Just hold on a bit longer." I picked her up and thanks to the empty hallways my rush to the cell block was easy and faster than expected.

( Rick POV )

It was morning when I finally came back to everyone, and I was slowly handed my daughter, I'll protect her. As I stared at her bundled up I walked outside with Hershel and Beth behind me, Carl by my side. Outside of that dark place it was nice outside, and I was glad to be back outside.

I laughed at the baby as I looked over at Carl," you know she looks like you."Carl smiled up at me and I continued to stick to with the three until I heard growls. They were far but it still worried me,"Hey hold her for me okay?" Carl got of hold of his sister and I walked towards the open gate. From far away I could only see a strange gather up of walker against the outermost fencing,"I need a closer look."

I made my way down the long path ,pulling my gun out of it's sheath to kill the walkers until I finally reached the inner fence, and I froze in place. I saw Maggie covered in walker guts being held by a women also covered in walker guts I'd never seen before. In one arm she was helping Maggie stand straight, in the other hand she held a red basket that had items inside of it. At the top of the basket was baby formula. "What happened.."

Maggie looked up and I noticed some of her own blood was on her forehead," They -they were taken."

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