Emerald Spartan

By MachineKing123

88.5K 2K 695

Sierra-009 was not the luckiest Spartan II. Being stuck in the deactivated hull of the UNSC Arcturus while fa... More

The Fall
Gem glow
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together breakfest
Lava Lake
So many birthdays
The Gun Slinger
Hunter or Hunted
Mirror Gem
Terms and Conditions
Space Race
Just another day
Fusion Cuisine
Lessons in Shapeshifting
Scouting Mission
Quasar's log 1
Operation missing Quartz
Snowed In
Marble Madness
Rose's Scabbard
Old Scars
Future Vision
Passing the Flag
Unwanted Guest
New kid on the block
Spartan Training day 1
4th of July special
The Signal
Into The Lion's Den
Bump in the night
Nature of the Beast
Secrets and Shadows
Cleaning house
Ghosts that walk alone
Omake: Bus stop
From the Beginning
Inner Demons

Revelation and Retribution

1K 30 8
By MachineKing123

Will slammed into the lime green walls of the gem ship. His shields flaring as he did. He quickly looked up and could see the bubble of Slipspace outside collapse.

He dodged out of the way of a blast of molten rock from one of Sunstones punches. He came to a stop and raised his energy sword from hip. The Green plasma blades igniting with their signature hiss.

The golden visor of the Spartan stared at the anger filled ones of Sunstone. She snarled at him. "You'll die for that you filthy human!" She then slammed her fist through the air and made a molten rock line

Will dodged to the side of it and ran toward the powerful gem. Spartan time kicked in as he brought the sword back and prepared to slice right through her gem. Over where a person's heart would be.

He noticed to late the rapid movement on his motion tracker. A black blur slammed him in the side and nearly ejected him out into space. He hung tightly in the edge of the hull as he put his sword back. He then noticed the black gem standing above him. Her face filled with rage, which quickly changed to a sickly smile.

"Well well well. Little human out of tricks. I admit, you've been the most annoying enemy we've faced. Takes an awfully lot of skill and power to go toe to toe with 3 generals." Her glare then became dark as he tried to climb back into the ship. "Your luck has run out." She then raised her knife to stab him.

Will could see where the damaged ship was heading. He then turned his visor back to the gem. "Actually, it's you who has run out of luck." He then let go and used a jet of flame to slow down.

Jet and Sunstone looked at him in confusion. Then the entire ship crashed into a several mile wide asteroid. The ship breaking apart slightly as it dug a crater and tumbled. It came to a stop just as it was about to fall into a crater.

Will landed on the carefully on the large asteroid. His large armored feet making dust fly off into space. He used small jets of flame to keep him grounded.

He walked slowly to the crashed ship 100 feet in didn't of him. He summoned a SPNKr and made sure it was loaded with both rockets.

He stood there with the rocket at the ready for the gems to come out of the ship. He saw the airlock door bust open and to see none other than Jasper in the door way. He fired the rocket at the gem that was unprepared. But a large wall of rock intercepted it quickly. Blowing it apart in the process. Will fired the second rocket and saw it get sliced apart before it could detonate.

He reloaded the thing and put it away. He saw all three generals in front of him. It almost seemed like something out of centuries old cowboy movies.

The half human-half alien supersoldier in the galaxies most advanced power armor vs the millennia old gems with more combat experience and power than almost anyone.

This would be interesting.

"What's your name human." Jasper demanded.

(Play 'Fix me' by 10 years)

Will summoned a shotgun and racked a shell. "Sierra-009." He then entered Spartan time and rocketed forward with a boost of flame. Jet did the same and he fired a shot with his shotgun. She avoided it expertly and she swiped with her knife. He angled his arm and it bounced off his shields.

He dodged out of the way of  headbutt from Jasper and racked a shell. He then used fire to rocket jump over a wall of stone that Sunstone launched at him. The wall of stone then started to grow and extend. It became a large fist and chased after him. He used the force of the shotgun and a burst of flame to move out of the way to get the rapidly approaching Jet to get hit.

The black gem got sent flying across the asteroid. He momentarily wondered why they could stand regularly on it before he got hit in the side by a punch from Jasper. He stumbled back and racked the shotgun. She dodged out of the way of the blast as it fired. The pellets going off into space.

Sunstone then rushed him and he had his shields flare as her punch skid off them. But then Jet came form behind and brought her knife down. The gem blade breaching his shields and digging into his shoulder plate. He was them sent spiraling across the ground by a spin dash from Jasper.

Will quickly righted himself with his flames and slowed down. But then another hit came form Sunstones rock. He dodged out of the way of the rock and brought out his rifle. He got a half dozen bullets off at the orang gem. His zero g firefight was interrupted when a large piece of stone erupted out of the ground and Jet ran up it. Slicing him across the back. Downing his shields again.

He flew away from the speed Gem and got a few more rounds off at Jasper. He saw the speedy gem was coming at him.

He then turned around with flame jets and sent a powerful punch into the gems face. Hitting her with enough force to crack a brutes skull. She was sent to the ground like a sack of bricks. But while he was focused on the speed Gem Jasper jumped and hit him dead on with her helmet.

This knocked out his recharging shields and knocked the wind out of him as the hydrostatic gel in his abdomen hardened.

Then Sunstone came from the side and sent another powerful hit right to his Helmet.

The power from the hit sent him flying into a smaller asteroid a half mile away. He hit it and could feel his entire hydrostatic gel layer harden. His head was still spinning from the hit as he had to clumsily dodge another hit from Jasper. His vision was slightly blurry and he could barely see the incoming fist. He was hit hard and sent flying backward. He tumbled through space and smacked into another asteroid.

He had no chance to dodge the next hit that came from a large molten stone hand. His chestplate was dented largely form the hit and even in space he could hear the groan of the Titanium. He then solidly landed on another large asteroid.

His HUD flickering back to life. He noticed his visor had a small crack in the center. He finally shook the dizzy feeling form his head and saw three figures incoming. He used a boost of flame and moved out of the way. He skid along the rock of the asteroid. Creating a visible mark before he came to a stop.

His body became engulfed in scorching hit flames as he raised his head to look at the three gems. His anger had increased massively. His HUD alerted him to a few things.

Power level: 300%

Shield power: 500%

He then glanced back to the three gems. Now noticing that while Jet and Sunstone had a look of pure hatred on their face. But Jasper actually looked excited.

'Confidence maybe? No that can't be it, there's something else.'

He then smirked under his visor. "Shes finally got an opponent worth fighting. Well if it's a fight she wants, then it's a fight she'll get."

He then brought out his sword and ignited the plasma blades. He then rocketed forward and swung the plasma blade. Jet obviously dodged out of the way. But Sunstone was to slow for the now faster Spartan. He made a large gash across her right bicep. Causing her to stumble backward.

Will then swung around and swing the blade at Jasper. But Jet came back and blocked it with 2 knives. They were melted through in less than a second. But that was all the time Jet needed. She then brought out another knife and slammed it down into his forearm. But his new stronger shields easily took it and he extended his left arm. He then swung it at the surprised Gem's face and burned her as well as sent her back. Jasper then came forward and tried to sock him in the head. But he side stepped it and swung his sword at her.

But Sunstone then came form the side and tried to punch him. Will dodged out of the way and missed his target with the sword. He jumped back and put the sword away and brought out his sniper in a flash. He quickly aimed down the scope and fired. Sunstone brought up a twisting mess of rocks to block the anti material round barely. It weakened the stone for the second shot. He then fired a third shot and kicked the stone. In almost slow motion he broke through the stone and aimed the sniper at her chest.

The bullet left the barrel and hit her almost instantly. It tore through the left side of her chest and caused a massive hole in the back of her chest from the exit wound.

Sunstone collapsed to the ground and Will knocked her back and she collapsed, almost not moving. A spray of red/orange blood splashing at his shields. Jasper then tired to punch him.

He dodged easily and swung around and back handed her in the side of the head with his gauntlet. She was sent to the floor by Sunstone and groaned.

Jet tried to sneak up on him. But he grabbed her hand that held the knife and squeezed, breaking her forearm with a scream of pain. His golden visor staring deep into her pitch black eyes. "Better luck next time bitch." He then swung her by the broken arm into the slowly rising Jasper.

Will then jumped into the air above them and came back down to the ground like a MAC. He used his flames and hit the ground right in front of him. Causing large pieces of rock and dust to fly off.

He scanned through the dust and tried to see where they went. He brought out his rifle and fired the rest of the magazine into the dust cloud. Stopping once the mag went dry.

(End song)

"Hmm, might've finally beat the indestructible cunts." He then took out the empty magazine and loaded a fresh one. Racking the charging handle. He slowly let his flames die down. Giving his armors electronics a break from the massive influx of power. He could feel it being slightly sluggish. 'huh, I'll have to take a look at that later.' he thought.'

We started to walk away to contact the Ironclad. The gems would probably be happy to see him well. The UNSC will probably also have to bring down a few Scorpions and a Falcon to get the Homeworld gems.

But that still leaves Peridot. Where could the little green Dorito have gone. She would be rather annoying to catch with her adeptness with technology.

Suddenly he detected a massive source of energy behind him. He brought his rifle to bear and turned around. Expecting to find the three nuisances.

Oh how wrong he was.

In the blink of an eye a large Amber colored sword stabbed straight through his shields and chestplate. Running through his right lung and pinging off his spine before going out his back plate. The pain was immediate, he could feel the metal piercing through him. He spit up blood on the inside of his visor, coating it partially.

Out of the dust emerged a figure over 80 feet tall. With dark amber colored skin. Two powerful legs kept the gem aloft. While 5 arms were at her side. The sixth holding the sword that pierced him. Will could feel the pain get so much worse as he lifted him up by the damn blade. Digging upwards into his chest and armor. He could already feel the biofoam injectors try and slow the bleeding.

The gem stopped when he was infront of her face. Six large dark amber eyes with piercing black pupils stared at him with a vicious smile. "Not so powerful now, are you human." She then wrenched him off the sword and threw him like a baseball. Will could feel his bones and armor crack as he hit rock on a different asteroid. His already cut ribs further fracturing. Causing untold amounts of pain. His vision was getting slowly darker as he saw the blurry fusion get closer. Through the blood there was only one word that appeared.

Amber Lucite

He couldn't die here, not yet. Garnet would never forgive herself for not seeing it coming sooner. Pearl wouldn't know how to cope with yet another traumatic event so soon. Amythest would probably curl up in her home and push everyone away. Lapis would become even more vengeful.

Steven...would be heartbroken. Will could only imagine what would befall the diamond-human hybrid.

He closed his eyes as a tear that mixed with blood fell down his face. The stomps of the fusion becoming like the slowing thump of his heart. So with his last bit of consciousness he sent a message.

"Quasar....tell the gems....about....the chip.....I know you can do it....you've always been....my best friend. May you....be able to stop....Homeworld." he spoke as he finally could feel his heart stop. Blood trickling out of his mouth as he saw the massage send as he faded to black.

"This feels amazing." Said the consciousness of Sunstone inside the mind of Amber Lucite.

Jet spoke up as well. "Damn right, that human fell so quick." Amber Lucite then picked up the blood soaked green figure. "To think that this thing nearly beat us. Oh well. At least Homeworld will want to know about this armor." She said with a cruel smirk.

Sunstone turned to look at the unconscious form of Jasper. Granted they made her fuse with them while she was unconscious was regrettable...it wouldn't make them stop. In fact, it made them want to complete the mission and see that human dead even more.

While those two conversed, Amber Lucite herself picked up the human. Her hatred of him just as strong as two of her components. She smiled as she picked up the motionless figure.

"You'll be on a dissection table soon enough." Boomed the deep, somewhat female voice of the fusion.

Suddenly a large green burst of light blinded her. She let go because it burned her hand. Even though she was heat resistant. She backed up and looked down at the human. But where it would have fallen was a massive and bright ball of green flame.

Both Sunstone and Jet looked through the six eyes of Amber. Surprised at what they saw. Amber stared at the bright ball of green flame. It slowly got dimmer and dimmer before it revealed a figure. It was the human, standing up straight. It shouldn't be possible for the human to be alive, let alone standing.

But something was different about him, something familiar. This...Sierra 9s fire burned brighter and hotter than before.

"You harmed my son, sister's. And for that...I will shatter you." He spoke in a deep but soothing female voice. It may have sounded almost soothing, but filled with subtle authority.

But now it spoke in pure unbridled rage. Sunstone and Jet widened their eyes. They couldn't believe she was alive. Let alone had a human child.

Sunstone took control from Amber. "So...this is where you've been the past 100 years. On the filthy human colony!" She yelled.

She spoke through her sons body, her original voice taking over his. "No, I found a different group of humans. Ones that are over 400 years ahead of these ones. And they've done as much as he in four centuries as we've done in millennia." She clenched her right gauntlet. "They may be brutal and go to war with each other often. But they are so much kinder than us, more compassionate. They don't divide themselves up into classes like we do. But they aren't as weak as this group of humans. They embody the best and worst traits of us and these humans. And I'd rather be with them than my own kind any day. I only wish you could see that." She said somewhat sadly.

Amber Lucite growled. Both Jet and Sunstone were angry behind words. Their sister, the might general Emerald. Had betrayed them for Humans.

Amber pulled out 4 swords for her middle and lower arms. Large rock armor encasing her. With a mighty crystalline helmet that resembled that of a twisted version of a Roman.

"Fine, then you'll die like your abomination did. I'll make sure of it!" The large fusion said before rushing her.

"He isn't and never will be an abomination." She said. She never wanted to take control like this. She wanted William to live a nice life for himself. But they had to take it away from him. She would never allow them to crush his gem.

Emerald looked up to a flashing sign on the visor of this strange armor. Despite it being cracked slightly it still could project a personal energy shield and enhance the wearers abilities dramatically.

Suit power: 1600%

Shield power: 3000%

Total Mjolnir armor failure: 4 minutes

'Mjolnir, so that's what this armor type was called. How fitting, the gods weapon itself. Let's see if it lives up to it's namesake.'

(Cue prayer of the refugee by rise against)

Emerald rocketed toward Amber Lucite. She pulled an the bolt that was attached to her son's hip. She brought it into her hand and ignited it. Now she could see into his memories since she now inhabited his body for the moment. She knew it was supposed it invite into a two pronged blade. But instead ignited into what looked like a claymore. A large four foot blade replacing the two 2 foot blades. The handle itself shifted into something more resembling human swords.

She slashed through one of her blades. The one made from plasma now being more powerful with gem energy being constantly put through it. Something about it felt... ancient.

She then jumped into Amber's arm. Stabbing the energy blade into it and using her son's speed and her flame into jets to run up it. The energy blade digging through Amber's rock armor and into her flesh like butter as she ran. Amber tried to use one of her top arms to swat her. But she ran up that arm and slashed as well. Even as a giant she was very fast. Most likely from jet, but this 'Spartan time' thing was truly wonderful.

Emerald then jumped off around the elbow and flew through the air. Pulling out the weapon she knew as the Spartan Laser. But instead of the normal Ruby red beam she knew it was now an emerald green. 'It seems gem energy can affect human weapons as well as armor.'

The emerald green laser left the core of the heavy weapon at the speed of light. Not even Jet could escape the lightspeed weapon. It pierced through her neck and made a 6 inch wide hole through the body.

Emerald put the weapon back into the gem and rocketed toward Amber. Punching her in the back of the head with the force of a freight train. The giant tumbled forward and nearly fell over. She was suddenly grabbed from the ground by a crushing piece of rock. The shining gold shields hold strong in the crushing force. She used her flames and made herself into a makeshift grenade. Making the rock fragments go flying. Some of it hitting the rock armor of Amber.

Amber Lucite growled as she used rock to plug the Amber colored blood on her neck. She sprinted toward Emerald and went into a roll. Doing the famous spindash that Quartz's do. The Amber colored ball tried to slam into Emerald. Who corner to the side with a massive jet of flame. But the fusion quickly turned around. This time creating a massive ravine into the asteroid. Large hands and fragments of rock followed behind her. Emerald was gonna dodge to the side but massive walls of rock sorrounded her on all sides. And by the time she thought to go above Amber had smacked into her.

The shields were drained by 60%. Emerald flew back into a large pillar of rock Amber had summoned.

Amber came out of the spin dash and created even more rock armor. Her swords now back in her hands.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." Amber laughed.

Emerald got back up, feeling the Mjolnir armor begin it's shutdown. "You havent seen anything yet." She then sprouted her weapon she was known for. What separated her from the other emeralds.

Four 20 foot long arms of flame sprouted from her back. The hands of which were not fingers but claws. Ones that were several thousand degrees.

She was known as the Emerald Dragon. She then rushed forward with a massive jet of flame. Amber brought her swords up to attack. Two of emeralds arms grabbed the top two swords and yanked them toward each other. Making them spark as they clashed. She then flipped over the swords and let go. She then shot one and forward and grabbed onto Amber's helmet. She was going to grab her with the rest of the arms. But Amber used Jets speed and moved away.

Emerald sunk her solidified fire claws into Amber's helmet. She was flying through the air before she shot her other arms forward. She then melted and ripped a hole through the helmet and brought out the heaviest weapon her son had in his gem.

She aimed the large automatic missile launcher at the hole in the helmet(missile pod from Halo 3). Her arms giving her some stability. She let loose and fired three missiles in a second and a half. Amber then grabbed onto her arms with a rock encased hand. She then threw her off. But the hand she grabbed them with began to turn to magma. She shook off the stone and replaced it with new stone. She was immune to lava due to Sunstone. But the weakened rock would be useless.

Emerald used her arms and dug them into the ground to slow herself. She looked up to the angry fusion. She held her head in pain from the three consecutive missiles. She grinned at having her weapons back. She did admit it was weird to have a left arm. But she was glad Will didn't to live without one.

She then lifted the launcher in both of her hands and let loose with the missiles. Will and extended the magazine to hold 16 micro missiles instead of the original eight.

Meanwhile Amber was pissed off. She had to continuously bring up barriers of rock to block the rockets. And each time it hit against one it would explode into pieces. But then when the newest one exploded Emerald launched through and launched two missiles at her face.

Amber wiped the remains of her shattered visor out of her face. The Amber ballistic glass being useless now. She saw Emerald had now dissapeared. "Where are you traitor!" Amber growled.

Emerald had taken cover behind a rock and reeled in her arms. The missile pod needed to be reloaded. She brought out a string of missiles and loaded it into the large magazine of the missile pod. She locked the first one in place and closed the chamber. Just in time for Amber Lucite to lift the rock she was hiding behind.

Emerald dashed backward and brought out her arms again. The large green appendages digging into the ground. She raised the missile pod and fired a barrage at the large Fusion. Who dodged out of the way and get in close to her with a sudden burst of speed. She used several pillars of rock to try and make her go flying or crush her. She quickly dodged out of the way. But she had to leave the missile pod behind. Which got crushed and exploded.

Warning 60 seconds to Mjolnir armor shutdown


She ran through different ideas she could to kill these three. But Amber was to tough to take down quickly. She could kill her in time, but one minute was not enough. And when the armor shutdown she would be at the mercy of the fusion. The armor was somehow increasing her gem power, something she desperately needed in this fight.

She was then struck in the side by a heavy blow from Amber's machete. Her shields held but she was sent flying and had to use her limbs and jets of flame to slow down and regain footing. Her shields were down to 30% form that strike. She could already feel the armor beginning to shut down.

She didn't like the idea that came to mind. But it may be the only option to save her son and destroy her old friends. So with a sigh she brought the only one Will had out of the gem. A silver cylinder that was rounded on the ends about 13.8 in long, 7.1 wide and 7.8 tall She strapped it to her back and ran at Amber.

She summoned a dual pair of plasma rifles and fired at the fusion. The bolts were even more powerful when combined with gem energy. The plasma hit Amber with devastating effects. The plasma melted through her rock armor entire inches at a time. The several million degree plasma doing it's job.

She then put them on her hips and used a massive rocket of flame to fly upwards. She had a very specific target in mind.

30 seconds till Mjolnir shutdown

Amber looked at the traitor. Taking notice of the silver cylinder on her back. She didn't know what it was for but she wasn't gonna let Emerald use it.

Amber used a large pillar of rock to chase after the abomination. It seems the coward wanted to run now rather than fight. What did she think she was gonna do, get back to Earth?

Emerald had to increase her speed to over mach 10 to outpace the angry fusion. Jets speed and Sunstones power was not a combination to be taken lightly.

She had to dodge to the left to avoid an asteroid that Amber threw at her. 'shes throwing fucking asteroids!'

But up ahead Emerald saw her destination. An asteroid with a tunnel large enough to get Amber Lucite through. And if she was right her plan would go smoothly.

Emerald flew toward the asteroid and Amber Lucite followed. She wanted to crush that traitorous abomination. And she would rip apart this entire system to do it. So she stretched out her arms wide. She then started to control over several dozen small asteroids.

Emerald saw multiple yellow dots on her motion tracker and looked behind her. Only to have to dodge a hundredfold wide asteroid. Then another even sorted one. And she repeated this for a few more seconds before she got into renage of the asteroid.

5 seconds till Mjolnir armor failure

She then gasped in pain as she was slammed from behind by an asteroid. Causing the cylinder to go tumbling off her back and go off into the void. She yelled as her only chance slipped away.

Amber looked to the little cylinder before grinning and chasing after the abomination.

Emerald looked back through the tunnel straight through the asteroid. Amber was closing in on her and fast.

So right before the Mjolnir shut down she sent the command. Then her visor went black and she could feel the undersuit go pump and her shields collapse. If she were in gravity right now this thing would weigh a ton.

Amber never knew what hit her as the Havok nuclear device detonated behind her. The space around them briefly flashed a blinding white that blinding the fusion. Her visor polarized even with no power.

The blast hit her and burned like a hot knife through butter her rock armor. It then got to her heat resistant skin and gave her very severe burns as she went flying through space.

"You Bastards!" Yelled Jasper in pure rage in their Mindscape. She had woken up and found that they forced her to fuse while she was unconscious. So she forced the fusion undone with all her strength and pushed away form them. It being far enough away that she could push off a rock and escape the blast with survivable damage. But Sunstone and Jet wouldn't be so lucky. Even in vacuum she could hear their screams as they were vaporized.

She did smile when she found the wreckage of their crashed ship on an asteroid she had been doing to. So she limped into the crashed ship and input Slipspace coordinates to Homeworld. She took off very slowly in the severely damaged ship.

She was about to activate the Slipspace drive when she paused for a moment. 'Did she really wanna go back to Homeworld?' They would undoubtedly not want her back after she had failed so utterly. And let two other generals die.

So she sighed as she input coordinates to a quiet colony with the tools necessary to fix the severely damaged ship.

The white and blue of the Slipspace portal opened up in front of her. The ship then dissapeared through the portal.

Emerald could feel the blast slowly heat up the Mjolnir armor. If she had shields still she wouldn't need to worry about it. But thankfully what was left of the heavy Titanium plates held. She had also been rocketed toward earth by the nuke as a makeshift rocket. She only hoped the gem would survive.

And that humans could regenerate from their gem.

Jasper could tell something was wrong with the Slipspace portal as soon as she entered. It started beating against the ship and cause it to groan. She was then violently spit out of the portal and made the ship to spinning. She winced as she burnt back chased her pain. She finally did get control of the ship half and brought it to a stop.

But where she ended up was definitely not a gem colony. From the broken scanners she could see that the paint she was near had several hundred ships over it and dozens of orbital instillations. Then a 500 meter long ship pointed itself at her.

"This is UNSC Tokyo to unidentified vessel. Prepare to be boarded." A male voice said over the comms.

Jasper grimaced as more and more ships approached her small stealth ship. Their fronts pinged to her. She could see the barrels of massive spinal mouthed weapons on them. And she really didn't want to find out what they do after that damn nuclear device.

She would simply have to be taken to the surface of this 'Reach' as their prisoner. Their lucky that she was in no condition to fight.

Peridot stumbled out of her escape pod on the human planet. "Damn planet and those Crystal clods getting in way. Why can't they just leave me alone!" She said as she limped on her damaged enhancers. She also winced when she moved her shoulder. That human weapon did a number on it. Who would invent something that shit copper and lead projectiles with explosives!

She was brought out of her rant when she saw a large fireball that crashed near to her. She limped and held onto her shoulder to stop the line green blood form leaking as she made her way through the forest. She hated the planet, all this stuff that got in the way. Why did they even keep it around?

She needed the crater and could smell burnt metal. She raised an eyebrow as she neared. She then peered through the bushes to see a several foot wide crater.

But in the center was a broken and battered suit of heavy armor. It was honestly a miracle the thing was still recognizable...well somewhat. Most of the paint was gone and almost none of it's original surface was left.

She walked near to go check it out. But she stumbled on her broken enhancer and fell into the crater. She got up and muttered multiple gem curses before dusting herself off.

She then knelt down next to it. Using her unbroken enhancer arm to scan it. She was surprised at the complexity of the circuitry and electronics for something made by humans. She then noticed that the helmet was relatively in one piece. If not the visor being slightly cracked and the helmet having many scratches and gouges in it.

She then remembered how easily the human weapons hurt her and damaged her enhancers. So she canned the helmet and found how to undo it. It twisted off and made a slight hiss, as if there was a partial seal. She then scanned the deceptively heavy thing. It must weigh at least fifty pounds. But she would be able to use it easily enough. After all even gems like her were stronger than normal humans.

She placed it stop her head, grimacing when she felt her large head of hair be compressed by it. It squashed almost uncomfortably against her head. But she could live with that. But she was glad to have some protection for her gem, if it was a heavy.

She then fed power into it and an actual HUD flickered to life on the visor.

"Ok, now I'm impressed." She said. It was difficult to make heads up displays that weren't part of a gems abilities. She noticed that a bar that connected to what looked like a shield remaining empty. She was also impressed by the fact that humans also miniaturized an energy shield enough for personal use.

It seems that the helmet itself came with scanners and the connector to a primitive neural link. It would supplement her broken enhancers nicely. She looked at the rest of the armor. Even broken it looked like it could take a bit of two from an angry quartz. But it would be much to heavy for her. And form scans alone she knew that it's reactor, shield generator and entire electrical system was fried.

She then noticed an active energy signature still I t eh suit of armor. She peeked through the neck hole and sifted through the ashes. She gasped when she found what she was looking for.

An emerald gem, cracked and slightly chipped. But still in one piece. It was in the range of saving.

But she soon realized that this belonged to that pesky human that attacked her at the warp pad. It was the main one that caused her trouble. Every bit of Homeworld training in her was telling her to shatter the cracked gem. To finish it off and be done with another Crystal food.

She tried so hard to just make her limb enhancers squeeze it, crush it. But she just couldn't. Something in her knew that would be inexplicably wrong.

When had she ended had that before? Peridot shook her head. "I've only been on this planet 10 minutes and already I've gone soft. What is wrong with me?" Came her voice out of the helmets speakers.

She sighed and stared at the gem. It's smooth dark green surface was scuffed and cracked. But she couldn't break it.

So she out it in a storage container in her arm. Keeping it safe until it reformed. So she could then question it.

So peridot took off to her secondary objective. With her gem protected by transparent Aluminum and ballistic glass as well as molecularly hardened Titanium. And a cracked gemstone.

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