Secret of the Two Kings (89 C...

By coolness_fabulous

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NOW FEATURED ON THE OFFICIAL PAGE OF WATTPAD - Historical Fiction Category Synopsis: This story marked the be... More

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By coolness_fabulous

Dae Wong asked for an untimely audience to Jae Joong, the King writing in a blank scroll on his table. The steam from his black bean tea smoldering from his porcelain cup. More briquettes had fueled the scorching flames in the fireplace. The minister walked his way towards the King and sat opposite him. Jae Joong paused, hurled a glance, and resumed writing. "How are the preparations outside?"

"They're doing good, Your Majesty. Never better."

"I heard the Prince has agreed about this special Hwarang force from different clans for security. Jung Ho always has a unique way to appall me. "

"I'm baffled, Your Majesty. Prince Sae Joo, working with your brother. I wonder what he's planning."

"He's learning. Self-taught. He knows he can't avoid his uncle. Now that their relationship would graduate to the next level. Hmmp! Father-in-law? Disgusting!... Make sure that Yellow Tiger nangdo always sticks by his side. Then I have no complaints."

"Shun and Prince Sae Joo are always inseparable. They're like twins." Dae Wong chuckled. Jae Joong's eyebrows furrowed with that slight pun.

To flush the awkward moment, Dae Wong looked over the window and shifted the topic. "The forces of winter are on our side for this day, I guess."

"Is that so?" Jae Joong pouted his lips and gazed at the dancing auburns. "That serves their purpose anyway... So uh, do you have anything else to say? I'm a bit busy."

Dae Wong craned his head over the letter, his curiosity rising. "Your Majesty, do you mind if I ask what that letter is all about?"

"Oh, this? A reply to the head of our fortress in Myeongju. They informed me that there are no accounts of any suspicious entries in our borders."

"That's good to hear, Your Majesty. Those rebels have messed with the wrong kingdom. My, my! More heads will be collected if they ever intend to infiltrate our lands again and do their sneaky base of operations."

"Certainly. I plan on sending some of our Pungwoljus to all our borders, conduct weaponry training with the provincial hwarangs, and give new weapons to them, especially on our coasts. I will also provide additional military ships. I'll talk to the Minister of Treasury later for the break down of the finances." The King took a sip and breathed heavily. "That iron ore incident is the last one—at least on my term."

"I don't think they would be back, Your Majesty."

"How are you sure about that?"

"Rebels are more capable of strategic planning than we were led to believe they weren't. A rat doesn't scamper back to get a slice of cheese from the trap that had him nearly crushed to death. To solve his hunger, either he meticulously gets the cheese, mindful of the trap, or it rummages the other parts of the house."

"So what are you trying to say? These rebels might target the palace?

"Rats are enemies to mostly bigger animals, and for that, they tend to refuse attacking head-on." Dae Wong clashed both of his hands while his eyes goggled with enthusiasm. "They were created with agile bodies and a huge set of front teeth to destroy things... slowly. Haven't you ever wondered about the ludicrous coincidence between the iron ore incident and the cryptic letters being sent to the Prince?"

"Those two events are no way related to each other. No one knows about Sae Yoo except for the few people you and I know. I don't understand what you were saying." Jae Joong shook his head, peering his eyes before the confident minister. As if all his hypotheses had turned into a solid, indestructible theory.

Dae Wong balled his fists, holding the urge to strike the table even once. His milk of analogy and logic overflowing. "We cannot be sure about that, Sire. When I asked you before the people who knew about the twins, you didn't expect that Jung Ho would jump into the list."

Jae Joong frowned, "That's a different situation. Jung Ho could've spilled the truth long before. He can actually, but he chose not to. He won't risk his reputation to be tainted by his bloodline's secret. He couldn't afford his name to be dragged into the deepest pits of the people's wrath. Building a divine image is what moves him. This secret has helped us achieve our own dreams through the years. We are basking inside the power of our deepest secret. Whether I admit it or not, practically, we have been partners in crime, and there's no way that he would carelessly disclose our little secret to anyone. His lips and mine are sealed mutually.

"It's been over a decade, Sire. Jung Ho has changed a lot. He has mastered the art of deception through calculated silence. He can drop the fire over our clueless, little heads, without him being charged for it. What if like a rat, he has told that crucial information to those rebels outside the palace to cleanse his hands again? He's manipulating you by using other people—and that's the point. He has established and invested so much in people's hearts, and I'm pretty sure that he knows that our people would forgive him—if the time comes. He's a master storyteller. He could twist the words and point the blade directly to you."

The King was left speechless, his fingers trembling and losing its grip on the teacup. Dae Wong could not pay attention to his master's reaction. He kept on blurting like chiding a hard-headed son. "Considering the order of the past events, we start with Lady Seol Ji's prediction about the Hangawi, then Jung Ho's bet of resignation if no major event happens after three to five days. Then the iron ore incident, the council meeting about the wedding, and now—the cryptic letters. He's destroying you slowly, and worse, he's using the Prince to achieve it. He does it perfectly because he knows where to hit him the most. Do you know the Prince's greatest weakness? His heart? His insecurity? His naivety? No. It's his curiosity. If our stomach growls for food, it's his brain that rumbles for truth."

"I get it." Jae Joong's lips thinned in. He chewed his teeth, rubbing his forehead. "I know what you're trying to mean. You want me to stop this nuptial, don't you?"

"We should stop Jung Ho from gaining more power. He knows he can't be King, so he's passing the duty to rule to his daughter."

"You can relax, for now, Dae Wong," advised Jae Joong. "Did you think I haven't thought of that possibility? I may not be aware of some of your spectacular theories about conspiracy, but I know Jung Ho's main goal. This marriage is just for compliance in favor of the Head Priestess, in favor of the council. This doesn't mean that Jin Ri will be Queen. Her ambition stops on being a Crown Princess. What significance could that title have? Nothing. At the end of the day, she would be just like any other girl in the palace. As long as I live, none of Jung Ho's blood would pollute the throne seat."

The minister bobbed his head slowly, scrutinizing the King's still face. "If that's what you say, Sire. But what if Jung Ho was right? What if Sae Yoo is still alive?"

For that time, the sudden shift of gear, the abrupt change of the topic annoyed Jae Joong. He hissed, "He's not!"

"I apologize, Sire. But with the roll of the events lately, I think we need to open our eyes to that dreadful possibility. Hypothetically, let's just say—he's alive. What if he shows up all of a sudden?"

Jae Joong gulped the last few milliliters of his warm tea and smacked the cup back to the table. "That would be my greatest punishment." He glared at Dae Wong, shaking his head. "I don't think I can face him. I don't know what I would say to him. Apologizing would be useless."

"Accepting your apology won't be necessary. The concern is—would he accept his own identity?"

Jae Joong's skin suddenly writhed out from his muscles. His ears turned red, nose fuming (hotter than the swaying crew in his fireplace), eye corners like razors. "What in the world does that suppose to mean? I've sacrificed one child in my past, and that's enough."

"Sacrifices are part of a ruler's journey, long as he sits in that glorious throne."

"You dare tell me that as if you don't know what I have done. One big sacrifice could suffice the future of this kingdom. Sae Joo is ready."

"I beg to differ, Your Majesty."

The King welted the table, his knuckles turning white. An urge to throw the cup into the wall would have happened if Dae Wong's words were not as aesthetic as they were. "He's been ready ever since he was born. He is my only heir. No one should take the throne other than my only son. Sae Joo will be King."

The minister studied his face, examining every clenched muscle.

"I've stashed that prophecy a long time ago! I don't believe in any of those anymore. Sae Joo—bringing the kingdom to its downfall? That's crazy!"

"We all know how the Prince acts and thinks. He is a good person, compassionate for the people, intelligent in a sensible way, but not a person who would uplift this kingdom to greater heights."

"He's just the same as me, minus that damn prophecy. Mark my words, Dae Wong. When his time comes, his curse breaks."

Dae Wong shrugged. With the close mentality and ignorance of the King about the existence and the accessibility of his second son (that he was just under their chins), the minister started processing the possibility of doing things on his own will. No, no. He would not betray the King to the fullest. Perhaps, to the very least (Would that be accounted for an act of betrayal? Insubordination? It all depends.) As similar as he was with his son, Jae Joong was the people's ruler but blinded by the idolatry of his lineage, obsessed with the hierarchy of the social structure. A Seonggol would remain a Seonggol and so as the Jingols, down to the last step of the ladder. But like any other leader, he excluded himself in embracing the whole picture of the traditions. A selective follower and believer. If he disliked a portion of a cake, he would throw it—far, far away. Forget it as if it never existed, even though some people who might get the stale piece might be poisoned. He would binge eat, share the remaining parts with his friends, and still claim that the whole delicacy was a masterpiece. Pure art of culinary perfection. Then he would stand up, all head high—and when a poor soul came to him, telling that he had eaten that piece of filthy cake, he would retract like a sensitive delicate leaf, break down for a moment, and order around people to fix the problem. Who would that person be? None other than the minister: Dae Wong!

Before he could fully conclude that Jae Joong was not the ruler he signed up with to be the protector of their mighty kingdom, he tried again, shooting his final card. "But what if Sae Yoo was better than Sae Joo?"

"I would take that as a disparaging remark to the Crown Prince, and I'm afraid it could be of possible treason. You're suggesting to dethrone Sae Joo by any means. Either setting him up to do a grave sin against our laws or either by death." Jae Joong glued his red eyes to the minister, his breath syncopating. "I don't know you anymore, Dae Wong. What happened to you?"

"You do know my deepest intention, Your Majesty."

"Yes, and you do know also the danger of your hypothetical questions. Can't we just accept the fact that Sae Joo is the one here with us? Let's get that Head Priestess prediction out of the picture and focus on developing the Prince. He has tricked us, remember? His own family—what are the odds that he can't do it again to the people who deserve it? My son's curiosity, the hunger to learn new things, the strive for truth and perfection are not his weaknesses but his greatest strengths." The King stood and paced to the window, the silhouettes of white snow pouring outside his small world. "One more thing, you sound as if you are absolutely knowledgeable about Sae Yoo. As if you are sure of the kind of person he has become."

Flabbergasted by the King's suspicion, the minister's throat squeezed, sour juices heaved at the back of his tongue. His shaking hands hid behind his back. He watched Jae Joong ambled closer to him. Act nobly. Dignified, he thought.

The King held his shoulder, locking a brown gaze. "Dae Wong, I know you only want the best for this kingdom, and I know that you don't serve me the way you serve this nation. You wish only the best for everyone by honoring the prophecy. Believe me, I also do. But just in case Sae Yoo is still alive and decides to show himself, claim what's rightfully his, even though he has the blessings of the Head Priestess to rule the kingdom to its glorious state, our people won't accept him. The twins' destiny has already been shadowed by the first prophecy at their birth—that's what people would believe. In effect, they will even shun both of the Princes. What would happen next? I wouldn't dare to imagine. That's why I'm telling everyone to empower Sae Joo and help him be the ruler as what was expected of Sae Yoo. The downfall of the kingdom should not be blamed on a single person. It's not fair."

With the King's expression of his full thoughts of the situation, Dae Wong rested his case. He would not reveal Shun's identity to stop Sae Joo's marriage. He would wait for the right opportunity to move on his own. If the Heavens had decided the fate of the twins, they would motion things in the smoothest possible ways (even without anyone's intervention). Let the deities play their game. But there was one thing Dae Wong could not allow to happen—the fall of the kingdom as one filthy blood arises.


Sae Joo stepped out alone from his chambers and strolled down the snowy courtyard. As he observed the sky, the sun peeked from a thick cotton ball, blinding him like it reflected a huge glass. Ouch! The fall of the snow had slowed down, only droplets and dust-like particles pouring down. Court ladies and some guards were sweeping the yard, removing the layers of molten ice. Hwarangs were setting up the dais. A few knots there, and more decorations there. Tables, chairs, and flags. Several paintings and sculpture collections were being carried by some guards as they organized it on stage. Minister Yoo Min supervising the whole exhibit (He gave a wink and a thumbs-up sign to the working art guru.) This would be for the auction later at night. All proceeds would go to the farmers, fishermen, and the medical facilities of the provinces—as per Sae Joo's request. Colorful silk cloths of various colors passing from one balcony to the other like it was a summer food contest.

With no shadows of retinues, he went to the gazebo near the Prime Minister's pavilion, across a red bridge over a water lily pond. There awaited his uncle, sitting pretty like a bride in full burgundy robe and garnet fluffy jacket. A black wool hat covering his head with style. A feast of hot and warm luncheon food on a blue table. Red-hot stews, steaming noodles, pork ribs, sticky, sweet rice cakes, fried dim sum, a pie for dessert, and a bottle of good-old wine. The guards and court ladies bowed before the Prince. Jung Ho waved and beamed, showing off his white symmetrical teeth.

"Prince, a couple of hours before your wedding must be exhilarating," teased Jung Ho. "Wow, I suddenly remember my youthful years."

Sae Joo gave nothing but a nod. Jung Ho raised an arm and shoved his hand, telling the retinues to leave them alone.

When the Prince was comfortable with his men's distance, he sat and gently moved the plates to the side. "I assume that you have what I've requested."

"Why don't you eat first, Your Majesty? I've prepared delicious meals for you. Let's talk about it over the course of food and drinks."

"Thank you for your offer, Prime Minister." Sae Joo picked the wooden spoon, scooped a rib from the red kimchi stew, and poured it in a bowl of rice with black sesame seeds. Jung Ho darted his eyes, following Sae Joo's movements. The Prince sliced the ribs and took his first bite (a great white shark doing a taste test), which was followed by a gulp of water. "This is good, Prime Minister."

"Only the best, Your Highness." Jung Ho took a rice cake and chewed it slowly. Arms crossed, eyes locked like a falcon.

Sae Joo dropped the spoon and dabbed his oily lips with a sienna table napkin. "Prime Minister, could you please show me the list of the missing Hwarangs from the master list?" Jung Ho simpered and slipped his hands to his chest pocket. He handed the parchments wrapped in lavender silk cloth. Sae Joo threw a glance at his uncle before checking the contents. The mint scent of the four paper leaves (probably made in Tang) satisfied his hunger. Combining with the cool air, it wafted down to his larynx even without sniffing. Jung Ho's mastery of calligraphy was evident in the sophisticated yet masculine strokes of the names of the hwarangs who could be Sae Joo's twin brother.

He flipped and skimmed, but never perused in front of his enemy. After returning the papers back to the cloth, he asked, "Are these all?"

"No more, no less. Even though there are no details regarding their basic information—birthdays, name and position of parents—one thing is for sure: the majority of them are from Sangju, perhaps about five to ten were from other provinces. Rough estimate, I say."

"Sangju?" doubted Sae Joo, his best friend's hometown rebuilding in his head. A part of his checklist of Shun's identity was partially hanging (either to be crossed out or to be left untouched).

"Yes. I have made it easier for you. Your special force of security for tonight's party are the men on that list."

"What?" Sae Joo's chest belabored. Blood drained down to his feet, nailing his toes to the icy marble. He wished not to ask for more particulars (especially the 'who'). If the words spat out of the Prime Minister's lips, they would be vile enough to paralyze him. He needed to save his energy and boost his emotional defense away from his archenemy. 

"You seem shocked. Is there someone you expect not to be there?"

"No, I mean... I was overwhelmed with your attention to detail. Your desire in finding my twin brother, killing him, and securing my position in the throne, is stronger than mine. My father and his minions could not do that. For that, I am beyond thankful." Sae Joo leaned forward, sliced a portion from the pie and ate the crust.

"Your words of honor are beyond my imaginations." Jung Ho bowed his head. 

"Good job, Prime Minister."

The Prime Minister nodded and smiled. "So if I were you, I would start there looking for my twin brother. You could ask the governor. Much better he's new and young, he could exhaust his time helping you, while the King and the rest of the council track down all termites destroying our government." Jung Ho dipped a fried shumai into a thick sweet and sour orange sauce and took a bite like a seal craving for a penguin. "I don't know what lies in that province. Pure evil." he shivered. "Aside from iron ores, that province has nothing to brag about, and we're not even fully closed with the issue of the rebels. Who knows there are even bigger personalities, representatives of the Balhae tramps, hiding in other provinces?"

"In the palace, you mean?" Sae Joo bit his lips while staring at him.

Jung Ho arched an eyebrow and grinned. "Possibly. So while you're doing your search for your beloved half, the King and the rest of the council members exert their forces cleansing the government and the entire kingdom."

"I have a plan on how to do this secretly, without compromising my duties and responsibilities as a Prince."

"I bet you do." Jung Ho raised a glass and turned his head, offering the Prince a toast. Sae Joo lifted his water cup and tapped his uncle's wine glass. He took a chicken sip and stood. Jung Ho followed.

"Thank you for this important information, Prime Minister. I should get going."

"You are most welcome, Your Highness." Jung Ho lowered in a bow, eyes affixed to the ground until he saw Sae Joo's boots walking down the bridge, to the other side of the pond, away from him. He raised his head, and the party shall begin. 



Shumai (舒脈) - a traditional type of Chinese dumpling. 

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