Emerald Spartan

By MachineKing123

88.5K 2K 695

Sierra-009 was not the luckiest Spartan II. Being stuck in the deactivated hull of the UNSC Arcturus while fa... More

The Fall
Gem glow
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together breakfest
Lava Lake
So many birthdays
The Gun Slinger
Hunter or Hunted
Mirror Gem
Terms and Conditions
Space Race
Just another day
Fusion Cuisine
Lessons in Shapeshifting
Scouting Mission
Quasar's log 1
Operation missing Quartz
Snowed In
Marble Madness
Rose's Scabbard
Old Scars
Revelation and Retribution
Passing the Flag
Unwanted Guest
New kid on the block
Spartan Training day 1
4th of July special
The Signal
Into The Lion's Den
Bump in the night
Nature of the Beast
Secrets and Shadows
Cleaning house
Ghosts that walk alone
Omake: Bus stop
From the Beginning
Inner Demons

Future Vision

985 29 7
By MachineKing123

Garnet sighed to herself. The last few days had been difficult.

Lapis was at Pearls throat. Amyhtest and Quasar still are mad. And her days had been stressful trying to keep him out of it. Which she'd only been partially suseptable.

Ruby and Sapphire themselves were partially torn on how to deal with it. Ruby wanted to beat her while Sapphire thought her punishment was just. So the last few days had been terrible for her mental health.

Which is why today she was going to simply meditate. It often helped her calm the raging thoughts of her mind. She thought it would do her some good now.

Thankfully Will was gone and she saw Pearl leave to follow him. So she wouldn't have to deal with lingering anger of the other Gem's. It was time to sort out her own emotions of it.

She gently pushed open the screen door of the beach house. It had been late afternoon and Steven was still hanging out with Connie in town.

She walked down the hill to the beach below.

The warm sand on her boots felt nice to the heat resistant gem. Nothing like the occasional bit of lava or fire. It was actually comforting.

So she sat down on the sand and crossed her legs. Her arms fell to the side and she closed her eyes. The calm beat of the oceans waves against the sand helped her even further.

In her mind the swirling vertices of time stretched out before her. One thing she never told anyone was that exploring the many possible events without worrying about dangerous situations actually flaked her greatly.

So the infinite streams of possible timelines extended out into the horizon. She choose one in corny of her and followed it.

Her eyes opened and she saw the first timeline.

Her astral form stood up and took in the sorrounding space. The time appeared to be midday.

She immediately noticed the large observatory attached to the beach house. It also looked like the house itself had another floor.

One thing she kept to herslef was that while she couldn't possibly know which timeline happened. She could explore and see what happened in each. Although she couldn't interact with anything.

She floated through the front door of the upgraded beach house. The first thing that treated her was a different version of herself. Her outfit was a mixture of bkue, red and black. Her visor also changed to a cutoff star.

While she like the outfit she rather preferred her old shades.

She then noticed Amythest and Pearl. Amythest had changed to a cut up black shirt and jeans shorts with stars. While Pearl wore a pair of blue pants a cyan shirt and a cyan jacket.

It was an interesting change for the Gem's.  She then noticed Lapis go through her astral form. The blue gem was the most surprising. She wore baby pants tied up in a good string and a blue cutoff top. It was weird seeing the gem so upbeat. Considering all she really saw their Lapis do was have a blank face and scowl. The only time she smiled was around Steven.

She'd have to keep an eye on that.

All in all she smiled at the cheeryness of this timeline. But she couldn't see where Will was. She also noticed that his gem wasn't on the temple door.

Maybe a universe where he didn't show up? She thought. The timelines could be interesting.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by Steven. She finally got a good sense of how far in a possibly future this was. He had grown up a good bit. He traded his pink shirt for a black one. He still wore jeans but he wore a pink football jacket.

She watched the gems interact. No one looked like they had any malice toward each other. No one was angry. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves.

She left back through the door and headed toward the town. She saw the townsfolk had grown a bit as well. All the younger took had grown up a lot. Sadie was taller and looked like she started a band. Lars was Pink for some unknown reason. The 'cool kids' all looked like they had something they liked.

She went toward the strange set of buildings.

If she breathed her breath would hitch in her throat. All around were gems of all different types interacting with each other and humans. She even saw a few familiar faces as well as new enemies. Peridot appeared to be shorter and less managing then when they met her. Bismuth was a welcome sight to see. She still looked like her old self. All in all she was glad to see different gems living in harmony with each other.

She let the timeline fade away and went to the next one. She once again found herself on the beach. But this timeline was much more immediate.

She could see a large ring like object that completely wrapped around the planet in the midday sky. Even from the surface of the planet she could see lights and moving objects. She then turned around to see that instead of beach city there was a spralling metropolis. The buildings looked centuries ahead of anything that the humans currently had. Towers sprawled several kilometers in the sky. Buildings made of metal and glass lined up as far as the eye can see. Some even looked like they were influenced by gem design.

She saw Humans, gems and other species she hadn't seen before walking around even here.

One thing shee noticed right away that every non gem was a hybrid like Steven and Will. Gems and wild hair and skin colors dotted the humans and other species.

This both interested her and filled her with joy.

She then saw Steven and Lapis run across the beach. Steven looked even older. Like a fine young man. His hair had grown a little longer. He had no facial hair but his height had grown again to somewhere around 6 foot. He wore a black shirt and black pants. There was pink detailing running along them. He wore a Pink and black leather jacket.

But Lapis was even more interesting. She wore a long sleeve blue shirt. Her hair seems a bit longer as well. She wore dark blue leggings and a pair of jeans shorts over them.

Then came Will and who he guessed was Peridot. The Spartan was wearing a pair of black cargo pants. Along with a pair of black and green boots. He wore a green shirt with an eagle on the front. As well as a short green jacket with black detailing. It looked like something the human character indiana Jones would wear. His hair was a good bit longer.

But peridot still had her metallic limbs in this universe. Making her just shy of Will's height. She no longer wore her visor but instead a pair of round glasses made of a black metal. She wore a green sweater and blue jeans that were widened to better fit around the limbs.

She was startled a bit when Amythest came dropping form the hill. She made a small dust cloud and tapped on Steven.

She smiled as she realized they were playing a large game of tag. Amythest didn't look to different from what she did now. She still and a black shirt with one shoulder off. It was partially torn up at the bottom. She wore what looked like black yoga pants as well.

She then ran off and she watched Steven tag Pearl. Who was a good bit different. She wore a cyan labcoat. With a button up blue and yellow shirt. Her pants wore a dark blue as well.

Then Steven ran and tagged a different version of herself. She wore a red and blue tunic. Her shades had remained mostly the same. She wor black pants that had a blue swirl down the left leg and a red swirl around the right.

She then ran and tagged a large orange gem. Who wore a dark orange muscle shirt and had a wild mane of white hair. She was slightly taller than herself. She wore cut up and worn jeans. She was then flanked by a very talland muscular man. He looked a bit older than Greg but he kept up with the rest of them easily.  His head was adorned with short brown hair. He wore an olive green shirt with the UNSC logo on the front and a pair of black military pants and combat boots.

Garnet then tagged the large orange gem and dashed away. The large gem then ran and tagged bismuth. Who wore a simple blacksmith tunic with a black vest. She wore brown pants that looked simple but durable.

Bismuth then tried to the the large man but he dodged with inhuman speed.

What she saw next made her stop smiling.

Who bismuth decided to tag was none other than white Diamond. She shrunk herself down to around 8 feet tall and was tagged by bismuth. She had a determined look on her face and ran and tagged Will in a flash. The Spartan was pulled to the side by peridot with some unseen force. Will then dodged to the side of White Diamond having him. But white switched her Target and patted a small pink gem that had two little lifts of hair on the side of her head.

The best way she could describe this gem was an old human cartoon character. She stretched her arms around and snagged Amythest around the ankle. She then tapped on the purple gem.

Garnet calmed herslef from seeing the main Diamond. She wondered why she would be palyi g tag with the data of them and the new people. But somehti g must have gone right.

She then floated toward the large city that was not 1,000 feet away. There had to be thousands within eyesight alone.

She saw a human woman and what looked like a large reptiel with four mandibles instead of a jaw fly by her with wings made of water. She then noticed a small stubby feature that wore a gas mask jump several dozen feet in the air to get to a raised walkway. She could see a dark red quartz gem on it's neck.

She smiled. This is what a unted civilization with gems and UNSC humans as well as several others looked like. It did bring a few concerns about what happened but she simply accepted it.

Garnet tongs again let go of this timeline and moved to the next one.

This time she had to move her astral form above the ground. He area she always appeared was replaced with a scorched crater. She took a glance around her and saw the skies burned dark red and black with fire.

A large grey ship corpse was crashed into the hill side. It's crabs had compeltely removed the hill. The temple that lied beneath was simply shards of stone. The who itself was almost carved apart and scorched.

She saw a shadow pass under her and looked up. Above her was a large purple bulbous ship. It was somewhat flat and over 2 kilometers long. A large purple and blue glow emminated from the bottom of it's massive hull. It released a beam of scorching hot plasma. The beam carved into the ground and scorched whatever it touched and everything sorrounding it to molten glass.

She stared in borror as she could see several hundred gems and humans that were fighting the different species she saw earlier. They didn't appear to have gems but the humans certainly did.

But even with the powers of a gem they were cut down in drives by the annihilating beam of plasma.

The entire sorrounding country side was littered with scorched craters and fire. Several human tanks and vehicles lay in pieces and burning. Large sections of them melted away. There were also purple vehicles that lay in not much more than pieces of shrapnel.

A silver jet screamed by her. It's twin engines burning blue. But following behind it were several odd purple craft that fired bolts of plasma at it. The jet tried desperately to share but was cut down by the craft. It's wreck joined it's others in the graveyard.

This wasn't visible much longer as the area for miles was turned to molten glass as the aliens were evacuated.

Then several shots of plasma and a dozen missiles hit the side of the ship. She looked left to see a like green pyramid like vessel. Next to it was an obviously human vessel with gem inspiration. It was shaped like an arrow and made of a dark grey metal. Toward the back it had two large and thick wings that held the engines for the thing. They quickly closed in and unleashed hell on the purple ship. Several shots of plasma raining down and making it's shields glow a brilliant blue.

But they were quickly cut down as 3 dozen large balls of plasma hit them. Causing their golden shields to glow a brilliant gold. This only blocked a few of the balls but the rest simply tore through armor and then through the decks. Both erupting into brilliant explosions as their cores detonated.

She then saw 2 large streaks of blue fly through the sky at incredible speeds before they impacted against the ship. The first collapsed he shields of the ship and the second tore a large hole through the ship. Burning the sorrounding parts of the alien ship before erupting out the other side and cratering against the rapidly drying up ocean.

She looked and saw the streaks of blue erupt out of the front of a massive grey/black ship. It was obviously human as well. The streaks erupting from the 2 barrels on the front. The alien ship tried to fire against it. Another brilliant Lance of plasma flying out from the ship. It struck the large ship. But the 4 kilometer behemoth simply absorbed it with it's golden shields. It then launched hundreds of missiles and streaks of laser, bullets and plasma at the ship.

The purple ship was gutted from the attack. It crashed over a mile and a half to the molten ground. Razing the terrain even further.

She watched as he ship grew closer and slowly started to ascend. On the side of the ship was in bright white letters.UNSC Arcturus.

She watched as it ascended toward the sky and was going to take part in the masisve space battle overhead. She could see the explosion of ships and streaks of weapons from here.

She gladly let that possible future go. At this point she barley even skimmed through the futures. A few were where the diamonds led a fleet of thousands and wiped out the human ships and destroyed the planet and solar system. A few more were of the same outcome like the third vision. She saw everything from Steven in armor that looked like Will's destroying entire amries of the aliens. To Will drenched in gem and alien blood and gem shards. To Amythest swinging a purple floating tank into a group of aliens. Pearl expertly flying a fighter jets and destroying countless gem of aline vehicles. Herself welding her chaingun  and shattering dozens of gems or killing innumerable amounts of aliens. Peridot in a large suit of armor either shooting or crushing spines or gems. Lapis drowning aliens or shatter g gems with dual plasma guns. Bismuth with a strange hammer flattening several aliens. And Connie expertly shooting several aliens or gems with her rifle in a suit of Cyan armor.

Some had the unknown man and gem fighting side by side against hordes of gems or aliens.

And some even had Blue, Yellow and White Diamond fighting aliens with massive suits armor reminiscent of Will's.

But for as many as there were of those there were just as many where everything was alright. Where everyone was happy and together.

She left her mind and returned to the real world. She didn't need to breath but she instinctively found herself breathing heavy after this.

Now. She had no idea what the future could hold. It had a chance to be an apocolyptic battle. Or it had a chance for everyone to end up safe and happy.

She let her back fall to the sand. It had been at least 2 hours inside her mind judging by the sun. But at least one good thing came out of this.

"At least the problems with Pearl and Lapis are tame in comparison to what might happen." She said as she continued to look up to the sky with concern. The skies in her vision rapidly changing from giant rings to hell fire to bright sunny days.

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