Planet 187 (Woosan, Yungi, Se...

By CelestialAvocado

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Humans, after messing up Earth so much most of it had become a scrap heap that bordered on Wall-E level filth... More

Basic outfit plans (humans)
Basic outfut plans (Atinyan)
Team Building
Messing Up
"Valentines" day
"Fake Love"
Past [TW]
Unwanted Reunions
Moving Forward


804 28 14
By CelestialAvocado

In the week it took Yeosang to recover, the boy had become quickly frustrated. His entire life, he'd never had to sit and do... nothing, for days. He felt better! Yet he'd only just been able to get out of bed without Hongjoong nagging him. Seriously, he was like their father. Or... so Yeosang had been led to understand. But when he was finally able to leave the complex, Yeosang immediately found himself at Moonbyul and Solar's house. The squeak of the front door alerted whoever was inside of his presence, and immediately Yeosang spotted Moonbyul poke her head around the corner.

"Yeosang? Come and sit down!" She led him to their hammock/couch, sitting him down and making sure he was comfortable. "What are you doing up? I thought you had to rest."

"I wanted to come thank you, and get some advice maybe..?" Yeosang felt embarrassed to ask for advice, voice still monotonous but eyes darting away from Moonbyul.

"Well, advice is something I am happy to give." Moonbyul gave Yeosang a woven, fluffy blanket, making sure he was comfortable. She'd visited Yeosang every single day with Solar, both bringing food and kind words to make sure Yeosang didn't feel lonely, so he didn't feel too nervous to talk to her about what had been troubling him. "But it seems you might need a cup of, ah... tea first." Moonbyul waited for Yeosang to nod in agreement before walking in the direction of what Yeosang assumed to be the kitchen, returning moments later with a seemingly handmade clay-like mug. "So what did you want to ask about?"

"When I was sick, some things happened and I'm not quite sure what to think about it..." Yeosang tried to sort out his thoughts, remembering how Mingi told him about Seonghwa helping take him to Chungha, and wanting to stay by Yeosang's side before being driven out by NCT because they remembered everything they'd been told about Seonghwa and Yeosang's interactions with one another. "When I passed out, Seonghwa helped me. And he wanted to stay with me. But he hates me. Right? He said horrible things to me and was honestly a nightmare to be around. But now he wants to help me... and I don't get it. I said and did my fair share of regrettable things, but I've never apologised. So why would he be nice to me now? And then he suddenly started waving at me when I walk past. Did something happen I was unaware of..?" Yeosang rambled quietly, shocked when Moonbyul actually heard every word. She seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, a bright smile forming over her face as she thought of her answer.

"I know Seonghwa can be very confusing at times, trust me I know. But he's never been one to let people know what he's thinking, not usually. But don't become stressed with his behaviour. It's not as though he's trying to lure you into a false sense of security or something. He's just... not good at this kind of thing. So just go with it?" Moonbyul suggested, a smile forming over her lips as Yeosang nodded in understanding. The tea tasted almost like lollipops, and while it was strange Yeosang found himself having another sip.

"I just don't know what bought this on..."

"Honey," Moonbyul gently ruffled Yeosang's hair, an action so kind Yeosang actually didn't flinch away for once, "seeing someone almost die in front of you, it's going to make you see certain things differently." Moonbyul spoke softly, a small smile forming over her lips. Yeosang realised then that she was right, and that he was probably overthinking things. Over the few weeks that the humans had landed on planet 187, the relationships the previous team destroyed had begun to slowly repair, with Hyungwon knowing many Atiny from his childhood that remembered not all humans were bad. Yet still many were weary of Yeosang, not that he blamed them. He didn't exactly give the best first impression, and he wanted to try fix what he'd messed up.

"You're right..." Yeosang felt his eyebrows pull together, an act that made Moonbyul smile. The two sat in comfortable silence after that, the tea soothing the slight pain in Yeosang's throat with every sip he took.

"Hey," Moonbyul finally broke the silence "can I teach you how to make Atiny food? If you don't want to you don't have to..."

"I'd love to." Yeosang offered a small smile, finishing his tea and following Moonbyul to the kitchen. "Wait, do you know anyone who doesn't have magic, or only has a little?" Yeosang asked as he held the ingredients Moonbyul gave him. Her hand froze, only for a moment, before she grabbed another ingredient and closed the cupboard.

"Yeah, but only a few. Seonghwa is one of them. And a few other Atiny." Moonbyul said, a little laugh leaving her lips at Yeosang's expression. Obviously he'd been right, Seonghwa was definitely acting differently. But spending time energy and magic to help Yeosang!? He was shocked. More than shocked.

"So what did you want me to do?" Yeosang decided to try distract himself with attempting to cook. Moonbyul's expression brightened, eyes shining as she gently handed him a knife, also giving him a strange neon orange fruit.

Moonbyul began cutting one of her own, directing Yeosang to do the same, "Make sure its diced very small, got it?" They continued like this for a while, chatting every once in a while and Moonbyul giving random instructions when needed.

"What exactly are we making?" Yeosang asked quietly, uncertain. Moonbyul glanced at him for a moment, her bright eyes thoughtful before she lightly shook her head, silver hair bouncing from side to side.

"Why are you so nervous to speak? Just say what's on your mind. And we are making a dessert called inchinria, one that's rather popular among Atiny. Soon we make a dough, and mix ingredients." Moonbyul placed all the fruits they'd cut up into half of a large hollowed out husk, like that of a coconut but twice the size and purple. Then she gathered a few handfuls of these beautiful grey and pink flowers and dumped them on the bench, then handing Yeosang a smaller husk. "If you go to the bottom of the tree, there will be a spring of sap at the bottom. Would you please get me some?" Yeosang nodded, taking the husk and rushing outside.

In truth, Yeosang had never cooked before, and he'd never understood how it could be fun. But he was genuinely excited to see all his work amount to something. So Yeosang slid down the rail of the stairs to the forest floor, after of course checking that no one could see him. Feeling that he was alone, Yeosang let out a small laugh before he ran to the base of the tree. The roots created a small cave-like crevice, a mesmerising glittery liquid found within. Yeosang was part way through filling the husk when he heard someone speak behind him.

"Uh... hello..." The sudden sound startled Yeosang, to the point where his foot slipped and he almost fell in. But a hand gripped his shirt, pulling him back and causing his butt to hit the grass. "I didn't mean to startle you." The person chuckled, Yeosang turning to spot Seonghwa.

"What are you doing here!?" Yeosang hastily stood and brushed himself of dirt. Seonghwa was still laughing lightly, but raised an eyebrow when he saw what Yeosang was wearing. It was a pair of jeans he owned and another one of Mingi's jumpers, a pale green one with flowers decorating the sleeves and centre. Chungha said he had to wear these kinds of clothes for another few days, because they were warm in comparison to his normal outfit.

"This is my house. What are you doing here?" Seonghwa smirked arrogantly, causing frustration to bubble within Yeosang's chest.

"None of your damn business." He snapped, hiding his internal shame at how Seonghwa had not only seen him nearly fall into the little spring of glittery tree sap but also seen him in this embarassing attire with outward aggression. Yet Yeosang turned around too fast to see Seonghwa's reaction.

He didn't see the frustration and hurt in Seonghwa's eyes.

Yeosang, having finally filled the husk, stood and glared at Seonghwa for a moment. His eyes narrowed one final time before Yeosang sauntered off, thinking Seonghwa would just leave. Yet he still felt Seonghwa's lingering gaze and heard the pattering footfalls as Seonghwa followed him up the stairs. So Yeosang opted to ignore him, not yet knowing how to react to Seonghwa and expecting the other to give up and leave him alone eventually.

Then Yeosang was faced with a problem...

He couldn't open the door without spilling the sap...

So Yeosang racked his brain, trying to come up with a solution to the problem. He was not going to ask Seonghwa for help, he wouldn't let his pride get damaged for a second time, nor would he allow himself to be seen as weak. He could yell for Moonbyul, but then again he'd face the same problem... so he'd just have to balance the husk with one hand and open the door with the other. Just as he began to try shifting the weight of the sap, Seonghwa sighed and opened the door for Yeosang, causing him to glare harshly at Seonghwa and storm into the kitchen. Moonbyul, having crushed all the flowers into a fine powder shaped like a volcano with the crater in the middle, glanced up when she saw Yeosang, seemingly shocked at how angered he appeared. Yet when she saw her son, an arrogant grin settled on his lips, she understood.

"Yeosang, could you knead the dough for me?" Moonbyul asked, her hands scooping up some of the sap and pouring it carefully into the crater, casting a glance at Yeosang. The boy grumbled, still doing as instructed while Seonghwa sauntered over to the windowsill, sitting down and pretending to be disinterested.

Yet Yeosang saw Seonghwa's eyes flick to him and Moonbyul every few seconds.

Yeosang kneaded (abused) the dough. It was strangely calming, and Yeosang settled into a rhythm as Moonbyul mixed all the fruits they'd cut up earlier. "Ok ok you can stop now. I said knead it not murder it. Now, I want you to take a small amount, just enough to fill your palm, and flatten it out." Moonbyul demonstrated what she meant, watching to make sure Yeosang got it right when he did the same. "Now put some of the fruit into it, then bundle the corners and twist the top." Moonbyul's dessert looked like a greyish pink shimmery dumpling, looking rather easy to make. Yet Yeosang tried it, and accidentally twisted it too much so it looked sort of like a dilapidated screw. While Yeosang obviously couldn't see it, he felt the heat rush to his cheeks to indicate his blush.

"Yeosang that's so good for a first try! Good job!" Moonbyul spoke earnestly, gently taking the food from Yeosang's hand and placed it beside her own on the bench. Yeosang honestly couldn't tell if she was lying or not, so he continued to make the dessert at his own pace, even beginning to forget the bastard on the windowsill in favour of calmly smoothing out more dough in his palm. The smallest, most miniscule of smiles tugged at Yeosang's lips, the most he usually offered throughout his life. Normally no one would notice this, seeing as it was only slightly different from his usual expression, so he didn't try to force it away.

Instead he simply focussed on making each inchinria better than the last. Because he was determined to make at least one that looked like Moonbyul's flawless little desserts. Yet even as the mixture began to dwindle and more and more were made, Yeosang still had yet to make one that looked even slightly as good as Moonbyul's.

"Sweetheart, yours is so good! I remember when Seonghwa first tried to make these..." a little giggle left her lips as Seonghwa's head snapped up and his eyes narrowed, "he flattened them so much that they fell apart when we tried to cook them." The look Seonghwa sent his mother, one of shock, horror and embarrassment, made the woman finally break, launching into a fit of giggles so severe she almost fell over, one wrong step from taking Yeosang with her. Yet her little outburst caused Yeosang to once again smile, struggling to fight back laughter that caused his shoulders to shake.


Seonghwa stared outside, his gaze falling on the shifting tree leaves as he thought over his interaction with Yeosang. He couldn't, no matter how hard he tried, pinpoint why exactly Yeosang was so angry at him. Maybe he'd said something wrong? Seonghwa glanced back to Yeosang once more, who was carefully trying to replicate one of his mother's desserts. A crease had formed between his brows, and his eyes squinted in concentration. Without knowing Yeosang, none would be able to tell how skilled he is in the art of combat, not with the way he slouched over, nor the way he pouted slightly without realising.

Then Seonghwa couldn't seem to be able to look away.

He'd only just taken notice of the way Yeosang's pout had melted away, only to be replaced with a smile. Seonghwa had only barely noticed, yet he was so glad he did. Even the slightest upturn of his lips made Yeosang seem infinitely less standoffish, instead making him seem more natural. Yet Seonghwa knew somehow that if Yeosang were to notice his gaze, that smile would fade away. So he tore his gaze away, again looking outside to spot his cousin with one of the humans.

Changkyun had a scowl set over his brow, eyes narrowed as the human pouted at him.

The human had deep dimples, even more so than San, and seemingly sparkling eyes. If Seonghwa remembered correctly, it was one of Hyungwon's teammates... Jooheon? Now that Seonghwa thought about it, the human had followed Changkyun around quite a bit lately. So maybe they were friends?

But Changkyun was rather scared of humans, as he had been for years.

So maybe the Jooheon just wanted to be his friend?

Seonghwa was snapped out of his thoughts when Moonbyul said his name, Seonghwa's gaze darting up when he realised his mother was embarrassing him. He almost wanted to jump out the window, but again Yeosang's change in mood captured his attention.

The boy had a hand clamped firmly over his mouth, eyes crinkled and shoulders shaking. His laughter was almost silent, nothing more than small gasps for breath, yet Seonghwa felt his blood freeze.

Somehow, with the way Yeosang acted and the way he responded to situations, Seonghwa had a habit of forgetting that Yeosang was a person, and actually felt emotions other than anger. This caused Yeosang to shock Seonghwa with every smile, every laugh and every small joke he said. Because Seonghwa felt that he learned more and more about him each day.

Just as he had earlier, when Seonghwa was headed home and saw Yeosang glance around nervously, before sliding down the rail of the stairs with a giggle. The way he stumbled slightly as he ran towards the sap spring, another laugh reverberating through the air. Seonghwa stayed hidden, knowing that Yeosang's mood would turn sour if he knew what Seonghwa had seen.

Yet Seonghwa couldn't seem to forget it, pondering still as Moonbyul took the husk full of sap and used magic to heat it. Seonghwa's own magic stores were still rather depleted, making that soup for Yeosang taking almost every bit of magic his body had. But Mingi said Yeosang was thankful, and it did make him feel better, so Seonghwa felt like it was worth it.

"Seonghwa, would you like to try one?" Moonbyul asked, holding one of the deserts out to her son. Seonghwa could tell Yeosang had made it, through the shape and appearance.

Also the fact Yeosang refused to look at him was a huge giveaway.

So Seonghwa smiled, nodded, and walked over to his mother. These were also his favourite dessert, so he'd never say no anyway.

"Definitely. But shouldn't Yeosang have one first?"

The smaller stood there, eyes wide, as Moonbyul agreed with Seonghwa, placing one of the sweets into Yeosang's palm. The boy stood there a moment, eyes full of weariness, before he looked to Moonbyul. "Could you please eat one first..?" He muttered, cheeks flaring as Moonbyul smiled warmly and did as he asked, causing him to follow.

The look in Yeosang's eyes was priceless.

First there was complete shock, which slowly melted into that of appreciation and joy, though he didn't outwardly show this. Again, Seonghwa was begining to learn small things about the way Yeosang acted, like that the only way to see how he really felt was through his eyes. The rest of their day consisted of all three of them eating the sweets, and Seonghwa trying to get to know Yeosang as much as he could.


Mingi often loved new experiences. They gave him new perspectives on life and made him see things differently. But some things Mingi wished he never had to experience...

Like spending the morning third wheeling a couple that isn't even a couple yet.

Apparently Yunho had some family thing, so Mingi was forced to spend the day with Wooyoung and San. And he found it fun... in the beginning. But now he was just standing there awkwardly while Wooyoung and San flirted-but-also-not, as they had been for a solid half hour.

Then somehow, against all odds, it got worse.

"Oh wow, you're so handsome." The Atiny woman squished Wooyoung's arm to her boobs, causing him to smirk at her and whisper something into her ear. Meanwhile, Mingi and San sat on the other side of the glade they had been seated in for the past half hour, a place Atiny usually gathered.

"Mingi, how do you un-like someone?" San spoke quietly, eyes filled with more sadness than jealousy at this point. He seemed almost defeated, and Mingi felt terrible for him.

"Well I don't know actually." He shrugged, causing San to grow confused. "I've only liked two people before, and that was years ago. I fell in love once, but we decided to just part ways." Mingi explained, thinking back on his life.

"Why did you stop liking both of them?" San asked, focused now on Mingi rather than Wooyoung's flirting.

"Well the first boy turned out to be homophobic, so he really lost the appeal after that. And the other boy... we dated for around a year. We really thought we'd last ya know, but it really just wasn't meant to be. We worked as friends, but not as anything else. So eventually we both decided it was best to go back to being friends." Mingi explained, feeling shocked when San rested his head on Mingi's shoulder.

"It's already been almost a month, yet my feelings haven't gone away." San sighed, clearly confused at this point. "Usually if someone isn't interested, and I know they aren't, my feelings will go away. But with Wooyoung, they just keep getting bigger and stronger whenever he does things like this. And I don't know... I kind of like it , knowing I'm capable of more than just crushes... but it also scares me." San turned to face Mingi's shoulder to avoid the scene of Wooyoung kissing the woman. Realising San should not have to see this, especially with how he feels, Mingi threaded his hands beneath San's legs and under his shoulders, carrying him as carefully as he could. Mingi, without missing the look of shock and jealousy in Wooyoung's eyes, walked off with San. They didn't go far, maybe only a few minutes away from Wooyoung, but it was enough that the trees blocked the pair from sight.

"San feeling the way you do is normal. And I'm so sorry Wooyoung is such a dickhead sometimes. But he genuinely cares about you, I know it. The way he looks at you, I've never seen him like that before. And I've known him for years. He might not know how to show how he feels, and he always seems to try to bury it, but maybe he just needs time. I'm not saying you have to wait for him either, you don't deserve that, but maybe don't give up just yet. Things will work out for the best, I know it." Mingi pulled San into a hug, barely surprised when he felt San's tears soak his jumper sleeve. The worst thing about this whole mess was that Mingi had to have been there for San to comfort him like this in these situations caused by Wooyoung before. It had been close to a month since the humans landed on Planet 187, yet Wooyoung had already flirted with almost every Atiny woman he came across, much to San's dismay. If Mingi didn't know Wooyoung better, he too would think that San's feelings were completely one sided.

But the look Mingi had been given as he walked away with San proved his previous point.

So what was holding Wooyoung back?

Mingi thought this over as he gently comforted San, holding him like a mother would a child. Mingi found that was the best way to comfort people, unless they were Yeosang. While Mingi had never needed to comfort Yeosang, he could pretty easily assume it would take someone really special to hug that boy into calm on their own. While he was hugging San, Wooyoung rounded the large tree beside them, eyes widening for a moment before his gaze hardened.

"Dada wanted me back at base, don't stay out too long." The bitterness in Wooyoung's voice was hilarious to Mingi, especially when he only saw San as a friend. Yet Mingi found it funny to give Wooyoung a bit of a taste of his own medicine, and waved him off while hugging San more. A scoff left Wooyoung's lips as he stormed off, sending one final glare to Mingi as he went.

He deserved it, for making San cry.

He'd also get over it in no time.

"Mingi!?" A voice yelled, one Mingi recognised easily. A thump sounded beside San and Mingi, leaves rustling followed. "Is he ok?"

"Yeah," Mingi looked up to Yunho, who had noticed San's quiet sobs, "just Wooyoung again. What are you doing here?" Mingi was of course referring to the family thing Yunho had. The boy just waved his hand, indicating they'd talk later, and gently rubbed San's back, comforting him with a soft lullaby in Atiny, one that Mingi could have listened to forever. Eventually, the boy stopped crying, now wiping his cheeks of stray tears.

"Thank you for comforting me..." San seemed embarrassed, "I'm gonna go home now." He shakily stood up, clearly drained from the tears he'd just shed.

"Hey no. We're taking you home." Mingi revised, slinging an arm over San's shoulders while Yunho held his cousin's hand. The three of them made their way through the village, earning confused stares as they passed. Yunho explained why he came back early, Lisa wanted to talk to Wheein and wanted to be alone, and asked about Mingi and San's day. To which Mingi sighed and glared at Yunho while San's eyes again filled with tears, Wooyoung's actions from earlier clearly playing out in his mind. By the time they reached the house, it was nearly time for Mingi to go home to switch with Wooyoung to care for Jongho.

"Well, I'll see you guys later." San waved at Mingi and Yunho, entering his house and closing the door quietly.

"I've gotta go home now..." Mingi sighed, wishing to spend more time with Yunho.

"Can I walk you then?" Yunho asked, holding Mingi's hand with a smile as they walked beck to the compound, engaged in a calm yet happy conversation as they went.


Wooyoung was confused.

In fact he was beyond confused.

His brain said flirt with any Atiny woman who seems interested in him.

His heart still was caught up on the scene of Mingi hugging San like that.

Wooyoung wasn't dumb, he knew Mingi didn't feel that way about San. Yet still his heart clenched uncomfortably at the thoughts of what he saw. He wanted to be the one hugging San, and he refused to think about why. When he had made his way home, Hongjoong looked almost shocked to see him.

"I'm here to take care of Jongho for my few hours." Wooyoung forced a grin to his lips, one that became more real when Hongjoong handed him the baby. Jongho giggled, grabbing the necklace hanging from Wooyoung's neck for a moment, before instead grabbing at strands of Wooyoung's hair in his tiny fists. It had been decided that Yeosang couldn't take care of Jongho for his few hours til he was completely better, which he nearly was. So that meant the time spent caring for Jongho was divided between just Hongjoong, Mingi and Wooyoung. Mingi was due back to care for Jongho in a few hours, so Wooyoung just had to keep him alive until then.

"Honestly, I didn't really think you'd show up..." Hongjoong muttered guiltily, getting ready to head out. He and Yuii were going to a diplomatic meeting that day, and Hongjoong had been excited since she'd offered for him to go with her. Hongjoong had realised that the humans needed someone, or some people, to represent them diplomatically. So he'd been studying the different tribes, making sure he knew the customs. He'd convinced Taeyong, Irene, Momo, Jackson, Doyoung, Kihyun and surprisingly Chungha to go with him to the different Atiny villages. Hongjoong had even gone with every single person to the Atiny tailors to make sure they all dressed correctly.

"Why would I ditch this one?" Wooyoung ruffled Hongjoong's hair, "I know this one means a lot to you." It was the first time Hongjoong was actually attending a diplomatic Atiny meeting, one with the Leechaiyapornkul clan. Apparently their leader was kind and free spirited, so Hongjoong wasn't too worried about them stuffing up.

"I'm just... what if we mess it up? Sure Chittaphon is said to be kind, but what if we really mess it up." Hongjoong's eyebrows were pulled together, forehead creased, as he grew more and more concerned. So maybe Wooyoung was wrong about Hongjoong being calm and collected. So Wooyoung chuckled, again ruffling Hongjoong's hair reassuringly.

"Hey, you've been our leader for a while now. What could be harder than that?" Wooyoung winced as Jongho tugged harshly at his hair, both his words and Jongho's actions making Hongjoong laugh.

"That's true, I don't think anything could be more difficult than dealing with your crap all day." Hongjoong smiled, adjusting the Atiny silk over his arms, a maroon colour that made his hair seem somehow brighter. After waving goodbye, Wooyoung laughed as Hongjoong sprinted down the hall while hastily slinging his bad over his shoulder.

"Now, what do I do with you...?" Wooyoung held up Jongho, who was still tugging at his hair slightly, though it was less painful. Jongho didn't respond, something Wooyoung wasn't surprised about, and instead tugged at Wooyoung's hair again. While they'd been caring for Jongho, Ateez had been buying baby clothes, toys and other miscellaneous baby items as much as they could, all hiding it wherever they can. So Wooyoung carefully placed Jongho on the bed, after detangling his tiny hands from Wooyoung's hair, and grabbed a small baby toy. It was a hollowed put sphere with beads on the inside. It was essentially a baby rattle, but again it glowed. Wooyoung now realised that most things on this planet glowed. So it was just his immediate assumption. Before long, Wooyoung was quietly reading a children's book Yuii had given them from the old human supplies and Jongho was rattling the toy and slowly annoying Wooyoung more and more.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it..?" Wooyoung carefully took the toy from Jongho, both trying not to make him cry and not rattle the beads.

"Captain Jung."


Wooyoung, for lack of any better ideas, hurriedly put Jongho in the cupboard, on top of Mingi's hoodies, and shoved all the baby stuff under the bed. He could hear his father's foot tapping outside of the room, a feeling of dread settling into Wooyoung's heart as he took a deep breath.

"Hey dad, what'd you need." Wooyoung forced a smile as the door opened. Yet his father's expression still held no emotion. He pushed passed Wooyoung with his usual air of self-imposed importance and sat on their couch. And Wooyoung stood, hands clasped behind him and back straight, knowing he'd get lectured about respect if he did any different.

"I'm your Captain, and I expect to be addressed as such." His dad spoke with no emotion, which was a recurring theme for him. And while Yeosang was usually emotionless when he spoke, it wasn't completely emotionless. And he was rather endearing, in his own confused way. However Wooyoung's father was not. "And I'm here to discuss some... issues." A knot formed in Wooyoung's stomach.

"What issues sir?" Wooyoung fought to keep the stutter from his voice, knowing that would make his situation even worse.

"About you and one of the Atiny." Wooyoung tried to think about what he might have done, the urge to fiddle with the necklace San gave him ebbing at his mind. Wooyoung had worn the necklace every day, now feeling uncomfortable without the familiar weight at his neck.

"What have you heard, sir?" Wooyoung asked, the unease building within his body increasing with every breath.

"That you have been awfully close with one of the Atiny men. Choi San, I believe his name was." The Captain had a certain air of threat held within his stance now, found in the set of his shoulders and the crease of his brow. And with those words every ounce of warmth drained from Wooyoung's body. He thought he was doing well, being friends with San. But he'd messed up again.

"I have only befriended him sir, nothing more." Wooyoung held his head high, speaking only the truth as his heart felt like it was giving out.

"And it had better remain that way. You know what you have to be Wooyoung, do not get distracted. Or better yet, just stay away from him. That's an order." The Captain stood, dusted off his clothing, and walked passed Wooyoung as though they were really nothing more than a Captain and a crewman. His father had never treated Wooyoung as he had Wooyoung's sister. Because she was a perfect child, and Wooyoung was defective. As soon as the door shut, Wooyoung hastily opened the cupboard, scooping Jongho into his arms and bouncing him.

A tear dripped down Wooyoung's cheek.

And he looked at Jongho, who was so innocent and untouched by the universe's cruelty, and decided he would make sure Jongho was raised better than he was. Because he deserved better than what Wooyoung, Mingi and Yeosang had been through. Not so much Hongjoong, he always talks about how much he loves his family and how good his parents were. But Mingi and Wooyoung often vaguely talked about their shitty fathers. And Yeosang shut down whenever he was asked about his parents. But Jongho would be raised better than they had been.

"Hey kiddo, wanna go to sleep?" Wooyoung gently asked as Jongho's little eyes fluttered tiredly. So Wooyoung sat on the couch, rocking Jongho back and forth and singing til the baby fell asleep. Tears had continued to pour down Wooyoung's cheeks, and now they had become so much worse.

He really didn't belong.

In this world, or any world for that matter.

As his dad had reiterated so many times...

Wooyoung was a freak.


Hongjoong did another quick head count, glad to find that everyone was there. The little group he'd put together was completely ready to head out on their first political expedition and were just waiting on Yuii's arrival so they could head off. Jackson was bidding goodbye to his boyfriend, Mark Tuan, while Irene and Momo spoke with all the girls, excited to meet new Atiny. And the others were checking the equipment, making sure their clothes still looked neat and tidy. This was a huge task, and Hongjoong trusted the people he was working with.

He wished he could be working with Ateez, but he hadn't been given permission from the Captain. Apparently the old bastard wanted to try and keep Wooyoung away from Atiny for a while due to "minor concerns", as well as his previous restrictions. And Mingi and Yeosang were forbidden from attending due to their own issues, Yeosang with his near stabbing of Seonghwa and Mingi with the various pranks he'd pulled on the whole crew with the help on Yunho's magic.

Hongjoong would never be able to forget the time he went to his cupboard to find that every item of clothing he owned had been replaced with a caveman style loincloth.

"Everyone ready to go?" Yuii finally arrived, her hair braided and styled intricately with feathers and beads and drawing in the attention of Momo and Irene. Chungha didn't seem to care as much, too busy making sure Jackson could leave without kissing Mark another hundred times. Once they'd all gathered and Hongjoong quickly told them what they should and shouldn't do, they all started their journey. Chungha started walking closer to Hongjoong, checking no one could hear her before whispering to Hongjoong.

"Do you know about Yeosang yet?" She asked, causing Hongjoong to shake his head. "I think the Captain was going to talk to one of your team though, but I didn't know who, so I sort of assumed it'd be him."

"No, he talked to Wooyoung about something, or he said he would..." then realisation hit. Wooyoung had the baby, and the Captain was going to see him.


Well, for now Hongjoong could only wait and hope for the best. Apparently the trip to the Leechaiyapornchul village would only take about 15 minutes, being a lot closer than the Ahn village. Honestly it was a wonder they hadn't found the Leechaiyapornchul village first. But shit happens.

"I wonder what he's going to talk about..?" Chungha muttered, causing Hongjoong to shrug.

"Probably family stuff, the Captain is Woo's dad after all." Chungha nodded her agreement, glancing up and walking ahead leaving the space beside Hongjoong empty. One which Yuii quickly filled.

"Who are these humans?" She asked, glancing around wearily. Though Hongjoong had no clue what she'd be nervous about. Irene, Momo and Chungha were chatting about Atiny fashion and Doyoung, Taeyong and Kihyun we're silently judging while Jackson quietly sang to himself about blind mice, looking like they belonged in an anti-bullying commercial.

"Just some other humans, don't worry about them." Hongjoong explained, then proceeding to say everyone's names while pointing them out.

"What about your team?" Yuii asked, her eyebrow quirked. Hongjoong sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

"The Captain, our leader, said I can't work with them on this. Especially Wooyoung."

"Why." Yuii tilted her head in confusion.

"Think back, have Ateez ever worked with a female team?" Yuii frowned, before shaking her head. "It's because Wooyoung has slept with most of the women, so it's awkward. And seeing as we needed a range of people for this mission, he wouldn't be allowed." Hongjoong explained. She nodded slowly, understanding, while again glancing around. Her vibrant hair swayed in the breeze, her honeyed skin being gently brushed by the transparent silk of her clothes. Hongjoong was glad to consider her a friend, and couldn't deny she was pretty. The silence that stretched between them was comfortable, but filled with the static of unsaid words.

Eventually, Yuii spoke up. "How is the Manoban child you stole?" She asked, her bright eyes focussing on Hongjoong.

"Jongho? He's doing well. He seems pretty smart, and he's already established that Yeosang is his favourite person, even though Yeosang never knows what to do with him. Wooyoung wants to be Jongho's favourite, but again that title belongs to Yeosang. We are still pretty hopeless at raising a child, but I think Jongho will be ok. We all care for him, and I think that's all that matters." Hongjoong explained, Yuii smiling at him and nodding her agreement.

After a few more minutes had passed, they finally reached the Leechaiyapornchul village. Their guards had on metal armour, a stark contrast to that of the Ahn people. And the village people themselves looked almost more sophisticated. Their homes were log cabins, and their clothes were tunics and pants. Hongjoong's face must have been clouded in confusion, causing Yuii to chuckle.

"The Leechaiyapornchul village focuses more on... ingenuity. The Manoban focus more on strength. The Bang village focuses more on the land they live on. Whereas the Ahn village incorporates all of the above. The planet decided that the Ahn family would be in power through the magic my mother holds. If my planet sees the Chief of our clan to be unworthy, it will take that magic away and give it to another." She explained quietly, trying to make it simple so Hongjoong completely understood. As their little group was led through the village, Hongjoong tried to take in as much as possible. Still no glass resided in the windows, but each had a frame of metal that created intricate patterns and made visible the lights within. Their ground had paths and their homes were built from the land, rather than of the land. They passed a group of log-cutters, all eyes training on them as they passed. Yuii bowed her head slightly, making sure she had a protective grip on Hongjoong's arm, and continued to walk. She and Hongjoong had found their way to the front, so Yuii could talk and Hongjoong could make sure the group didn't get lost or separated. They eventually neared a building, taller than the rest and far more lavish looking. The wood was intricately carved with depictions of people, animals and culture. Hongjoong looked to everyone and took a deep breath.

"Everyone..." Hongjoong tried to force his voice to become more loud, a sense of awkwardness overcoming his whole body. "We need to make sure we're all polite, civil, and that we don't offend anyone. I know Chittaphon's said to be one of the more relaxed Chiefs, but it's very important we go about this correctly. Ok?" Everyone agreed with him, and Hongjoong gave an awkward thumbs up and turned to Yuii.

The large wooden door creaked open, the nerves building throughout Hongjoong's body.

The interior consisted of one main room, with a collection of small rooms branching off. A huge wooden carved throne sat atop a small pedestal one that was currently empty. One of the guards whispered something to Yuii, offering a bow and walking away.

"He says that Chittaphon is currently trying to undermine a marriage agreement, so he'll be with us shortly." Hongjoong must have looked insanely confused, causing Yuii to laugh. "He was placed into an arranged marriage when he was young, but has always wanted to instead marry for love. He's had to wait til he's become Chief, which only happened just before you arrived on this planet, before he could even start undoing the damage. Now apparently he's almost free of the agreement, which is more important in both his and my mother's view." Hongjoong let out a small 'oh' while his brain comprehended her words. He could safely say he agreed with everyone else, Chittaphon's freedom was currently more important. As he was about to voice his opinion one of the doors to a side room opened, an Atiny woman bursting out with tears pouring down her cheeks. Yuii frowned, but it quickly faded when she saw Chittaphon, his bright smile blinding everyone in the room as he glanced around. He had bright forest green eyes and matching patterns decorating his visible skin. His attire consisted of a loose grey silk tank top and leather pants. His startling eyes scanned over everyone, and Hongjoong couldn't help but admit the man was insanely attractive. And apparently Taeyong thought the same thing, with the way his eyes had yet to leave Chittaphon's and his cheeks flared red when Chittaphon smiled brighter.

"Yuii I am finally free!" Chittaphon exclaimed, his voice flowing through the air like smooth silk as he tackled Yuii into a hug. His arms tightened as he lifted her from the floor and spun around while giggling.

"And I am very happy for you my friend. But remember we have work to do." Yuii chuckled awkwardly, gently pushing Chittaphon away.  The smile on his face brightened as he came over to Hongjoong and his group. Hongjoong startled when Chittaphon grabbed his right hand and kissed his knuckles, doing the same to the others. It was a tradition of this village, so Hongjoong thought nothing of it and simply bowed. The others all did the same, again having done their research like Hongjoong. Yet Chittaphon raised Taeyong's left knuckle to his lips, planting a soft kiss and grinning. Hongjoong made a mental note to ask Yuii about it later.

"My name's Chittaphon Leechaiyapornchul, yet the humans called me Ten when last they came here. What are your names?" Chittaphon, or Ten, asked, each human going around to introduce themselves.

The meeting commenced, and thankfully no complications occurred. Yet Ten quietly asked Taeyong to stay back for a moment once it was over, something that shocked all of them but Hongjoong. Seriously, since arriving on this planet Hongjoong's life had become a clusterfuck of people being gay and not knowing what to do about it. He'd seen the way Wooyoung and San both tried to hide and avoid their feelings. He'd seen how the look in Mingi's eyes had been slowly changing the more time he'd spent with Yunho. And, most shocking, he saw the way Seonghwa looked at Yeosang, like a puzzle he had yet to figure out, when he thought no one was paying attention, one he would hastily switch to a glare to try and mask his changing opinions when he saw someone else look at him. So when Ten had purposefully sat on the floor rather than the huge throne with the rest of them so he could sit beside Taeyong, and glanced at him for most of the meeting, and brushed his hand whenever possible, it was impossible not to notice how interested Ten was. At this point Hongjoong should just be a relationship guru.

"What'd he want you for?" Doyoung asked when Taeyong came back, a deep blush coating his cheeks.

"Uh, he gave me a necklace..." Taeyong muttered, his hand cupping the bright green gemstone. Hongjoong had a strange sense of Déjà Vu, yet couldn't place where it was from.

"An Atiny will give a necklace to someone they have a potential romantic interest for." Yuii explained, giving Hongjoong a look like she knew what he was trying to figure out. "Like, say, after they save them from a rogue animal attack..."

Oh wait...

San gave Wooyoung a necklace within a few hours of knowing him.

Well, Hongjoong couldn't say he was at all surprised.

Taeyong smiled down at the pendant as they all made their way home.


Wooyoung had successfully stopped crying by the time Mingi came in. Yet the other obviously noticed the red puffiness around his eyes with the way he gasped and rushed over to Wooyoung. Yeosang was also there, clearly sensing something was wrong immediately.

"Shit Wooyoung what happened?" Mingi fussed, gently holding Wooyoung. Jongho, who had been sleeping soundly, opened his eyes blearily and seemed as though he were about to cry before Wooyoung gently shushed and rocked him.

"My dad came to talk to me. He wants me to stay away from San. I just... I don't wanna lose San." Wooyoung tried to fight back tears as he allowed Mingi to rock him too, feeling comforted by the steadying movement. "I just want to be free of him."

"And you will be Wooyoung. I know it. And even if he is your dad, and our boss, you don't have to stop seeing San because of what he wants." Mingi assured, causing Wooyoung to feel warmth spread through his body. Is this what it felt like to be cared for?

"I-if he hurts you again I'll defend you." Yeosang muttered, looking nervous yet truthful.

"I'll be fine I promise. Now, how about we have that knife fighting lesson?"Wooyoung hastily changed the subject, making sure Mingi was ready before transferring Jongho to his arms and getting up. He grabbed some new clothes and went to get changed.

As Wooyoung and Yeosang trained, Wooyoung came to the conclusion that for his training sessions he should ditch the club clothes and instead wear clothes similar to what he was currently in, a pair of stretchy jeans and a tight shirt. Yeosang was trying to help Wooyoung to commit certain offensive moves to muscle memory, seeing as he couldn't really spar with him while his body was still healing.

"Wooyoung you need to stop fearing the knife..." Yeosang instructed, taking the weapon from Wooyoung, who huffed in annoyance. He was really trying.

"I just don't wanna accidentally stab myself." A worry Wooyoung thought was pretty normal.

"Then stop." Wooyoung raised a brow at Yeosang, who sighed and thought over what to say. "Do you fear that you will punch yourself in the face, or kick you own shin?"

"Of course not! That's so dumb!"

"Exactly. View your knife not as a tool but as a part of yourself. A weapon is an extension, not a separate object. You have to view any weapon you use as part of yourself, rather than a threat. If you don't punch yourself, then why would you stab yourself? You are in control, not the weapon." Yeosang gave the knife back to Wooyoung, who thought over his words before nodding.

"Ok, let's try again."

Wooyoung panted and collapsed to the ground, having trained for another two hours. He also had to work on endurance, so he was exhausted after the run Yeosang just made him do.

"So, let's chat." Wooyoung pulled Yeosang, who was carefully inspecting his dagger for damage, to the ground with him. And, while Yeosang tensed, he didn't back away, which was progress. "I know next to nothing about you."

"What is there to know." Yeosang's voice gave away no emotion, but his eyebrows slowly furrowed.

"Well, I know you're not comfortable with talking about your past, or much else really. How about love life? You would definitely have one with looks like that!"

"I don't have a love life, or looks." Yeosang said while his eyes focused on the ground. Wooyoung spluttered on air for a moment, staring incredulously at his team mate. How could he not see he was handsome!? With his curly brown hair, golden highlights and soft yet refined features, what wasn't there to find attractive. Even with his light pink birthmark spanning over his cheek and eyelid, he still looked handsome.

"What are you on about!? You're super handsome!" Wooyoung defended, trying to catch Yeosang's gaze.

Yeosang just scoffed and rolled his eyes, "I'm really not. I'm covered in these ugly scars, not to mention the ugly red patch on my face." Yeosang poked his birthmark and sighed. "And on top of that, I have no experience with people in general, let alone dating."

"Well, how about we make a deal. You keep teaching me to fight, and I help you with dating and self confidence?" Wooyoung grinned widely, again making Yeosang roll his eyes before eventually nodding in agreement. "How about we start now?"

Wooyoung spent the rest of the afternoon explaining relationships and how they work.


Ateez were getting ready for dinner when Hongjoong arrived back, looking rather tired but overjoyed at the same time. Yeosang had bought back a bunch of the desserts he'd made earlier and couldn't wait to see everyone's reactions. While he hadn't known what this feeling was earlier, he now identified it as excitement.

"So I take it the meeting went well?" Wooyoung asked, pouring the soup Moonbyul had given them into bowls. She'd sent San with Yeosang to carry the stuff home, yet Mingi had carried it all to the room because San refused to come inside, so Yeosang had a feeling Wooyoung messed up again. Hongjoong nodded, not bothering to get changed and slumping onto a chair with a sigh. Wooyoung bought the food to the table, and they all began to eat. Hongjoong told everyone about his day as he ate, also feeding Jongho who was held in one of his arms. Mingi cracked random jokes that made Wooyoung laugh in an extremely high pitch that somehow wasn't as annoying as it would be if it were anyone but him. Even Jongho would occasionally giggle, not knowing what was going on but still being content. And Yeosang sat there, this feeling of warmth and comfort settled into his soul, knowing that this was his place in the world. This is where he felt safe. And even if this didn't last, even if they were lying and would actually stab him in the back, Yeosang couldn't find the effort to care.

"Uh guys?" He spoke quietly, a feeling of nervousness filling his tummy with storming seas. "I made desserts today. Do you want to... try them..?" Yeosang didn't know if he'd messed up or not, but the others all smiled and nodded, causing Yeosang to go retrieve the little sweets. Each of them thanked him when he gave them one, and ate them quietly.

What if they tasted bad?

What if they don't like it?

What if they judge him because it's terrible?

"Oh my bejesus this tastes absolutely incredible!"

"My mouth feels like it's on drugs in the best way!"

"Yeosang you have to cook more often this is amazing!"

Yeosang was shocked when the boys ate more sweets, complimenting him the whole time.

Yeosang never wanted this to change.

As an apology for being so late with the chapter, here are some photos of my beautiful little kitty. ( )(^_^*)

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