
By NowhereGirl21

692K 22.8K 5.9K

Why. Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to suffer? Why is every day of my life torture? Why do... More

Hey! Welcome!
New Cover!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 *MATURE*
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 *MATURE*
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 *MATURE*
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 *MATURE*
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 *END*
Extra *Mature*

Chapter 12

18.4K 661 245
By NowhereGirl21

*Jacob's POV*

Damien is a very comfy chair

We've been sitting in the living room for a while, me on Damien's lap with Ryder sitting on the floor right next to us. They were very excited to introduce me to a bunch of "classic movies", especially since I'd seen exactly none of them. They started with some movie called The Conjuring, but that quickly ended as it left me in a pile of tears.

After that, they seemed to pick whatever I might like. I've now seen The Little Mermaid, Zootopia, and Tangled. We're currently watching Ratatouille and it's probably the highlight of my life. It's the best movie I've seen all day. I mean, I love cooking, and so does the rat! We've both been called disgusting vermin, and yet he doesn't get upset by it. Instead, he finds someone who wants to be around him and he makes his dreams come true.

I've been so enraptured by Collette's angry-rant that I forgot there was a world outside of the screen. However, when the big clock in the hallway announced that it was 7:00, that illusion.

Ryder stands up and gives a big stretch. When he does so, his shirt rides up so that I can see a bit of his torso. Just as nice as Damien's.

Luckily, I averted my eyes before Ryder caught me. He gave that big smile that always makes my day better. 

"Come on, Sweetheart. Let's go get you some food." He reaches his arms out to grab me, but I push myself into Damien instead.

"But I wanna watch the rat cook! I wanna see the end!" I whine. "Besides, I already ate a big meal today. I don't need to eat again for at least two weeks."

The smile goes away. Dangit. Damien stirs behind me, and I can feel the vibrations from him talking through my back. "Love, you're supposed to eat 3 times a day. We know you aren't used to that, so we let you skip lunch, but you have to eat something." With that, Damien picks me up and drags me to the kitchen. I guess Remi has to wait for tomorrow.


After being half force-fed mac-n-cheese, we all said goodnight and went to sleep. Of course, after the boys tucked me into the bed, I crawled into the same corner as last night. The bed is still too luxurious for me. 

When I woke up, I immediately looked out of the window. There was a big white curtain in front of it, but the sunshine went through the lovely fabric with ease. The floral embroidery on the curtain made the shadow have beautiful twists and turns on the floor. What a nice way to wake up. 

I put on a big sweatshirt that goes to my knees, and some jeans and head downstairs. Damien and Ryder must still be asleep. 

Oh, my Goddess! That means I can finally cook them something! I have missed cooking, and I want to impress them with some great food. I run to the kitchen as fast as my legs can carry me.

What do I make?

I decide on making a standard breakfast: eggs, sausage, pancakes, and toast. However, I'm going to make it the best! Over about an hour and a half; I scratch-make blueberry pancakes; I cook the sausages in a mixture of parsley, garlic, onion, salt, and some other stuff; and make beautiful shirred eggs with tomato, cheese, and a bunch of seasoning. It was kind of difficult, only because I didn't know where things were and sometimes the things I needed were high up and I had to climb on the counters. When I finally finished sometime around 8:50, I felt something was missing, and chopped up some fruit for a simple fruit salad. 

I took out two plates and, very precisely, layed out my creation to be as beautiful as possible. I even set the table with placemats and silverware (not actual silver, as that would obviously end badly) and everything!

I looked at my bounty and smiled at a job well done. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and got really excited, but the smell was wrong. I suppose that makes sense, we are in the packhouse, other people live here. The footsteps got louder until some woman entered the kitchen. She had long, light blonde hair that went down to her butt. She had caked on makeup that made her look like Ursula from the movie yesterday. Her breasts were even popping out of her small top, just like the evil sea witch. Little did I know that "evil sea witch" also described her perfectly.

"Oh, my gawsh!" She... shrills? Her tone makes me want to bang my head against a wall repeatedly until it either leaves or I'm dead. "I'm sooo glad they got new servants! That looks divine!" She saunters up to the island and, before I can stop her, starts eating from one of the plates I prepared.

"W-wait! M-miss you c-can't have that!" I say frantically. I don't want to be rude, but I worked so hard and I want the boys to enjoy what I made.

She opens her mouth like she's in shock, and I get a wonderful view of half-chewed pancakes. "Are you fudging serious?" I nod quickly. She slams her fork down on the island and stands up. Uh-oh.

"How fudging DARE a fugly-ass Omega like you speak to me that way!" She gets in my face, spitting on me as she goes insane. "I can do WHATEVER the fudge I want to, and YOU will just listen. Do you understand, you fudging anorexic, Omega whore?"

Tears start to cloud my eyes, "I-I'm sorry but I m-made them for-" She slaps me before I finish. She's nowhere near as strong as Alpha Henry, but it still hurts.

"I don't give a FUDGE who you made it for! I am the soon-to-be LUNA! I get whatever I want whenever I want, and NO ONE can stop me." She goes to slap me, and I close my eyes in anticipation. But, it never comes. I open my eyes and see a very pissed-off Damien holding her offending wrist in a death-grip.

"Would you like to repeat that, Sheila?" Damien's voice is very low and he's speaking very slowly. I, however, am shaking like a flag in the wind.

Sheila doesn't answer, her mouth just repeatedly opens and closes, her brain not able to form words at the moment.

Damien's grip gets visibly tighter, and I can tell that Sheila is in a lot of pain. "If you EVER threaten to hurt my mate again," His voice is dripping with intimidation. "I will personally rip all of your organs out of your body. Am I clear?" Sheila nods rapidly, clearly terrified by the experience. 

I feel someone start to turn me around, and see Ryder. I don't waste another second before falling into his arms and sobbing. I hear Sheila's rapid footsteps as she runs out of the room before another person hugs me from behind. Damien puts his head in my neck to calm down, and the contact soothes me as well.

"I am so, so sorry about this, Sweetheart." Ryder looks at me, eyes showing his sorrow. He puts his hand on the part of my face that got hit for, I assume, it's starting to turn red. "I should have gotten here faster. Please don't be mad at me."

My brow furrows. "W-why would I be m-mad? You didn't slap me, did you?" Damien growls into my shoulder from hearing I got hit before he arrived. "I'm n-not mad at either o-f you. I'm o-okay, ok?" They both agree, and after I put together a fresh plate, they sat down to eat. Of course, they made me eat too, so I had a single pancake. 

The entire meal, they were showering me with praise over the complexity and quality of the meal. I wasn't listening. I was thinking about what that Sheila had said. As soon as she met me, she could tell I was a worthless, ugly Omega. And no matter what the boys could say, I would know who is telling the truth and who is sparing my feelings. My heart hurts so bad, the sadness threatening to overflow. My arms itch for my razor, but I ignore it for now. I'll find another opportunity when the boys can't stop me.

For now, I just enjoy their company.


Hey guys!

Quick newsflash for the upcoming days. I'm going to be in a two-day MUN competition on Friday and Saturday, meaning my writing time will be very minimal. I will do my best to post those days, but the chapters may be short or released later in the day.  

I apologize ahead of time if I am unable to post, but I will do my best to avoid that. 

Thank you for your understanding, and I'll see you all tomorrow! :)

P.S.: Look at the cutesy Che Guevara I made today cause I was bored.

He started as just a black stick-figure on a white background, and due to the fact that the ERB "Che Guevara v.s. Guy Fawkes" battle was stuck in my head, it evolved into a tribute to a very skinny and adorable Guevara.

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