Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

Oleh Wolfinator12

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Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 8: Valhallas guest

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Oleh Wolfinator12

Y/n quickly got up and walked towards the stranger, who looked around confused.

Woman: "Ehm, excuse m-me where am I?" she asked, her voice raspy.

Y/n: "In the remains of Valhalla. Who are you?"

Summer: "S-summer Rose." Y/n eyes widened, Yangs and Rubys missing mother stood infront of him. "D-do you have food? Or water?" She pleaded.

Y/n: "Im sorry but I dont... unless." He began to concentrate, deeply focusing on his summoning power. He was not sure if he can will a summon to appear, as all the previous times the summons appeared on their own without Y/n wishing for it. He focused and focused as his shadow began to warp and twist, making Summer taking a step away on instinct. A few minutes past as Y/ns shadow began to take form into a big ball of a twirling black mass. It suddenly split into two smaller balls which burst open to reveal two animals, a female goat and a male boar. Both looked at Y/n, who had opened his eyes as he felt the balls burst open, and bowed. Y/n knew who they were, for there were only one goat and one boar that lived in Valhalla, Heidrun, the goat that produces endless mead from her udders ,and Sährimnir, the boar that would be the feast for all the warriors of Valhalla.

Heidrun: "How ma-ay we serve Ma-aster?" The goat bleat out.

Y/n: "Im sorry but I need food and drink for my guest, please forgive me for this." Y/n looked at Sährimnir in particular at that.

Sährimnir: "Not worry, is ok." The boar said in a deep and rasp voice before it teared off his own back leg, shadows quickly enveloping the wound and reforming into a new limb in the blink of an eye, Y/n felt his energy getting drained and even more as he began to milk the mead from Heidruns udder, filling it in to a drinking horn he managed to creat from shadows.

Y/n: "Thank you friends, you may rest now." The two animals bowed again before vanishing back into Y/ns shadow. "Here miss Rose." He held out the horn and the boar shank. Summer grabbed it and gingerly took a bite and a testing sip before quickly scarfing down finishing with a very unladylike burp.

Summer: "Thank you so much, you cant believe how hungry I was. I must have been traveling for atleast a month." Y/n rose an eyebrow in confusion.

Y/n: "When did you leave your family?" Summer looked at Y/n in shock.

Summer: "How do you know about them?" She asked.

Y/n: "Please answer the question." Summer put a finger on her chin and began to think.

Summer: "Hmm... I am not sure but if I had to guess, a month or two ago , why is that important?" Y/ns eyes hardned.

Y/n: "It has been over ten years since you went missing." He said and Summer dropped the drinking horn. She looked at Y/n with wide eyes.

Summer: "N-no, it cant have been so long, I swear it was just a month or two." she said panicked.

Y/n: "What do you remember before you reached the door of Valhalla?"

Summer: "I was on a quest to investigate a rumor about a strange building appearing in Atlas. It took me a week till I reached it and as I went to knock on the door, which looked just like the ones I just came through, I... I was sucked in. Everything went white, I looked around but there was nothing. I felt this strange feeling that called for me to walk into a specific direction, I walked and walked. Months later I finally reached the building once again, this time the doors opened and here I am and there you were. That is all. Please tell me what happened to my family are they ok?" she pleaded.

Y/n: "They miss you greatly, they have been living with your death for 10 years, Ruby and Yang are at Beacon, they are my friends and members of my guild."

Summer: "T-they think I am dead... my baby girls grew up without me... without a mother..." Summer sounded broken she began to sob as Y/n pressed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: "Dont put yourself at fault here, Loki played a nasty prank on you, noone is at fault here other than the god of mischief. So dont cry please." Summer calmed down and wiped away her tears.

Summer: "I never asked for your name." she said.

Y/n: "Y/n Schwarz ma'am, its a pleasure to meet you."

Summer: "Y/n... that has a nice ring to it. Tell me what are you doing at a place like this?"

Y/n: "I am not sure myself, my concious pulled me into this place, this is the second time I am here I believe me and this place are connected somehow. Everytime I sit on Odins throne this room begins to be repaired."

Summer: "Wait you are not really here?"

Y/n: "No ma'am Im at Beacon sleeping in my bed in my guildhall."

Summer: "Can you tell me how I will be able to get back?" Y/n looked at her in pity.

Y/n: "Im sorry but no, the moment I wake up I cant promise I will be back anytime soon." Summer looked devestaded. "But maybe if you hold onto me you will be pulled out with me?" Y/n theorized and Summer quickly tackled him into a hug holding on like her life depended on it. "Lets give it a shot shall we?" Summer smiled and nodded and Y/n closed his eyes willing himself to wake up. As he reopened his eyes he found himself back in his bed but he also felt a new weight on him, looking down he saw the sleeping face of Summer. "It worked..." he mumbled impressed and he began shaking the woman awake. Slowly the womans eyes opened before they suddenly shot open.

Summer: "It worked! IT WORKED! YES! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! THANK YOU!!" she shouted while shaking Y/n who chuckled at her childish behaviour.

Y/n: "No problem miss Rose. Now how about we go and reunite you with your daughters?" Summer practically dragged Y/n out of the room and into the main room, where currently Velvet was cleaning the table.

Velvet: "Ah goodmorning Mast- Who are you?" She asked Summer.

Y/n: "That is Summer Rose." Velvet dropped the rag and held her hand over her mouth in shock.

Velvet: "Rubys and Yangs dead mother?But... but how?"

Summer: "Explaination later, daughters come first pleease." She shot Y/n puppy eyes and put her hands together in a begging manner.

Y/n: "Ok ok, Velvet could you go and get everyone tell Ruby and Yang I have a surprise for them." Velvet nodded and walked off and Y/n turned towards the nervous looking Summer. "Calm down they will be so glad to see you again."

Summer: "What if they dont remember me? What if they do? How can I face them after having been missing for 10 years?" Y/n put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Y/n: "It will be fine, trust me ok?"

Summer: "Ok, I will trust you." A few moments later footsteps could be heard heading down the stairs and Summer took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves.

Ruby: "Hey boss what is t-"

Yang: "Ruby wha-" The two girls stared at the person who stood next to Y/n.

Summer: "Hey Petal, hey Sundragon, mommy is back." Summer opened her arms.

Ruby: "M-mom?" she looked like she was seeing a ghost, which might be quite accurate to be fair.

Summer: "Yes Ruby, its me... Sorry it to-" She was interrupted as both her daughters tackeled her to the ground hugging her as if they fear that if they let go Summer will be gone. "Im here... Im back." She whispered into the girls' ears as the two began to cry.

Yang: "I m-missed you so much mom." Yang said before looking at Y/n who gave her a smile. "How?" was the only thing she was able to ask.

Y/n: "I am not sure myself, I had this strange dream, I was in a ruined version of Valhalla, not our guildhall but the hall from the legends, I just sat there and watched the broken windows slowly reforming as the doors opened and miss Rose came stumbling in. We talked and then I offered her to try and take her out of the dream with me, she held onto me and I woke up, with her laying ontop of me also asleep." Y/n explained.

Summer: "Y/- no, master Schwarz here saved me. I would have starved if it werent for him and his summons. He gave me food and drink."

Ruby: "W-where." She hiccuped. "Where were you?"

Y/n: "My best bet is that she was trapped in a dungeon like I once was. It would explain the bending of time. Miss Rose said she was only gone for a month or two but it has been over 10 years. How she managed to find her way into Valhalla and my dreams, if they really are dreams, stays a mystery." With the help of Ren and Jaune, Summer was able to get up, Ruby still clinging to her. Yang let go and turned towards Y/n, who she quickly bear hugged.

Yang: "Thank you so much..." She said.

Y/n: "Dont worry about it, enjoy your time with your mother." Yang nodded and turned back to Summer guiding her to the couch where the three family members sat down. The rest of the Hunters guild watched with smiles as the three talked to catch up.

Phyrra: "That was nice of you master." Phyrra said.

Y/n: "It was luck." Y/n said seriously. "My plan was one born of desperation, it could have failed. Both of them."

Nora: "Both?"

Y/n: "Miss Rose was starved and dehydrated, close to death. I had no food nor drink to give to her untill I tried to summon two more creatures of the norse legends. It worked, luckily."

Jaune: "What did you summon?" Y/ns eyes glowed as the two new members of his group of summons appeared.

Y/n: "The goat is called Heidrun, she produces an endless amount of mead, the boar is Sährimnir, he is a living cooked boar, ever fresh and ever replenishing, well both of them only do their thing as long as I have engery left." Y/n explained while Nora began to pet the two animals.

Ren: "You summoned them on your own?" the monk sounded interested and Y/n nodded.

Y/n: "They were my best bet for the situation. It took quite a bit of energy out of me, Im still tired and could really need a drink." That said he summoned drinking horn again and began to fill it with mead, before chugging the whole thing down and refilling it again. "Anyone interesting in tasting a real norse mead of legends?"

Nora: "Oh Oh me! Me!" Nora grabbed the horn and took a sip before coughing. "How can you drink that, it burns stronger than fire!"

Summer: "Its not so bad if it is the only thing you have. But could I get a cup of water please?"

Velvet: "Of course Lady Rose." With a small bow Velvet left to get the beverage.

Y/n: "Bring her some of the left over soup too please." He said before sitting down down at the table. The moment he sat down the chair was suddenly enveloped in shadows, he felt the wood beneath him slowly change its shape and a few moments later the chair changed into the throne of Odin. "Ok can I get a round of applause for this?" Nora quickly began to clapped enthusiastically. "I really need to figure out why I am suddenly able to do these things. Meh problems for another time. To Odin." Y/n said, raising the horn, before chugging down the mead.

Velvet came walking in holding a tray with a wooden bowl and a cup on it, she placed it on the table.

Velvet: "Lady Rose, your soup and water." Summer looked at her and got up, Ruby and Yang following.

Summer: "Dear please drop the Lady, and Master Schwarz please drop the miss, just call me Summer. Expecting formalities from your saviour would be very disrespectful now wouldnt it?" She shot Y/n a smirk.

Y/n: "It would be indeed, but where does the whole 'Master Schwarz' thing come from? "

Summer: "Isnt that clear?" She asked before standing up and walking in front of Y/n, turning the throne to the side so she can stand in front of him. What came next made everyone look at the two wide eyed, Summer kneeled down. "I, Summer Rose, pledge my loyalty to Y/n Schwarz, I will be your sword to cut down your foes, your shield to defend your people and your armor to protect you. My duty will only end with my last breath." she swore.

Y/n: "Rise Summer Rose." She did so and stood tall in front of the neutral looking Y/n. "You have a duty as a Hero, a duty as a wife and a duty as a mother, why swear another oath? To someone you just met and who is barely an adult?"

Summer: "You saved my life sir, you reconnected me with my family and you gave me another purpose in life. I can feel you strength, it knows no bounds in its growth and I want to be one to help you reach your goals whatever they might be." Summer said.

Ruby: "Would that mean that mom stays here with us?" Ruby asked hopefully.

Yang: "I guess so."

Y/n: "I will give you a month to reconsider and for me to make my decision, in that time I want you to talk to your husband, tell him about what happened and about what you are planning to do, tell Ozpin the same. Once the month is over you can come here if you still want to pledge yourself to me, I will have made my decision till then and I will let you know. Is that aggreeable for you Summer Rose?"

Summer: "Yes Master Schwarz."

Y/n: "Good, now, I believe we have some classes to attend to, Velvet be so kind and stock up on food." Y/n threw her a coin bag. "Keep half of that for yourself." With that Y/n got up and walked out of the guildhall. Jaune, Ren, Nora and Phyrra quickly followed leaving only Velvet and the mother daughter trio.

Yang: "Glad to have you back, but please go and see dad." Yang said before hugging her stepmother and then following Y/n and the rest.

Ruby: "I missed you so much, please come by and visit ok?"

Summer: "Everything for you my little flower." Summer hugged Ruby and gave her a kiss on her forehead making Ruby giggle.

Ruby: "Bye mom, see you later." Ruby waved and rushed after the rest. Only Summer and Velvet remained in the main room.

Summer: "That boy is something else." the woman said with a big smile.

Velvet: "He sure is."

Summer: "Did he ever say why his class is locked?" Velvet looked up in thought before answering.

Velvet: "He said he was born that way, more I cant tell you."

Summer: "Still thank you dear, I will be off to see Ozpin. Have a nice day."

Velvet: "You too ma'am." Summer left and walked towards Ozpins tower, on the way there she realized just how much Beacon has changed in the ten years she was missing. Buildings that once were, are now no more or are replaced by newer ones, the walkways look new, trees she remembered as mere saplings grew to impressive sizes. It made her think, what if she didnt met Y/n, what if she would have been stuck in that white void longer, if she survived longer? Will she eventually outlive her family? One or two months were enough for 10 years to past on the outside world. She frowned at the thought as she began ascending the stairs to her old headmasters office. Knocking at the door she waited.

Ozpin: "Come in." she gingerly opened the door and saw Ozpin currently looking at some paperwork, too deep in thought to notice his guest. With a small smile Summer spoke.

Summer: "You look old Uncle Oz." the mans head shot up, his eyes wide as he heard the all too familiar voice.

Ozpin: "S-summer?" he mumbled not really believing his eyes.

Summer: "Yes the one and only. Im back." Ozpin got up and walked infront of the woman, the two staring at eachother. "What wont I get a welcome back hug?" With that said Ozpin pulled her into the hug she requested.

Ozpin: "You are really here, this is not another of those figments of my mind trying to torture me for my mistakes. It is really you. But how? There were no tracks, nothing." the headmaster asked.

Summer: "You probably know a student called Y/n Schwarz?"

Ozpin: "Yes, a remarkable boy, but what about him?"

Summer: "I dont know how, but the two of us managed to end up in this strange building, the one you send me to investigate. Ten years ago, I found it in Atlas, I touched the door and poof , I was stuck in this endless white void, with something calling out for me. I followed that call and after a month or two found myself in front of those doors once again, this time I was able to open them, I entered and found it empty, except of a throne with someone sitting on it. That someone was Y/n, he rushed towards me and gave me food and drink with the help of his summons, Heidrun and e-ehm Se.. Sa..." Suddenly a shadowy raven came out of her shadow.

Munin: "Sährimnir~" the famale voice cawed out.

Summer: "Yes that, whats up with those names?"

Munin: "Master Y/n has a deep connection with the legends of the norse, me, my brother and the rest of masters summons all hail from those legends.~" The raven explained.

Ozpin: "Miss Munin was it?" The raven nodded. "What leads you here, and why did you come out of Summers shadow?"

Munin: "Master Y/n tasked me with making sure that Summer completes her given tasks.~"

Ozpin: "Her tasks?"

Summer: "Oh yes, I want to become one of Y/ns sworn men, or women in this case." Ozpin rose an eyebrow in confusion.

Ozpin: "You want to swear your loyalty to someone you just met? Why?"

Summer: "You can feel it too Ozpin. Y/ns strength grows faster than anything I have ever seen, he already nears my strength, who knows what will come next? Do you really think I am stupid enough to not want to be on his good side when he decides he is strong enough to make a change in this world?"

Ozpin: "I guess not... but are you certain, you have a husband and two children, what do you think they will say?"

Summer: "Yang and Ruby are fine with it and Tai is the next person I will talk to, just like Y/n told me too, he realized what it would mean if I were to join him, he too asked me similar questions and gave me a month to rethink my decision and to talk to you and Tai." Summer said sternly.

Ozpin: "This is your decision to make not mine, just promise me that you dont make one you will regret."

Summer: "Will do, you mind opening a portal to my husband for me?"

Ozpin: "Not at all." he hit the ground with his cane three times and a green swirl appeared on the ground in front of Summer.

Summer: "Thanks Uncle Oz." she smiled and waved before jumping into the portal. With a small thud she landed in an all too familiar living room. But instantly she noticed the changes. Where once paintings of her and the family decorated the walls, empty stone was seen, things she bought to make the home look nicer are gone. On closer inspection everything that in someway was connected to her was nowhere to be found, it was as if she never existed. Her mind began painting pictures of betrayel, of sadness and suffering. Her mood changed to one of worry and fear. That fear only solidifying as she heard it. Moaning, she heard someone, a woman, moan, it came from upstairs, from where the bedrooms are located. She didnt believe it, she didnt want to believe. With trembling legs she began to climb the set of stairs, with each step the moaning got louder and the pain in her heart stronger. As she reached the bedroom she and her husband used to share it was clear to her, Tai found someone else, someone to love and to give his heart to, similar to how he once did after his first love left and he came to her arms for help. With shaking hands Summer opened the door and it broke her heart what she found, Tai and someone she never saw before doing the deed in the bed the couple shared. She gasped and Tai must have heard her and so did the woman.

Tai: "S-summer?!"

Woman: "Who?" Summer didnt want to wait, she didnt want an answer, deep down she knew that Tai forgot about her and who would blame him it has been 10 years since her sudden disappearance. Quickly Summer ran back into the living room, a pair of footsteps soon following.

Tai: "I-is that really you?" her husband asked with a shaking voice.

Summer: "Y-yes... How could you? Did I mean nothing to you?" Summer asked angrily with tears flowing down her face.

Tai: "It has been over 10 years, 10 years with no lead to where you could be, I... I thought you left me, like Raven."


Tai: "HOW COULD I BELIEVE YOU?! You were just gone, you didnt tell me where you would be, you said it would only be a month, I waited for your return. Day and night I would wait for you to step through that door again. 2 years had past till I finally accepted that you wont come back. And now you just reappear?! Just like that? And you think everything just goes back to how it was?!" Tai grew angrier and angrier, his hands were balled to fists as he stalked towards Summer, who instinctly took a step back. "I finally found someone and you ruined it." Summers eyes widened. "The best thing that happened to me since you disappeared and you must ruin it?" Tai had her cornered, her back was against the wall as he was right in front of her. Suddenly he grabbed her throat and pressed her harder against the wall. "Mhmm, maybe its not so bad, you seem to havent aged a day. Still pretty young, maybe I dont need that whore anylonger."

Summer: "T-tai, l-let go." She managed to cough out, but to no avail. The man in front of her was no longer the man she once knew, tha much was clear, and it became even more apparent as he began to grope her.

Tai: "I guess I can still have some fun..." The crazed look in Tais eyes made her heart sink even more. With the decreasing amount of air she was not able to fight back as Tai began to undo the bottons on her shirt. The piece of clothing was soon ripped off of her as Tai seemingly lost his patience. She wailed. She kicked, she begged but nothing helped. As her pants joined the remains of her shirt she gave up, she could not fight him. All hope seemed to have been lost until she felt it, an aura she can never forget in her life.

Y/n: "I must say, I expected the great Tai Xiao Long to be less of a disappointment." The voice of her saviour said and Tais grip loosened.

Tai: "Who the fuck are you?!"

Y/n: "Doesnt matter." In an instant Y/n was infront of the half naked man, his fist imbedded in his stomach, pushing out all the air from the mans lungs. "Last warning step down before you get hurt." Y/ns eyes were cold, his iris glowing a dim yet eery blue as black wisps of smoke escaped his body. Tai took a few breaths to regain air before letting out a rage filled cry and charging towards his attacker. The blind charge was useless as he quickly learned. His world suddenly turned upside down before his head impacted on the ground and a dozen or so knives pinned his limbs to the ground. A cry of pain escaped the man as blood began to stain the ground. Y/n turned towards the cowering Summer, who was trying to cover herself up as best as she could with what remained of her clothes. "Fenrir." Y/n said as he held out his hand, the black smoke appeared and disappeard as a set of dark grey leather armor now sat in Y/ns hand. "Take these and lets get out of here." Summer saw the shadow behind Y/n and tried to call out to him but it was too late as Tais foot connected with Y/ns head. Silence rang through the room as nobody dared to move. Tai and Summer both looked shocked at Y/n who didnt move at all as the kick connected.

Summer/ Tai: "W-what?" the two stammered out. Getting up from this kneeling position ,he took before Tai so rudely decided to let him know that the fight wasnt over, Y/n turned around and glared at Tai.

Y/n: "You force your own wife into a state of undress, you sleep with someone the age of your daughter and you attack someone who gave you the mercy of letting you live. I give you one final warning, just because you are Yangs and Ruby father and a renown hero, go get yourself cleaned and me and your ex-wife will leave."

Tai: "Why should I? You think you are oh so strong just cause you were able to take one kick, dont make me laugh, what can a classless nobody even do to beat a hero? Nothing thats what." Tai laughed out. Y/n sighed and cracked his neck.

Y/n: "Munin time to take out this filth." Out of his shadows the two raven appeared making Tai take a step back.

Tai: "Raven?" he asked confused. The bird looked at the man and back at its master who shrugged. Deciding that it was time to end this the bird flew towards Tai and began to peck at his face. Meanwhile Y/n helped Summer up and towards the exit.

Y/n: "You ok?" he asked worried seeing her shake uncontrollably.

Summer: "W-where d-did you come from?"

Y/n: "All will be explained once we are back at Beacon."

Summer: "H-how will we get there?" Y/n smiled at Summer before the green swirl appeard again. With the help of Y/n the two climped in and found themself in the headmasters office.

Ozpin: "Mr. Schwarz, will you now finally explain what is going on?"

Thats it for this chapter, I hope you liked it. I decided to make Tai a bad guy and that Summer will be one of Y/ns possible subordinates, let me know what you think. Also something I wanted to mention is that I will have changes in the norse myths for this book, example for such a change would be Alfromr, which doesnt exist, and Sährimnir who does exist but is different in the original mythos. That is all I hope you have a good day and see you in the next chapter.

Wolfy out.

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