Honkai impact, agent stories

By Dashas37

21.8K 324 9

Many short stories about the valkyries and the agents. Fighting the things that need to be fought, beginning... More

Story One: Rita: Part One
Story One: Rita: Part Two
story one: Rita: Part 3
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part One
Story Two: Fu Hua: Part Two
Story two: Fu Hua: Part Three
Story Three: Theresa: Part One
Story Three: Theresa: Part Two
Story Three: Theresa: Part Three
Story Four: Sirin: Part One
Story four: Sirin: Part Two
His world
Story 5: Mei: Part One
Story Five: Mei: Part Two
Story Five: Mei: Part Three
Story Six: Kiana: Part one
Story Six: Kiana: Part Three
The future of this book
Story Seven: Seele: Part One.
Story Seven: Seele: Part Two
Story Seven: Seele: part Three
Story Eight: Arc City: Part one
Story Eight: Arc city: part Two
Story Eight: Arc City: Part 3
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part One.
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part 2
Story Nine: Cecilia: Part Three
Story ten: Dundral: Part One
Story Ten: Dundral: Part Two
Story 10: Dundral: part Three
Story Eleven: Yae Sakura: Part One
Story Eleven: Yae sakura: Part Two
Story 11: Yae sakura: Part Three.
Story 12: Female captain: Part One
Story 12: Female Captain: Part two
Story Twelve: Female Captain: Part 3
What's next?
The new agent
The new agent: Part Two
The new agent: Part Three
Soukai city
Zhuge Kongming
Zhuge kongming part 2
Return trip
next assignment
The post
Returning once again
an unfortunate event.
Theresa Apocalypse
change of plans
The two captains.
The fallen rose
The fallen rose: Part two
A powerful foe
An unfortunate situation
in the scenario
Awake, but not ready.
An Attack
The final battle (sorta...)
A day with the captains
Something special
Back on the hyperion.
sarah's first assignment
The Olenyeva's
The other crew
The Void queen
Continuing the training
Assignment and camping
Final preperations
Night of the final battle.
One final effort
Zach's dream world
Bad news
Well enough alone
Spending some time together
Prep of the next mission
The night assignment
New faces
Sarah's childhood
Other world problems
A mix of confusion and despair
The Sea
Return home

Story Six: Kiana: Part 2

384 7 1
By Dashas37

They days went by and summer vacation eventually ended. It turns out Himeko followed Alex and Kiana and saw Kiana ask out Alex. Kiana confronted himeko and the conversation went "Himeko. Please don't tell anyone what you heard. Well not yet at least." Himeko chuckled and winked at Kiana "OK, Ok. But in exchange, I have to get you ready for the date." Kiana pouted "Fine, but if you tell a single soul about this, you'll regret it." Himeko then put her arm around Kiana and rubbed her head. "Ah don't be such a grump. If you keep doing that you'll turn out like me." Kiana then gave a short smile "What, a drunk?" Himeko chuckled loudly. "Yeah, that and Other things. I'll keep your secret for you."

Alex was in his office doing some work, he looked up from time to time thinking about Kiana. He chuckled and kept working. He was in love and he began to show it during the day. For a few days, Kiana bagan to go to Alex's office everyday to see him. One time she entered once at the end of the day and found him passed out at his desk. She chuckled and put him on his couch. He later questioned Kiana about it and they both had a laugh.

It was getting close to the weekend and Alex had finally thought of a good time to ask if Kiana wanted to go out that saturday. It was getting close to the end of the day and Alex was about to head home when he saw Kiana waiting near the exit. "Kiana?" he said. Kiana looked over and said "Hey I want to talk to you." Alex then walked over and said "What's up?" Kiana chuckled and said "I was hoping that we could go on our date tomorrow?" Alex smiled and said "Sounds nice, I was going to ask the exact same thing. When did you want to do it though? I can't go in the morning because I have a few errands I need to do, and they're a bit odd." Kiana smiled and said "That's fine, I was hoping we could go out in the afternoon anyway." Alex chuckled and said "Alright then I'll see you tomorrow." He then gave Kiana a hug then left.

Alex got home and placed his work bag down. For him it had been an exhausting week for him, but being with Kiana was worth it to him and now he had a date with her. He then cooked up something and ate it before going to bed.

It was quite late and Kiana was asleep. She began to dream. It was of her, Mei and Alex. Like her previous dreams mei was being strangled but off to the side she saw Alex. Kiana threw mei to the side and went over to Alex. He was bleeding, some sort of lance piercing him. Kiana couldn't stop grinning. She wanted to but she couldn't. She looked him in the eyes and before she could say anything  she found herself in her bed, awake and sweating. "What the hell was that?" She said trying to catch her breath. "What's going on."

Kiana looked at her clock and saw that is was around 4 am. "Oh well, I'm awake now I should get up and ready for the day." Kiana then grabbed her gear and went for some extra training. On the way out of her room she saw fu Hua. "Fu Hua, Why are you awake?" Fu Hua turned and saw Kiana holding her gear with a battlesuit on. "I should be asking you that Kiana, why do you have a battle suit on anyway? Are you doing some training? It's the weekend you never train then. I am oddly proud, and scared at the same time." Kiana gave a chuckle "I am feeling a little stressed, I have a date today and I woke up from a weird nightmare." Fu Hua looked shocked "Himeko told me you were going on a date. I didn't believe her at first. I am guessing it is with that Alex person." Kiana blushed "Yeah, We decided to go out this afternoon." Fu Hua then rubbed her chin and said "All right, but be careful. I don't trust him, not yet." Kiana smiled "Ok then fu hua. I'll be careful." Kiana left and Fu Hua sighed as she pulled out a picture of Alex. He was fighting someone. "What are you Alex." She said studying the picture.

kiana was on the outskirts of the city. She heard that some beasts were around there and she decided to go and train against them. She started to hear rustling noises and a beast crashed through the trees. She got ready to attack and saw herself surrounded by them. She gulped and a beast rushed her. "KIANA!" she heard a male voice yell as she shut her eyes bracing for the attack. Kiana opened her eyes to see Alex struggling against the beast that was about to attack her "A-Alex, why are you here." Alex threw the beast back and smiled "I was called out here to fight some beasts. Didn't think I'd see you here. You want to help." Kiana smiled and said "Hell yeah, I came here to train, but why are you here?" Alex looked around "I just felt like I needed to. And now I see why. Let's waste them." The two looked at each other and nodded.

Alex and Kiana worked together and fought the beasts hard. Things went well for a few minutes before things went south. Both Alex and Kiana were knocked down a beast twice the size of the ones they just fought. "Mother fu-" said kiana "That this is huge." She then smiled "You ready to take it down Alex?" Alex nodded and said "Yes, this one seems to be the last." Kiana rushed the beast and shot it twice. Alex the went behind the beast and stabbed it in the back with his combat knife. The beast then grabbed the two and threw them into the air. At the peak Kiana and Alex grabbed onto each other and Kiana said "Let's finish this together." Kiana then turned herself upright and yelled out "NEKO CHARM." and the two fell towards the beast. As the got closer Kiana unleashed a massive Kick and destroyed the beast as the two came down. As the beast disintegrated Kiana and Alex were still holding onto each other with their eyes shut.

A few minutes after the beast was destroyed Kiana slowly opened her eyes and say Alex smiling. "Hey Kiana." He said "We did it." Kiana chucked "Yeah, together." Kiana then blushed "Thank you, for helping." Alex looked at Kiana's eyes and said "No problem." The two kept looking at each other until Kiana Kissed him on the cheek and blushed "A little thank you. I love you." Alex kissed her back and said "I love you too."

The months started to go by and Alex and Kiana had their date and became a couple. Each day Kiana would meet Alex at the front of the school and walk with him to his office then head off to her class. Fu Hua still didn't trust Alex, she was quite skeptical of his existence. Himeko and Theresa kept encouraging the two to get even closer, to little success. Mei and bronya for the first few weeks had no idea on what went on, but after a finding out they were happy for Kiana.

One day Kiana and Alex were walking to Alex's office when Kiana asked "Do you want to come over later. I would like it if you could." Alex smiled and replied with "Of course Kiana. I'll come around." Kiana became excited "Awesome, thank you!" She yelled out. Alex smirked "No problem. I'll meet you at 7 then?" Kiana nodded and replied with "Yeah, meet you then."

The day went by and Kiana was daydreaming in class while Himeko was handing out the results for the exam they had. Kiana was surprised to see she got 90/100. She gazed at the test and wondered if Himeko got it wrong, She remembers that she gets at the very most 20/100 in her test. 

After class ended Mei and Bronya walked up to kiana and said "How'd you do on the test Kiana?" Kiana kept looking at her paper and said "I think I got 90?" Mei and bronya were shocked and Bronya said "Let the binya look." Kiana handed the paper over and bronya was just amazed "Wow, for an idiot, you seem to have a good score." Kiana rubbed the back of her head "Ha Ha. Thanks, Alex helped me study for the test. I didn't think it would be a drastic improvement." Mei then chuckled "Seems like you two are getting even closer" Kiana blushed and shyly said  "Yeah, I think we are. That's why I asked if he wanted to come over tonight. So he can finally meet you two." Mei and Bonya smirked "That'd be lovely. I'm sure he is a nice person." Mei said.

Alex was working on a small project in his office, when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said while still looking at his computer typing away. The door opened and he saw Kiana. Alex smiled to her and said "Hey Kiana, everything good." She giggled and said "Yeah, just came to see you and say thanks for helping me study." Alex gave a smiled "No problem. That's what I'm here for." Kiana giggled again "you're the best thing that has happened to me since joining this school." Alex smiled "Oh, you're too nice." Kiana smiled as she left the room saying "See you at 7."

A few hours later, Alex was finally able to get off work and head over to Kiana's dorm. When he got the he knocked on the door and Kiana came to answer it. "Alex, you're here, come in, come in." Kiana practically dragged him in and sat him down on one of the couches. Kiana then shyly said "Thanks for coming, I appreciate it. The others will be here shortly. They had to get something." Alex smiled and said "That's fine, it just means I can spend more time with you." Kiana blushed "Really, well that's fine."

A little while later Kiana and Alex were talking among themselves when They heard the dorm door open. In came Himeko, mei, bronya and Fu Hua. Himeko was the first to comment on the two on the couch "Ah, I see you seem to be entertaining the guest." This caused Alex and Kiana to blush. Mei chuckled and Fu Hua studied Alex. "I'll go prep dinner, miss Himeko and Bronya go and sit down." The two then sat down and bronya said "Subject Alex, It is good to finally meet you." Alex smirked "You too, Kiana has told me a lot about you and Mei." Broyna nodded "Kiana has also told us a lot about you." The four of them then talked for a while, until Himeo grinned "So Kiana did you ask him yet?" Alex was confused and Kiana blushed and said "N-not yet. I was waiting till after dinner." Alex then looked at the clearly embarrassed Kiana and said "Ask me what?" Kiana blushed even harder and stutterd "W-well, I was hoping t-to ask you. That y-y-you." Her entire face was red and she blurted out "Move in with me!?" She was now covering her hands over her face and mumbled to herself "Why would he accept, we have only been dating for a short while." Alex smiled and hugged Kiana and said "Of course I will Kiana." Kiana pulled her hands off of her face and said "Really?" Alex chuckled "Would I lie?" Kiana sighed in relief and said "Thanks, It was good to get that off my chest." Her cheerful smile returned and Mei called out "Dinner is ready!" Everyone then got up and went to have dinner.

More months later

Small honkai beasts rained down from the sky outside Alex's window. He heard a knock and theresa opened the door and said "Quite noisy out there, aint it?" Alex chuckled "Yeah, thinking of going out there and killing some of those beasts while the others are on that ship." Theresa laughed "I can see you doing that." Alex then pulled out his shotgun and said "I might as well, I have some anti Honki shells. I should put them to use." As Theresa left the room she said "Have fun then, and I'll see you later, I have to attend a meeting." Alex then went outside and shot some beasts while waiting for Kiana and her team to return.

Kiana and Mei had just defeated bronya and were making sure she would wake up before returning the selene to st freya. While waiting she decided to look at the computer and see what they have about Kiana since this was apparently hers. When she saw some files she found out that they were encrypted and can be decrypted on a certain date. "Well that sucks, oh well." Kiana went back to mei and Bronya who was starting to wake up.

Back at st freya Kiana saw Alex around some beast carcasses. "Alex!" She called out. Alex turned and saw Kiana running up to him. "Kiana, how are you." She giggled and Gave Alex a kiss "Good, the mission was a success." Alex smiled "Well that's nice." Kiana looked around and laughed "I see you got busy while I was away." The two then chuckled and Alex said "I couldn't let you have all the fun so I made my own." Himeko then walked up with Mei and said "Aww, no making out, such a shame." Alex and Kiana chuckled "Not today major" Said Alex. "Oh and Theresa is in a meeting. Just thought I'd let you know." Himeko nodded "Thank you. Now I'll see you back at the dorm you two. Oh and the annual exams start tomorrow, so be ready for that." Kiana got worried. Alex noticed and said "Are you ok Kiana?" She smiled and said "Yeah, just a bit nervous about the exams." Alex chuckled "Oh, that's it, i'm sure you'll do fine." The two hugged and went back to the dorm Kiana yawned and said "I'm tired, lets get some sleep." 

Later that night Alex woke up to Kiana shaking and looking like she was having a nightmare. Alex sighed and held Kiana and she stopped  shaking and smiled in her sleep. Alex whispered to her "I love you Kiana."

Over the next few days Kiana was working on her training and exams with the help from Fu Hua. Alex had a lot of work to do, so they didn't see much of each other. The only times they could was on lunch breaks and night time. Kiana didn't mind though, she was just happy to be getting on track and to be with Alex. Alex watched Kiana from his office window when he could and decided on the day of the fighting he would go watch her.

Alex was late to the Kiana and Mei part of the fighting but he was there for the second part of it. He then watched as Kiana took down bronya with some trouble. A little later he watched the Kiana and Fu Hua fight. Which to him was intriguing because Fu Hua is tough. He once saw her tank 15 chariot beasts at once. However he still had faith in Kiana and to almost everyone's surprise Kiana won.

The main fights were coming to a close when a surprise guest join in. She was Rita Rossweisse. The S-Rank Maid of the Schicksal. She chose to fight Kiana. Alex was intrigued to say the least. It was obvious that Rita was testing Kiana, but he chose not to interfere. Instead he just watched, as the two raced to take on as many beasts as possible and to his surprise Kiana defeated more than rita.

The final round came and everyone was surprised at what happened. The beast known as Ganesha appeared for Kiana and The other took it out with relative ease. Upon walking back to the dorm Alex caught up with the Three of them just as Kiana passed out. She woke up a while later in Alex's hands. "Huh, Alex what happened?" Alex smiled and said "You just passed out, we were quite worried. Alex then heard some murmurs come from theresa, Fu Hua and Rita. But he disregarded them."

The next week was quite hectic. First was the mission in New Zealand. Alex obviously had to stay due to work. The two said their goodbyes and Kiana left. Upon returning Kiana looked upset. upon asking what was wrong. Kiana said "The AE. They got Mei, I was powerless." Alex responded with "What do you plan to do?" Kiana took a deep breath "Rescue her. It's my only choice. She could die." Then After rescuing Mei. Bronya was brought to the hospital in a Coma. Everyone watched as Bronya recovered. However one night. Theresa went somewhere and Kiana followed. Alex didn't know where she went and was beginning to worry over her as he feared that something bad happened to her.

Alex heard banging on his and Kiana's room. He opened the door to see Himeko stressed. "Alex, Theresa wants you in her office now, it's about Kiana. Something bad has happened." Alex wasted no time going to theresa's office. He slammed open the door and said to Theresa "What the Hell is going on, what happened to Kiana!" He growled. theresa sighed and had a stern look "Kiana has been Kidnapped." Alex  got angrey. "WHO, DID, THIS?" He growled. Theresa sighed "My grandfather. Otto Apocalypse. The overseer of the Schicksal." 

Well I finally finished it, the second chapter of Kiana's arc. Sorry that it's been a while since my last update on this book. Oh and after the next chapter, I am going to be doing "The future of these stories." Don't worry, it's just going to be what I am doing for my next set of stories. I am still thinking about them. I plan to make these stories in groups of 6 and make less love stories.

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