Let Live (An Austin Carlile L...

Por jhawkgrl2003

1.5M 22.3K 7.4K

"Poets often describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense. T... Mais

Let Live (An Austin Carlile Love Story)
Putting Two and Two Together
Here We Go Again
A Change Will Come
One of the Boys
How Could this Happen to Me?
One Man Drinking Games
Don't Go
Life in the Pain
Hanging On By a Thread
When I'm With You
A Day to Be Alone
I'm Gonna Make a Comeback
Something to Believe In
When You Look Me In the Eyes
Hear You Me
This Is My Life
I'll Keep This Feeling In My Heart
Let Love Bleed Red
I'd Like to Be My Old Self Again, but I'm Still Trying to Find It
I Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else but Here
Have I Ever Told You How Much You Mean to Me?
How Do You Love Someone Without Getting Hurt?
Just Gonna Stand There and Watch Me Burn...
...But That's Alright Because I Love the Way You Lie
The Lucky One
I Feel It In My Bones
Dream Big Darling
Tell Me What It Is You Want Me to Say
Six Degrees of Separation
Nobody Said It Was Easy
Who Are You Now?
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Back To Me
Just a Fool For You
It Burns Red Like It's Not Over
No One Does It Better
You Still Have All of My Heart
Feeling a Moment
All I Want For Christmas Is You
This Moment Now
Re-Upload of Chapter 46 (I'm Not Perfect...)
What If My Stars Fell From the Sky?
It's Just Me and the Dark, Alone Here With My Heart
Not Much Here Outweighs the Pain
I Do Not Wanna Die Inside Just to Breathe In
Nothing Goes As Planned, Everything Will Break
What Do You Want From Me?
I'll Do Whatever It Takes
All That Matters
They Said a Storm Was Coming

I'm Gonna Hate to See You Go

30.1K 411 168
Por jhawkgrl2003

Tyler's P.O.V:

I woke up 2 minutes before my alarm clock went off. I always hated when that happened, like those 2 minutes would really make much difference. At least this way I wouldn't wake Austin. I pried myself out of his arms slowly; he stirred a little and mumbled some sort of nonsense words before he fell back to sleep. I picked up my clothes that had been thrown all about the room last night.......Austin couldn't just drop them to the floor when he took my clothes off, he just HAD to throw them everywhere so I had to play hide and seek in the mornings with my underwear.

It was 8 am and I had to be at work in an hour. After I finally found all of my clothes I shoved them in my bag and pulled out a pair of purple denim shorts and a black v-neck tee and slipped into the bathroom to get dressed. I put my clothes on and pulled my hair into a side braid. I put on my makeup and changed my nose ring and my other piercings before gathering all of my stuff out of the bathroom and shoving it back into my bag.

I had been at Austin's for 4 days now. I haven't talked to my brother since the whole big arguement, and I figured it was probably time for me to face him. I wasn't as angry with him as I had been, but the thought of going home wasn't appealing. Maybe it was finally time for me to move out on my own; I had kind of been thinking about it a little bit the past few months, but now it seemed like the best idea I've had in a while. I walked back into the bedroom and had to contain my laughter at the sight. Austin was spread eagle across the entire bed, the blanket barely keeping him from being exposed, and his mouth was wide open. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand and took a picture; that would come in handy eventually. I grabbed my black zebra-striped Vans out of my bag and slipped them on. I spotted a snapback sitting on Austin's dresser and I grabbed it and put it on my head.

I gathered the rest of my things and slipped out of the room not bothering to wake Austin before I left. I fished my keys out of my bag and walked out of the house towards my car. I still had about 20 minutes before I had to be at work, plenty of time to hit Starbucks on the way.


It was now almost noon, and I had been in the backroom doing inventory all morning. My phone started ringing and I jogged over to the desk and picked it, smiling at Austin's cute face as his contact picture lit up the screen.

"Dave's Whore House," I said as I answered the phone. Austin was quiet for a minute. "I mean, hello?" I said and Austin started laughing.

"You're such a dork! Where are you?" He asked, still laughing a little.

"Well, honey, you see I have this little thing called a job, and sometimes I have to go there so that I can make some money so that I don't starve to death," I responded sarcastically as I took a seat at the desk. I leaned back in the chair......a little too far. "Ahhhh!" I screamed as I fell backwards to the ground. "Owwww fuckin asshole.....god damn stupid ass chair.....owww!" I yelled as I untangled myself from the chair and tried to get up.

"You okay there, crazy?" Austin asked, laughing a little. Ryan peeked his head into the backroom and laughed louldy at me. I flipped him off and sat back in the chair, opting to spin around in it instead.

"Yes, I fell out of the chair. Anywayss......long story short I'm at work," I stated.

"I was just wondering because I couldn't help but notice that all of your stuff was gone. I thought maybe you ran away or something," he replied.

"I figured it's probably about time I go home. I don't want to bother you anymore, and I probably should talk to Josh," I stated, messing with the end of my braid.

"You weren't bothering me, babe. I love having you around. But I understand. Just don't forget about me," he said and I smiled.

"I should be the one saying that to you! You're the one leaving to go do whatever it is rockstars do these days," I replied. My tone was playful even though I was hurting inside.

"I could never forget you, baby," he responded and my smile widened.

"Good. Hey, I better get back to work, but I'll call you later alright?" I said. "Love you."

"Love you too, Ty." he said and I ended the call. I spent the rest of my shift trying to decide what I was going to say to my brother.


I pulled up to the house and wasn't surprised to see Alan's car in the driveway next to Josh's. I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat before opening the door. I walked up to the front door and pushed it open; Alan and my brother were on the couch playing a video game and they both looked at me as I walked into the house. I gave them a small smile before walking to my room, tossing my bag inside as I kicked my shoes off. I made my way back out into the living room and sat on the loveseat, not enjoying the now-awkward silence that was surrounding us all. They finished their game and Alan got up and shut the Xbox off.

"Well, I'm gonna, um, go do that thing I've gotta do," he mumbled before letting out a fake cough. "Tyler, always a pleasure," he said as he walked past me, patting my head and heading for the door.

"God, you're weird," I said and he flipped me off, his back still facing me, before he pulled the door shut behind him leaving Josh and I alone. The silence was uncomfortable, the tension thick in the air.

"Tyler, I'm sorry. I know that doesn't mean much, but it needed to be said," Josh finally spoke, the words spilling out quickly. I looked over at him and started to play with my hair. "I had no right to say those things to you no matter what. I don't know why I got so angry with you; I didn't mean a single thing I said to you. There is no excuse for the way that I treated you. I just....ugh....I started to feel like I was losing you, that we were drifting apart and I didnt' want that. And I know that what I said didn't help with that, but I was starting to feel like I didn't even know you anymore. You used to tell me everything, and now........you don't tell me anything." He paused for a while and I just sat and listened, taking it all in.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. Honestly, I felt the same way about you, Josh. You were always with Lydia somewhere, and whenever you were here your friends were always around, which you know I don't mind because I love them all, but-I felt like you had more important things to deal with in your life besides my petty problems so I didn't bother you with them," I replied, speaking honestly with him for the first time in a while.

"I wish you would've told me about everything that happened......with Kody.....and with Mom. I would've been there for you. I would've helped you out. You're my little sister; I'm supposed to look after you," he said quietly.

"You do look after me, Josh. You do. And I forgive you," I said and he gave me a small smile. "But.......I'm going to move out." I tried to say it as gently as possible.

"Ty, please don't. I know that I hurt you and you have every right to be mad at me, but....please." It broke my heart to hear him pleading with me to stay.

"Josh, it doesn't really have anything to do with what happened; I've been thinking about it for a while. I feel like it's time for me to grow up; it's time for me to be on my own for the first time in my life. I need to learn how to take care of myself rather than always looking to others for everything. I honestly think it would be best....for both of us. For you too. You have Lydia, and I'm happy for you, I really am. She's perfect for you. I love you so much and you'll always be my best friend, Joshie. Always. But I just think it's time that I figure out how to live again. I'm tired of all of this moping and crying about everything. I'm tired of holding on to Mom and Dad; I'm ready to face the fact that Dad's gone forever, and Mom.....she may be here but she's not 'Mom' anymore." I paused and I smiled a little, raising my shoulders a tad before letting them fall back down. "I'm finally ready to move on and be happy."

He walked over and sat next to me and pulled me into a side hug, kissing the top of my head. "Mom and Dad would be so proud of you, Tyler," he whispered, and I smiled a little. I sat up and looked at him.

"Oh, and I, uh......dropped out of school," I mumbled, my words trailing off as I pretended to look at something in the distance. I was waiting for a lecture from my brother, but to my surprise it never came.

"Okay," he said and I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay? That's it?" I asked and he smiled a little, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm supporting your decision. I trust that you made the right decision. I know you, Tyler; you're a hard worker and I know you wouldn't just give up on something like that out of laziness, so whatever reason you have for doing so......as long as that's what you want than who am I to judge?" I smiled at him.

"Wow. That was deep," I replied dramatically. We both started laughing immediately.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!" We both screamed in unison, making us laugh even harder.

"We are too alike," Josh said after he finally calmed down a little. "I'm gonna miss having you around though."

"Well I have to find a place to live first so don't kick me out just yet. But you know I'll still be here all the time. Who else is going to keep Alan in check?" I smiled and laughed a little.

We watched TV together for a little while, the conversation flowing easily like it used to. "Alright I gotta go to work. I'll be home later alright?" Josh said as he stood up from the couch.

"Adios mi hermano," I said and he shook his head at me.

"Bye sis." He walked out of the front door and I got up and grabbed my laptop. I started to scroll through some apartment ad listings, but I honestly had no idea what I was looking for. I needed to call in reinforcements. I picked up my phone and dialed the number.

"Austin's Whore House," Austin said when he picked up the phone.

"Better not be," I responded and he laughed a little. "I need your assistance."

"Oh, is that so? What can I help you with?" he said trying to sound sexy.

"You can suck my dick." I responded non-chalantly.

"Vulgar! Wait-shouldn't I be the one saying that?" He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh dear Lord. You can bet your ass I won't be helping you with that now." I stated and he coughed a little as he choked on his spit. "If we are done discussing sex...."

"You're the one who brought it up, baby." He said as he cut me off.

"Fair enough. Anyway, I wanted to see if you would come help me try to find an apartment. I'm looking online and I just- there are too many options and I have no idea what I'm doing," I said and he laughed a little.

"What's in it for me?" He asked.

"I'll cook you dinnerrrr," I said before I realized that probably wasn't a good idea. "I mean, I'll call in some takeout for dinner!"

"There ya go, babe. Good call. I'll be there in a little bit," he said and I smiled.

"Thank you. Drive safely. Don't crash." He chuckled a little on the other end of the line.

"I'll do my very best, Ty. I'll see you in a little while, babe." We said goodbye and I hung up the phone. I pulled up the menu for the chinese place and called in a lot of random entrees because I couldn't decide what I wanted. I ended up on Pinterest looking at a bunch of random stuff and that kept me occupied until Austin showed up.

"Hey," he said as he let himself in.

"No one ever knocks anymore. I should probably start locking the door so I don't get murdered," I said, not looking up from the computer screen. He walked over to me and grabbed my computer off of my lap, setting it down on the coffee table. "Hey! I was busy!" I protested and he just looked at me.

"You're about to be." He picked me up and flipped me over so I was lying on the couch and he fell down on top of me.

"Oh....my....god......I can't.......breathe....." I managed to get out as he squirmed around attempting to prop himself up over me. He finally did and he looked down and smiled at me before crashing his lips against mine. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I yanked at his hair causing him to groan a little. He moved his lips down to my neck and began biting at my sensitive spot.

"You don't need that computer anymore do you?" he whispered against my skin.

"No-oh," I said, a moan escaping with the word. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Austin didn't quit sucking at my neck though. "Austin.....the food....." He didn't listen though. I used all of my strength and pushed him to the side and squirmed out from under him. My foot got caught in the couch and I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I picked myself up and straightened up my shirt and hair before digging through my purse for some cash, the doorbell ringing again. I walked to the door and opened it just as Austin grabbed me around the waist and pulled me away from the door. "What the-put me down right now!" I squealed and he did. He stepped in front of me and shoved some money at the confused chinese man standing on the porch. He handed us our food and gave me a dirty look before walking back to his car. Austin closed the door and I smacked his arm hard.

"Owww! What was that for?" He asked, his voice high.

"For not letting me pay for the food! I told you that I was getting dinner!" I whined and he just patted the top of my head. I disappeared into the kitchen and grabbed some drinks and some soy sauce and went back to the couch. We shared all of the food, and somehow managed to devour it all. Austin got up and took the trash and empty cups to the kitchen and I grabbed the computer and pulled up the website for the apartments again. Austin came back and yanked the laptop out of my hands and set it back on the table. He gave me a devious smile before picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder. "What are you doing?" I asked calmly as he turned and walked towards the hallway.

"Are you enjoying the view? Did you know that this is how upside down people view the world?" He started laughing as he mocked what I had said that night I was really drunk. I smacked his back.

"Hahaha. You're hilarious. You should have your own special on Comedy Central called "I'm Austin Carlile and I think I'm funny but I'm not," I replied.

"Where do you come up with this stuff? Seriously?" He asked and I fake laughed.

"Someon's lime green jello," I muttered. We reached my room and he kicked the door shut behind us before tossing me down on the bed.

"My point exactly. What does that even mean?" He asked as he leaned over me. I pulled his shirt off for no reason and he arched an eyebrow at me causing me to giggle.

"Jealous. That's what it means. You're just jealous that I'm awesomer than you." I lightly smacked his bare chest with my hands.

"So jealous," he whispered before leaning down and kissing me again. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" I asked as I pulled away, nodding at the 'situation' developing in his jeans. Austin blushed and I laid my head back on the pillow laughing at my Star Wars joke.

"Haven't heard that one before. Good job with the Star Wars reference, babe." He leaned down and kissed me again. His hands latched on to the bottom of my shirt and he lifted it over his head. Before he had a chance to toss it into unknown territory I grabbed his wrist causing him to stop.

"No. This time we are going to just drop the clothes to the floor so I don't have to spend half an hour searching for them like I did this morning." I smirked at him and he let the shirt fall to the floor. "Thank you." He kissed at my neck and I reached down and messed with his belt buckle. Before I could get his pants off he sat up and looked at me. "What?"

"I love you, you know that?" He said so sweetly I thought I would melt. He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose.

"I love you too." I pulled his lips back to mine. "Now, less talking more doing," I mumbled against his lips.

"Yes ma'am," he replied pushing his pants the rest of the way off.

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