Trolls world tour A Trollex S...

By Sky2342

44K 824 262

King trollex as the main focus of the story while he goes through the journey of saving his music with the he... More

Lost sound
The Rock Troll's territory
The strings
Journey begins
The deal
New nations
Back together
Another loss
Let the show begin
Thick ice
Shattered trust
Home in Danger
String of Chaos
Escape the Net
Vote for upcoming chapter
A New Quest
The Hybrids
The Harmony String
Is It Over?
True Harmony


3K 45 6
By Sky2342

The pop trolls had uncovered and refilled the pool in record time. Many of them were extremely curious about the strange troll Branch had in his arms. Poppy did her best to keep them from crowding around the pool's edge while Branch lowered the blue troll into the water, keeping only his head above the surface. Branch kept a steady grip on the troll in fear that he might drown if submerged while unconcious. "I need some of you to build something to rest him on so he won't be fully submerged while two others fetch a healer troll."
The urgent tone in Branch's voice was enough to halt their curiosity long enough to carry out their tasks. Poppy dropped into the water beside Branch. "Do you think he'll be ok?"

"His heartbeat seems to be slightly improved already, but we should still have someone with him at all times."
"Where do you think he came from?"
"I have no idea, I've never seen a troll like him before. Maybe your father will know something?"
"I'll ask him, are you ok alone with him for a bit?"
Branch nods, "I can handle it." Poppy took another glance at the mer troll, but climbed out of the pool and ran off to find her father. While she was gone a few of the other pop trolls managed to construct a support for the mer troll out of large leaves and branches. Branch carefully moved the mer troll out of the way and together the pop trolls lowered one end to the pool while hooking the opposite end to the pools edge. Wiggling the structure to test its strength and make sure it wouldn't slip into the pool. Satisfied, the trolls gave Branch a thumbs up with proud smiles. Branch returned the thumbs up before gently moving the mer troll to the contraption and laying him down against the leaves. By that point the two pop trolls had returned with the healer troll of the village. Their healer was just as shocked as the others to witness such a strange troll, but her instincts quickly snapped her back to her senses and she approached the pool.
Kneeling beside the water's edge she began examining the mer troll's wounds. "His pulse is very weak, Branch did you see what caused the marks on his arms by chance?"
"He was tangled in a netting, down in the river." Branch answered.
"The current probably added to the pressure, luckily the marks didn't cut too deep in his skin." The healer explained. Shuffling through her bag she pulled out some wraps. Gently lifting the mer troll's rainbow coloured arm she began bandaging the woulds after applying some healing medicine made from herbs found in the surrounding forest. After the last wrap the troll stuffed the remains back into her bag.
"Any idea when he'll wake up?" Branch asked.
The healer troll let out a small hmm. "Hard to say since this troll is different from us pop trolls. For all we know he might be able to heal faster. Knowing when he'll wake or if my herbs will heal him is impossible to at this point."
Branch nods glancing back at the blue troll.
Trollex had slowly began to recover his scenes. However his memory was still fuzzy when recalling recent events. He finally cracked his eyes open, immediately met with a bright light that soon gave form to what looked like tall trees. He tilted his head slightly. Two strange trolls were looming over him, locked in conversation. Trollex quickly assumed them to be rock trolls.  Lashing his tail Trollex pushed himself off the support and free from their grasp before quickly swimming to the other side of the pool. When all he found was solid wall he panicked, swimming frantically to all edges trying to escape his confinement. He halted and spun around when he heard the splash of the blue troll entering the pool with him. Trollex moved back a few paces when the strange troll got too close. The blue troll spoke. "We're not going to harm you, you're safe. I'm Branch, can I ask your name?"
Trollex wasn't sure whether or not to trust Branch. He didn't seem like a rock troll with the way he dressed and spoke, but he was still a stranger and potential threat. A stinging sensation passed through his arms causing him to look and notice the bandages. Why would a troll that meant him harm bandage his wounds?
All the other strange trolls were watching his now. His commotion had lured them all to the pool like moths to a flame. The crowd made Trollex feel even more trapped, but he did his best not to panic a second time. Glancing back at Branch he replied. "I'm Trollex."

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