Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werew...

By Taekooktrash_tk

1M 51K 32.1K

"What are you doing here? Do I know you?", Jungkook rose a brow, sassing on his mate. Taehyung immediately h... More

Chapter # 1
Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3
Chapter # 4
Chapter # 5
Chapter # 6
Chapter # 7
Chapter # 8
Chapter # 9
Chapter # 10
Chapter # 11
Chapter # 12
Chapter # 13
Chapter # 14
Chapter # 15
Chapter # 17
Chapter # 18
Chapter # 19
Chapter # 20
Chapter # 21
Chapter # 22
Chapter # 23
Chapter # 24
Chapter # 25
Chapter # 26
Chapter # 27
Chapter # 28
Chapter #29
Chapter # 30
Chapter # 31
Chapter # 32
Chapter # 33
Chapter # 34
Chapter # 35
Important Note
Chapter # 36
Chapter # 37
Chapter # 38
Chapter # 39
Chapter # 40
Chapter # 41
Chapter # 42
Chapter # 43
Chapter # 44
New Books

Chapter # 16

25.9K 1.3K 1.3K
By Taekooktrash_tk

Author p.o.v

"No no no.. It's not possible I'm not Omega. Hyung tell him I'm not Omega", Jungkook said looking at Yoongi. Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok were shocked too. Is that really possible? They never felt a different scent from Jungkook plus he isn't wearing any moon stone to hide his scent so the fact that Jungkook was an omega was also erased by him from their memory? All his Hyungs were in deep thoughts while the 3 Kims were calm.

"If you keep doing that Jihyun then I'm afraid to say that you won't be going out alive from here", Namjoon said, facepalming.

"Jungkook he was joking. You aren't an omega", Jin said shaking his head.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU DICKHEAD!!!!! IS THAT A JOKE TO YOU?????", Jungkook growled angrily.

"All this while you were talking nonsense with a serious face. Is that a joke to you?", Yoongi said angrily.

"That's mean the thing you said them being after Jungkook and Supreme child was all a lie?", Hoseok said in disbelieve.

"Aiiissshhhh... I don't like serious atmosphere" Jihyun pouted. "But nope excluding Jungkook being an omega, everything I said was true. They are actually waiting for a right moment to kidnap Jungkook. Since he is pure blood and has my blood in his body, they are waiting for an opportunity where they'll experiment on him. Since his endurance level will be high and having a vampire blood means immortality and our 1 clan is missing, makes the situation more worst".

"I don't understand what this fucker is trying to say. I wanted to kill him right now", Yoongi gritted out.

"They need a strong and young wolf to do the experiment and since Jungkook has vampire blood his healing ability is quite fast. Mihyuk know these facts and they are waiting to kidnap Jungkook so that they can use magic on him. In short they'll try to create an artifical womb inside of him so that they can have the Supreme Child aka immotal weapon", Namjoon explained.

Jihyun nodded and added, "And since Mihyuk know that he is the only one to whom I gave blood, makes him the target. He don't know that I gave my blood to Taehyung too. Plus you all were given the blood of vampire. Not mine of course but you all have some amount in your body which is why you can heal faster than any other wounded wolf".

"So that's why Jin Hyung healed that faster before?", Jimin questioned and Jin nodded.

"But you couldn't read Yoongi Hyung mind before? And you said you can read mind of people who have same blood as you or who are vampires.", Hoseok said.

"Wow you notice that. Good but didn't I said my instinct already said he was about to rip my head off", Hoseok nodded. "I knew what you all were thinking I was teasing you all because I wanna see your reaction when I called you stinky creature, it was priceless", Jihyun winked and they all glared at him again.

"Why did you said that it's only in 3 of you?", Yoongi asked Jin.

"Because you were already suspicious and I don't wanted to say anything that might trigger your past memories", Jin replied.

They all nodded in and then Taehyung said, "Now give them their memories and go away".

"Meanieee..." Jihyun pouted. "You should accept my offer you know".

"What offer?", Jungkook asked immediately.

"He should mate with me aka the only heir of Vampires and together we both will rule this world peacefully", Jihyun chimed.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung whose grip tightened around Jungkook's waist. "I don't need your offer. Give that to someone else".

"C'mon don't be a dick to me. We both have good stamina we can fuck all day and night", Jihyun said with heart eyes.

"Don't you have anything else in your mind except fucking?", Yoongi growled.

"You shouldn't be the one saying that when you were fucking at home hours ago", Jihyun said rolling his eyes. Jimin blushed and all the other immediately shut their mouths.

"Ohh and should I tell you all what my sexy hot material like husband was doing here with a horny bunny?", Jihyun smirked looking at Jungkook's direction. This time Taehyung growled in his wolf voice and everybody was stunned.

"Fuck!! Don't turn me on Daddy if you aren't going to fuck me", Jihyun said.

"Will you please stop this shit and actually come to the main subject??", Jin said.

"And what was the main subject?", Jihyun asked.

"To give us back our memories so that we can help you with what we remember duhhhh", Hoseok said.

"Oh yes yes.. Sure let's hold hands", Jihyun said to the 4. Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon held hands with Jihyun. He closed his eyes and he started chanting something which they didn't understand. When he opened his eyes, they were honey glazed. Something flew inside all 4 of them and clips after clips were started playing on their minds. All 4 of them howled and was about to shift when Namjoon get in their mind.

"Don't shift. Stay calm. We are almost there", Namjoon linked with all 4. They tried to stay sane but the memories were overflowing on their brains which resulted them to faint.

"Are they alright? Did we succeed?", Jin asked worriedly. Jihyun nodded, "It's done. They fainted because of the chaos on their heads. They'll be fine when they wake up and fainting is better then transforming in wolves and destroying nature". Namjoon and Jin nodded.

"What about the people in pack house? What about their memories?", Taehyung asked.

"We will give them their memories but with the help of these 4. Plus you all should move to your own pack. I'm sensing danger and I want you all to help them to control their power so that if they ever come to attack us, at least we could defend ourselves".

"Jihyun but why they need Jungkook exactly? They could have any omega they like. That way they won't need any artifical womb", Jin said.

"I wasn't joking when I said they want him because of my blood. They need royal blood since my blood is more powerful compare to other vampires. You know I wasn't created, I was born and my powers are stronger than my own father. You...", Jihyun said pointing his finger on Taehyung.

"I wanted to tell you something..Even though I don't wanted to but.. You should mate with him. So that you both could be blood-bonded too. You know how powerful is blood-lock".

"Aren't they already bonded?", Namjoon said.

"Of course they are because of the shit they did when they were younger but they both have my blood. Something extraordinary might happen if they blood-bond too".

Jin and Namjoon nodded then Namjoon questioned, "For how long will they be unconscious?"

"These fuckers are awake", Jihyun said rolling his eyes.

"Wait what?", Jin asked confused. "Then why are you guys laying on ground like that?"

"Our heads are throbbing but yeah we are awake and chilling down here", Hoseok said.

"Well I'm curious what did these 2 did when they were younger? And what is blood-bond?", Jimin asked curious and rest of 3 were interested too.

"It's no big deal Jimin", Taehyung said immediately.

"Oooo embarrassed now Tae", Jihyun teased.

"Shut your mouth or else I'll be the first to beat your ass", Taehyung said.

"Kinky oppa", Jihyun purred.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "C'mon Tae let us know", Hoseok said and Jungkook was taking interest too. Then Jihyun said, "Well when they were young, He and Jungkook always stayed together and this horny bunny said to my Kinky oppa that he wanted to stay with him like his parent".

Then Jin said, "And Tae came to me and said he wanted to be together with Jungkook like their parents, even after they grow old. I told him mates are chosen by moon goddess not by us. He got upset so to distract him, I lied that if they went to mountains daily and pray their to moon goddess then they will become mates".

Then Jihyun added, "And this genius didn't knew that it was a ritual in old times. It was said, If 2 wolves after doing this ritual, become mates then they are destined mates and they are more powerful compare to rest of the wolves. Plus blood-bond awaken all 6 senses. It connect the two by blood and together those 2 make all the impossible thing possible".

"So you mean one after another shit that happened, made these 2 more powerful?", Jimin asked.

"Yup a power couple", Jihyun said and made gagging noises.

"Jealous hoes", Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Bitch stop being high. You still didn't mated yet and if I took him and ran away from here, none of you will be able to find him", Jihyun said.

"Like hell he will go with you and even though you succeed on that then we have blood-bond too sucker. I will sense him", Jungkook said with a smirk.

"To awaken that bond, you need to have sex with him first fucker. It won't work now", Jihyun smirked back.

Hearing the word 'sex', Taehyung ear turn red and so did Jungkook's cheeks as both of their mind started thinking about those dirty fantasies.


"Who told you to read their minds, let them be", Yoongi said this time and everybody look at his direction. Yoongi?? Saying it's fine?? Are they dreaming or something??

"Wow.. I never expected that answer from you", Hoseok voice out in everyone's behalf.

"They are mates and if they don't have those fantasies for each other then for whom they will have that?", Jimin said.

And all nodded in agreement except for Jihyun who said, "Well then let him cum inside my mouth once then I won't disturb". 

"Like hell I would", Jungkook growled.

"Enough of the drama. Sun is about to set. Let's go back to the pack house", Namjoon said.

"Are you coming Pale popsicle?", Hoseok teased.

Jihyun smile got broader, "You remember now Coward Doggie".

"Yup we all remember now everything", Jimin chimed.

With their small chit-chat along the way they went back to pack house. They all reminisced their old memories at dinner table and later at night, Jihyun went to hunt. Rest of them talk about moving back to the original solar pack.

"Do we have a place there where we all can live?", Jimin asked.

"Of course! Your rooms and everything is there. WE came here to take you with us in the first place", Namjoon said.

"We have only 3 days. So pack everything because we are moving", Jin said.

"I can't wait to see my parents", Hoseok said excitedly.


Everybody was busy packing their stuff. The pack house was full of boxes. Jungkook was busy in packing too when a soft knock caught his attention. By now he know who exactly that person could be. So he smiled and said, "Come in".

Taehyung came in view, "I came here to help".

"Everything is pack Mr. you are late", Jungkook teased.

"O really. I thought I came on right time", Taehyung said closing the door behind.

He snaked his arm around Jungkook's waist and Jungkook's hand immediately locked around his neck. Taehyung kissed softly and slowly. Jungkook love this kind of skinship but now he wants more. He wanted to break the last wall between them. So he traced his lip's outline with his tongue. Taehyung smile in-between the kiss and opened up for his babe.

The moment they started caressing each other with their tongues, something started igniting in both of their bodies. They were practically eating each other face out by now. As both of their grips got tighter around each other, removing even the slightest distance between then, as they have any. Taehyung suck harder on his lower lip which made Jungkook to moan and restless. After like 5 minutes they detached their mouths as a string of saliva still attached them.

"I can't wait any longer", Taehyung said, his voice hoarse and uneven after the kiss. Jungkook got goosebumps from the raspiness of his tone. "Me too", he whispered. They were about to kiss again when a loud knock stopped them both, "Taehyung~ah. Don't do anything now. We need to leave in an hour. Continue your porn in your room at night", Jimin said from the other side.

Jungkook immediately opened the door, "You were eavesdropping, you hoe".

"C'mon. Chill it's not like you were talking anything dirty. Plus it's your brother who send me. We are leaving so come down and Taehyung Jin Hyung was looking for you".

Taehyung nodded and pecked Jungkook lips one last time before leaving.

"Be ready for tonight Darling", Taehyung linked.

"I'm always ready Daddy", Jungkook linked back. Jungkook heard Taehyung growl and he already felt like his legs are jelly.

"Tonight", Jungkook whispered excitedly.


(A/N: Hello everyone how are you? Thank you for reading my trashy story and as you already know next chapter will be the first *cough* *cough* of this book and since they're wolf so I'll try to make it a little wild. I hope you can take that and I'm not good at writing smut so please don't expect too fancy but I'll try my best I promise.

I read your comments. Thank you so much for giving me your love and support and to all those who said they don't want to see Taekook with someone else then please understand that these are plots. If I let them fall in each other's arm directly then how am I supposed to deliver the plot I'm thinking about. So please try to understand that. Thank you in advance<3 I Purple You all <3

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