The Kissing Booth 2.0

By osnapitsari_

668K 13.7K 1.9K

Continuing from Elle arriving home from dropping Noah to the airport. Why can't she shake off the horrible f... More

That long journey home.
Drug Store Chips
A Derailed Trip To The Mall
Sleep Soundly
Hey Lee Do You Want To Know A Secret
A Night To Remember
A Month Later
I Told You Prom Is Essential
Prom Is For The Young Folk
Our Fate Sealed
Popping Part Two
Happy Birthday To Me
That's When It All Went Black
Our Longest Night
22 Hours
Oh So Familiar
What Did I Do To Deserve This
Graduation Part One
Graduation Part Two
Not The Night We Expected
Hello Little Squirt
May I Introduce You To ____
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Hour of Confession
You Have To Tell Me If It Hurts
Happy Sundays
I'm So Tired
Theres Something Rotten
Cashmere Sweater
Home Sweet Home
Do You Recognise This Place Elle
That's a Big Diamond
An Unexpected Guest
May 9 Months Later
We'll Take It
Oh My God
41A Mermaid Avenue
The Perfect Dress
Just a Mundane Day
The One We've All Been Waiting For
The Day After Yesterday ( Reader Vote )
The Honeymoon
Disaster for Dessert
The Big News
That Makes Sense
The Scariest Day So Far
Gender Reveal
Christmas Eve
December 25th
The Office Party
A Gun Shot Rang Out
The First One
The One You All Waited For
Elle I need a Break
The Most Surreal Day Of My Life
Hello Again
Welcome home Aria ( And Elle )
Everything I'm not
Go and find Someone Better
How Did We Get Here Elle?
Never a Dull Moment
Beach Day
Noah's Birthday
Party Problems
I ( REALLY ) Messed Up
Times Are A Changin'
This is Going to Be a Learning Curve
The Return
Double First
After Summer
I'm Just Tired
' Maybe it's for the best '

Sign the Contract

2.7K 83 16
By osnapitsari_

Life was beginning to get back to normal. Lee was spending less and less time in his room, a feat that only Rachel could take credit for. She came over early each day and convinced Lee to get up and do something with her and Oscar. Some days they went out somewhere and other days they would stay in the house and cook. It was like watching their little family finally getting to bond. The fact they were doing it in my house was a bonus, it was a pure distraction from Noah's absence.

A couple of nights ago I totally broke down on FaceTime with him, brought on by him mentioning that his management was waiting for him to make a decision on signing a contract for next season. I wanted Noah to be happy more than anything, I just didn't want him to leave to travel the country again. My upset resulted in a message from him the next morning telling me he had organised for me to fly out to San Francisco for his last game of the season. We decided to leave Maddie at home with our parents. We didn't want her to miss anymore preschool this year. I was bringing Aria, who has been saying dada repeatedly for the last few weeks.

' And how will you feel if Noah signs up for another year, sweetie? ' June took a sip of her tea, as we waited for my taxi to the airport to arrive.

' I'll be devastated, but happy that he's happy. I just miss having him around all the time. The girls miss him a lot too. '

' We all miss him sweetie, honestly I'm hoping he doesn't sign up either, not that I get a say.. How is Lee today? I haven't called him yet. ' June exhaled after that sentence. As she spoke I was looking at her face, exhaustion and worry etched into the new and only wrinkles she had under her eyes.

' He was good today, he's at home with Rachel now. They were gonna decorate Christmas cookies with Oscar later. He's a lot better, it's like him and Rachel have hit a reset button. She's good for him. '

' I just worry about them Elle, they so desperately wanted the life that you and Noah have, but you guys were soul mates. Everything was always going to work out for you. '

' June, were you ever mad how things worked out? With your kids? '

' Oh honey, I was never mad with you and Noah.Of course, I always wished that you both could have gone to college and settled down before you became parents. Don't forget, I have watched you and Noah grow up together. It was exciting to watch you two fall in love, and you coped with your pregnancy so maturely. It was hard not to be happy.

I've always been harder on Lee. I knew when he announced Rachel was pregnant that it wasn't what he wanted. Rachel didn't want it either. They thought that having a baby would cast a magic spell and make them just like you and Noah. That was never going to happen. '

' I often wonder what my mom would make of all this.. '

' She would be so happy, she would have been disappointed that you didn't get your twenties to yourself, but she would have been delighted. Joni and I always knew that Noah and you would end up together. '

' She did? '

' Of course honey, since you were about four. ' Our conversation was interrupted by the taxi honking outside the house. I threw my bag in the boot and strapped Aria into her car seat before hugging June and heading to the airport.

The flight was just under two hours and Aria slept through the whole thing, which gave me a chance to read a cheesy romance novel I picked up in the airport.

I walked into arrivals and scanned the room for Noah, but he was nowhere to be seen. I was walking down the line of taxi drivers with signs until I saw one that read ' Elle & Aria Flynn.' Weird, Noah said he would be here to pick us up. I sighed and gladly took the drivers offer to carry my case as Aria was just waking up and getting fussy.

I felt like I had been following the driver for miles when he stopped and put the suitcase down beside a glossy, black stretch limousine. Weird. The driver pulled open the door and sitting inside was the ever dreamy Noah Flynn. Before I could even register that was going on, his arms were wrapped around me and his lips were pressed against mine.

' I've missed you. ' He whispered through the kisses before turning to Aria and kissing her face. ' My baby girl. Come here. ' He took her and held her close, taking in every scent and sound of hers. Judging by her smile, the feeling was mutual. ' Dada. ' Aria grinned a large toothy grin. Noah's whole face fell into shock, he had heard her say it a million times on FaceTime, but never in person. I watched his lip quiver as he looked down at his little girl in his arms. He was the proudest dad in the world.

' So now that we're driving, can you please explain to me why we're in a limo? '

' Call it manipulation, .. the Ram's really want me to sign my contract, they're pretty much saying yes to everything I ask. So I thought, why not surprise my girl with a limo. '

My stomach knotted at the mention of the contract, I think Noah could see it on my face because he changed the subject pretty quickly. He asked me about Lee and how he was getting on having Rachel back in his life. I told him how much Lee was coming on and that he couldn't wait to see Noah soon. I told him all about how Maddie was loving pre school but how tired she was from the routine of it all. I was still talking by the time we got to Noah's hotel room. Noah cut me off with a kiss when we sat down on the bed. ' I'm sorry I've been missing for so much Elle. '

' Are you ready for the final tomorrow? '

' I am, but I'm tired. I feel so much better having you here. ' It was only now in the light that I sat taking Noah's face in. His eyes were a little sunken, I could tell he hadn't been sleeping much. He had a picture of the four of us by his bed. I remembered the picture being taken by my dad, late last year, by the pool. Maddie smiling in Noah's arms and Aria in mine. It was one of my favourites. ' I've booked us an Italian restaurant for seven, I didn't want to make it any later with Aria.

' That sounds incredible. ' I smiled and kissed him.

' Look Elle, I hate to do this but I have to head to a meeting for a while.. '

' Oh, okay. Is everything okay? '

' Yeah, it's just another meeting over the contract. '

' Noah, are you going to sign it? '

' Elle, do you want me to sign it? '

It has often been said that true love is caring more about the other person's happiness than your own. I'm not sure if that is strictly true, but for right now I'm going to take a deep breath, be brave and pretend it's the truth.

' Of course Noah, if being back playing football is what you need to do, then I want you to do it. ' That was the best I could come up with on short notice? I could see Noah's face fall, because I hadn't given him the definitive answer he was looking for, but then again my answer was hell no and I wasn't saying that.

' Thanks Elle, I won't be long. Promise. ' He kissed Aria and I before grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. I sighed and went to pick Aria up, who did not look impressed to be distracted from her blocks. The realisation that I was going to have to spend another eight months alone with the girls again brought tears to my eyes. It feels like Noah is going back to live the life that he always planned. The star of the team, people cheering his name and girls fawning over him. While I stayed home with the early part of his adult life. It's not like I won't see him for all that time, but it just doesn't feel the same when you're so far from the person you love. He had the glitz and glam, and I deal with diapers.

I must have dozed off while Aria was napping because the next thing I remembered was Noah walking back through the door looking incredibly stressed.

' Noah, what's wrong? '

' Nothing .. ' He snapped, causing me to go quiet again. I was embarrassed and starting looking down and playing with my fingers. Noah saw and his whole face immediately softened.

' Shit, Elle. I'm sorry, it's nothing. It's just they've told me I can't play as quarterback tomorrow and I'm pissed off. '

' What the hell! ' I could feel protective Elle coming on. ' You're their star player, how can they just do that. '

' Because I'm not signing their fucking contract. '

' You're not? '

' No, no I'm not. '

' Oh Noah.. ' I couldn't hold the tears back and leaped into his arms.

' Elle, what's up? '

' You're coming home? You're not leaving again next year. '

' Baby, I saw the look in your eyes when you told me to do what makes you happy. I know you were being brave for my sake, and you never have to do that for me Elle. Do you have any idea how miserable I've been? Staying in shitty hotel rooms night after night, barely sleeping, knowing you were at home with our kids. I used to think football was my life, until I fell for you Elle. You gave me a whole new purpose. I needed to get this football thing out of my system, and I'm glad I did because now I know for sure what matters. I don't want to be a FaceTime husband or a FaceTime dad. I want to be home, with my family. ' Noah picked a wide awake Aria out of her crib and put her sitting on the floor.

' So I told them they could fuck off with their game tomorrow, if they don't need me then I'm not spending a single second more away from you guys.

' Noah. '

' I know Elle, I'm so sorry. '

' No Noah, look. ' I tapped him and turned him to look at our almost one year old as she grabbed onto the coffee table and took two wobbly steps towards us.

' Was that? '

' Her first? Yes. '

' THAT'S MY GIRL! ' Noah roared and ran to pick her up. Through all of the emotion in the last hour, we were both crying.

' Noah, we're going to be those embarrassing crying parents at graduation.. aren't we? '

After a celebratory dinner, Noah booked flights home for tomorrow while I put Aria to sleep. When I retuned back to the bed, he was lying there quietly.

' Do you remember how you felt when you found out you were going to be a dad? '

' Of course I do, you were asleep and I was watching you when I saw the sonogram picture pop out from under your pillow. I was stunned at first, I needed answers but I barely waited when you woke up. I was shocked and scared. I took my bike and just drove upstate. I didn't even know where I was going. I pulled in and ate at some crappy roadside diner and gathered my thoughts. How was I ever going to be a good dad? Then I rode back down and straight up to the Hollywood sign. On my way up, I stopped and looked at this little family. A mom and dad, not much older than you and I. They sat there, playing with their little girl, about Aria's age. She looks just like the mom, and the dad had his arms wrapped around both of them. Looking at them I just knew that we would be okay. I drove home not long after that, and found you asleep in my mom's lap. I saw your little bump for the first time. You looked so lost, so fragile. I still feel sick with guilt when I think about how I treated you those first two days when I found out. '

I snuggled closer into him and he wrapped his arm protectively around me. ' I wouldn't change the hand that we were dealt for anything Elle. I'm an incredibly lucky guy. '

I was dozing off with Noah stroking my hair when he spoke up again. ' Elle? '

' Mmmhmm? '

' I want to expand our family.. '

' Is that a hint? '

' Maybe.. '

' I'll think about it. '

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