The Alpha's Little Omega (Seq...

By Blue_Flame24

554K 19K 705


The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Epilogue

Chapter 5

13K 459 5
By Blue_Flame24

Chapter 5-

No one thinks I can handle myself?

I growled in anger everyone always treated me like a child and I hated it. Just because I was a stupid Omega. I growled angrily and lunged into the woods letting the change rake through my body and take away all the stress and anger.

Nirvana's POV:

I sighed as I laid papers neatly ontop of Ashton's desk.

"What's wrong?" He asked staring at some random papers.

"It's always so boring at this time. There's no one around here. Everyone is at school and I just do work."

"Just say the word and we can have another kid, Vana. We aren't like normal people we will always be around for these kids."

"I think we should. I like kids. They are fun." I said tapping my nails against his desk.

"Whatever makes you happy Vana." He said smiling as he still looked at his papers. I rubbed his back softly and then walked over to go open the door. But it bursted open before I touched the handle.

"You both need to come quick." David said.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked taking in the look on his face.

"It's the elder." He said turning and leaving. We both followed him down to the main hall where some people crowded around the elders body as he laid on the floor staring at the ceiling.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"He just collapsed." Tonya the maid said nervously. Angelica loomed over him cautiously.

"He has vitals...and his pulse is fine. I do not know what happened." She said confused. Everyone was quiet and then the elder took in a large deep breath and blinked.

"Elder are you alright?" Ashton asked helping him up.

"Yes, yes. I had a vision. Everyone clear the hall; I wish to speak with Ashton and Nirvana. Alone." He said. Everyone nodded not speaking out against his order and everyone was out in a flash. He walked up to the chair and he sat down taking a sigh.

We did not say anything and finally he spoke.

"I understand, now...what Courtland's purpose is."

"Purpose?" Ashton asked confused.

"Yes. All your children are here for a purpose. To fulfill something. Let me explain it to you. Tyler...the eldest his purpose is to be a leader; he is the oldest so he has that high stature of directing people what to do. Austin is here to bring force; his mind is focused on one thing and that is ruling everything. He doesn't want to give orders he wants to take them and carry them out the best he can. Then Jeremy; Jeremy is here for strategies. His mind is for critical thinking, to analyze things and see how they carry out. Nick is here for strength and power. He will be the strongest out of all of them despite his size he will come out on top. He will be the best fighter in a long time. Then Mitchel who is more on the agility and sneaking side; he will be here as a high advantage point. He will be detected by no one, heard by no one and seen by no one. Then there is Courtland..."

"The first ever werewolf...High king Uriel...had six sons. His youngest son was always the weakest link. He developed his skills as a mature werewolf late, he was more focused on school than athletics. He just wasn't carrying out his duties. Finally the day came to shift and all his brothers were Alpha's and he was an omega. His family kept his change a secret and one day he finally snapped. His father didn't accept him neither did his brothers nor his mate.He went on a rampage. He shifted and ran and once he shifted back he was a different person. He was cruel...vulgar and acted out. And the reason why he acted out is because he is not an omega, nor was he alpha, nor was he a regular wolf. He was something powerful, more enraged. He was stronger after that. Faster. More alert."

"So what does this mean?" Ashton asked.

"It means Courtland is taking after him."

"So what is he exactly?" I asked.

"He was what we call unnatural. He wasn't like us regular wolves. He was once again stronger, faster, smarter, wiser...his senses were out of this world. But he carried one tragic flaw."

"What flaw?" I asked.

"He craved the blood lust. He loved the rush of watching someone bleed under his hand and unfortunately to cure this he needed his mate. Only his mate would control his anger but she couldn't bare the monster he was. So he killed...and killed and killed...finally he was put to death."

"What!?" I exclaimed. No way is anyone putting my little girl to death.

"Nirvana. From what I call Courtland has already found her mate. Just hopefully we aren't too late."

"Too late?" Ashton asked.

"Yes. The change could have already started. Now we better hurry before she finds herself in trouble."

"Wait how does it start?" I asked.

"It starts at just getting angry at small things, her vision going red when she is angry and then finally she will start hurting people when she gets angry." He explained.

"Well let's go. The school is about five hours away."

Courtland's POV:

I spent the night at Dimitri's. I just slept on his couch. I was so angry last night I didn't want to go back to my dorm.

"So what did happen last night?" Dimitri asked as we walked to the cafeteria.

"My brothers making fun of me and it got pushed to far." I sighed tying my hair up in a ponytail.

"Seriously?" He asked.

"I know. I wish I could tell you...but I can't."

"That secret huh?"

"So secret that you will never talk to me again." I said.

"Oh it can't be that bad. You're my bestest most special friend, C." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and burrying his face in my neck. I laughed and pushed him away as we walked into the cafe.

"You have other friends for that." I looked over at Nick who sent me an apologetic look, for some reason I glared at him angrily and my vision began to glaze over with red. I shook my head confused.

"You alright?" Dimitri asked.

"Peachy." I smiled grabbing my breakfast and going to sit down.

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