Almost the Heir...

By fallingleafviolinist

23.3K 1.1K 328

Elena is a far-from-normal teenage girl living with the Avengers on the Hellicarrier. Elena is almost always... More

Chapter 1: the Arrival
Chapter 2: My Mischief will Never be Managed
Chapter 3: Genealogy
Chapter 4: Notes, interrogations, and decisions.
Chapter 5: Company
Chapter 6: Realization
Chapter 7: A Brutal Attack
Chapter 8: A rude Awakening
Chapter 8: A Rude Awakening
Author's Note: PLEASE READ!!!!
Chapter 9: No
Chapter 10: Refusal
Chapter 11: The Search
Chapter 12: Terribly Wrong
Chapter 13: A Change of Mood
Chapter 14: Injured
Chapter 15: A different kind of beauty
Author's Note
Chapter 16: Pain
Chapter 17: The Search Continues
Chapter 18: Heights
Chapter 19: Satellite
Music Chapter: PLZ READ WHOLE THING!!!!!
Chapter 20: Rooftop
Chapter 21: No!
Chapter 23: My Own Little Hell Part Two
Chapter 24: Foreign
Chapter 25: Uncertainty
Chapter 26: An Illusion?
Chapter 27: Reunited
Chapter 28: Reunited (Tony)
Chapter 29: Reunited (Natasha)
Chapter 30: Reunited (Clint)
Chapter 31: Reunited (Thor)
Chapter 32: A Whole New World
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 35: Esacape
Chapter 36: Wounds
Final Author's Note
Final Author's Note
I Swear This Is The Last Note!
Guys, It's Up (finally)!!

Chapter 22: My Own Little Hell

479 29 11
By fallingleafviolinist

Elena sat on the floor of the quinjet, feeling betrayed and angry.

She wouldn't let anyone within a three-foot radius of her. Well, except for Bruce.

As much as Bruce had missed Elena, he still felt guilty, and Elena knew it.

She sat in a ball and sobbed into her knees. What was she supposed to do? She had just been taken away from the one person who truly understood her. The one person she could be truly happy around.

The Avengers stood around the quinjet, looking at each other. None of them knew what to do.

They had only ever seen Elena cry once or twice (other than her infant years). To see her sobbing like this, no one dared try to comfort her for fear of making her more upset, or having her lash out and do something stupid.

Bruce sighed and slowly edged his way over to her.

"Elena...? You'll probably think that this is a really stupid question, but, are you okay?" He asked.

Elena only sobbed harder in response.

She felt guilty. The day before, she had pranked her father. Her prank had caused the two of them to fight. The fight had caused her last few hours of living with her father to be anger-filled.

She could've made the last few hours enjoyable, but she had decided to do otherwise.

Bruce slowly knelt down to Elena's height and wrapped his arms around her.

Elena was too hysterical to resist, so she slowly returned the gesture and wrapped her arms around Bruce.

They sat that way for the rest of the way back.

However, as soon as the quinjet touched down in the hellicarrier' landing strip, her mood drastically changed.

Elena brushed Bruce off of her and stood up, wiping away her tears in the process.

As the door of the quinjet lowered, Nick Fury could be seen, surrounded by several other agents.

"Director." Elena greeted as she stepped onto the pavement, the Avengers behind her.

He said nothing.

As Elena walked a few feet further, Fury grabbed her shoulder to stop her. Within moments, someone had handcuffed her.

"Glad to see that I was so dearly missed." she said sarcastically.

Fury ignored her and nodded to the Avengers. And with that, he turned on his heel and walked away, taking his entourage of agents with him.

Tony and Steve grabbed Elena's arms and escorted her inside the hellicarrier. Or, tried to, anyway.

"Let go of me!" She protested, brushing off Steve and Tony.

They ignored her and grabbed her again.

"Let go!" She shouted, struggling to get free.

After she finally succeeded in getting free, she stood her ground, seething with anger.

"Where exactly do you think I'm going to go? What do you I'm going to do? Yeah, I have magic. Magic that I can't use without draining most, if not all, of my energy! It's not like I'm just going to jump of the hellicarrier! We are floating several thousand feet in the air!" She shouted.

"Besides, its not like I have anywhere to go... he- he's dead..." Elena's voice cracking at the last words.

"Now if you'll excuse me," She said the words over her shoulder as she proudly walked inside the hellicarrier.

After the door has closed behind her, the Avengers (who were frozen in shock) looked at each other, looking lost, and quickly followed after Elena.


Hi again!

So sorry I haven't been updating lately!!! My iPod needed repairs and my wifi is being sketchy, so I'm trying not to overuse it.

Just to clear things up, Elena does NOT know that Loki was healed. It's another mystery of the plot.

One last thing: I've had some people PM me asking, "How do you pronounce Elena's name?". Well, I pronounce it like "Ellen-uh", it never occurred to me that people might pronounce it "A-lane-uh". Hope that clears it up!

Luv ya! :-)

(Best violinist in the nine realms)

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