Surrounded By Werewolves...

By illuminacity

491K 16.3K 878

Angel is someone who's known of as a 'Goth' by those who hardly know her. She doesn't care and instead choose... More

Surrounded By Werewolves
.:1:. ~Angel's POV~
.:2:. ~Angel's POV~
.:3:. ~Angel's POV~
.:4:. ~Angel's POV~
.:5:. ~Angel's POV~
.:6:. ~Bret's POV~
.:7:. ~Trent's POV~
.:8:. ~Angel's POV~
.:9:. ~Trent's POV~
.:10:. ~Angel's POV~
.:11:. ~Angel's POV~
.:12:. ~Bret's POV~
.:13:. ~Angel's POV~
.:14:. ~Angel's POV~
.:15:. ~Bret's POV~
.:16:. ~Angel's POV~
.:17:. ~Bret's POV~
.:18:. ~Angel's POV~
.:19:. ~Angel's POV~
.:20:. ~Angel's POV~
.:21:. ~Bret's POV~
.:22:. ~Angel's POV~
.:23:. ~Bret's POV~
.:24:. ~Angel's POV~
.:25:. ~Bret's POV~
.:26:. ~Angel's POV~
.:27:. ~Angel's POV~
.:28:. ~Angel's POV~
.:29:. ~Bret's POV~
.:30:. ~Angel's POV~
.:31:. ~Des' POV~
.:32:. ~Angel's POV~
.:33:. ~Bret's POV~
.:35:. ~Drew's POV~
.:36:. ~Angel's POV~
.:37:. ~Des' POV~
.:38:. ~Angel's POV~
.:39:. ~Des' POV~
.:40:. ~Angel's POV~
.:41:. ~Angel's POV~
.:42:. ~Angel's POV~
.:43:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:44:. ~Angel's POV~
.:45:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:46:. ~Angel's POV~
.:47:. ~Angel's POV~
.:48:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:49:. ~Angel's POV~
.:50:. ~Angel's POV~
.:51:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:52:. ~Angel's POV~
.:53:. ~Des' POV~
.:54:. ~Angel's POV~
.:55:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:56:. ~Angel's POV~
.:57:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:58:. ~Angel's POV~
.:59:. ~Angel's POV~
.:60:. ~Des' POV~
.:61:. ~Angel's POV~
.:62:. ~Angel's POV~
.:63:. ~Des' POV~
.:64:. ~Angel's POV~

.:34:. ~Angel's POV~

5.5K 219 17
By illuminacity

"Ready?" Drew asked me and I smiled nodding. "Okay."

"Ready..." I asked bending down to the ground. "Set..." Drew was jst standing there. "Go!" I yelled as I propelled forward immediately and I could see Drew slightly as I ran faster.

"Still can't believe I can't change." I laughed at that right before jumping over a log. I was running fast but not as fast as I could. As soon as Drew started lining up with me I shot off as fast as I could. I was running through the trees as fast as I had ever been able to go. "Jesus!" I heard Drew manage to choke out over his rough breathing. Light was streaming in through the treetops as we ran causing it to be a beautiful sight if only I could stay and stare but I had to beat Drew.

I knew I was only proving something to myself by doing this but I hadn't actually ran against a wolf before, let alone in human form. I could hear our rushed footsteps echoing lightly through the other sounds of animals. My breathing started getting harder and faster as my muscles started getting a little sore. I ran up a rocky surface and almost stopped when I saw it end abruptly but figured I could just jump it.

If I hurt myself in the process it didn't really matter because I shouldn't have to prove myself. I jumped feeling my hair lift as I fell before I rolled to break my landing. Ugh remind me not to do that again. I thought as my back had pain shoot up it and I ran as fast as I could. I stopped behind Des's house where Des was standing and bent over breathing heavily as I felt my muscles almost give up. "Okay. How can you... Run that fast?!" Drew asked heaving and I took a few deep breaths.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked cockily before Des gave me some water. "I hurt my back a bit though." I winced as I stood up straight and stretched. "Ow." Des looked at me and I shrugged. "I still beat a werewolf. That's got to count for something."

"In human form though and yes. It does." I smiled at Des when he said that.

"Yeah... I don't run." She muttered shaking her head.

"I better get going." Drew said looking at his watch and I nodded just before he turned around and started walking back in the woods. My heart finally slowed down to the proper speed and Des took the water bottle and had a large drink.

"Hungry?" I asked her before we both started walking back to her house. She almost always was.

I gasped sitting up straight. I could feel sweat covering the middle of my back and my hairline. I was breathing quickly trying to get my heart beat in control. Tears started forming in my eyes before I threw one of my pillows at the wall. Dammit! I brought my knees closer to my chest as I started crying. Sobs wracked my body as my hands found their way into my hair. I had been having a terrible nightmare and then somehow Bret came in which threw me off in my dream.

I hated what he was and I hated how I couldn't sleep properly without him there but I couldn't control it while it just tried to kill me! I growled as I hit the part of the bed next to me. I threw my other pillow and et out a frustrated growl before grabbing my phone and putting my earphones in before turning up the volume. I decided I'd see if Drew was awake.

"Message back when you're awake." Was all I sent and I knew once Drew saw it he would laugh at me.

"Ding ding! We have an idiot." I pulled a face at that and growled slightly. He could get under my skin but at the same time it was kind of amusing if you thought about it. "Knock knock." I heard tapping on my balcony doors and turned to see Drew smirking. I waved at him before looking away. I heard him trying not open the doors and I quickly got up and strode over to them.

"Shut up. There's people sleeping!" I whispered furiously and he wave at me the same way I had waved at him which caused me to glare. I took my two bobby pins out of my hair. "Give me a sec. I'm too lazy to get my switchblade." I smiled as the lock made a popping noise. I opened the right door and he stepped in eyeing me carefully.

"Why are you even awake?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Why are you?"

"Touche." He muttered. And I smiled slightly. "If you tell me I'll tell you." I sighed sitting back down on my bed.

"Can't sleep. Not without... Him." I snarled the word. Drew was quiet. "Okay. You're turn. Shoot."

"I was kicked out of Bret's house and pack yesterday. Nowhere to sleep." My eyebrows shot up and my jaw dropped. I stood up off the bed and pushed him towards it.

"Sleep." I said picking up my two pillows and giving them to him.

"What about you?" He asked clearly concerned.

"I can't sleep. Duh." I scoffed taking my phone off the bed and turning my music off. "I should probably continue packing." Drew didn't say anything as he got in my bed and fell asleep. I was amazed he was even able to rest with me walking around but he was. Within a few hours the sun rose and everyone was up walking around except for Drew. I sighed walking over to his sleeping body before lightly shoving him.

He growled slightly like the last time and put his arm over some of his blonde hair. "Dammit Drew get up." I groaned as he rolled over. I decided to do something really annoying that Des had done to me once. I started poking him and whispering his name. "Drew. Drew. Drew. Drew." He swatted at me before getting up and glaring at me. I threw his shirt at him. "Come eat some breakfast."

"Do they even know I'm here?" I smiled evily.

"No but they will get one hell of a surprise." He chuckled before getting up and putting his shirt on. "Come on." led him out of my temporary room and down the stairs towards the kitchen. I walked in and they both looked at me. "Morning." I said before turning around to see Drew staying away. "Hurry up goddammit."

"Who are you talking to?" Des asked before her face turned to horror as Drew walked in.

"Eat." I ordered him and he sat down where I normally sat.

"You're not my mother."

"Yeah well we both don't have mothers now go eat."

"What is he doing here?! I hope you two didn't have-"

"Ew! No!" I exclaimed and Drew started laughing. "That is just disgusting." I said pulling a face. I put pancakes in front of him.

"Then why was he in your bedroom last night?" Des asked and I saw her not even looking at him.

"Got kicked out of Bret's pack and house and she let me sleep seeing as she couldn't get to sleep." He said non-chalantly as he ate a pancake.

"He's not sleeping tonight." Des's mother said and I scoffed.

"He has nowhere else to stay. He can sleep. It's good to know you trust me though." I spoke the last sentence sarcastically and Des's mother stormed out. I went straight up to the large metal fridge and opened it to see the little drinks. I started drinking it and drank it all before I felt really bloated. "Where are your clothes if you were kicked out?"

"Don't have any." He muttered and I nodded slowly.

"Okay... We're skipping."

"What?!" Des said at the same time as Drew and I looked at her confused.

"I still have money and I can easily get more." I said frowning over at Des. She knew that I went in certain... Competitions. I never won all of them but I did win enough to get around between jobs. "Do you want to come Des?" She shook her head. "Right. Josh. Forgot." I muttered while scratching my head. That was really awkward. "Come on Drew." I said and he sighed before stuffing another pancake in his mouth. "If you start sticking your tongue down girls throats I'm outta there." He chuckled before rolling his eyes.

"How are we going to get there?"

"The simpleton way... Bus." I started walking out of the room.

"I'm amazed you don't have your switchblade." He spoke cockily and I held it up which made him stick his hand in his pocket. "How did you do that?!"

"Come on." I said grabbing his wrist.

**Alll Rights Reserved**

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