Oh, my Agent! [YiZhan/ZhanYi...

By einfach_Eileen

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Never underestimate love! My first story of this kind, so please don't be too critical. ( Top: Wang Yibo Bo... More

Oh, my Agent!
Chapter 1 / I want him
🔞Chapter 2 / I can't take it anymore🔞
Chapter 3 / Finger off
🔞Chapter 4 / All I want is you🔞
Chapter 5 / Special Agent
Chapter 6 / Betrayal
Chapter 7 / You must have survived
Chapter 8 / In the headquarters
Chapter 9 / Take him home
Chapter 10 / Zhan is back
Chapter 11 / Yibo The truth is...
Chapter 12 / Zhan You are too young to die.
🔞Chapter 13 / 3 Per POV When are you ready? 🔞
🔞Chapter 14 / 3 Per POV Shanghai Headquarters🔞
Chapter 15 / Zhan Who are you really?
Chapter 16 / Become an Agent
🔞Chapter 17 / Sex with a Special Agent, Agent Mode on!🔞
Chapter 18 / Yibo And if I become an agent?
Chapter 19 / Zhan I come back in one piece
Chapter 21 / Zhan Jiang Cheng's secret
Chapter 22 / Yibo I'm still freaking out
Chapter 23 / Zhan Another failure
Chapter 24 / Yibo Nice to hear your voice
Chapter 25 / Zhan - I am coming home
Chapter 26 Yibo - Help me this one time
Chapter 27 Zhan / Well, in that case...
Chapter 28 Yibo / Why did I do this?
Chapter 29 / Zhan - Welcome to the Black Agents.
Chapter 30 / Yibo - I'll never forgive you.
Chapter 31 / Zhan and Yibo - So we meet again
Chapter 32 Yibo - I'm sorry
🔞Chapter 33 / Yibo - I'm sorry [Part 2]🔞
Chapter 34 / Zhan - I love him
Chapter 35 / Yibo - You cannot get rid of me
Chapter 36 / 3 Per POV - You're under arrest!
Chapter 37 / Yibo - But I cannot wait
Important information!

Chapter 20 / Yibo Let's get together

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By einfach_Eileen

Chapter 20 / Yibo Let's get together

After Zhan left, Yibo sat with his uncle in his house. Actually they wanted to talk about why and when Yibo wanted to leave him in charge of the triad, but Yibo was not in the mood to talk about it anymore. Besides, he was far too distracted and angry. Really pissed off. Zhan was gone again and there's no telling when he'll be back. He was worried but at the same time he wanted to blow something up. Maybe that stupid Yu Bin? His husband's boss? Anyway, it would be a good start and he would work his way through the agency piece by piece until Zhan is back.

He reread the last message from Zhan over and over again and shook his head. "Be good, pah,  ass and bum!" he bawled and threw his cell phone on the table. His uncle looked at him amused and made an observation. "You are like your grandfather. Together with the woman he loved, he was the kindest person you know. But without his wife, he was a big asshole and ready for anything." His uncle explained it to him. Yibo had never met his grandfather and his father had never told him about him. "Is that so?" Asked Yibo and tapped his finger on his display from the phone around.

"Your grandpa was a tough guy. Whenever someone stupid came at him, he didn't hesitate for long. No one could stand up to him except his wife, my mother, your grandmother. She was the only one who could put him to rest, and Zhan is that for you. He is your resting place and now that he is gone, your body reacts like my father's, with anger and hate. And I think you can be a good leader for the Triad. You just have so much to learn. And if you want, I can teach you. Let's band together and take the world together." His uncle suggested and Yibo accepted.

No Zhan, no limits, thought Yibo and shook his uncle's hand. He didn't care what Zhan thought, right now he wanted the power and if he needed it, he could use it fully. Who knows what the future holds? Who could know if he wouldn't have to fight for Zhan again some day? However, as angry as he was right now, he would probably let Zhan die and then kill everyone who was responsible for his death. Including the agents, every agent! Come back to me Zhan, thought Yibo and typed on his mobile phone again.

Together with his uncle he drove home and introduced him to his mother. "Ah yes, I never thought that this purchase would be worthwhile for your father. But apparently she's tougher than she looks." He said, kissing Yibo's mother on the cheek. Yibo's mother looked past Yibo and looked for something. "Where is my son-in-law?" She asked Yibo. Yibo's eyes darkened and he gritted his teeth. "On a mission!" he hissed and clenched his fists. His mother frowned and looked at Yibo questioningly.

"On what mission? When did the doctor give the OK?" She wanted to know and brought Yibo to something he had not yet thought of. Right, when did the doctor say he could work again? He wondered. Yibo picked up his phone and called the agency. "When the hell did the doctor give my husband the OK to go back on missions?" He asked Yu Bin after being put through to him. "What does that mean Zhan is going on his own responsibility? Are you kidding me? Where's my husband now?" Wanted to know Yibo, even though he already knew the answer.

"You know I can't tell you this, but there are four other agents involved, so don't worry and always remember, Zhan is one of the best." Had told him Yu Bin and wanted to calm Yibo down. "You dirty bastards better make sure my husband gets home safe and in one pice or you'll never see another sunrise, you fucking candy-asses!" Yibo screamed into the phone and hung up. He stormed upstairs to his room, took the picture of Zhan from his bedside table. "And you dare not disappoint me. Come home soon and don't you dare do it with anyone else." He said, tapping on the picture.

Yibo thought that by the time he went to sleep, his anger would be less and he would have better processed the fact that his husband was voluntarily putting his health at risk. But not being able to fall asleep because he was simply too angry only makes him more angry. He went downstairs, got his motorcycle from the garage and raced through the streets of Beijing. But when the fourth police car he passed didn't want to follow him either, he realized that he had to find his fun somewhere else. "Fucking Zhan, what did you do? It's no fun if they're not following you!" He said and raced on.

He saw two petty criminals molesting a woman, obviously a prostitute. He pulled up and waved at them. The two idiots reacted and pulled out a jackknife. Yibo smiled. "Oh yeah, time for fun." He said. He took off his helmet and the two criminals came up to Yibo and threatened him with their jackknives. Yibo laughed and fired his helmet at the guy with the knife on his hand. The guy screamed in terror and pain and tried to hit Yibo with his other hand. Yibo laughed and swung his helmet around and hit him, his attacker in the face.

A crunching and cracking could be heard when the attacker's nose broke, blood flowed from his nose and something splashed onto Yibo's helmet. Disgusted, Yibo stared at the blood on his helmet. "You disgusting pig, can't you bleed in another direction? Do you see what you have done? You have stained my favorite helmet with your blood. Do you know why my favorite helmet is? I'll tell you why. I got it from the person I love, and you dared to defile this gift!" Said he punched the helmet under the other guy's chin.

In the end, he couldn't remember which of the two he had hit how many times. Now they lay there crying and bleeding and Yibo was happy, at least for now. For then he saw the whore who dared to call the police. Shouldn't she be grateful to him? Instead the stupid cow squeals and betrays her helper. So she's a traitor too, just like his Zhan was. He grabbed the whore by the collar of her tiny top and stared at her sincerely. "You should thank me, you ugly shit fly, but what are you doing? You deserve to be beaten, you worthless piece of shit." Yibo said.

He wiped his helmet on one of the guys and put it on and drove away. How dare they make him even angrier? Come back soon Zhan, I am losing my mind, thought Yibo and stopped at a park. He took off his helmet and sat on a bench. He looked up at the night sky. "Where are you my darling now? Are you looking at the stars too? When will you come back to me?" He said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

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