Her Saving Grace

By Kadenereadaholic

2.3M 60.6K 14.7K

Kayla Green is not your typical girl. She is known and she has friends. People talk to her because of her eas... More

The Monster Living With Me
What Have I Done?
"Please Don't Leave Me"
Money Trouble
The Ongoing Nightmare
Exposed Truths and Accusations
Revenge Is Best Served Cold
The Bad Boy's Secret
Teacher Say What?
Tutor Session
Running Into Old Rivalries
I Would Have More Luck Finding Nemo Than Mr. Right
Drunken Monster Called Me What?
A Second Slip Up
The Bad Boy Opened Up To Me
Concert And Love Interest
Losing Himself
A Day At The Fair
A Raving Caveman
Party! Party! Party!
My Secret Is Out
"Let Me Help You"
Always Prepare For The Unexpected
The Fighting Match
He Is Now Mine
Oh Hell No
A Meeting To Never Forget
A Chance To Have Fun
Just When I Thought Things Couldn't Get Any Worse
Haunting Nightmares
Expressing Feelings
Angry Confrontation
A Ray Of Hope
Taking It Too Far
The Rescue
It's All Over
Faith Is All You Need
Everything Is Now Coming Together
Moving On

First Day Of School

84.4K 1.9K 1.2K
By Kadenereadaholic

I got up early the following morning and quickly got ready for school. As usual, I put on a lot of foundation and concealer to hide the bruises. I took up my bag and the house key and went downstairs.

My stepfather was sprawled out on the couch, an empty bottle of beer hanging loosely in his hand. He was fast asleep and snoring loudly. I tiptoed through the living room and head to the front door. I was really hungry, but I didn't want to risk him waking up if I cooked breakfast. I opened the door quickly and ran down the porch steps and began my journey to school.

Since I got ready early, I reached school with a lot of time to spare. I walked passed the parking lot where a lot of students were gathered and went into the school building. I then head down the hall to my locker.

"Kayla!" I heard my name being screamed. I knew exactly who it was immediately. I turned around with a wide grin on my face.

"Jazzy!" I greeted one of my best friends; Jasmine Thomas. She finally reached me and flung her arms around me.

"Girl, I missed you so much!" She exclaimed, squeezing me tight.

"I missed you too." I replied, then pulled away. "How was Thailand?" I asked.

"It was great. I can't believe summer's over." She said.

"Yeah, me too." I sighed.

"Hey, have you seen Kevin or Lucas yet?" She asked.

"No," I replied. Kevin Harris and Lucas Martin were my other best friends. It has always been the four of us since middle school.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look who's here." I heard a familiar voice behind me. Jasmine and I turned around to see Kevin strutting towards us.

"Speak of the devil and he appears." Jasmine teased, grinning widely.

"Kevin!" I said, an automatic smile forming on my face. I really missed him, even though we did see each other a couple of times during the summer.

"How are my two favourite girls?" He asked, hugging me and then Jasmine. The three of us then lapsed in a conversation about our summer vacation as we head to our lockers.

After we got our books, we stood in the hallway and continued talking. Class was not going to start for the next five minutes. I then looked down the corridor to see Lucas coming towards us.

"Lucas!" I greeted when he neared us. I then looked at him and frowned. "What the hell happened to your hair?"

Lucas smirked and ran his hands through his new hairstyle. His black hair was comb over to one side. Much like how Justin Bieber used to wear his hair. "I wanted a change. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Dude, you look ridiculous." Kevin stated.

"You're just jealous that I'm going to get all the girls now. I mean, no one will be able to resist this look." He said smugly.

Jasmine and I laughed. Lucas looked at us. "What's so funny?" He crossed his arms.

"Keep telling yourself that buddy." I patted his cheek teasingly. Okay, I was joking because any girl would want him, with or without the new hairstyle. He also knew how to charm the ladies. Kevin as well. After all, they were both handsome, intelligent and funny. However, Kevin was more of the flirtatious one.

"Whatever, you know it's the truth." He replied. Suddenly, the shrill of the warning bell cut off any more conversations. We began to walk to our homeroom that we were in together.

We went to the back of the class and sat down. Kevin and Lucas sat beside each other, while Jasmine and I sat in front of them. The teacher was not here as yet, so I got up from my seat and went to sit on Kevin's lap, so we can continue to talk until the teacher comes. Jasmine copied my actions and sat in Lucas' lap.

"What did you do for your summer vacation, Lucas?" Jasmine asked.

"Parties and going to the beach mainly." He responded.

"Yes. Lucas and I partied hard and picked up honeys at the beach." Kevin added, giving Lucas a high five. "We invited Kayla a couple of times though, but she only came once." He added, holding up one finger.

"I was preoccupied most of the time." I defended.

I didn't want to tell them the real reason I couldn't make it. It was hard to get out of the house during the summer, because of Allan. I would lock up in my room mostly. But I couldn't tell them that because my friends did not know what my home life was like. I was afraid to tell them.

"I wish I was here." Jasmine said. Just then our teacher, Ms. Baker walked into the classroom and Jasmine and I sprang up from the boys' lap and went to our seat quickly. Thank God we made it in time, before our teacher looked around and saw us. Ms. Baker greeted us and then began with roll call.


"All of the trigonometric functions of an angle can be constructed geometrically in term of a unit circle centered at O." Mr. Malcolm, my maths teacher was saying, while I tried to keep my eyes open.

I don't normally sleep in class but, right now I wanted to sleep for two reasons. One, I could not sleep last night, because Allan was up all night, so I waited until he went to bed, which was really late. Two, I really, really hate trigonometry.

"The trigonometric functions are most simply defined using the unit circle. Let be an angle measured counterclockwise from the x - axis along an arc of the circle...." Mr. Malcolm continued. I rest my head on my hands and soon I didn't hear anything else as his voice trailed off.

"Kayla." I heard my name being called after a while, but I was too tired to lift my head.

"Kayla!" I heard again and I groaned. Just five more minutes, please.

"Miss. Green!" The person shouted and I shot up quickly, looking at a very frustrated and angry Mr. Malcolm. The students laughed in amusement. "Miss. Green, can you please solve this trigonometric problem?" Mr. Malcolm asked, crossing his arms.

I shifted my eyes from him and squinted at the board to the problem he pointed on.

Solve sin(x)+2=3 for 0°< x <360°.

Uh? Why is that equation so long? And is trigonometry really important in life? God, I really hate trigonometry!

Mr. Malcolm gave me an angry look. The look he gave me with his beady little eyes could kill. He began to tap his foot, waiting impatiently for my response.

"Um...six?" I said the first number that came into my mind. Mr. Malcolm shook his head and went over to his desk. I knew exactly what was coming next. He was the hardest teacher there is. He doesn't let anything slide.

With a detention slip in hand, Mr. Malcolm turned back to me. "Please come for your detention slip, Kayla." I got up from my seat and approached him. It didn't make any sense to argue because he would just give me another one. That was who he is. "Next time, please refrain from sleeping in my class. It's disrespectful." He added in a hard tone.

I took the slip from him, rolling my eyes at his comment. I made sure he didn't see me, because he would definitely give me another one for doing that as well.

I sighed. Great. In all my seventeen years of living, I have never ever went to the detention room. Not only was it my first detention, but it was also on the first day of school.

A/N: Hey my lovely readers.

Thank you so much for reading my story. Yes, I'm talking to you 👆

I really hope you like this chapter and you vote. Continue reading, you won't be disappointed.

Please comment as well. Happy reading my little skittles!

This chapter is dedicated to L_A_2003 for fixing the chapters in order for me. I really appreciate it and I'm really grateful 😘😘 Words can't express how I feel about you doing that. Thanks a lot ❤❤

Stay sweet! 😘


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