Bitten But Alive (The Walking...


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When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... Еще



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  Danger Inside and Out


A/N: Sorry, I chose to focus on school that honestly was a mistake. I failed and my GPA has gone to crap. Sorry for having not updated in so long.

Sorry if this chapters confusing, it's a whole episode. so I added "prison" and "town" in place


( Your POV )


As Carl slowly drifted to sleep he was startled awake by the cell block door opening, in turn he snapped his eyes opened and turned quickly causing him to roll off my lap. "Carl!" I reached forward grabbing onto his waist with my arms but in the end we both rolled down the few steps , I held his head against my chest with my arms protecting his head,until my back hit the cement floor. The only good thing , I'm used to falling down stairs. Carl was plastered on top of me with wide eyes as I let go of my hold on his head.

"Y/N are you ok!?"

Lori and Beth who'd just walked in ,causing this ,rushed over to us as I lifted my head off the floor,"Y/N you're bleeding."

Carl jumped off of me, wanting to check the floor to see if it were true or not. I craned my neck behind me to see the floor, a small splat of blood sat there,"Oh that's just walker blood, I got some stuck on my hood when I was outside."

They all pushed out a breath of relief at my natural lie, thinking of natural lies reminds me of how my psychological test went before they allowed me into the military. Point blank: the psychiatrist warned against the idea of even having me in the same room as a gun. I laughed internally as I remembered that woman, she scared way to easily for being someone in the military. "Oh look what we got Carl."

I turned my body to see that Lori had a pair of crutches for Dale, with Beth enthusiastic now that her dad was awake and looking colorful in his face again. They really thought he would die,and I understood why. The shock and pain knocked him out for so long,and with him bleeding out his face had gone colorless. Everyone expected to wake up the next morning with him as a munching walker,and thankfully he didn't. "Let's all go give em to him, I'm sure he wants out of that bed by now."

They nodded at me,smiling , before helping me stand up and heading toward the cell Herhsel sat in. With his rosy cheeks back amd light in his eyes ,I smiled at him as I came into his view."I'm glad your ok, but I'm sorry for not being there to protect you."

He shook his head at me before smiling softly, like a father would to their child," You done more than you know , protecting us to get in and out. We're the ones who left you behind."

No I left you guys behind to find my old life.


Lori handed him the crutches while Beth helped him stand up on his one leg, then they both released their hold on it but he quickly lost balance. I reached forward and held his body still as he adjusted his hold on the crutches. "Maybe you should sit down for a bit more."

He shook his head,"I think I've had enough if this bunk bed to be honest."

"Don't worry ,I wont let you fall," I mumbled loud enough for only him to hear and he gave me another grateful smile. Every step he took, he would feel unstable and place a hand against my back to balance himself before continuing. This wouldn't have happened if I had stayed with them, but there were too many walkers as well..

He looked at everyone surrounding him and smiled,"You know what, I think I'm pretty steady."

"That's a good start,"Lori kept her arms up watching his body in case he tipped over. "Ready to take a rest?"

Hershel stopped at looked at Lori before letting out a small chuckle," A rest? Lets go on a little stroll." Lori was hesitant but with me gladly agreeing we all began to follow him as he walked out of the cell he'd grown disgusted by after being stuck in the bed.

I couldn't help but smile while watching him,he reminded me of a man I met on the road a while back who traveled with a boy,his son. The broad man suffered a leg break and without any hospitals around he was practically incapable of walking anywhere. Luckily enough ,I crashed into them at the perfect time.


I opened up one of my eyes to look around for who had yelled, but I couldn't physically see anyone. So I closed my eyes and instead smelled the surrounding area, "there's two people."

I got up onto my feet,picking up a knife that was sat next to me which I'd found in a store after a month of leaving the farm. With the screams from the boy and no response I rushed my way onto the road searching for them with my nose.

"To the left," I jumped over a fence and into the front yard of a random house. "Good,only two." A yelp came from the opposite side of the house and I rushed over,there were two walkers. One on the floor trying to bite at the boy and another was wrestling a grown man.

I tossed my knife at the standing walker,because of the grown man I could only aim at its inner leg. Slicing through a tendon that had it crumble down letting the man step back and away from it. "Hurry and kill it!" I yelled and looked away, tossing myself onto the floor where the boy was and stretching out my arm to cover his face just in time. I felt the walker bite down on my forearm causing the boy to scream,and that's when I finally looked at the walker. It was a woman with dark skin and hair. She had a white nightgown and cover up on that'd become tattered and dirtied with blood and dirt. It was then that I realized her grip on my arm hadn't loosened,and I instinctively growled under my breath at her. I shook my arm but she help on like a rabid dog.

"Get off!"

With full force I swung the arm she had latched onto against the side of the house causing her to let go and try scratching at me with her nails. I then kicked at her neck and held her tightly against the wall with foot pressed tightly against her neck. She began to scratch at my legs which were covered in thick pants I'd stolen from a store for construction workers.

"N-No,stop don't hurt her!"

I scoffed at the man, seeing that had finally killed his own walker and was just staring at me with wide eyes,"What the hell is wrong with you!" His son, though still in a daze had finally gotten himself back onto his feet. "She almost killed your own son, and you want me to let her live!?"


The man ignored everything I said and began to walk closer, and I realized he had a limp. His leg was crudley tied as well, and I could see dried blood on his pants. What an idiot....He was now reaching out for the walker,"Please, just don't touch her...please."

Ignore me, I'll ignore you too. I sounded petty in my head but I didn't care, now that she'd bitten through my arm in front of someone I had my own reasons for killing her. With a glare at the man I raised up my knife for him to see it clearly and he did. As in the next two seconds he attempted to tackle me to the ground and away from the walker, I jumped back in time to watch the woman tackle him instead.

And still, he won't kill her. I looked at the kid , then back at the woman and my mind finally figured it out. I sighed as I shoved the tip of my boot against her mouth to stopped her from chomping down into his neck. Then I kicked her off of him,and to his surprise I didn't kill her. Instead I placed my knife into his hand and pushed him towards her staggering figure. "There is a certain point you have to say goodbye, you're passed your point. Even if it's your wife."

He shook his head,"I can't do it."

"Do it, or I will. But for fucks sake make the choice that'll protect your kid." She was starting to walk closer to him again, and I could only imagine him being tackled ....again. "You're lucky I came by, or you'd be stuck fighting to say goodbye to them both."

I shook my head as I thought about them, he got the courage to kill her though his face wound up covered in snot and tears. They never asked about my bite, mostly because I stated they wouldn't like the answer so we all dropped it. I don't remember much about my time with them, but I got his leg all healed up, I hope they're still doing fine.

( Andrea POV )


"If we leave soon, we'll get in some few hours on the road," Michonne looked up at me when she said this before looking back down at a map. Both of us were on the bed, me laying on my side with my arm propping my head up. And her just sitting down normally while hunched over the map. Every now and then reaching to where her katana used to be before clenching her hand in anger.

I feel better now. Though us getting dragged here wasn't the best,the medicine helped. Being inside of safe shelter and seeing other ,normal, people felt nice even though they acted weird at times. I sighed internally as I stared at her,"Where are we heading?"

She stopped moving and instantly looked up to meat my eyes, I didn't have to say much more for her to catch on. I want to stay here,we're safe here. Even so she answered,"I'm thinking the coast, we got the water completely on one side. Maybe we go find a boat. Best thing we could do is find an island."

She looked back down at the map laid out in front of her on the bed and I sighed,"And if the coast isn't safe?"

"We keep moving."

I assumed as much. I watched her trail the map with her finger,"Lets say the coast is safe, what do we do after? Just stay there and grow old, live off the sea by ourselves?"

She scoffed a little before looking up at me without moving her head,"I'd rather take my chances out there than stay in here."

I raised an eyebrow at her,"Because you're gut tells you there's something off about this place-"I paused and thought about before continuing,"-about the governor."

She looked up at me slowly, just staring at my eyes to the point that it made me nervous. Everything here seemed fine, the man was so considerate and even though Merle is's safer than outside. She finally spoke, though the emotion in her eyes grew darker,"My gut had kept us alive this long."

"Thats true.."

( Your POV )


With me holding Hershel stable on the crutches Lori rushed in front of us to open the door with Beths help, the brightness from outside cause everyone to blink in an attempt to accustom to the light. Cars outside were being driven in, backwards just as we walked out, though I could only see TDogg and Carol. Something feel off?

"We got you here, dont worry."

"Take it one step at a time."

My thought were pushes away as I felt Hershel fall onto my back with a small yelp, stairs have never been the best for crutches but we don't have a choice and I am so not carrying a grown man. "Don't worry ,I got you." He gave me a grateful smile before pushing himself back and heading back down the steps. Once at the bottom he took the lead ,more comfortable now though Lori trailed behind him in case. Isn't it dumb for a pregnant women to be helping him though?

Hershel took note of the two by the cars and spoke up," You cleared out all the bodies?" He smiled only a tiny bit,"It's starting to really look like a place we could really live in. "

He got no response other than Lori placed her hand on his shoulder,"Watch you steps now, the last thing we need is you falling over."

"You're doing great daddy."

It made me happy to see everyone finally glowing with happiness, but in the pit of my stomach I had a feeling it was about to be knocked down again. Every time they get too happy the worst comes, I can only hope I'm wrong. Carl grabbed hold of my hand as we walked beside each other, he even tossed playful words at Hershel to get him to small. "Ready to race me Hershel?"

He did smile,"Gotta give me another day. I'll take you on."

We stopped walking and everyone stared off to the outer fence where Rick, Glenn and Daryl stood. It seemed they had just returned from collecting wood for fire, I think. I felt my body freeze for just a second as a small flow of wind passed by me. Walkers! I quickly snatched my hand out of Carls hand and quickly pulled out my weapons before rushing behind everyone. Tons of the coming from a farther area, Carl was the first to realize it and he knocked into everyone getting their attention. I began to jump around them and take them down one by one. But quite a few were beginning to pass by me and head towards everyone else.

"Walkers!! Look out!"

I noticed one get to close to Hershel so I ran forward and blocked him getting tackled to the ground,"Y/N!"

"Go you idiots GO!"

I used all my strength to push it off and into the others that were getting to close, thankfully it knocked three others down and I quick;y jumped up onto my feet and stabbed each of them in the head. "Don't fight, get Hershel inside! I'll take care of it!"

Maggie and TDogg joined in shooting at them while I ran back and forth between the group of walkers, avoiding their hands to convince the others they were reaching for me and slashing at their necks to tear their heads off. I would go back and stab into their head but I needed to stall them long enough for everyone to get away. Rick and Daryl were rushing over but the outer gate was too far and Glenn was stuck retying the opening in the fence. After fiddling with the locks on one of the fence doors Beth got in and called to Hershel who had a walker behind him.

"Daddy behind you!"

He smacked at walker with his crutch before rushing forward, Carl began to walk towards his mom and shoot,making sure she stayed safe. Maggie ended up backing towards another door,"Lori! Carl! Over here!" Without a second though they rushed over and closed the door, TDogg and Carol were the only ones left with the walkers alone with me. I covered Carol as TDogg ran over to the gate, realizing it was open.

I stabbed into a walkers head as it got close to Carol's legs, then turned to look at TDogg. A walker! No! No! "TDogg behind you!!" I rushed forward, a knife in my hand and tossed it at the walker but it hit him too late. TDogg didn't turn in time and I watched as the walker bit into his shoulder.


Carol finally looked over, her eyes wide as she began to rush over as well, I kicked the walker off of him and he fell to the grounf, TDogg shooting at him over and over in anger. "TDogg,Y/N! Over here!" I rushed over to her beggining to kill walkers again as TDogg went into the door, his hand out to me.

I shook my head,"I need to get to Lori! Just go!"

He shut the door and I rushed through the crowd of walkers. Running out into the open I found the door Lori ran into,"If that back entrance was open that means they got into the cells." I killed a couple more walker in my path but Daryl's yell stopped me in my steps.

"Y/N! Get over here!" I met eyes with him and just shook my head as I rushed backwards,"NO Y/N!"

I ignored his yells,even when they were joined by Glenn. All they could do was watch me as I fought my way to the gate, opened and closed it and rushed into the cells out of their view. I need to find Lori, Maggie and Carl fast.

( Andrea POV )


I hated Merles guts but, he did save me. With a small smile I handed Merle the map me and Michonne had been looking at. Me and him were hidden in the trees and bushes so no one could really see our interaction, he smiled as I handed it to him. Though his smile, or well smirk, still irked me. "I circled where you could find that farm where me and daryl stayed at."

He opened it slowly and laughed a bit,"Ah you were right off route 9, right before it becomes Dahlonega Highway. And you're saying that the farmhouse is only a day's walk from there?"

I nodded, but since he wasn't looking at me I spoke,"Give or take."As I stared at the map I ended up pointing at the woods around the farm,"This is where we were looking for Sophia, even made it up around here."

He just stayed silent before staring at me, the view of his eyes changed and I didn't like it one bit. I stayed calm as he turned to face me and stepped closer, I leaned back,"How come we never hooked up?"

I scoffed at the question, even with him getting closer I stepped back slight and answered with a mocking face,"Because you called me a whore, remember? OH and a rugmuncher."

He got another smirk on his face, laughing at the way I responded,"Oh? Got a way with words don't I?"


"Mmm," he stared at me before bringing the math up to his chest and that smirk turning into a frown joined by a glare. "Why are you doing this?"

I sighed and looked away,"Because if it were my family out there, I'd want the same thing."

"Sure you don't wanna come with me?" I didn't respond just looked down to which he crouched a bit to get me to look at his eyes again. "Sure you ain't curious about the old gang?" I didn't respond or look at him, he croutched again and smirked at the look on my face. "OOOH, yeah. You really were cut loose weren't you?"

I scoffed again, pulled out a water and opened it,"I'm sure they came back, but I wasn't gonna stick around to find out." And with that I raised it up and drank the water. "Besides, if Y/N really did go down to save me, I don't feel like seeing that."

"We got something in common blondie, we got left behind by the same people...." he got really close to me before swerving off and walking away,"and saved by another."

( Glenn POV )


The second the door was opened we all rushed through, shooting at the last bit of walkers Y/N had left for us. I felt my eyes go towards the door she and Maggie had disappeared into, please be safe. While me and Daryl got the rest Rick looked up at the place Beth and Hershel had locked themselves into.

"What the hell happened?"

Beth was still shaking over what had happened and she struggled to answer,"The gate was open!"

Rick took to two walkers slamming their heads with the gun he had in hand, while doing this he yelled over another question at the two,"Where the hell is everyone else?! Where's Lori and Carl!?!?"

Hershel leaned against the fence and point off to the door Y/N had rushed into before we could get to her,"Maggie led Lori and Carl into C Block!"

"And T was bit!"

Rick motioned to them with the gun in his hand,"Anyone else?"

Beth didn't answer, thinking about it , when Daryl looked over,"Was Y/N bitten?"

She struggled to get her words out but she finally answered to the two of them,"I-I couldn't tell." This easily set off Daryl who began to kill his own path to get to the door Y/N had disappeared into. I ran over to the gate that had been opened, looking at the chain and seeing it'd been cut open. I slashed through a walkers head before rushing back to Rick. "Those chains didn't break on their own. Someone took an axe or cutters to em." Rick instantly turned to look behind him at the gate he'd rushed into and saw the two prisoners. His neck stiffened up and I noticed him clench both his hands,"Do you think it was them?"

He glared at them before spitting a response to me,"Who else?"

He seemed ready to kill when a loud alarm began to go off and we all froze,"Oh shit!"

Rick tossed Daryl the keys while me and him began to shoot at all the speakers that were visible to us, even with them shot though, the noise continued and Rick stomped over to the prisoners. His gun right in the tallest ones face,"How can this be happeneing!?"

Rick lowered his gun as the prisoner answered,"Whoa-whoa-whoa, it has to be the back up generaters."

He raised his gun again as he yelled,"Well how the hell do you turn them on! In case you haven't noticed, we got walkers tailing on all sides now!"

I looked over to the outer gate and he was right, walkers were beginning to show up out of the blue from the woods and were beginning to pound on the gate,"This isn't good."

The prison raised his hands up again to get Rick to calm down, it wasn't working,"Ok ok, there is three that is connected to a diesel tank, okay? " Daryl raised his crossbow and the man spoke even faster,"Each one controls a certain part of the prison. The hacks shut em all off when the prison was overrun! "

"Can someone open up the main gates electronically with full power!?"

"I only worked a few days, I guess it might be possible?" With that answer and shrug Rick lunged at the man and grabbed his short,"You're coming with us!" Both prisoners just nodded and Rick turned and ran,"Lets go!"

( Carol POV )


"There's a set of double doors, leading to a corridor," he struggled to speak through the pain as we walking in the darl hallways. "That should lead you back to our cell block."

"You should stop!" I tried to reach out for him but he pulled away.

"No! I'm leading you to your cell block!"

We rounded another corner and I placed my hand forcefully on his shoulder that wasn't injured,"Stop!"

"Why!?" He slammed his back against the wall, and we both stopped and stared at each other. I ddin't know what to do or say, it was like seeing Andrea being taking down all over again. "Sit here and wait to die?"

He pushed off and started walking again, I rushed after him sticking close to his side,"I'll do what I have to, I won't let you become one of those things."

He began to struggled to walk, pushing off one wall to the next as he stumbled around, the blaring alarm was only worsening the situation as it made our hearts beats race. "I can't ask that!"

"It the pact remember!"

"This is gods plan! He'll take care of me, he always has." I looked around at the area and he pushed in front of me to lead the way. "He's gonna help me lead you out of these tunnels!"

( Lori POV )


What do we do? What do we - I grunted to myself as I fought my body to walk forward but once I rounded a corner I couldn't help but stop and lean against a wall,fuck , no not now. I tightened my hold on my gun and I slouched, my grunting drew Maggie's attention who rushed over while Carl watched our backs.

"Can you keep up?"

I tried to nod but I felt a bigger pain come and I groaned louder,"S-somethings not right-"

Carl instantly turned to us as I leaned on Maggie to come up and off the wall,"Are you bit!?" I shook my head calming him down in seconds. The loud alarm in the background was only making the pain I was feeling even worse.

Leaning on her didn't matter as the pain grew worse and I pushed by back up against the wall, no I know this feeling. Not now not now not now! I dropped my gun as I slammed my hands onto the wall behind me,"I-I think the babys coming."

They both went silent as they stared at me,"Mom?"

We had no chance to talk as a horde of walkers came from the direction we were running to, Maggie forced my body off the wall, and I willed my legs to move trying to push the pain away but it was unbearable,"No, there's no time! Turn back!"

Carl rushed in front of us as we tried to speed walk away when we suddenly heard something slam against the wall behind us,looking back just for a second we saw a pile of five walkers just laying there, dead. Suddenly one of them got up off the floor and looked over at us,"Y/N?"

She didn't respond, instead she pulled out two machetes that I'd never seen before and rushed back into the hallway we'd turned away from,"She's buying us time, let's go let's go!"

We rushed down another hallway, Carl ahead of us checking it's safety but he ended up turning back and instead we turned into a different hallway, they were everywhere. Every now and then we could here things slamming against wall that we could only imagine was Y/N talking or slamming the bodies onto the walls and floor. I never thought I'd be happier to see her than now. Being blocked down the other hallway Carl rushed to a door he found and urged us in, we went in and he got the door closed behind us. "How did Y/N get in here?"

I struggled to answer her through the pain but I got it out,slowly," She saw us come here, must have followed us after helping the others."

Carl rushed through the room we were in, checking it to make sure it was safe before coming back and watching me struggle walk down the stairs,"Is she-"

We all froze as the door was suddenly slammed into.

Carl and Maggie both pointed their gun at the door while I struggled to go further down and away from the door,"If they get in, what do we do?"

"Y/N will come for us."

Maggies and Carl shot at the door as it was slammed open, a figure quickly ducked down before rolling inside and slammed the door shut with their back,"That hurts guys." Maggie and Carl lowered there guns as Y/N came out of the dark and looked down at us,"I get your on edge but I'm not trying to get shot at from you two."

"Y/N, your ok!" She pulled her mask down, showing off a soft smile as Carl hugged her but a part of me could only focus on the blood splattered on her face,"Is everyone else alright?" To this her face fell back into her usual emotionless state, her eyes looked enraged though.

"Well,"Maggie stared at her waiting to hear bad news of her family,"Everyone is fine, except for TDogg.." We didn't get to ask any questions as she put her hand up for us to stay quiet,"He got bit, I didn't get to him in time. He's currently with Carol somewhere inside this place too."

"Y/N, thank yo-" I cut myself off as I slouched over holding onto my stomach ,my eyes wide, breathing loudly. This feels horrible.

"Please tell me she isn't going into labor right now." I'm sorry, I'm only making everything much worse.

( Merle POV )


*A/N: idk how to write for him, just a warning*

I went lookin for the mayor, and with a quick thought I just managed to turn towards the main street and there he was. Standing at the top of a one of the makeshift walls that overlooked the exit, every now and then he'd bend down to place a golf ball and then swing. Not a good man, but I ain't one either. With a smirk on my face I neared him, climbing up a ladder just in time to see one of the balls hit a walkers face and I laughed inside. I whistled at the shot, gaining his attention before commenting,"pretty good."

He just smiled at me before looking back at the other wall with two people looking out,"We should visit Augusta, take only the women and let them play. It'll be historic."

He bent down to place another ball as I watched him,"And break decades of tradition?"

He didn't look at me, instead swung and responded,"Absolutely."

Even if he couldn't see me I still shook my hood as I stood there,"I don't know, some things are worth holding onto." With no response as he went onto the next ball I shrugged to myself and changed the subject. Now onto what I really want. "You know I was thinkin of takin Martinez and Tim out on a scouting mission later on this week."

"For what?"

I watched him hit the ball again, it smacking into one of the destroyed cars on the road before simply stating,"Blondie." This got his attention and he turned to me, so I continued,"She said my brotha was still alive."

He thought about it , his mind on it before turning and going back to golf,"Eight months ago. You can track with the rest of em but, its like looking for a needle in a haystack."

He swung again and hit a walker, I didn't look at him. Just kept my eye son the road, lets see if this interests you then, "She told me where I could find that farmhouse they was holed up in."

He didn't take interest as I had though,"He could be anywhere."

I hummed in response,"I know my brotha, if he's out there,"I nodded to myself,"I'll be able to find him."

He finally stopped his little golfing game, turning to face me fully with a serious face,"And what if someone gets hurt during this search huh? What almost happened to Crowly last time."

I licked my lips not knowing what to say and he stared at me before going back to playing thinking my idea was now over and done with. My brotha needs me. With my smirk gone I spoke as he placed another ball down,"Then I'll go out on my own."

"I get what your feeling,"he stood up straight and looked at me,"I really do. But I can't risk loosing you out there when I need you here,safe." He looked over at the people on the other wall then back at me,"This whole place would fall apart without you." And he diverted his eyes to golf once more.

No. With a stern look I spoke,"This is my brother."

He stayed slouched as he was about to hit and only looked up at me through his eyelashed, the look in his eyes much darker than before. "Tell you what huh?" He stood up ,"You get some more concrete information, and I'll go with you myself." I stayed silent thinking about it, this was as close as he was gonna get to letting me off. "Alright?"

I only smirked and nodded. I agree, for now.

( Rick POV )


Walker bodies were scattered all over the floor, but a couple were still alive in our cell block and I could only feel my heart beat picking up as I shot the lost one and looked around the cell like a mad man. "LORI!" No response and I rushed up the stairs looked at the cells,"CARL!"

Behind me I heard the others rush in, and I looked at them for answers,"We just took down five over there."

I ran down the steps,"There were four in here, but no signs of Lori or any of them."

Daryl looked down at the floor making sure all the walkers that were already on the floor were really dead, though with a closer look I started realizing that most of them had been killed off quite brutally. The cells now had blood on the walls and floor, some of them had there heads smashed in with holes of stabbing throughout there body. "If Y/N ran in here after them, it seems she took most of them out. It means only Y/N ran into the horde of em, the others should be safe."

Glenn agreed with Daryl as he listened to the silence inside the cells,"They must have been pushed back into the prison, no doubt Y/N is with them right now."

The blood shed Y/N had caused only made me worry more, it was like an animals rampage that tore through the walkers. Is my family safe with someone like that, she's there only hope now and she's always been on our side. Why am I questioning her now? Because of what Shane said? I shook my head and stomped over to the door,"We'll split up and look for the others! Whoever gets to the generators first, SHUT EM DOWN!"


( Your POV )


"What are those alarms?"

She is in labor, she just doesn't want to admit it. I sighed as I listened to the alarm, a part of me had a clue on what they were. But most of memory was at a loss on why it was going off now. "It might be a back up generator that reacted to an entrance or something, not sure how as the power has been off in here this whole time."

Maggie pulled Lori further into the room we were in while I tagged back with Carl,"What if it attracts them?"

"Don't worry, the outside ones will have trouble going through blocked off places thanks to the fences. There are some further inside the building but the alarm leaves them blind on noise detection, the only way they can find is us by sight now. It gives us an upper hand."

"Lori lets -let's lay you donw,"Maggie tried to pull her down but Lori shook her and as she just stood there.

Eventually Lori looked specifically at me,"The babys coming now." I knew what her eyes were asking me, but I don't think she'd completely enjoy the answer. Maggie ignored this and instead urged Lori forward.

Carl spoke up,"We have to hurry back to our cell block and have Hershel help." My eyes widened a bit as I thought of our now bloodied cell block. I went a little to overboard because of my anger on TDogg getting bit...

Maggie shook her head,"No we can't risk getting caught. You're gonna need to give birth to this baby here."

Lori was slouched over, I couldn't' see her face now but I heard her mutter sarcastically,"Great."

Lori started breathing hard, panicking at the thoughts rushing through her mind that I worried Carl, I calmed his down my placing my hand on his shoulder,"You're mom needs all of us, calm down."

Maggie started removing Lori's pants, causing Carl to look away out of shyness. I moved over and helped Lori lay down on the floor to make it easier to remove them. Maggie then looked up at Carl with a worried expression,"Your gonna need to help deliver your brother or sister. You up for it?" He nodded slowly as I removed my bag on my back and pulled out an extra jacket that I ended up laying on the floor for Lori to rest on,"I'll do an exam, lemme see if your dilated."

"Do you know how to?"

"My dad taught me, but trust me it's my first time,"Maggie said as she finally got the jeans off and looked between Lori's legs. Then she remembered I was in the room,"Wait ,Y/N have you ever delivered a baby?"

Dammit. I sighed as I moved over to her side now that I'd laid out a place for Lori to be comfortable,"I have, twice but one of those didn't...end...well."

Maggie understood and didn't push it ,returning her attention to Lori who leaned back in pain,Carl turned away. Maggies expression grew more worried as she looked before shaking her head,"I can't tell." Maggie pulled me over to see and I began to worry as well.

"I'm gonna push,"said Lori, through struggled breaths.

I looked over at Maggie with a frown,"She is diluted but only between 1 and 5cm, it not changing." Us three understood what I was alluding to while Carl could only stand there and watch in fright, we could only hope what I expected to happen would change within a couple minutes. "Lori do you have enough strength to squat." She shook her head,"Maggie help her stand up."

Maggie did as said and I pointed where to stand with her, I then moved what I had laid down to underneath Lori's standing form. Lori then held onto some bars while Maggie stood behind her ,somewhat in between her legs. "Your body knows what to do Lori, let it do all the work."

I ripped a piece of the clothing off and placed it around the bars then told Lori to hold onto that, she was gonna be clenching onto those hard. "We're gonna use gravity to our advantage."Lori kept pushing and started screaming loudly, I was silently thanking those alarms going off but I grew concerned when I smelled blood,"Lori stop!"

She didn't hear through her pain that ever Maggie began to yell for her to stop pushing, when she finally did Maggie pulled back her hand to reveal blood lacing her hand in dark red,"This isn't good."

( Carol POV )


"We're almost there."

I felt my heart drop as we rounded another corner only to see walkers, I tried to walk back but they quickly spotted us. I raised my gun to shoot them only to hear the responding click of the empty package. I don't know what to do, what do I do? I shook my head grabbing TDogg,"Lets go back! Go back!"

"No we're almost there!!"

"NO!" I tried to grab him but his shirt slipped out of my hands as he rushed forward pounding into the walker with a yell and slamming them against the opposite wall,"GO! GO CAROL!" I couldn't move, his screams just surrounding me as I starred in fear. "GO GO GO!!"

With tears barely held back in my eyes I rushed forward and passed him to a door, before I opened it I looked back at him once more, I'm so sorry. "GO! I'M ALREADY DEAD!"

I watched in horror as the watching bit through him as he yelled in agony, and without a second thought I rushed out the door crying.TDogg I'm sorry!

( Andrea POV )


"Sorry to see you leave." I looked back at the mayor with a smile,"This place is not for everybody."

He motioned over to the seat and I walker to it and sat down, him joining me after having grabbed a bottle and two glass cups,"Thank you...for everything."

He just nodded with a small smile before speaking,"Where ya plannin on going?"

I sighed as I light stretched my arms,"The coast, Michonne thinks it'll be safer."

The second I said that he smiled, I felt a chill but thought nothing of it as he focused on me more without saying anything. I finally looked up and met his eyes, "What do you think?" I kept quiet and slowly looked away from him onto my hands that I began to figit with to try and distract me from looking at him, getting no answer he spoke again. "Well, her vigilance has kept you both alive."

He began to poor the alcohol and I looked over at him shaking my head,"OH-I uh, I haven't had hard liquor in a while. My tolerance is probably close to nil."

I sent him a small smile and chuckled a little,"Lucky you."Ignoring the extra cup he poured some for himself as he looked down,"So, Merle told me you provided him with information about his brother's whereabouts."

I nodded at him,"It was what I could, Though it wasn't much."

"Well, it's given him hope." His eyes changed as he said this but it disappeared,"If you ask me, I don't think he'll find him."

"But he's-

"-Gotta look." "Gotta look."

I smiled as we said it at the same time, see he understands. I don't get what michonne is so worried about.

"What about you?" I looked at him with confusion as he slowly raised his cup to his lips. His eyes and focus only trained on me,"Think you'll find what you're lookin for?"

I raised an eyebrow at his question,"I'm sorry?"

"You still got family out there?"

I looked down at the table and shook my head,"I lost my family. My parents, my sister."

He nodded at me as I flickered my eyes up to look at him,"I'm sorry, I lost my wife-car accident, bout 18 months before all of this." I didn't say anything as he took another sip,"It's just my daughter and me."

Having no way to respond my hand reached over to the empty abandoned glass and I raised it up to him with a smile,"To better days." With a smirk he reached over to the bottle and poured me some. We had a small chat that I ended, I needed to get ready to go with Michonne as much as I didn't want to leave this haven. With a goodbye and a final fact of him telling me his name I left with the news that Merle would be the one to give us our stuff and see us off. As I walked down the hallway away from his room I still didn't understand what Michonne saw in him. So,mayor Philip. Nice name.

( Rick POV )


Even with Y/N having left a trail of blood and bodies in random locations, the walkers were never ending. I rushed into another door that I assumed was for the generators as walkers followed us closely behind,"Daryl close the door!"

Him and one of the cellmates slammed it close holding it in place with the walkers slamming into it to try and open it up, I rushed over to the different generators but ti all looked like nothing I'd ever seen,"How do you shut these down!?"

"Go help em, I got it!" With Daryls yell the cellmate rushed over to me showing me what to shut off, the second I did and turned around I got slammed into one of the machines by the other cellmate that had just run off earlier and I left outside. He's the one who caused all this!!! With an ax in hand he tried to off me while I wrestled for power over him. I slammed him into something else, his biting me. Then I grabbed and pushed him to the opposite wall to shoot him but he hit the gun out of my hand before I could pull the trigger. Before I could react he smacked me in the face with the ax and I slammed into the floor, disoriented by all the noise and the blow to my head. I turned over to my back just in time to see him raise the ax over his head when he was suddenly struct down by a barrel, I turned over and looked to see the other prison mate with my gun in hand.

I quickly got onto my feet, my hands up as he pointed the gun at me, the other one behind me stood up to,"Shoot him! Then we can take back this prison!" He just stood there, with a stern face as his chest moved with his rash breathing. The gun not moving at all. The man behind me yelled again as he watched,"What the hell are you waitin for! Do it!" Nothing again so he yelled,"Its our house! Shoot em!"

He finally moved, pointing the gun at the other cellmate instead of me and immediately shooting. I shielded my eyes at the blood splatter before keeping my hand raised as he was still in a position to shoot me. I looked back at him again, noticing Daryl stood there with a nice waiting to off him. But he didn't have to. He flipped the gun in his hand, and handed it back to me. I grabbed it, silence between us three and then I moved to shut off the generator completely.

"Let's go."

( Your POV )


"Mom." Lori didn't respond her eyes closed. After what happened we helped her back down, moving the clothes I took out again for her to lay on. Having seen the blood even Carl was alert,"Mom look at me,look at me, keep your eyes open."

Carl clenched onto her left hand while Maggie held her right, Lori slowly opened her eyes. Sweat dripping off the side of her face,"We have to get you back to dad."

Lori shook her head softly, her energy depleted,"I'm not gonna make it."

"Lori, with all this blood I don't even think you're fully dilated yet. No amount of pushing is gonna help!"

I stepped closer, Lori looking at me as I was the only one standing and looking down at them,"I know." Lori looked at me with a struggled smile,"Carl was a C section."

She closed her eyes for a second and looked at Maggie and me,"Yes, and I know what this means. I am not loosing my have to cut me open." The second she said it I closed my eyes unable to watch her.

Maggie froze, leaning back and instantly shaking her head,"No ,I can't. I can't do it."

"You don't have a choice."

Carl jumped up onto his feet,"I'll go for help,"trying to rush to the door but I caught him as his mom yelled No at the exact same moment.

Maggie tried to side with Carl,"Carols the only one that practiced that. Dad's only taught me the steps, I don't know how to Lori. What if I-"


I stayed silent and Maggie rambled on,"I-I don't have any anesthetics, no equipment-"

"Y/N." I opened my eyes again, letting go of Carl's arm and I walked closer to Lori with our eyes connected the entire time,"You've done a c section, you have knives."

I pushed my hood back and removed my coat , tossing it to Carl. I then took off my finger less gloves, put then in my bag and took out a pair that covered my entire hand,"You will not survive,are you aware of this and other possibilities."

It wasn't a question, but a statement I'd only repeated once before where both the mother and baby had died. She nodded,"Save my baby, please." But now I didn't have an option to lose both,"My baby...for all us."

I pulled out three different sized knives and a bag that had towels and a wide range of medicine and medical supplies, Maggie looked at me like I was crazy. But with the supplies she had at least a small ray of hope,"This is all I have, and this is all I can do. Are you sure?"


( Michonne POV )


Something happened that she isn't telling me. I breathed slowly as I stared at Andrea,"What happened, I thought we had an agreement."

She looked away shaking her head,"We can always leave tomorrow or the following day."

I raised an eyebrow,"the following day?"

She crossed her arms slightly avoiding having to look directly at my eyes for too long,"We don't want to walk into trouble that we can't get out of."

"Tell me about it."

She looked at me again, not answering my question,"Michonne it is just a day or two."

I shook my head at her and slowly walked passed her, tossing my bag onto the bed,"I heard you the first time." With a glare I walked out of our room and she didn't even try to stop me.

( Your POV )


Lori lifted up her shirt and I stared at the long scar below her pregnant belly and I ran my finger across it, while Maggie looked through the bag I had taken out. She pulled out medicine to make Lori feel less pain and even found small cleansing bottles that she began to shower the knives we would use in. "We can save her."

"Possibly, but it still doesn't look good." Maggie was gonna open her mouth but I looked at her with a serious face," If I do this correctly she only has a 20 to 30 percent chance of survival, and even then a 70 percent chance of infection. Most of that 70 being her possibly becoming a-"

She turned away not wanting me to say walker. I sighed as I watched Lori just accept death and look over at Carl,"Carl come here." He did trying to hold back his tears," Baby, I don't want you to be scared ok? This is what I want. This is right. Now you- you take care of your daddy for me, alright? And your little brother or sister, you take care-"

"You don't have to do this mom."

Lori sent him a smile,"You're gonna be fine. You are gonna beat this world. I know you will. You are smart, and you are strong, and you are so so brave and I love you."

"I love you too."

"You gotta do what's right baby." She raised her hand up and touched his face,"You promise me, you'll always do whats right. It's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world, so don't- so if it feels wrong don't do it alright? If it feels easy don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you." Carl finally couldn't hold back his tears and they quickly began to stream down his face, something that Lori took notice of and started wiping off his tears. "You're so good, you're my sweet boy. You're the best thing I ever did. And I love you." Carl tossed himself onto her, both crying their eyes out while hugging. Looking to my right so was Maggie, I was the only one out of place as I felt my eyes heat up to cry before quickly disappearing and remaining emotionless and cold.


Me and Maggie got into place, ready to cut her open while trying to keep her alive even if it would most likely end in tragedy,Carl sat next to her head,a bit off to the side after having his moment with her."Y/N, take care of my family, don't ever let anything happen to them. You've done so much for us, even now and I have never truly thanked you or told you how much I appreciate everything you've done." This took me by surprise considering how much she disliked me. "I only hope that both my kids take after you."

Wait what?

With that done she looked up, the drugs we'd given her finally taking effect and numbing her as much as possible, before muttering to herself a message for Rick,"Good night love."

In silence as the alarm had been shut off a while ago Maggie struggled to place the knife on Lori, so I grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her, taking over instead,"I'm sorry Lori."

Once deep slice in and Lori screamed out in pain, the shock and drugs hit her hard that she passed out within seconds, Carl was panicking not liking what we were doing to his mother but it was too late to even go back. I ignored his cries as Maggie assisted me in holding the cut open so that I could get the baby out without accidentally cutting it. Carl could only sit,stare and cry and all Maggie could do was struggle through her tears to move her hands and help get the baby out. Through the dark room my eyes came in handy, grabbing onto the babys legs. Seeing Lori on the brink of death but lightly conscious again I quickly checked to see the gender before she knocked out again.

"Lori, you have a daughter."

She didn't move or open her eyes and I watched her breathing slow, all I could see was a smile form on her mouth. Something Maggie and Carl stared at as I began to pull the baby out. She's dead. I ignored it as I completely got the baby out, turning it over to lay on my arm as I light hit its butt and back to make it cry and create snot. It was silent and then it began to cry loudly. "Good."

I turned the baby back around to lay on my arms ,Maggie taking care of the umbilical cord.I looked at Carl who smiled at the baby,"Carl give me your flannel."

He quickly did what I said as Maggie used the towels covered in water I'd found in my bag to wipe off all the blood and clean the babys face, with that I handed the baby to Maggie who wrapped it up in the flannel. She then stood up and refused to look at lori,"Let's go."

"No, we can't just leave her like that!" I stayed on the floor, "She'll turn."


"No!" Maggie froze,"She's my mom.." With a sad expression she turned and walked away leaving Carl with me as Carl pulled out his gun.

I stood up,having tossed the gloves I used on the floor with him coming over to me and grabbing hold of my hand with his unoccupied one. "Thank you for telling her about my sister, thank you for being here with me."

I tightened my grip on his hand,"I'll always be here for you."

With a shaking hand he let go of mine, hugged his mother one last time , before coming back to me and squishing my hand with all his might as he shot her in the head. I never got to tell you the truth about myself Lori, I'm a walker. But a part of me feels that you might have figured it out at the end. Goodbye Lori.

Me and Carl walked to the door where Maggie froze as she saw us with serious faces, I had my bag on my back again as well as my jacket and hood. My finger less gloves were left off as she noticed I held the two machetes from before,"Let's go."


We heard yelling outside, just in case I went first. Still covered in walker blood from all the killing I'd done to get to the three, I opened the door outside blinding the two behind me. I held the door open for them before walking down the stairs and opening the gate door. The sound of the gate made everyone outside freeze, and then the baby let out a small cry and everyone turned around to face us.

No one said a word as Maggie walked forward with the baby, her face beginning to cave in itself as she began to cry again. If the blood on her hands wasn't indication enough then Rick dropping his weapons and walking to Maggie did it. Lori is dead. I felt Carls small hand wrap around my again.

Rick stopped and started staggering side to side, he didn't want to wrap his head around it,"Where-where is she? Where is she?"

He didn't get an answer so he started walking to the door we had come out of,"No Rick, No!"

Maggie tried to grab him but with the baby in hand he pushed her off, and once he came to me and Carl I slammed my hand onto his chest and just starred at him. Neither of us broke eyes contact or moved. Finally he began to yell "No". Over and over and over, me and Carl continued to stand in silence, his grip on my hand tightened every time his father yelled. Until Rick tossed himself onto the ground and began to cry loudly and without shame.

I knew everything was far too calm and happy.

I don't know why I even tried to pass this semester, I'm dumb. Really really dumb.

Now I have to retake these classes I failed and take a bunch of others during spring intersession and spring to make up for my destroyed GPA and school path

Ugh, just kill me already

I'm sorry I took so long to get this out,forgive me please


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