Story Of My Life(Sequel Is Up...

By shr_kdp

10.1K 689 144

A Not so Typical teen love story where she loves him he doesn't , but then he falls for her and they live hap... More

How it started
First Day
'Let Me'..!!
Will You Go ..?
Screw It!
Authors Note
Believe Me
Authors Note
The Date..
A couple couple..
That Bitch!
What Went Down
Model Behaviour
The End?
Sequels up!!!

She said it!

268 21 4
By shr_kdp

Hey guys new chapter just finished typing ;D

Hope you like it!.. as usual Comment & Vote!

Chapter 9

1 week later...

           It’s been one whole week since I left home to visit my sister. I had such a good time with her. She looks so beautiful, pregnancy really suits her. But not all the time, the amount of times she cried just because there wasn’t any of her favourite chocolate ice-cream in the fridge at 3:00 a.m. or the fact that her dear hubby was not there ‘Oh! My! God!’

           I’m just glad we still got to go shopping and sight-seeing. It was really beautiful.

          But I still missed Damien no matter how hard I tried to forget I just couldn’t help it. I really missed him and hoped that I would at least see him at the airport when I landed in about…

 “Please wear your seatbelts we are about to land. Thank You for using American Express Airlines”

            It took forever to land and get my luggage from baggage claim. I was so excited, I just kept imagining seeing Mom, Dad and Damien again!

“Eva! Hey Eva! Right here” I heard my dad shout.

            I saw them at the Arrivals terminal, I was so happy to see them.

“Hey guys, I missed you so much I have soooo much to tell you!..” I said excited hugging them both at the same time.

“Oh we are so happy to see you! You look so different did you colour your hair?” my dad said a little surprised, maybe a lot more surprised.

“I did I wanted to try something different.” I said.

            I coloured my hair well just got some chocolate colour highlights in my hair. Also a haircut, just some layers. My sister convinced me and I’m glad she did I just wanted to try something different.

 “Damien didn’t come?” I asked mom a little sad.

“Oh honey! We tried but he wasn’t home, its ok I’ve got a feast ready for you at home” my mom said

“Oh that’s really nice mom. Thanks I’m actually starving!” I said trying to act cheerful for my parents.


      We parked our car in the garage and got out.

“We’ll take your luggage inside why don’t you get the mail” my mom said taking the luggage through the entrance in the garage.


           I went to get the mail. I was reading it while walking back to the door when suddenly, I crashed into a wall or rather someone and fell down hard on my butt.

“Oomph…What the hell!” I said looking up at the wall.

“Hey you...” said none other than, you guessed it right Damien.

“You look good, well you always did look good. But you look different, good different.”  He rambled and for some reason I just couldn’t say anything.

         I was so surprised that I didn’t even realise I was standing up and staring at him like I had seen a ghost.

“Hey you okay... I know your mad at me and you should be I didn’t see you off, I didn’t call or text and I didn’t come to the airport today. I have a very good reason for it well not really at least I hope you think it’s a good reason. Eva say something you’re freaking me out now!” Damien rambled on.

  “Umm...I need to go inside” I said leaving him behind, standing in my front yard.

   “Eva I know you’re mad at me but please can we talk about it. Please let me explain...” said Damien coming inside after me.

“Damien it’s nice to see you” said my mom to Damien.

“Mrs. Walker it’s nice to see you too, I hope I’m not bothering anyone”

“No, you’re not”

“Yes you are!”

Mom and I said at the same time.

“Urghh… fine let’s talk. Mom is it okay if I talk to Damien upstairs, I’ll eat later okay?” I said irritated.

“Yeah its fine, Take your time honey.” my mom said understanding my condition.


We went to my room and I shut the door. Damien and I just stood there staring at each other, and that’s when I realised I was ‘Alone’ with Damien in my room and a closed door.

God did he have to wear a white shirt, he looked so good right now, I couldn’t look at him without swooning.

I turned away from him and stood near my window.

“Okay talk… you said to let you explain so explain” I said defiantly.

“Okay…On the day you were leaving I slept in and forgot about it. I tried calling you but I couldn’t get through for some reason and I know I could have called from my mom’s number but I don’t know, I just thought maybe you should just enjoy the time with your sister and I needed to sort out some shit.” He said

“Okay… so basically you wanted to leave me alone to meet my sister and not tell me why you couldn’t come to the airport because you were too lazy to pick up the phone and just talk to me about it…yeah I so get it now!” note the sarcasm.

“And what shit did you need to sort out…another fling gone wrong or were you soo busy fucking someone that you couldn’t bother to check if your ‘Best Friend’ landed safely and didn’t die in a plane crash or something!” I shouted.

“No it’s not like that”

“Really then what is it like cause I sure as hell don’t know so please tell me what were so ‘busy’ sorting out that you couldn’t bother to call me!” I shouted at him.

“Okay you wanna know why I was sooo busy as u put it!

I was busy sorting out my feelings for you!” shouted Damien.


Did I hear him right did he say he has feelings for me?

I couldn’t move or think or do anything.

‘I was busy sorting out my feelings for you’

‘My feelings for you…’

“Oh god I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. See this is why I wasn’t going to say anything I just wanted to sort myself out and I didn’t want to freak you out. Look I know we are best friends and that we’ve known each other all our life, but Eva that day when you left it was like I crashed into in bus and a truck at the same time”

“I couldn’t think anything else other than the fact that I lost you forever. I know very dramatic but I just couldn’t think straight. I wanted to stop you run after you but then I realised that this wasn’t just my feelings, it was our friendship, it was us…

Eva will you please say something!!” Damien said frustrated.

What was I supposed to say to that? I was in shock.

This guy who I have been in love with all my life literally just said that he might have feelings for me. What does anyone say to that?

“I don’t know what to say” I said finally getting out of my shocked state.

“I know this is not something you want and I totally get it. I’ll just keep my distance for a while I’ll be fine. We’ll be back to being best friends in no time. Okay Eva I’ll handle everything...”

“Will you shut up for a minute please and let me talk now!” I shouted.

“Okay…”he said quietly.

“Okay… I umm... oh god I never thought you would say this to me. I just didn’t expect it, I’ve dreamt about it I just never thought it would actually happen!”

“Eva what are you saying?”

“Oh god... Damien do you really like me, I mean more than like me and be honest because if this is some kind of a sick Player prank then stop right now cause it’s not funny at all!” I said chocking a little on my words.

Damien walked over to me and slowly held my face in his arms.

“No Eva this is not a joke to me, I’m really serious about this.”

“Evangeline Walker I think you’re the most beautiful girl I have ever met who is kind and caring , who is so good that I can’t believe I have a Best Friend like you. I know you’re too good for me I may not be like the ideal guy you want but I know one thing for sure…

 I’m in love with you!” he said it with so much love, adoration and so much conviction that I just couldn’t say help but feel so vulnerable and scared right at this moment.

I just shut my eyes. This was just unbelievable, I mean things like this don’t happen to me, I was his friend that’s it. Nothing more and I got so used to that, that now I just couldn’t help it. I hugged him so hard and I’m pretty sure I was crushing him.


 She’s hugging me, that’s a good sign right?

  Maybe not, maybe she’s just hugging me because she doesn’t know how to say NO to me. No, that’s not it… is it?

I felt something wet on my shoulder, she’s crying. Oh Shit!

“Hey Eva it’s okay you don’t need to cry. Its fine I get it you don’t need to say anything I get it. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I’ll be fine, we’ll still be best friends...” suddenly I felt her pull away. She had tears streaming down her face, her eyes and nose were a little red. Her lips looked so soft right now I just wanted to kiss her.

Stop it! This is Eva, Not just some girl. Get your mind out of the gutter!

“No it’s not that. I just can’t believe your saying all this. I have always wanted you to say these words to me and now that you have, I don’t know what to say.” She said.

Hold On! Did I hear her right? She feels the same way!

“Wait are you saying what I think your saying!”

“Yes I am” she said a little shyly.

“Say it! Please say it Eva!” I said almost pleading.

She looked me right in my eyes with fear, pain and a lot of vulnerability.

But in those eyes I also saw something else. It was Love, she actually felt it and of all the people she felt it for me!

“I love you too Damien” she said looking right in my eyes.

She said it, she actually said it. Holy shit she said it!

“I love you too babe” I said crushing her to me

She just laughed her beautiful laugh and leaned her head against mine. She was blushing and still had a few tears down her face. I wiped them away with my thumbs and just looked at her. She looked so beautiful and her lips looked beautiful, soft and red right now that I couldn’t help but lean in…

“What’s going on here!!!!” said a very loud booming and angry voice.


 Ohhhh! Myyyy! Goddd!. They both finally said it!

Don't forget to tell me what you think about this chapter.

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