
By girlgeniu4s

1.8K 401 79

" I think rainbows are like humans. A person is like a white light, made up of different things, versions of... More

climate :)
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven


114 22 8
By girlgeniu4s

"You know you'll never make it to the meeting point with that speed" Lexi gestures to my current state.

"Oh please, How many times do I have to tell you I'm not going to meet him?" I pick my shoes up from the mat. They have mud on them from yesterday's running, not that I care I'm still wearing them.

"Al, please think about it, just try for a day and if you don't like it you can call this thing off."

"What thing?" Mom enters the room

"Nothing." I eye talk with Lexi to not say anything wishing that for once she'll listen to me.

"Off for a run?" Mom asks, I nod and leave the room. Small talk is what we've been having since I was around 6.

Picking up the water bottle I'm off for a run. It's a cloudy day. For some reason, Lexi thinks that I'm going to meet Ryan instead of going on a run because I never go for a run this late. Usually 5 or 6, maximum 7. But that's the half-truth. I didn't sleep well last night. I was anxious.

It has started raining. My daily 40-minute run is cut into a 20-minute run. I'm officially pissed. Pissed at Ryan for giving me that stupid idea about the project, Pissed at Lexi for planting the idea to go and do something fun. Pissed at the whole world. I'm just pissed.

It's raining heavier than it was before. I run inside the nearest cafe I can spot. I've never come to run around this area. The smell of caffeine fills my nose as I step inside the cafe. Its almost near to full. Zipping my jacket I spot a seat at the corner most and sit. Raindrops gather at the glass beside me. Time passes by and the rain keeps on getting heavier. Somebody clears their throat "Biting your nails won't make the hunger go away."


I immediately remove my hands from my mouth and lookup. A pair of dark greyish eyes are staring at me. Ryan's crooked teeth are on Display.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I raise a question

"I can ask the same thing." He counters back

"Seriously?" I roll my eyes. I'm now more pissed. Him and I being at the same place at the same time feels so stupid. "Go away."

He drags the chair opposite to me and sits clearly ignoring me. "What's the plan for today?"

"I don't know and I'm not going," I say and cross my arms. I stare outside the window. There is an awkward silence between us. His palms are sweaty, I can see him rubbing them against his pants. I don't comment on it.

"What do you want?!" I exclaim with emphasis on each and every word to make him go.

"Food, I'm hungry, I'll order something." He replied. Ugh.

"I'm not."

"I'll pay." He says and walks up to order something.

I think Of leaving but I can't. I don't have my phone and walking in the rain is a stupid idea. Guess I'll be stuck here with this stupid boy.

Now that Ryan's gone I take my time to think about this project.

Pros- Lexi will be happy.
I'll have something to do.

Cons- A LOT.

Going with him doesn't seem like a good option but staying at home also doesn't seem like one. The dilemma it is. Lowkey, I wish I could gather the courage to face my anxiety but it ain't that easy.

Ryan's back with 2 milkshakes,2 sandwiches, pie and fries.

"I ordered us both the same. So if mine's a disaster yours will too be." He says as he takes a bite from the pie. "It actually is tasty."

"You've never been here?" I ask

"This place opened just last month."


"You seriously need to step outside." He shakes his head.

"Not.Again." I slurp my milkshake. It actually is tasty.

"You run?" He asks


We eat in utter silence. The only noise that can be heard is the slurping of milkshake, raindrops on the glass and faint noises of people talking in the background.

"What if I tell you I'm thinking of coming with you today?" I say before even thinking

He looks up with a shocked look on his face." What?" He says with a mouthful of food.

"You  heard me," I say with a shrug

"That-That-That would be great." He stammers, claps his hands and comes forward "The thing is about how I or now we, will go to different places every day and get someone to talk about the issues relating the world, what we learned from them etc.etc. We're even going to do fun things. And then at the end of the day, I have to write it down and paste pictures."

I listen to his every word, it seems interesting. I mask my face with a bored expression so he doesn't get the wrong idea. He waits for me to reply. I reply "Okay cool."


"Cool." I shrug

"So I'll pick you up at—" he glances at his watch "around 1?"

"Suits me"

"Okay then," he says and ends the conversation.

We eat the rest of our food in complete silence. It's awkward. Or maybe I think it is. Finally, we finish. I wipe my hands on my track pants.

He stands up "so Ummm bye" he sounds unsure. The rain hasn't stopped yet.
"How will you get home?" I ask him

"Home is just around the corner." He says.

Oh. I forgot to ask him what he was doing here.


"Yes, so I'll meet you around 1 then?at your house?"


"Okay then bye Alyssa"

"By—- wait-you know my address?"

"Um, No." he fishes out his phone from his pocket "Here, Type your number, I'll message you."

I save my number on his phone and wait for the rain to stop. I seriously hope this thing better be good otherwise I want my time refunded.

Ryan reaches the house at sharp at 1 Pm. I'm dressed in jeans and a tank top. I hope it's fine attire for whatever we're going to do. I look outside my window and don't see him.

"Alyssaaaaaa" Lexi shouts from downstairs


"Coming," I shout back and descend the stairs

"Ryan's here" She hugs me "Promise me you'll behave."

"Yep, stop acting like my mom." I roll my eyes

"Bye." She shuts the door. I turn around and see Ryan. His red hair is looking like small strawberries on his head under the sunlight He's on his bicycle. He has a backpack with him. Didn't know college kids rode bicycles. I walk towards him.

"Hey," I say


I stand awkwardly with my hands in my pockets. I was expecting him to pick me up in a car or something. How the hell am I supposed to go now???

He sees my concern and asks "don't you have a bicycle?" Seriously?

"Um no," I look around.

"So you're telling me you never ridden a bicycle in your entire life?"

He's still sitting on his bicycle. This was such a wrong idea, Alyssa.Stupid girl.Should've declined him.

"I have but I don't have it right now." I roll my eyes. The bicycle is in the garage and it's full of dust.

"Where is it?"

"This was a wrong idea, Ryan, I'm going back." I walk back towards the house.

"Wait—Umm-" He scratches the back of his neck "you can—walk?"

"So you're implementing that I should walk while you peddle on that stupid thing?" I can't help my rudeness, damn.


I look above. Ugh. What do I do now I have no clue. Time passes by and we're just standing there.

"Fine." I sigh and kick the stone beside me

"Okay. I'll try to be slow."

He waits for me to join him. I stand beside him. He moves his hands upwards for a high five. I ignore him. We walk or cycle in silence on the broad long street in bright sunlight.

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