TFA: Together We Stand (Seaso...

Από FelinePhoenix1412

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Prowl was always a loner, everyone knew that. He always kept his emotions and secrets behind closed walls. He... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: You Have A Sister?!
Chapter 3: Welcome to the Family!
Chapter 4: Memories Resurface
Chapter 5: Her First Test
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Unidentified Visitor........Is It?
Chapter 8: Reunion ~I~
Chapter 9: Reunion ~II~
Chapter 10: Reunion ~III~; You're Alive!
Chapter 11: Introductions
Chapter 12: Mantis's Life Story ~1~
Chapter 13: Mantis's Life Story; Picnic to Panic! ~2~
Chapter 14: Mantis's Life Story; Ambush! ~3~
Chapter 15: Mantis's Life Story; Run! ~4~
Chapter 16: Mantis's Life Story; Drift and Ma-.....Jade ~5~
Chapter 17: Mantis's Life Story; Saboteur at Your Service ~6~
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Sound and Fury
Chapter 22: Fighting 101 by Mantis
Chapter 23: Wings! Sting! Hit! [Part 1]
Chapter 24: Wings! Sting! Hit! [Part 2]
Chapter 25: Lost and Found
Chapter 26: Girls Sleepover!
Chapter 27: Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 28: Headmaster
Chapter 29: Succulents
Chapter 30: Fateful Autumn
Chapter 31: Snow Show
Chapter 32: Nature Calls- A Venomous Encounter
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: How Are Humans Made?
Chapter 35: Megatron Rising; Part One
Chapter 36: Megatron Rising; Part Two
Chapter 37: Megatron Rising; Part Three
Mantis's (OC) Profile; Prowl's POV
Q & A (Possible Spoilers for Season 2)

Chapter 19: Fitting In On Earth

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Από FelinePhoenix1412

Prowl woke up confused.

What happened?

He was in his room again, left lying on the floor with a blanket of sorts awkwardly draped over him and....someone else?

That was odd. He wasn't lying on his berth and he was recharging with someone pressed beside him, both of their servos wrapped around one another in an embrace. Who was that?

All it took was one quick glance and it all came rushing back like a flood.

Mantis, his sister.

His sister who was still online and was here with him, actually  here beside him.

He shakily brought one servo up and brushed some of the dreads away from her faceplate, his knuckles grazing the smooth plating that formed her features. He couldn't help it, he had to reach out and actually feel her to let it sink in that she was here and not some figment of his imagination.

There was a knock on his door, startling him from his stupor.

"Come in." he said, making sure to keep his voice low so he doesn't wake up Mantis. He glanced down and saw how peaceful she looked and couldn't find it in himself to wake her up....even though she was clinging onto him like a koala. 

The door opened and surprisingly, Ratchet came in.

"You better not make it a habit to go dozing off in my med-bay." The medic said with a huff. "Had to lug both of you back here and frankly my servos are getting too old for this."

'So he carried us back here?' Prowl thought in surprise. He was also rather touched by the gesture.

"That femme is definitely your sister." Ratchet said nodding towards Mantis. "Awful clingy too. Practically squeezed your chassis the moment we tried to separate you two and vice versa."

Prowl hummed in response while he subconsciously ran a servo through his sister's loose dreads- he always did that often when she snuck into his room or chose to recharge leaning against him, old habits really do die hard.

"Anyways, if you two have gotten pleasantries out of the way, Prime's calling for a meeting to discuss our new 'teammate'." Ratchet shook his head. "Barely been here for more than a couple days and already he wants to add her into the group."

"Well I think she'll be a good addition to the team." Prowl said, surprising Ratchet.

The medic narrowed his optics slightly at Prowl. Now this was all too familiar. "Kid, be careful. You can't let your emotions get in the way of good judgement." That was a mistake he's seen one too many bots commit.

"Sometimes your spark helps make the best decisions for you, if the spark is good enough that is." Prowl added, not wanting to sound too sentimental and vulnerable. "And besides, it's not like we can just ship her back to Cybertron now, can we?" he pointed out.

Ratchet tilted his helm in agreement. "I guess you've got a point....and we could use an extra servo around here." The place was a mess and he had a feeling the others- or more specifically *koff* Bumblebee and Bulkhead *koff* have been skipping out on their fair share of chores.

Maybe a femme's touch would do them some good.

"Meet us up in the main room when she wakes up, I think both of you should be there for this." He said before leaving.

Prowl waited until he heard the pede-steps recede then raised an optic ridge at his sister.

"You've been awake all this time haven't you." It was a statement, not a question.

Mantis turned her optics online. "Maybe." She said. "Gotta admit, I had you fooled for a moment there though, didn't I?" she asked with that same cheeky smirk he couldn't help but grow fond of.

Prowl, not wanting to give in so quickly just stood up, causing Mantis to lose her grip with a squawk of surprise and not so gracefully land on the floor. "Let's get this meeting over with already." He said.

Mantis groaned. "It can wait 5 more minutes." She said turning away, intent on snatching 5 more minutes of recharge.

"Don't make me carry you." Prowl warned.

"I'd like to see you try." She said.

He sighed and gripping her shoulders, hauled her up with a grunt.

"Ok, let's go." She said walking out with him. "Oh and brother?"

Prowl hummed in response. Mantis smiled genuinely. "It was know cuddling with you when recharging again." She said with a slight blush tinting her faceplate. She was a youngling now darn it! A teenager! She was supposed to be too old for this.

He smiled and patted her helm. "Same." He agreed.

Mantis swatted his servo away after leaning into it for a bit. "I'm not a kid you know."

Prowl raised an optic ridge. "Sure you aren't." he said dryly, sarcasm oozing from it.

She still walked with that natural grace and slight rhythm in her step, except this time her back was straighter and her dreads swayed elegantly with her movements giving her a more dignified manner.

Occasionally she got bored of walking and would leisurely skate on the wheels on her heels. Well at least she wasn't zooming off like the devil or a certain minibot *koff* Bee *koff*.

"Nice place you've got here." Mantis said eyeing the layout of the plant. "Has vibe to it."

Prowl just grunted in response.

"Could use a lady's touch." She mused aloud.

"Mantis, please don't. Next thing you know, you'll become the nannybot of the place." He said.

"Well someone has to clean up and no offence, but I doubt that's going to be you." Mantis said with a huff. She couldn't help it. Yoketron ingrained to her that the best environment at times are the cleanest ones. Those are the ones that help with serenity and enlightenment.

Prowl couldn't deny that.

Soon they entered the main room where all the bots plus one human girl gathered waiting for them.

Mantis's optics gazed over it. It was.......nice. She honestly didn't mind the live-in feel she got from it.

The room seemed to be like one you would find in some sort of factory with the cranes, conveyor belt and welding machines all there to form some sort of assembly line.

There was a living area of sorts in one corner where Bumblebee was. Said living area had makeshift chairs and tables with a cement couch placed in front of a TV, a video game console hooked up to it. There was also what seemed to be a communication center against one of the walls.

"Is this place a factory or something?" Mantis asked, indicating the assembly line.

Prowl nodded, of course she would make an observation of the place. "This place is an old car manufacturing plant." He said.

"Morning sleeping beauties." Bee called, lounging on the cement couch while playing video games....again.

"Morning." Bulkhead said amiably with a wave of his bulky servo.

"Morning, have a nice sleep?" Sari asked, directing the last question to Mantis.

Mantis nodded. "I did, thanks." she said simply- wow, it's been a while since she's ever actually socialized with anyone else.

"That's good to hear. You feeling ok?" Optimus asked coming forward. "I think we haven't exactly gotten to know one another quite well."

"Oh right, sorry you guys had to wait out that.....episode of emotions." Mantis said.

Optimus waved his servo. "It's ok, take all the time you need to get it all out. don't have to hold it in, you have a right to let it out." He spoke it in such a.......mature way as though he truly did understand some of the pain she went through.

Mantis looked at him. There was a sudden spark of empathy and grief in his optics and he suddenly seemed to be more mature beyond his vorns.

Then he covered it up.

"Anyways, I think we'll have to discuss about you as the new addition to the team." He said getting them to the subject at hand.

"You sure about this, Bossbot?" Bulkhead asked not rudely but worriedly. "I mean...what if she gets hurt?"

"I'm not that fragile, thank you very much." Mantis said.

"'re a femme." Bee pointed out.

Glass shattered in the distance.

Sari gasped and looked at Bee, horrified and offended.

Prowl stiffened then facepalmed, questioning Primus how infinite the yellow minibot's mouth was.

Ratchet just stared at Bee mournfully as though he were going to go offline.

Optimus was suddenly suffocating on the shift in atmosphere.

"Is that so?" Mantis asked, shades narrowing along with her optics until they were two panels on her faceplate. Was it Sari's imagination or was steam coming out of her audio receptors?

"Well, I mean- it's just-" Oh slag, he screwed up, didn't he?

"Oh so just cuz I'm a femme that means I'm some damsel in distress? Some fragile flower that can't defend herself?" Mantis asked rather heatedly, servos planted on her hips, a frown on her faceplate.

Primus, you've got to be kidding her! She hated this. She hated how others judged her just based on her gender and bodybuild. She could handle herself just fine in a fight thank you very much! She was a Cyberninja for Cybertron's sake!

Well......half- not-so- official- Cyberninja.

But still!

Prowl and Ratchet both knew that if there was anything certain femmes hated it was sexism.

"Sorry! That's not what I meant!" Bee said trying to find some way to lessen the damage.

"Then what did you mean?" Mantis challenged, crossing her servos over her chassis, an optic ridge raised and hips cocked slightly.

'Wow, someone's got spunk.' Sari thought as she watched the conversation like a spectator at a tennis match, eyes hovering from one side to the next as the words were exchanged instead of a tennis ball.

"It's just.....what kinda mods do you have?" Bee asked.

Mantis smirked. "This." And then she was gone.

Sari and Bulkhead- though he would later deny it- screamed, Optimus and Ratchet let out an exclamation of surprise and Bee flipped.

"GHOOOOOOST! SHE'S A SLAGGING GHOST COME TO HAUNT US ALL PROWL!" Bee yelled, jumping onto Bulkhead and clinging onto the bigger bot for dear life.

Prowl rolled his optics. Oh Primus why oh why must he be affiliated with these idiots?

"Wait, are her mods like yours?" Optimus asked Prowl, choosing to see reason as usual.

Thank Primus not all of them were idiots. "Yes, she has a holographic projector too." He explained.

"Brotheeeeer!" Mantis whined before she suddenly appeared behind Ratchet, nearly giving the poor old medic a spark attack.

"Great, now you've ruined the fun." She said. Behind the shades, Ratchet still saw her optics sparkle with mirth at the mischief she's caused.

Oh joy, another troublemaker.

"I've got a few more tricks but......nah, that'd ruin the surprise." She said.

"Tell us more!" Sari said. The initial shock soon gave way to excitement and curiosity. "Can you fly with a jetpack like Prowl? Do your shades give you some kinda x-ray vision? Can you skate wheels on heels as fast as Bee?" she rambled on.

"Hey, slow down kid. To answer your questions- maybe, I wish they did and well.....I still owe him a race don't I? We'll find out soon." Mantis answered.

"Wow. You can keep up with all that?" Bulkhead asked.

Mantis shrugged. "Not too hard to when I do it myself." She admitted.

"No kidding." Prowl muttered.

"Oh you like it when I talk to you." Mantis said poking him in the midriff playfully.

Optimus cleared his throat. "Can we please get back to the topic at hand?" he asked politely.

"Right, sorry Optimus." Mantis said. Optimus continued and she was briefly surprised at how he just went along with what she addressed him as rather than admonish her and tell her to address him as Prime according to his rank.

There really was more to this bot than meets the eye.

"Since you'll be staying with us, you can have one of the empty rooms. There should be two or three of them left. Feel free to roam about wherever you like and if you have any questions, feel free to ask, ok?" Optimus said.

"You're giving me that much just like that?" Mantis asked. Her pride and honor was a bit wounded over the fact that she didn't have anything in return for such generosity. Always pay back generosity, no matter how small it seems- another lesson Yoketron ingrained in her.

"It's not much, don't worry." Optimus reassured her, his words were genuine and not forced at all. "If you want, you can go explore a little, get used to your new surroundings. Just follow the traffic rules."

"Traffic rules?" Mantis asked confused.

"I can help with that." Sari said eagerly jumping on the chance.

"Me too." Bee added. Maybe this could also be the chance to make up for his earlier screw up.

Optimus nodded. "Then it's settled. Later Bee and Sari could take you around Detroit and show you around. Maybe even get to know the locals a bit. Now that you're on Earth, you'll also need a new alt-mode to blend in." he said. "That alright with you?"

"More than alright." Mantis reassured. "You sure I won't be causing any trouble?"

"No, you won't be." He assured her.

"Sides, if I stay cooped up here all day I'm gonna fry my circuits from boredom." Bee said getting up and stretching, game long forgotten.

"I think you'll enjoy the organic nature this planet ha-" Prowl began but got cut off.

"No! Don't listen to him! Don't let him corrupt you with his boredom!" Bee warned her.

Prowl glared at him. "Well excuse me for having an actual processor that can understand the beauty in nature, unlike you." He shot back.

"That's enough. Come on you two knock it off. You're supposed to be the responsible one Prowlie." Mantis said, scolding Prowl like a mother scolding a child throwing a tantrum.

Bee smirked smugly and Mantis, catching onto it wiped it off. "And you should watch what comes out of your mouth before it comes back to bite you." She told him.

Bee at least had the decency to look a bit guilty.

"Um....hey guys, where do you think we should take Mantis to look for a new alt-mode for her?" Bulkhead asked deciding to break the ice.

Sari placed a hand under her chin in thought before it came to her. "I know just the place for her." She hopped off the couch and over to Mantis.

"Come on." She said grabbing onto her pede and gesturing with her hands, almost shaking in excitement at the prospect of hanging out with another girl! Well....Cybertronian girl but still! Girl time!

Mantis smiled at her enthusiasm. "Ok, hop on." She said before transforming into a hover bike much like Prowl's original Cybertronian alt-mode.

Sari squealed. She was going to ride a hover bike! An actual hover bike like in the movies! This was gonna be awesome~

"Aw, you don't wanna ride with me." Bee said, pouting in mock hurt. "And here I thought you were my favourite passenger."

Mantis would've playfully stuck her glossa out at him if she was in her bi-pedal form. "How bout this, she rides with you there, then rides with me back, sound good?" she asked.

"But I wanna ride on a hover bike!" Sari said. If she came back on Mantis, it would be with a boring Earth alt-mode. "Pretty pretty please? I'll wear my helmet."

Mantis looked at the other bots who merely shrugged in response.

"I think it's fine as long as she wears her helmet and you follow the traffic rules." Optimus said.

"Good thing I'm a fast learner then." Mantis said.

"Come on! Let's roll already!" Bee said, transformed and ready, engines revving, begging to be unleashed.

"I'm coming with you." Prowl said. Nope, no way was he leaving his sister on an entirely new planet that is foreign to her- and organic no less, with Bumblebee of all bots. Oh sure, Sari was probably the only option they had to act as her guide regarding human culture and the way things worked for them but.......more often than not her and Bee would find some way to come up with some kind of hare-brained scheme.

A scheme Prowl does not want Mantis to be a part of.

"What for?" Bee asked. A small part of him was hoping the ninjabot would change his mind. If he came he would spoil all the fun!

Sari was secretly thinking the same thing. She had already been planning on taking her to theme parks, movies, arcades and all kinds of other fun stuff that Prowl didn't exactly like.

"Someone has to be there to actually teach her the traffic rules." He lied smoothly. No, it is not because he was an overprotective brother who was worried for his sister and swore to not let anyone or anything ever lay a hand on her.

"I can take care of myself." Mantis told him. "I'm not the same sparkling you held servos with when we went to Iacon for energon sticks you know." She added more gently.

"Well this isn't Iacon." Prowl pointed out. "Come on, let's go already. We've wasted enough time as it is." And he transformed before anyone could stop him.

Sari just shrugged at Bee, accepting it. What could they do to dissuade Prowl? Then she grabbed her helmet and hopped onto Mantis.

"Race ya Prowlie!" Mantis said before zooming off, earning a squeal of surprise and excitement from Sari.

"Last one there's a rusty crankshaft!" Bee said before zooming off after her.

"Oh you two little-" Zoom! And Prowl was off too, the only evidence of their presence before being the tyre marks on the floor and the lingering smoke that was already dissipating in the air.

"Be careful!" Optimus called after them.....not that they heard considering how far off they already were.

"Younglings." Ratchet grunted with a shake of his helm. "Always rushing off like that."

"I'm a youngling too you know." Bulkhead pointed out. He couldn't help but feel a little left out.

"You're decent." Ratchet said before walking off.

"Uh.....thanks?" Bulkhead said, unsure if that was a compliment.


"How about this one?" Sari asked pointing to a scooter.

"Nah, too flimsy." Mantis said.

"What about this one?" Bee asked, pointing to a MSX 125 bike. "It looks pretty slick."

"Maybe." Mantis said filing it away for later.

Currently the trio of Autobots plus one human were at one of the best vehicle shops in Detroit-according to Sari. She's been here before with her dad when he had business and contracts to sign according to her and so far according to the ratings and reviews online, this place doesn't disappoint.

They were worried over how the managers would react to the three big- from their perspective- Cybertronians showing up to look for an alt-mode. On the contrary, they welcomed them with open arms. Having one of the  Autobots- heroes of Detroit City come to their place specifically  was great for business.

"Why do you want to choose a motorcycle specifically?" Sari asked her.

"I'm used to it. Besides, it's sleek and I'm more onto speed and versatility." Mantis replied.

"Then....why not choose a car?" Sari asked.

"Yeah! Then we can have an even race." Bee chimed in.

"You're just being a sore loser." Mantis said. Then she smirked and placed her servos on her hips. "Just admit that my two wheels were faster than your four wheels."

"Ok, one- I didn't lose." Bee said, pointing one digit at her.

"Sure you didn't." Mantis said with an optic roll.

"And two- NEVER!" Bee said, crossing his servos over his chassis in a X.

"Sometimes it depends on what type of protoform you have." Prowl explained to Sari, ignoring the bantering younglings. "Take Bumblebee for instance. If you were to ask him to take something bigger as an alt-mode- such as a truck like Prime, he couldn't. Because his protoform isn't big enough for it nor could his frame endure the strain. Even if he did scan it, he'll just hurt himself when he transforms. That's why we have to choose alt-modes that have a frame and design more or less suitable to our protoforms."

"'re taller than Bee." Sari made sure to keep her voice low so Bee couldn't hear knowing how sensitive he was about his height. "Does that mean you could be a car too?"

Prowl nodded. "I could but I choose not to. I'm fine with my current alt-mode." He said.

Mantis however had stopped by a window and was gazing at how life in Detroit was going outside rather than admiring the options for her alt-mode.

"What's that?" she asked pointing at a nearby playground where children were playing. "It looks so quaint and fun."

"That's called a playground." Sari said.

"Cute." Mantis said. "It looks like a fun place for sparkli- I mean..." she hesitated and searched for the correct Earth term for a moment. "Kids. Yes, kids to play."

"Wait till you see the amusement park." Sari said.

"It's an amusing place I take it?" Mantis said.

Sari shook her head in mock exasperation. "Gosh, she's really behind, isn't she, Bee?" she asked her yellow friend.

"Yup." Bee said managing a surprisingly serious nod.

"And as teammates, it is our duty to help her adjust to this society and understand human culture." Wow, she was really using good wordplay here.

"It looks like you and I have a mission then." Bee said, squaring up his shoulders. "Should we complete the task at Dino Drive first?"

Sari nodded. "Good idea, then we can move on to Burger Bot. We have to take this one at a time since it can be overwhelming."

Mantis just blinked in confusion and tried to keep up with the faux serious 'mission' Sari and Bumblebee were plotting.

As the kids of the group planned, Prowl looked around the display room filled with all sorts of vehicles from quaint dainty scooters to sleek motorcycles. From cute compact cars to speedy sports cars to lavish limousines and salon cars. All of them were set on a small raised platform to be shown proudly, the plating and rims shining brightly from constant polish and tyres ready to roll on the road.

Then one caught his optic.

"What about that one?" he asked, voicing his own opinion for the first time since they came here. He pointed towards his choice and Mantis followed the direction.

Her optics fell on a Honda CB Hornet 160R.

The motorcycle had that aggressive and modern look to it. The body graphics painted onto it gave it a sporty sleek feel to it too. The trapezoidal headlamp, large fuel tank with sharp extensions and split grab rails gave the motorcycle a slightly muscular look. Even the stubby exhaust looked neat and goes well with the overall design.

"Whoa." Mantis said while Bee and Sari whistled.

Then Mantis smiled. "I think I've found my alt-mode." She said.

"Then what cha waiting for?" Bee asked, already bouncing with excitement. He couldn't help but always get that giddy feeling when one is about to get a new alt-mode. It was like a kid about to get their Christmas gift.

Even Sari was intrigued and bursting with curiosity. She's always wanted to see what it would be like to change one's alt-mode entirely.

Prowl was more controlled but Mantis could tell that he too was also a tad bit intrigued.

Wow, she felt kinda giddy herself. She forgot how exciting it was to get a new alt-mode. She's only done it twice. Once, which was standard procedure once a sparkling's t-cog was fully developed and another time was during one of her.... 'errands'.

Mantis meticulously scanned the vehicle, both interior and exterior with a blue beam. She made sure to scan ever surface from the rims to the suspension in order to get an immaculate new alt-mode. With that done, she did a small flip and transformed.

"Like my new rims?" she asked, revving her throttle for show.

"Wow." Sari said, amazed. It was an exact, perfect copy of the bike she scanned! The only difference was that this one was dark green and black with gold accents.

"Sweet!" Bee said with a thumbs up in approval.

"Not bad." Prowl said.

Mantis transformed back into her bi-pedal form and Prowl instantly wanted to take that back.

Sari tried to spot any differences and could make them out. They were subtle but there. Certain angles morphed, the arrangement of plating would be just a bit different and of course, the wheels on her heels were normal tyres like Bumblebee.

Prowl however, did not approve of one thing.

The exposed protoform.

His sharp optics noticed that there was more exposed protoform on her midriff and thighs and frowned at the skimpy exposure. His inner big brother mode was screaming in rage that!

"Is it too late to ask you to change again?" Prowl asked.

"What? Why?" Bee, Sari and Mantis asked at the same time, all eyes/optics turning to him.

"It's...." Prowl gestured with his servos and fumbled a bit for the right word. "It's immodest." He said, faceplate tinted, a bit flustered and frustrated.

"It's mobility." Mantis huffed. "Not like anyone is gonna stare."

Bee innocently gazed up at the roof as though it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"I like it. I think it's pretty stylish." Sari said.

"Thank you. See? She agrees." Mantis said.

"Me too." Bee said pouncing on the chance to one up the ninjabot.

"Three against one." Mantis said smugly.

Prowl frowned deeper. Gosh, younglings.

"I don't like it." He said finally.

"Who said you had to?" Bee said with a shrug.

"Who asked for your opinion?" Prowl shot back.

"Who else has oh I don't know, noticed Mantis is gone?!" Sari asked.

The two mechs who were about to argue turned around to see Mantis gone.

"What the slag?!" Bee said surprised. "Is she Batman or something?!"

"I'm right here." Mantis's voice rang beside him causing him to jump.

"Where exactly?" Prowl asked. "Come on this isn't funny." He groaned.

"Everywhere and nowhere~" she said as though she were a ghost in an old cheesy ghost movie.

"That is so cool." Sari said, head turning everywhere in an attempt to locate the femme.

"Thanks." Then she was lifted up, much to her surprise. A startled yelp escaped her and she turned around to find herself in Mantis's palm.

Prowl took a deep vent and tried not to lose it. No, he had to set a good example, he was the older one here.

"You need a holoform." He said instead.

"A holo- what?" Mantis asked confused. Oh right, back on Cybertron they had no need for those.

"Something like this." He transformed and demonstrated to her what a holoform was.

Mantis stared at it then nodded. "It's to blend in with the humans?" she asked.

"Yes." Prowl said.

Mantis nodded slowly. "I'm not sure if I can do it. This is my first time trying something like that and I don't have much experience with human looks." She said.

"Don't worry." Sari said patting her pede. "When we get back, you and I are going to have some quality girl time!"

"Thanks." Mantis said though she didn't know slag about what this....quality girl time was exactly

"Hey, wanna give those new wheels a spin?" Bee asked with a challenging smirk.

Mantis smirked back. "You're on, Bee!"

"Now wait a mo-" too late, they had transformed, Sari had hopped into Bee at an almost superhuman level of speed and agility and they'd zoomed off.

Prowl groaned and resisted the urge to pull the wiring out of his helm.

'Younglings!' he thought again exasperatedly.


"How many rides has she gone on already?" Bee asked, having lost count.

In the background, they heard the telltale sounds of children laughing and screaming, babies crying demanding attention, the hubbub of conversation from everyone, the whoosh of rushing theme park rides zooming by.....

And Mantis whooping for joy as she rode on the rollercoaster.

The quartet had decided to that the best place to introduce Mantis to on Earth was the amusement park known as Dino Drive.

They were a bit too right about that.

Despite the certain......repercussions from the whole Dinobot incident, the place was still fairly popular in Detroit and had more good reviews that outweighed the negative ones.

The femme had been in awe at the place like a sparkling in an energon snack store! She shot out hundreds of questions about all the rides and games and seemed ecstatic when it turned out she could ride the rollercoaster.

It wasn't easy, but it turns out, thanks to her small lithe body size and overall flexibility, she could squeeze into those huge crates meant exclusively for large groups- if you minus the seats that is.

And she was enjoying the ride to its fullest.

They turned around and briefly saw the cart zooming by with Mantis's servos raised up gleefully making her look like a giddy young girl.

Prowl.....didn't know how to feel at that.

'But.....she deserves this, doesn't she? She deserves to act like a child. You're the reason she lost her childhood after all.' That small dark voice whispered in his processor, the poisonous thoughts oozing with negativity slithering in there like snakes trying to bite onto the self-loath.

He shook his helm. No, he would not succumb. 'Be the better bot, damn it!' he was here to show his sister, to guide her on this new planet and make up for lost time. He will not let his self- esteem issues get in the way of that.

Soon the ride ended and this time, Mantis stumbled out.

"Wow, what a ride." She gasped, a bit disorientated from the fast-paced ride. "No wonder humans like this so much, it's amazing!" she said jabbing a thumb over her shoulder at the rollercoaster.

"Actually this whole place is so fun and amazing!" Mantis said. "Pity Cybertron doesn't have a place like this." She mused aloud.

"You guys don't?" Sari asked in shock. Oh the horrors of boredom!

"Nope." "Not really." Bee and Mantis replied with a shrug.

"You wouldn't be saying the same if your tanks were as weak as a human's. No offence, Sari." Prowl added quickly, not wanting to offend their human ally.

"None taken." She said.

"What do you mean?" Mantis asked.

Prowl just pointed to where a man was currently heaving his lunch and breakfast out into a nearby trashcan, his face a worrying shade of sickly green.

"......oh." Mantis said.

Bee groaned. "Great, now you've ruined the mood!" he whined.

Mantis chuckled. "You never change, huh?" she said with a smile that held a tinge of melancholy.

"Nor have you.....and it isn't that bad, is it?" he asked her, his mouth quirking up slightly.

"No, I guess not." Mantis admitted. "......well, ok it depends."

"You mean you enjoy his broodiness?" Bee asked.

"I'm not broody." Prowl said.

"Yes you are." "You kinda are." "You sure about that?" the three of them replied at the same time respectively.

Prowl glared at them. He was pretty sure they were conspiring against him or something.


"What does red mean?" Prowl quizzed once again as they stopped by the traffic light.

"Stop. Yellow means about to stop or go. Green means go." Mantis listed off easily. Turns out, Earth traffic laws weren't as tough as she thought.

"More like red means boring." Bee said. "How much longeeeeeeeeer?" He whined.

"We've barely stopped for a few clicks." Mantis pointed out. "Others have to pass by first, be patient. Waiting for another few nanoclicks won't rust you."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Prowl huffed. At least Mantis knew when to philosophically accept things with little complains sometimes.

"........hey guys?" Mantis asked.

"Yes?" "Yeah?"

".....will the humans like me?" she asked in a voice so low they almost didn't hear. Now that she got it out......Primus, she wanted to take it back. It sounded so petty and made her sound like a whiny sparkling.

"What?" Prowl asked.

"Well......nevermind. Oh, look! The light's green!" Mantis said, quickly changing the topic. "Race you back to the plant!"

"No fair!" Bee said as she zoomed off. "Oh I'm gonna get you this time!"

As Prowl zoomed off after them.....he thought back to her earlier question.

Would she fit in on Earth?

Or more accurately.....would she.......would she be willing to set down the barriers she built around herself?

Prowl was no fool. Even he could tell that overtime, she's begun to build up walls much like himself.

But she wasn't him. Mantis was Mantis.

And Prowl was going to help her.

Because Primus forbid she ends up like him.

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