Once Upon A Time One shots On...

By PiperThorn

197K 2.8K 605


The Girl
♡Request page♡
Mommy part 2
Felix x Reader
Felix x Child reader
Child Reader x Lost Boys
Henry x Male! Reader
Henry x Male! Reader Part 2
Child Reader x Regina
Hook x Rachel
Killian/Hook x Pirate Reader!
Killan/ Hook x Pirate! Reader part 2
Henry x Blind! Reader (Colors)
Pan x Twin Male! Readers
Charming x Teen! Reader
I Want To Stay (Henry's sister)
OUAT& Descendants 2 Crossover
Snow and Charming x Teen Reader
Pan x Drawing!Female! Reader
Gold & Belle x Rebel Teenager!
Rumbelle x Rebal!Teen Part 2
PETER PAN X-Mas Special
Little Girl (Pan x Child Reader)
Little Girl Part 2
You don't scare me (Pan x Child! Reader)
You don't scare me Part 2
You don't scare me part 3
Please don't hurt him (Pans Sister)
Belonging Regina x Twins!
Request Regina x Daughter
Regina x Reader Part 2
Go with me (Henry x OC)
Pan x Ari Request
Pan x Sawyer Request
Sawyer part 2
Angelica x Killian Request!
I'm Sorry
Hook x Reader
Areils Twin sister
Hey Guys
Welp here we go
Mr. Hyde x Female Reader!
Dr. Whale x MALE! Request
Pans sister request
Killian Request
Pan x (Y/N) X Hades
Pan x (y/n) x Hades Part 2
Pan x OCD!Child!Reader
I was tagged
Henry x Reader Request
Young!Bealfire x Young!Fem!Reader
Hyde x Reginas Daughter! Reader! Request
Hercules x Reader Request!
CJ x Felix request!
Reader x Pan in Henrys body
Pan in Henrys body Part 2
Peter x Snows Daugher Request!
Rumplestiltskin x Odette
Male! Reader x Jack Sparrow
Belle's daughter x Rumple
Fly high Maddie
Henry x reader request
Henry and Pregnant! Violet
Henry x Violet part 2
Felix x Alec Request!
Reader x Prince Charming Request!
Archie Soulmate AU
archie Soulmate AU Part 2
Felix x Insecure!Reader
Emma x Regina
Important update
Broken arm
Mr.Gold x Daughter!Reader
Killian x Dark Ones Daughter!
Killian x Dark One's Daughter Part 2

Pan x Reader

1.6K 26 2
By PiperThorn

@TwilightKitten101 Thank you for the request I hope this is what you wanted at least a little bit.

In a place that you never grow up and you hunt and run around all day, some would think that Neverland is the perfect place to be. They’d be wrong after Henry and Emma and that all went down (Y/N) showed up on the island and introduced the boys of the island to something called modern music and other things that became part of the boys new life. Somethings like hunting stayed the same really only the bonfire parties changed and one other thing Pan. Over the last year that (Y/N) has been on the island the boys are starting to ship Peter and (Y/N). Coming up with a plan to get the two together was almost instantly put together however Felix had a feeling that the plan would make things go wrong. 


I was walking around the island with Peter trying to figure out how on earth the boys can move in the tree’s, when me and Peter heard a noise. “Here that?” I nodded and looked up and saw Devin one of the boys. “You know Devin if your going to hide in a tree you have to be quiet about it!” I yelled up to him. “Says the one that can’t jump from tree to tree.” “Whatever” Peter ended up telling the boys to go back to camp and that he would teach me how to run from tree to tree so that we could all travel faster. About halfway through tree jumping my foot got caught on something. 

3rd person 

The boys had set up different vine traps in the trees to trip (Y/N) so that Pan would have to catch him/her. But, Pan didn’t catch (Y/N) instead he/she fell and almost broke his/her leg. Felix rolled his eyes as most of the boys cringed at what happened. Later that day (Y/N) got hung upside down due to the boys trying to get him/her with Pan. Noticing that the boys were acting weird (Y/N) went to talk to Peter on the subject. “Hey Peter, have you noticed that the boys are acting weird lately like they keep putting traps where they are in the way of not the target but you or me?” Peter looked at (Y/N) and thought for a minute “I have noticed that now that you're saying that. Let's find out what they are up to yeah?” As Pan went to go and walk out of the tent (Y/N) stopped him “Why don’t we confuse them first? We should spy on THEM. See what they are doing plus it would be great practice for me.” Pan agreed saying that they would start immediately. Both exited Pans tent and went to spy on the boys only to find that they weren’t in camp like they should have been and that this was going to be a very fun time. 

The next few weeks were interesting to say the least as the boys came up with more plans to get Peter and (Y/N) together, Felix would try and stop the plan from happening. This however was causing some trouble for himself. As stopping the boys was starting to throw off Peter and (Y/N) so then the things that they planned were then thrown off and random boys would end up in the top of trees. This went on for almost a year, before Felix said something about it. It was a normal day as it could get on Neverland, only three boys ended up in a tree. It was now dinner time and the boys and (Y/N) were at the dinner table. The latest plan ended in ruins like normal but this time  Peter drew the line. When he and (Y/N) were going their normal morning walk (Y/N) ended up in a foot trap this wouldn’t be a big deal, however, they were near the cove Mermaid cove. None of the boys thought that the mermaid would try and hurt (Y/N) as now it had been four years that (Y/N) was one the island but for whatever reason the mermaids still didn’t like the idea. So when (Y/N) was pulled into the lake by one of the mermaids Pan had to save (him/her). Now that they were back at the camp both of them confronted the boys about the problem. “Alright now why do you keep setting up traps in the woods, tents, camps literally everywhere that me and Peter would be?” (Y/N) asked. The boys pretend to not notice the question. “HEY!” This caught their attention. “Answer the question!” “We did it to get you and Pan together.” That’s when it hit Pan and (Y/N) all of the glitter bombs, foot traps, hair dye, glue and feathers. Started making sense all of that was to get (him/ her) with Pan. (Y/N) started laughing causing all the boys to nervously chuckle. “BLUEBERRY!” Pan came out at the mention of his code name. “What?” “It was all a set up to get me and you together!” All the boys were confused on why (Y/N) had just yelled blueberry. “Blueberry?” Devin asked. (Y/N) nodded “Yeah it was a code name for Peter so that you all wouldn’t notice that we were trying to spy on you while you were spying on us! What a mess.” Everyone started laughing even Peter. “So you mean to tell me that my hair was pink for almost half a year for nothing?!” Everyone laughed at Pans outburst. “I guess so love.” Everyone laughed again with the war between everyone solved the boys now had to new mission. GET A LOVER FOR Felix! 

I said it before I'll say it again THANK YOU EVERYONE for being patient with me about getting request up!

Comment vote, share (or not idk).

Love you all! Word count 1013

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