Adopted by iballisticsquid

By Adolphax

44.2K 1.2K 744

Lexi is in an adoption center, thinking she's out of luck, when something better than amazing happened! More

Adopted by iballisticsquid
Lexi and her life
Going home!
Little secrets...
Back to school shopping!
School? Oh boy...
A new pet?
Not so great day...
True love
Vacation planning!
Beach day!
Romantic day...
Last day!
Black eyes and bloody noses
I love you.
830 reads!??!
Who was it and Why?
Romance much?
Birthday Surprise
New friends?
Please read! ( ;
Mattress Mountain!
Dana's Delicious
Proposal. Again?
Wedding dresses!
Miniature American Eskimo!
Author's Note!
School Drama
Oldie But Goodie
It's A Small World, After All
Forever Together

Getting signed up.

1.9K 40 32
By Adolphax

*Hey Guys I was bored so I decided to write a chapter! Hope you like it!*

Squid's POV

I walk into Lexi's room as quietly as possible. She is on her phone which has a purple and blue case saying STAY WEIRD in upside down letters, and is using white headphones with red lining. I sit on her bed and she looks at me. I wonder what she is thinking. "So we are gonna have to get you signed up for school soon." I say, breaking the silence. She groans."No we don't.... you could always home school me..." She says. "Yeah right!" I reply. I grab my laptop and Pull up a school page. The school happens to be only a few blocks away from here. "This on, looks nice." I say to her. It is a no uniform public school, that goes from kindergarten to 8th grade. "No schools look nice to me" She complained. " Look, we can sign you up for it now, and no, I am not home schooling you! I say. "Fine, maybe it will be decent enough, well as decent as a school can get at least." I start signing her up for the school. It is called "Pine Meadow School." I hope she likes it. "There! School starts in 8 weeks." I announce. "ughhhh only 8 weeks?" "Well there is a charter school about 45 minutes from here that starts in 2 if you wanna go there!" I make up. " Thanks squid nugget for letting me go to the one that actually exists!" She says in a fake grateful voice. Aww, she knew I made it up! "Must you call me squid nugget?" "Okay squid-doodly" Lexi reply's with a smile. "Squid nugget is okay" I say in the same fake voice as she did before. She puts her phone and headphones away and says "I am gonna get on my pj's, if you don't mind." I leave the room. "Okay, you can come in!" She yells about 5 minutes later. I walk in and she is laying in bed, with her covers over her body. "Goodnight" I say and kiss her forehead. "Night" she responds. Before I turn out the lights, I pull her blanket up a little past her nose, so I can only see her eyes. I chuckle, and leave the room.

*Time skip*

I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. She is starting school so soon... I think. I am gonna have to take her back to school shopping, and what if she gets bullied? How will I help her? What if she gets bullied, and doesn't tell me? I put my pillow over my head. Why would she get bullied? I think, she is so pretty, and funny, and,oh no... what if she starts dating?

*Time Skip*

Lexi's POV

I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. My blanket pulled over my nose. I can't help but laugh out loud when I realize I forgot to change that. I grab my phone, which I put on my nightstand. Looks like Lilly texted me. The message read: Skype me, k? I do, as soon as I read it. "Hey!" Lilly says, really loud. "shh Squid is asleep! Anyway, hi! I miss you so so so so much!" I reply. "Omg I miss you too! It's so different here without you... How is it like with iballisticsquid?" "Well..." I want to tell her the whole tickle story, but then I remember our deal." It's awesome! He even has a bright red Ferrari!" "Awesome! Well I gtg, but I will text you soon k?" She asks. "Totally! Bye!" We hang up. I get up to go make tea, and when I open the door, squid falls on top of me. "were you eavesdropping on me??" I shout. "No!.. maybe..well... I heard you talking to Lilly... I felt bad..." His voice trails off. "Why would you feel bad?" I ask, slightly confused. "Because.... I took you away from her..." He says. "Don't feel bad. I like it here! I am really happy that you adopted me!" I say cheery. I mean it. "Good. I'm glad to hear that." He says. He still sounds slightly sad though. I get up and make us both some hot tea.

*Sorry this chapter is kinda short! I hope you liked it anyway! See u soon!

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