Straight Mobbing

By LoneStarBeef

37.5K 1K 55

Stassie a Russian Princess and heiress to the two biggest mobs, is out trying to expand her parents legacy. L... More

Straight Mobbing
Stassie-The Meeting
Spooky-I'm bAcK
Spooky-Personal Information
Spooky-Wild Card
Stassie-Deadly Games
Spooky-Russian Food
Spooky-First Kisses
Stassie-Deadly Decisions
Spooky-Busy Day
Stassie-First Dates and a Birthday Party
Spooky-Killer Instincts
Spooky-Life and Death
Stassie-Branding Party
Stassie-Meet the Family
Stassie-Church Runaway
Spooky-Search Party
Spooky-Future Plans
Stassie-Going Home
Stassie-I messed up y'all
Stassie-Home <3
Spooky-Clown Car
Stassie-Ocean Eyes
Spooky-Blood and an Essay
Spooky's Essay
Stassie-Gone Girl
Spooky-No Love
Stassie-Fried Chicken
Spooky-We're Fucked
Spooky-My Time to Go
Spooky-Target Practice
Spooky-Dinner with the Devil
Stassie-Let's Do This
Spooky-Ten Count
Stassie-Smoke Break
Stassie-Gross Carrots
Spooky-Sets of Three
Stassie-Wedding Bells
Spooky-Gambling with Life
Stassie-Uh oh
Spooky-Finish Him
Spooky-She's Alive
Stassie-A Layover to Home
Stassie-'Dye' Job
Happy Holidays
Spooky-Dead Body
Spooky-She's Dead
Spooky-Gemini Season
Stassie-The Ends Justify The Means

Spooky-Its Spooky Biatch

214 8 1
By LoneStarBeef

Breakfast was served, Evie ate more than me or Mikey. I kept track of how long Stassie had been gone. Mikey ushered Evie into Stass' room to take a nap and I was bored. I needed to get out and do something. 

Something happened to be going to the bodega and getting two forties to celebrate passing my test. I ran into Mario Martinez and he told me ever since Ruby saw Cesar, he was in a major depression and wouldn't leave his bed.

So I did what any good person would do. I scared him into getting up and coming to my house for a last night party. Mikey called a couple of the homies to come over. Evie started cooking food since Ruby didn't like how Pedro one of the boys brought over 'incorrect apps'. If this was gonna make him feel better, then he could organized everything how he wanted.

Time was almost up for Stassie to get back and I pulled my phone out to call her.

Where you at?

S-Coming back right now. Sorry I forgot to call.

Don't worry about it. What did she want?

S-She wants out.

Out of what?

S-The family business.

How you gonna handle that?

S-She's gonna pay to get out. I was at mom's office talking to her about it. Mom agreed with the entire thing so I helped Sasha get out. Sasha also said she wants to go pro with her boxing and wanted me to spar with her in the future. But she's going back to Ireland to represent them.

That's funny.

S-I said no way am I sparring with you or going to Ireland right now.

Okay, well there's a party going on at the house. I'll see you when you get here.


She hung up the phone and I went back outside to help set up the tent Ruby found in the piles of junk. The tent was up, food was being brought out with the correct serving platters, the music was set up by our resident DJ, the party was going great.

The circles of people who wanted to talk to each other started to form. I made my way over to Sad Eyes, Hector and Mikey. Mikey clued the other two in about Evie and we all cheered them. Evie made her way to the backyard but not after giving Ruby a plate of food. Stassie still wasn't back yet and I started to worry a little more. My focus was brought back to Evie.

"Hey Tea-Scar. I have a question."

"Okay, ask away."

"Will you be the godfather to this kid?" I looked at Mikey and then back at Evie.

"Sure." Evie hugged me and then went back to Mikey. 

They are teabags, of course I would be their kid's godfather. No doubt in my mind about that question.

"Thanks man. Oh we asked Stassie to be the godmother." I laughed.

"I bet she loved that." Evie rolled her eyes. "You know how she is." I nodded.

Something caught my attention in the house. I saw the light come on in my room and I went to investigate leaving the four of them behind.

Standing in the doorway, I witnessed Stass laying down on the ground.

"Hi." She said when she saw me.

"Whatcha going there, princesa?"

"Clearly line dancing. Can't you tell." Stassie laughed and I sat down next to her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Back hurts. Plus not much in the party mode." She flipped onto her side to look at me.

"Why are you enjoying your party?" She asked.

"Not my party. Its for Ruby, to feel better." Stassie sat up across from me against my bed.

"Oh shit. What's wrong with Ruby?"

"Depressed." Stass nodded.

"He's drunk with the crew. Don't worry." I could tell she was trying to figure out how to solve this problem. Mario tagged along to the party and got him drunk instead of me getting him drunk.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked her.

"Honestly wouldn't mind hitting up In N' Out and going to the beach." I stood up and held out my hand.

"Then let's go."

"Oscar we can't leave, there are a ton of people at the house."

"And? Its my house, if they trash it, they know what their consequences will be." She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her off the floor.

"Burgers and the beach, princesa." I pushed her through the crowds and out the front door.

"You got a gun on you?" She asked me.

"Shit. No, I'll be right back." I ran back into the house and grabbed her purse.

"Guns in the bag, am I right?" She nodded.

Stassie opened the driver's side door and slid across to the passenger side of my car. I climbed in after her and queued up some good music.

In N' Out was packed but we still got our food. We went to the beach that I met her at the first night she was here. The sun was setting in the sky but was still out enough for us to see what we were eating. The waves were crashing on the shore line and it brought me back to the day Evie overdosed.

"Do you wanna go try and drown yourself again?" Stassie choked on a fry. I realized that most of what I was thinking didn't translate to my question.

"I wasn't trying to drown, you just overrated."

"No I didn't." I gave her a look and she pushed my shoulder.

"Ow. Down killer." We both laughed as I rubbed my fake injury.

"You wanna smoke?" I nodded and Stassie handed me a joint.

"We smoke way too much." I grunted out.

"Yet I don't care enough to stop." She said as she pulled the lit joint out from between my lips.

"Aye I was smoking that." 

She wrinkled her nose at me. "Too bad." 

I pulled her closer to my side and slung my arm around her shoulders.

"This is nice." Stassie said with a puff of smoke leaving her mouth.

"Its some good weed."

"Came from my secret stash."

"You holding out on me?"

"Never." She leaned over and kissed me.

The windows in the Impala fogged up and there was a rattle on the window. We looked up and their was a lifeguard knocking.

"Beach is closing. You have to leave." Stassie flipped him off and I started the car.

"Let's go see if those putos wrecked the house." I start shifting the car into gear and placed a hand on Stass' thigh

It was a quick ride back to the house and we came back just in time for Ruby's rap. He thanked me and then thanked his brother for making him an Uncle. I hadn't realized that the hyna with Mario was Angelica. When Ruby let that information drop Angelica pushed him back and punched him right in the eye. After that altercation Stassie didn't want to stay outside, her and Evie went back inside to clean up.

Ruby continued his rap and ended it with a Prophets suck chant. Which prompted everyone to go light up Prophets territory. I walked with the crowd to the front yard and watched as they got into their cars. Mario had Ruby under his arm and dabbed me before walking home.

Within seconds my house which was just packed was finally quiet. I pushed open the front door, shut it and turned the lock.

"Truce is over. Just a warning." I said to the hynas sitting at the table.

"What the fuck!" Stassie hollered.

"Ruby got the crowd going with a Prophets suck chant and now they're all on there way to light them up."

Stassie was shaking her head and Evie looked at her sister.

"Massachusetts?" Evie suggested.

"Your going." Stassie stood up and collected empties.

"What about you?" Stassie bent her head down with her back towards us.

"I'm not going. You are."

"Okay. Imma go pack." Evie glanced at me and gave me a gestured to go to Stass.

Stassie was still standing at the sink with her head down.

"What's in Massachusetts?" Stass turned to look at me.

"Someone important who can't be around Freeridge without the damn truce." I wiped my hand over my mouth.

"Cesar?" Stassie frowned and nodded. 

"He's not safe alone anymore. We'll keep him safe, I promise. I'll send Evie there with two bodyguards."

"Why don't you send him to Ireland?"

"Thomas won't allow Cesar anywhere near my house in Ireland. My mother is too carefree with Thomas and will let him do whatever."

"Okay. What about Russia?"


"What about Igor?"

"He'll try and kill him." 

Her ex was more of a pain than I thought. I ran my hands over my head a couple times.

"Why would you send Evie to go protect him?"

"She's good with being a protector." Not to you, I thought. "Evie can be stealthily and can get in and out without anyone noticing. If there is a threat towards Cesar she has plans on how to keep him safe."

"Why don't we bring him back here then?" Stassie's eyes widened.

"Why the hell would we do that?"

"Santos can protect him just as well as you." Stassie shook her head at me.

"No they couldn't. Massachusetts he can walk around without a high guard on all the time. Here he could walk outside and die within seconds."

"You still have a green light though. You walk outside carefree. Hell we just went to the same fucking beach your sister's girlfriend died at. You aren't safe anywhere near Freeridge. So please tell me why the hell my little brother can't come back here!" I yelled. Anger was bubbling over inside of me.

"Cesar is not me! HE HAS A FUTURE! I DON'T! DON'T YOU GET THAT! HE'S GONNA GROW UP AND BECOME JUST WHO HE IS DESTINED TO BE! I am here, I can't leave and we both know that." Stassie yelled and then grief set in. 

Realization set in.

We were stuck and I knew that, but having both of them get a green light started to scare me a little. 

And I don't get scared.

"So Evie's going because you can't actually leave here without facing consequences? But Evie can do whatever she wants so, that means she can go anywhere." Stassie nodded.

"I can't leave the country without having to jump through hoops to get back in. If any threat comes Cesar's way, she can do everything in her power to get them to escape it." Tears sprung in her eyes.

"I'll send Mikey with her." Stassie smiled and wiped her tears away.

"Okay call him. I'm gonna call Cesar and warn him."

I pulled my phone out and called Mikey. Stassie pulled out her phone and called hopefully Cesar.

Mikey was excited to be out of doing drops and stuff but less excited to have to get on a plane to fly into a cold, wintery Massachusetts. It was a twisted vacation for him but knowing he's going with Evie made me worry less about him. Now I could worry about Stassie and making sure Prophets don't get to her.

A car pulled up front, honked twice and we both hugged Evie then she walked to the car.

Ira waved at us from the front seat, if he was involved I felt even better. I'd grown to like Ira more than Stass' other brothers. We got along better, had more in common and I even had him help me with business a few times without Stassie knowing. They drove away and panic set in a little but slowly went away and was replaced with agitation.

They better take care of my brother.

Or else they would really meet Spooky.

WOOOO! American Thanksgiving is in two days and I am ready to feast. If you're celebrating-Happy Thanksgiving! Or if you're not have a great rest of your week!

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