Off Limits ✔️

By PitchSlapped2208

116K 3.6K 1.5K

Beca was about to start her senior year of high school alongside her group of friends and her twin brother. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part I
Chapter 17 - Part II
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 5

2.8K 79 58
By PitchSlapped2208

Friday night was the first football game of the year as well as the first party held afterwards at Shaun's house. Chloe had been practising with the cheerleading squad all week, after finding out on Wednesday that she had made the squad, preparing for the game today. As well as getting close to the rest of the girls on the squad this week, Chloe had also grown a lot closer to her friends, including Tom and Beca. The redhead found herself wanting to gravitate more towards the shorter but funnier twin, trying to hold in her laughter when Beca would get told off in class constantl. However, as soon as she'd get close to Beca and felt that she was finally breaking down the walls that the brunette held so high around her, Jasmine seemed to be there to push them miles apart. Whereas, with Tom everything was so much easier. He was cute, funny, smart, helpful, kind and never showed any interest in other girls when he was with Chloe. The cheerleader found herself liking the quarterback more and more and was excited to see him play tonight for the first time against a rival school.

In the tunnel, that was situated outside of the changing rooms, Chloe would be stood in her cheerleading uniform with Stacie, Aubrey, Jess and the rest of the squad waiting for the football team to make their way into the tunnel with them. "What Beca sees in that girl I do not know?", Stacie would roll her eyes before nodding her head, making Chloe turn around to see the brunette talking to Jasmine once again.

"I think she sees an easy target", Jess would laugh with her and the other girls now.

For not the first time this week, Chloe would feel a knot form in her stomach as she'd watch Beca move closer to Jasmine so that the cheerleader was pressed up against the wall. She'd clench her jaw, still watching, as Beca would lean in closer to whisper, something that was no doubt about what they'd get up to later tonight, in her ear and then start to place kisses down her neck.

"Mitchell! Leave my cheerleader alone, she needs to be focused on our routine rather than you right now", the captain shouted across the hallway at them, making both of the girls stop and look over.

"Chill Posen, I was just waiting for Tom to wish him luck", Beca tried to lie casually by smirking and then crossing her arms. The soccer star would then let her eyes lock on Chloe, her heart beating faster as she'd take in the cheerleading outfit and then feel herself gulp at the sight of the short shorts and tight tank top, hugging perfectly to her body.

"Well as you can see, the team isn't here yet so you can just go and find your seat instead and I'm sure we can let him know that you stopped by to show your support", glaring at the smaller girl who'd continue to smirk back at her, the blonde would start to grow more frustrated.

"Whatever", Beca shrugged her shoulders before putting her hands in the pockets of her black leather jacket. "I'll see you later at the party", she'd wink at Chloe discreetly before smiling at Stacie and then walking off down the tunnel.

"Bye baby", Jasmine would wave and bounce up and down.

"Urgh", both Stacie and Jess would groan in disgust at the same time, causing the rest of the girls to laugh at them.

A few minutes later, the football team could be heard shouting and chanting as they'd come out of the changing rooms and start to line up in the tunnel. The seniors and captains would all line up one behind the other, next to a cheerleader that would be their walkout partner. Chloe would be stood next to Jason, a senior and one of the wide receivers on the team, she'd smile politely at him before glancing over her shoulder to see Tom walking her way.

"Hey, you look incredible in that uniform", the quarterback shot her that dazzling smile as he'd check her out, making Chloe blush lightly. "You sure you wanna be Jason's walkout instead of mine?", he'd smirk and notice Jason roll his eyes at his captain.

"Yeah, I'm sure", Chloe would giggle at the two boys, "I can't take Aubrey's spot up front. You're both captains so I'll just stay here", she'd bite down on her lip now, locking eyes with the tall quarterback as she'd feel some confidence rise, "I'll be uh.. cheering you on from the sidelines though"

The smile on Tom's face grew twice the size at Chloe's promise as he'd continue to look down at the redhead, "I'll make sure to win for you then", he'd wink before walking off to his spot at the front of the line.


Beca was now sat in the bleachers next to Jesse and Amy, stealing a piece of popcorn from Jesse every time he wasn't looking and shaking her head at how oblivious the boy was. "What are the plans for tonight then? Are we all drinking?", Amy would look over at them both.

"Hell yeah!", Jesse would nod his head.

"I'm not", Beca was focused on her phone, scrolling through instagram. But instantly snapped her head up as the phone was snatched out of her hand by Amy who was now holding it above her head. "Hey!"

"You've got exactly five seconds to tell me why you are not drinking tonight at the first party of our senior year", Amy would glare at one of her best friends, ignoring Jesse who was sniggering in between them both.

"Because we have our first game of the season tomorrow and I don't want to play it hungover", she'd stand up and snatch her phone back now, "And you shouldn't want to either Swanson", she'd then nudge Jesse's shoulder, making him spill some popcorn on a couple of girls sat in front of them.

"Hey, what the hell?", they'd both turn around to glare at Jesse, the angry expression slowly disappearing as they'd spot Beca sat next to him.

"Sorry, my friend isn't very good with his hands", Beca would wink at them, "Unlike me", she'd smirk as the girls giggled before turning back to face the football field. "Anyway, as I was saying-", she'd stop speaking when she'd look over to see Amy and Jesse shaking both of their heads at her, amusingly. "What?", she'd shrug her shoulders, confused at what she had done wrong this time.

"How do you do it?", Jesse would ask, wanting to know the brunette's secret.

"Jesse if I told you that, I'm afraid I'd have to kill you buddy", she'd slap her hand down onto his shoulder, causing all three of them to burst out laughing.

A few minutes later, the school band would start to play louder than before and the announcements of each captain and senior player was about to be made for the home team. All of the fans in the stands, including Beca, stood up to cheer on their players, however the brunette would only cheer on her brother, knowing how much the rest of the team were dicks.

"Welcome to the field, he's your quarterback, he's your captain and here he is leading the team out for his final year", the announcer would enthusiastically introduce the next player, "Welcome Tom Mitchell, who is being led out this year by your cheerleading captain Aubrey Posen", he'd finish. All of a sudden the sound of screams and cheers got louder as Aubrey would run out of the tunnel, perform a tumble trick before then waving to the crowd as Tom would follow her out. The quarterback held his helmet up to the sky, waving out to the crowd too as he'd make his way over to the sidelines to speak to his coach, focusing instantly on the task in front of him.

Normally, Beca would ignore the rest of the announcements, focusing on her phone instead as she'd wait for the game to start. But when she heard a certain name get announced over the speakerphone, she'd find her attention be brought back to the field. "Please welcome wide receiver Jason Matthews, who is being led out by the cheerful Chloe Beale", he'd introduce them.

Beca then watched Chloe run forward and perform a very impressive tumble trick, before turning to the crowd and showing off that perfectly white smile and waving. The brunette would find herself smiling a little back as she'd feel the positivity radiating off of the redhead, but then found herself gulping nervously as their eyes locked on each other for a couple of seconds. Chloe then smiled a little wider as she'd feel the confidence in her once again but this time because she had just caught Beca checking her out.


Throughout the game, Chloe watched and cheered on the team from the sidelines. She'd jump up and down holding her poms in the air as the team would be set out ready to start the next play on the opponents 10 yard line, trying to offer some encouragement. The snap was good to Tom who immediately looked around for options to throw to. Sensing pressure coming from the other team he'd escape the pocket and move forward, tucking the ball into his body so that it was protected before barging his way through three defenders and falling into the end zone. The crowd would jump to their feet, celebrating as Tom wheeled away celebrating with his teammates and then running over to the sidelines to rest.

Chloe smiled and watch the football player jog his way over to the bench, unclipping his helmet as he'd reach the drinks table. "Nice touchdown", Chloe would walk over, smiling as he'd look up at her.

"You impressed?", he'd smirk back at her and Chloe couldn't help but notice the similarity to Beca in that moment.

"Maybe, depends if you can keep it up for the rest of the game", the cheerleader would chew on her lip, noticing the sweat dripping down his face and neck. Chloe could feel herself getting hot as she admired the boy in front of her, not focusing on what he said next, until it was embarrassingly too late.

"Chloe?", Tom would repeat, waving a hand in front of her face, laughing now.

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say?", she'd blush.

"I said if I win, how would you like to be my date to the party after the game?", he'd try to look calm and casual while waiting for an answer.

Chloe would smile and nod back at him, "I'd love to", she'd wink, "Make sure you win then"

"Oh I will now that I know what's at stake", he'd push his hand through his hair making it slick back a little due to the sweat.

"Mitchell, let's go", Coach would call out.

"See you later", Chloe would wave and walk away now, leaving Tom to watch her, smiling to herself as she'd make her way back to the group of cheerleaders.

"What has you smiling so much?", Stacie would nudge Chloe's shoulder as she'd reach her friends, smiling back at her.

"I'm going with Tom to the party later on", she'd smile and look round at her friends who looked back at her shocked. "W-What?"

"You're going with a Mitchell to a party but it's not Beca?", Jess would tilt her head as if she was confused, making some of the girls laugh at her.

"Why would I be going with Beca? It's very clear that she already has a date to the party", the redhead rolled her eyes before nodding her head towards Beca who was leaning over the bleachers to talk to Jasmine once again.

"Are you jealous Chlo?", Stacie would smirk as she'd glance between her best friend and her new cheerleader.

"No, no", Chloe would clear her throat, shaking her head now, "I just don't get why some people are so out in the open about their relationships"

"Trust me it's not a relationship", Jess smirked and shook her head back, "She'll be with someone new next week"

Chloe couldn't help but look back over at Beca, seeing Jasmine strutting her way back over to the group. However, when the redhead would look back up at Beca, instead of seeing her eyes focused on Jasmine, she'd lock eyes with the brunette who had been watching her. Not sure what to do, Chloe would keep the eye contact, feeling as if they had been staring at each other for a few hours let alone it only being a few seconds, but the cheerleader had forgotten about all of her surroundings as she let herself get lost in Beca's deep blue eyes.


Barden would eventually go on to win the game comfortably against one of their rival schools with Tom getting the game ball and then feeling excited knowing that he would be taking Chloe as his date to the party. After taking a shower and then going home to get changed, Tom would be waiting downstairs for Beca, after his sister had offered to drive them to the party knowing that she wouldn't be drinking tonight.

"Bec you ready to go?", Tom would call up the stairs before looking back down at his phone.

"Yeah, yeah", Beca would run downstairs, checking herself in the mirror once more before moving over to where her keys were sat on the side.

"Oh remember that we need to pick up Chloe on the way", Tom would look up to grab his jacket and then follow his twin out of the front door.

"Wait what?", Beca would freeze at the door, looking over her shoulder at Tom, thinking that she had heard him wrong.

"Yeah, I said that we'd pick her up to save her driving and having to leave her car at Shaun's", he'd shrug his shoulders before moving past the smaller brunette and walking over to her car, not seeing what the problem was.

"But I've got to pick up Jasmine, I can't have both-", she'd stop herself from spilling anything more as she'd reach the driver's side of her Mustang.

"What's wrong? You don't want me to meet your girlfriend yet?", he'd smirk, climbing into the passenger seat.

"She's not my girlfriend", Beca would roll her eyes, turning on the engine and reversing out of the driveway, "Is Chloe your girlfriend yet?", she'd ask him, keeping her eyes fixed on the road but deep down hoping and focusing more on his answer.

"No, but I'm well on my way", he'd sigh and let his head sit back against the headrest, "She's just so cool dude, do you like her?"

"W-What do you mean? I-I don't even really know her", Beca would gulp nervously, swearing under her breath at how nervous she was coming across, "Get a grip, Mitchell before you give anything away".

"Alright calm down", he'd laugh and push her shoulder as they'd be sat at a red light. "Maybe you should get to know her a bit more tonight at the party, I think you'd get along well", he'd look down at his phone now as Beca would continue to drive to Jasmine's house.

"Yeah, maybe I will", she'd grip the steering wheel tighter, sighing as she'd turn down Jasmine's road now, spotting the cheerleader stood outside on her porch, eagerly waiting for Beca. "Just don't mention anything about being my girlfriend to Jasmine alright, I can't deal with that right now", she'd glare and point her finger at Tom.

"Okay, okay", he'd hold his hands up, watching Jasmine walk closer now and then opening the car door to climb into the backseat. "Hey Jasmine", he'd look over his shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows at Beca who'd start driving as soon as the door would shut, not even waiting for the girl to put her seatbelt on. "Someone's in a rush to get to this party"

"I just don't want to have to park miles away", Beca would mumble, tightening her grip once again as she'd follow Tom's directions to Chloe's house. Around 10 minutes later they would be sat outside of Chloe's house waiting for the redhead to appear. Beca would look out of her window, taking in the appearance of Chloe's house. "Of course it's perfect. She's perfect so why wouldn't her house be perfect. Wait.. perfect? Mitchell, stop it", she'd shake her head, taking a deep breath to calm herself.

All of a sudden Tom would swing open the car door, climb out and walk round the front of the car. Beca would snap her head back to Chloe's house to see the redhead walking down her porch steps, smiling at her brother as she'd meet him halfway in a hug. The soccer star let her eyes gaze up and down Chloe's outfit, taking in the short white dress she had on, that hugged tight at her waist, but stopped just above the knee so her long legs were on view. The brunette would whistle lowly, forgetting that Jasmine was sat in the seat behind her. "She looks so pretty", Jasmine spoke up as Tom and Chloe would both make their way round to the passenger side of the car.

"Beautiful", Beca would mumble quietly, clearing her throat quickly then as the doors would open once more and the couple climbed into their seats.

"Hey guys", Chloe would force a smile as she'd notice Jasmine in the seat next to her, glancing towards Beca in the front seat who'd start to drive towards the party finally.

"I love love love your dress", Jasmine would smile and turn towards Chloe now, grabbing her hand. "Can I borrow it sometime?"

"U-Uh I mean, sure if you want to?", Chloe would try to take her hand back, feeling both confused and uncomfortable.

"I think I'd look amazing in it, don't you baby?", Jasmine would turn to look back at Beca now who kept glancing up at the rearview mirror at the two of them.

"I guess so", she'd shrug, looking back at the road. As they'd pull into the road of the party, she'd feel someone looking at her and would look up at the mirror once more to see Chloe staring back at her. "We're here", she'd pull up against the sidewalk, turning off the engine, not taking her eyes off of Chloe who'd shoot her a small smile before they'd all climb out of the car and make their way towards the big house that was already alive with music and students pouring out of the house from all areas.

Once they were inside, the twins would head towards the kitchen with their dates on their arm. As they'd walk in they'd meet up with Jesse, Stacie and Amy who were all downing their drinks. Beca would shake her head, letting go of Jasmine to grab herself a non-alcoholic drink. "You guys are so slow at drinking", she'd smirk, gaining their attention now as all three of them would look her way.

"You can't comment right now seeing as you aren't even having a drink tonight", Stacie would squint her eyes in a challenge at Beca.

"I am having a drink Stacie", Beca would hold up her cup, "It just doesn't have any alcohol in it", she'd wink at the taller brunette now.

"I'm gonna go and find the girls but I'll find you later on?", Jasmine would press herself up against Beca's side, wrapping her arms around Beca's neck as she'd force herself to stand close to the brunette.

Beca would notice all of her friends roll their eyes before turning away as she'd look back and force a smile at Jasmine, "Yeah, will do", she'd pull away from her quickly, avoiding a kiss as she'd glance over at Chloe and Tom who were talking to each other on the other side of the kitchen, wrapped up in their own world, ignoring the party that was happening around them.

"Why do you even hang around with her if you don't even like her?", Stacie moaned, pouring herself another drink from the many options that were laid out on the table.

"Are you really going to lecture me on who I do or do not sleep with?", Beca would raise an eyebrow at her best friend, before glancing back over at Tom and Chloe to see them laughing this time at something Tom said. "That right there", she'd point at the couple, "I don't get at all. How has he managed to get a girl like that?"

"Sounds to me like your jealous Mitchell?", Amy would smirk, pushing the girl in the shoulder to get her attention back on the friends stood in front of her.

"Which is funny because Chloe seemed to be jealous of you and Jasmine earlier on at the game", Stacie then shrugged her shoulders innocently, sliding her finger around the top of her red plastic cup.

"Seriously? She was jealous?", Beca looked round to her best friend, "But she has nothing to be jealous about, I mean me and Jasmine aren't even a thing", she'd ramble on.

"You don't need to tell me that but you can see why Chloe might have thought that you were", she'd shrug her shoulders, sipping from her cup once again.

"They look pretty happy together though and they do make a cute couple", Jesse would nod his head, smiling. "Ow ow ow!!", he'd jump and grab his elbow as he'd look over to see Beca glaring at him but smirking as she'd had just pinched him hard on the arm.

"Shut up, will ya?", she'd sigh, turning away now to look at them once more. "Urgh, I wish I was drinking tonight now", she'd shake her head before walking away into another room to escape from the lovesick couple and the redhead that wouldn't leave her mind recently.

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