Married to a Marine ✔️

By PitchSlapped2208

31.8K 825 142

Chloe is engaged to Beca who is in the Marine Corp. Join our favourite couple as they tackle the hardships of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

1.8K 59 18
By PitchSlapped2208

ONE MONTH LATER (Chloe now 8 months pregnant)

Beca would wake up suddenly in a hospital bed, sweating and looking around her trying to recognise her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was getting shot at and trying to crawl to cover after her base had come under attack. As she'd go to sit up in bed to try and make sense of where she is, her hand would shoot straight up to her shoulder as pain would come over her. The marine would spot her shoulder heavily wrapped in a bandage and sat in a sling. "Fuck that hurts", she'd mumble to herself before slowly moving to sit up slowly, looking around at the room once again and spotting over soldiers laid out on beds with injuries.

"Nice to see you awake Mitchell", Ashley would smile as she'd walk over to her bed holding a clipboard.

"How long have I been out?", Beca would run a hand through her hair, closing her eyes as she'd feel more pain go up her arm to her shoulder now.

"I'm going to get you some more painkillers for your shoulder and to answer your question you've been in and out of consciousness for about three weeks", the doctor would be reading and scribbling down notes on her clipboard.

"Three weeks?!", Beca would gasp, taking the small cup that held the painkillers and a glass of water from one of the nurses now. "But what about Chloe? Is she alright? Does she know that I'm okay? Is the baby-"

"Woah, woah let's just slow down for a second Captain", Ashley would smile and sit down on the edge of Beca's bed. "Take your painkillers and I'll tell you", she'd nod her head at the small cup, before taking out a small flashlight from her pocket.

"Is she okay?", Beca would ask again after taking the pills and drinking some water.

"She and the baby are both fine, don't worry", the doctor would place her hand on Beca's good  shoulder now for stability as she'd use the other to shine the light into Beca's eyes. "Jesse has been sending her updates on you each week as his recovery wasn't as serious"

"Did we lose anyone?", Beca would notice her friend's face fall now as she'd move back a little, putting her flashlight back in her jacket pocket. "Ash? What happened?"

"Luke is in quite bad shape", she'd sigh and bite down on her lip, "He kept going back in to rescue the wounded and got hit a couple of times", she'd sniff back the tears that were threatening to leave her eyes, "He's still in a coma but he's stable"

"I'm so sorry Ash", Beca would hold the doctor's hand, "What's the damage to me this time?"

"Well this time it is a lot more serious than before", Ashley would clear her throat, getting her confidence back as she'd stand up and grab her clipboard again. "You got shot in the shoulder, the bullet however didn't go all the way through so we had to do surgery to get it out", she'd read off some notes from the clipboard, glancing up at one of her closest friends to notice her nodding her head. "When we was in surgery we noticed that the bullet had actually hit the nerves a lot more than bone or anything else so", she'd sigh.

"So what does that mean?", Beca would furrow her eyebrows.

"It means that you'll need to undergo a lot of rehabilitation to get full function back in your arm and until then you won't be able to use it at all without going through excruciating pain"

"So you're telling me that when my baby is born in a month's time, I'm not going to be hold him or her for a long time", Beca would gulp, feeling the disappointment go over her as she'd stare down at the bed she was laying in.

"I'm sorry Mitchell, but I know that with your determination and dedication you will get 100% function back in your arm in no time", Ashley would smile now at the marine as she'd look back up at the doctor. "Just don't push yourself too hard when you get back there", she'd wink.

"Wait, go back?", she'd ask her, in shock. "You mean I'm going home? For how long?"

"We are getting honourably discharged Cap", Jesse would smile as he'd walk over to her bed now, stopping and saluting her before smiling and reaching over to hug her, laughing a little. "You ready?"

"Wait, honourably discharged? As in-"

"As in you are going home and won't have any more deployments", Ashley would smile again, "But when you are back to full health and have completed your rehabilitation, the Colonel wants to speak to you both about staying in the marines but helping the new recruits through training"

"That sounds perfect", Beca would smile and start to feel the excitement course through her, "I'm going home", she'd start thinking about Chloe and how the redhead is going to be just as excited to hear the news. "Do you know where my stuff is from the field? My dog tags and personal items from base?"

"They got brought over yesterday", Jesse would reach under her bed, placing the box now next to her.

"How come you got through without any injuries Swanson?", Beca would smirk as she'd rummage through the box looking for something in particular.

"I had a few bumps and scrapes as well as a fractured leg, but I'm just in a brace now for the last couple of weeks and a bit of rehab but nothing as serious as you", he'd place his hands in his pockets. "You was always the more dramatic one", all three of them would start to laugh.

"I'll leave you to it and I'll see you when my duty finishes in a couple months", Ashley would say her goodbyes, "I'll be over to check on you and to hold your little princess"

"How do you know we're having a girl?", Beca would snap her head up, looking confused.

"Oh I don't, I've just got a feeling", she'd shrug her shoulders before waving and leaving the two best friends alone.

"I always thought we'd have a boy", Beca would mumble.

"Nah, I could totally see you spoiling a little girl and becoming all protective over her like you do with Sarah, who apparently has a boyfriend now", Jesse would roll his eyes.

"What?!", Beca would smirk and look up at her best friend. "How you feeling about that?"

"Bree says that the boy is really sweet and is really hung up on our daughter so I guess it's fine for now", he'd shrug his shoulders. "Anyway, I'm gonna go and let your wife know that you are finally awake and we'll be home tomorrow. Maybe then she'll stop shouting at me", he'd roll his eyes.

"That's my wife you're talking about soldier", Beca would playfully glare at him.

"Yes Ma'am", Jesse would salute before they'd both break into laughter and he'd walk away.

Beca would smile and shake her head, finally finding what she was looking for in her personal items box. She'd put her dog tags back on so they hung around her neck once more and would hold between her fingers her picture of Chloe. She'd notice the dust and slight tear to the corner of the picture, brushing her thumb over the top so she could clearly see Chloe sat against the oak tree, smiling as she'd hold a book. "I'm coming home, beautiful", she'd place a soft kiss against the picture, smiling.


The next day, Chloe would be stood in the arrivals lounge of the airport with Jesse's parents, Aubrey, Sarah, Emily and Beca's parents. She'd bounce her leg up and down nervously as she'd keep her eyes trained on the arrivals board, waiting for the display change to say that Beca's flight had landed safely.

"I hope they're both okay, did Jesse say what kind of state they would be in?", Emily would turn to Chloe and Aubrey, stopping herself from pacing up and down as she'd wait for an answer.

"Jesse is fine now, still walking with a boot but he's only got two weeks left with the rehabilitation", Aubrey would smile, holding onto Sarah as the little girl would be stood between her mother's legs.

"And Beca?", Kate would worriedly look down at her daughter-in-law.

"She only woke up yesterday so she hasn't been able to start rehab yet, Jesse didn't really tell me much else cause it all happened so fast yesterday", Chloe would sigh and rub her hand over her stomach.

"When is the baby going to be here?", Sarah would turn to Chloe now placing her own hand on the redhead's stomach.

"Soon sweetie", Chloe would smile, feeling the baby kick then she'd laugh a little as Sarah would jump away. "It's okay hunny, the baby is just saying hello", she'd smile.

"Here they come", Chloe would snap her head up, seeing soldiers dressed in uniform carrying their bags as they'd walk through the arrivals lounge now looking for their loved ones. She'd carefully stand up, moving slowly with the rest of her friends and family towards the doors where the soldiers were streaming out.

"I can see Daddy! There he is! Daddy!" Sarah would bouncing in Aubrey's arms, waving at her Dad as she'd watch him walk closer to her, smiling.

Chloe would smile and look over at Aubrey, noticing the tears sliding her face as she watched her husband walk over to her. The redhead would let her eyes fall back onto the marine, looking around him for her wife, knowing they were together the whole flight home. Just as he would smile and wink at his wife, the crowd that was stopping him from reuniting with his family would part and that's when Chloe would see Beca being pushed in a wheelchair by Jesse, her bag placed across her lap with her arm in a sling.

"Oh, Beca!", Kate and Emily would both gasp and rush forward along with Aubrey and Sarah to greet the two marines. Chloe however, would be stood there frozen in place, watching her wife smile up at her sister and Mom.

Feeling scared and worried, Chloe would slowly walk over to Beca, smiling now as she'd feel relieved that even though Beca was hurt, she was home. "Where's that beautiful wife of mine?", she'd smirk as she'd hear Beca's voice, clearly looking for her.

"I'm right here where you left me, soldier", Chloe would lock eyes with Beca now, feeling the tears start to slide down her face as she'd smile.

"Jesse get me out of this chair would you, so I can kiss my wife?", the marine wouldn't take her eyes off of Chloe, taking her Dad and Jesse's arm to help her stand up out of the chair. Ben would sling her bag over his shoulder after shaking his daughter's hand and letting her walk over to Chloe.

"Are you okay? Can I-I hug you and-", Chloe would look over Beca's shoulder, worried that she might hurt her.

"Chlo, just kiss me", Beca would smirk, using her free hand to wrap around Chloe's waist before leaning in to passionately kiss her wife. "God, I missed you", she'd sigh as the two of them would lean and rest their heads against one another.

"I thought I had lost you", Chloe would place her hands on Beca's cheeks, keeping her eyes closed but sniffing to keep from crying so much.

"I promised you I would come home and nothing was going to stop me from doing just that", Beca would kiss her again before pulling away to look at Chloe up and down. "Damn, you got big", she'd wink and then laugh a little as she'd watch Chloe roll her eyes.

"You always was a charmer", Chloe would laugh.

Beca would carefully kneel down, moving her good hand to place it on top of Chloe's stomach, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss. "Hey baby, you ready to come out yet?", she'd whisper loud enough for everyone around them to hear her.

Chloe and the rest of the group would start laughing now as Beca would stand back up again, "A couple more weeks and she'll be here", she'd bite down on her lip, excited as she'd notice all of the shocked and excited looks that were directed their way now.

"Wait, what?", Beca would furrow her eyebrows, shocked herself as she'd ask again. "We're having a girl?", she'd gulp.

"We're having a little girl, baby", Chloe would smile and feel herself start crying again as she'd step forward to hug Beca once more, being careful of her shoulder.

"Oh my god!"

"Oh, that's amazing!"


Family and friends would shout and celebrate with them, joining in on the hugs now until they were all in a big group hug.

"Well if we're celebrating and giving out news, I guess me and Jesse should tell you ours", Beca would hold Chloe's hand, squeezing it a little as she'd look over at her best friend.

"Do the honours Cap", he'd nod her head at him, wrapping his arms around his wife and daughter.

"We have been honourably discharged meaning that we can't get sent away on deployments anymore", Beca would smile, feeling Chloe tense up next to her, she'd glance over at her wife to see her staring back at her with her hand covering her mouth in shock.

"Are you serious? You're not leaving ever again?", Chloe would whisper, still in shock.

"I'm not leaving you or our new family ever again, beautiful", Beca would smile and wipe the tears from off Chloe's cheeks before being pulled into another searing kiss by her wife.

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