Rose and Scorpius, A True Love

By harrypottergirl123

536K 11.5K 2.2K

Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy have always been known to hate each other. That much has always been clear... More

Rose-Scorpius: A true Love
The end!


8.3K 185 23
By harrypottergirl123

A week later, Malfoy and I had to do rounds together still. It was driving me crazy, having to see him almost everyday, but he was still better then Jake Peck. But now that a week has passed in the term of school, I had homework. I was in the library with my head poring over 'The Monster book of Monsters' when Mganogall came into the library. "Miss Weasley. What are you doing?" She asked. I was startled by the question, "Studying ma'am?" I said weakly. "And where is Mr. Malfoy?" She asked tartly. Her mouth was a thin line and her eyebrows were raised. "Oh- um-" she cut me off, "I thought I made it clear that you and Mr. Malfoy were to study together as well? To end this house rivalry?" She asked. I lowered my head, "Yes ma'am." I said. "Miss Weasley, you are an exceptional student, top of your class. And no doubt will you probably be Head Girl. But I can not give you the honor if this childish non-sense continues." She said in a surprisingly kind voice. "I'll go look for him now ma'am" I said in a firm voice. She did something rare, she smiled. I watched her walk out of the library surprisingly fast for a woman of her age. I got up and started to pack my stuff as I sighed heavily. "Where am I suppose to find him anyway?" I asked myself quietly as I walked down the corridor. But a sudden scuffling noise distracted me, I looked over to see it was coming from the broom closet. I sighed heavily as I braced myself. I yanked open the closet, "Alright you two, I'll have to give you detention an- ALBUS!?" I watched in horror as I saw my cousin untangle himself from a girl with long straight black hair- "HARLEY!?" I stepped away from the closet in horror. "Rose!? Oh merlin- um we can explain!" Harley was saying as she straightened out her robes. I shook my head and pointed, "WHAT THE HELL!?" I was in total shock. "Listen Rose- I mean-" I cut Albus off, "HOW LONG!?" I asked breathlessly. Harley looked at Albus and back to me. "Well- it kind of happened this summer... When I came over for a week at the Burrow?" She said quietly. My mouth was hanging open, "and you didn't tell me? I thought I was your best friend!" I yelled. Harley looked scared, Albus put an arm around her, he's gotten taller, Harleys head only reached his chin. "Look Rose- you don't need to yell, we were going to tell you-" I cut him off again, "DONT INTERRUPT! IM JUST AS PISSED AT YOU AS I AM WITH HER!" I yelled. "Rose! You knew how I felt about Albus! It can't be that shocking?" She said, her voice weak. "It's been going on for over a month! And you never told me!" I said feeling hurt. "Well it's not exactly any of your business is it." Albus said coldly. "Not any of my business? She's my best friend, your my cousin. And you never told me..." I said in a shaky voice. "We wanted to see how long it would last you know? Why tell you if it only lasted a week?" Harley said. "But over a month? When were you going to tell me?" I asked. "We were planning on telling you next week- but I guess now you know..." Harley said. We stared at each other in silence, "Are you still mad?" Harley asked quietly. I looked at Albus and Harley. "I don't know. I guess not. I'm still hurt though. I just need some space to cool off, and I'll be ok again." I said quietly. Harley nodded her head, "We'll talk later?" She asked. I nodded my head. I turned around and continued to look for Malfoy, studying will help me relax a little. As I continued to walk, my head down as I looked at the floor, I bumped into someone solid. I was about to fall backwards but the person caught me by my shoulders. "Watch it Rose- your gunna get hurt one day if you keep doing that." I looked up to see Jake Peck, handsome and creepy as ever. "Oh- sorry Jake, I wasn't paying attention." I said quietly as I wiggled out of his hands which were still on my shoulders. "Right. So what's up?" He asked. I felt awkward, something didn't feel right about this guy. "Nothing- just going to go find Malfoy." I said trying to sound casual. "Yea I heard you have rounds together now. It's a shame, rounds arnt as fun without you." He said tilting his head. I smiled weakly. "Right- I got to go but I'll see you around." And I started to walk away from him as fast as I could. As I turned a corner I looked back to make sure he wasn't following me, but as I wasn't looking where I was going I bumped into another person. We both fell over and hit the ground. "Weasley? What the hell! Learn to pay attention!" I heard the unmistakable whiny voice of, "Shove off Malfoy. I was looking for you anyway." I stood up brushing dust off my robes. "What do you want?" He asked. "We need to study, so let's go." I started dragging him toward the library. "What? I agree I need to study but why should I study with you!?" He said wrenching his hand out of my grasp. "Because Mganogall says we need to study together!" I said loudly. Malfoy groaned, "Fine! But if we have to study together, we're not going to the library." He said firmly. "What!? Where els would we study?" I asked loudly. "It's Saturday, and it's sunny outside. We study by the lake." He said, and he turned on his heal and walked towards the entrance hall. "But the library is where I've always studied!" I said as I ran to catch up to him. He shrugged his shoulders, "then we take turns, next time we study we go where you want. But today we go to the lake." He said as we walked through the large oak front doors. We made our way towards the lake and sat under a shady tree. I grabbed my stuff and started to open my books grumpily. Now I couldn't concentrate, not with images of Harley and Albus swimming in my head. Why didn't they tell me? "What were you talking to Albus and Andrews about earlier." Malfoy said as he turned a page in his book. "You mean Harley? Well- wait how did you know I was talking with them?" I asked. Scorpius answered without looking up from his book, "eh, I have my ways..." I looked at him in disbelief. "So you found out about 'them'?" He asked finally looking up. I gave him a puzzled look, "yea- wait they told you?" I asked feeling hurt again. Malfoy shook his head, "They haven't told me yet." He said quietly. "How did you find out?" I asked as I set my book down. "I have my ways." Was all he said. Feeling annoyed about his answer I narrowed my eyes at him. "How did you find out?" He asked me, making me lose my death glare. "I walked in on them in a broom closet." I said simply. He shook his head grinning, but it wasn't his normal grin. There was something sorrowful behind his eyes, hurt. "Why didn't they tell us?" He asked bitterly. "They said it's because they wanted to see if it lasted long enough for there to be something to tell us about." I said laying down in the grass. "But- I'm his best friend! He's suppose to tell me these things!" He yelled. "I know..." I said quietly. "It's useless being mad, there happy right?" I said. He sighed heavily, "I guess." I sat up and looked at him, "Wait- how did you find out?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. Mafloy stood up, dusted off his robes, and began to walk. "I'm going inside, I'm done studying." And I watched him leave. I looked down where he was sitting, and saw a large folded piece of parchment sitting in the grass. "Hm?" I picked it up and unfolded it.
"Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map..." I read out loud. Is this what he was reading last week when we were on rounds? I looked over it, and it was more then a map. I could see the tiny dot of Malfoy walking up the slope to the castle. "What...?" I looked over the map and saw hundreds of dots. I could see Professor Magonagall pacing in her studies... And then I looked over on the corridor where I saw Harley and Al, and their dots were abnormally close together. "This is how he found out..." I folded up the parchment, grabbed my stuff, and ran up to the castle, through the oak front doors, up to the eighth floor, through the fat lady, and into my dormitory. I jumped in my bed and drew my red curtains so I was hidden in darkness. "Lumos." I whispered, and soon I was enveloped in white light. I examined the map, and after awhile I found my dot, up in the Gryffindor girls dormitories. "What are you?" I whispered. And then I got a curious idea, my eyes started to search for the dungeons. Soon I found them, and with in the dungeons I saw the tiny dot of Scorpius Malfoy. He seemed to be pacing, all over the dungeons. Then I saw the tiny dot of Albus Potter come next to him, and he too started to pace everywhere. I started to look on the map for Harley, and when I found her dot the map said she was in the Gryffindor common room. I quickly got my wand and whispered, "Nox" I was engulfed in darkness, I stuffed the map into my pillow case, and grabbed a book. I heard the door open, and slam shut. I peeked through the curtains to see Harley looking a little crest fallen. "What's up?" I asked. She looked at me with caution. I sighed heavily, "I'm not mad anymore. It's safe." She smiled. "Good." I rolled my eyes, got out of bed, and sat on the floor. I patted the ground next to me indicating her to sit. "So, where's your boyfriend?" I asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes as she sat down. "Actually... He ran off. Scorpius came running over and whispered something in his ear, Albus freaked out and they ran off together." Harley said. I thought back to the map, where Al and Malfoys dots were going all over the place. "I tried to hear what Malfoy was saying... But it came out weird. I heard 'The nap is pissing'." Harley said thoughtfully. I looked at her, "The map is missing." I said quietly. "What?" Harley asked, confusion eched on her face. "He said the map is missing..." I said louder. "What map? What are you talking about?" Harley said. I took a deep breath, grabbed my pillow, and pulled out the Marauders Map. "This thing." I said handing it to her. She examined it closely, her eyes widening as she continued to read it. "I guess it shows us Hogwarts? And all who's in it, and what they're doing?" I said as I tried to think about it. Harley looked up at me, "but how do you know this is what there missing?" She asked. "Well- I might have seen Malfoy, you know- drop it..." I said quietly. "You mean you didn't return it!?" She asked. "I was curious! I wanted to examine it." I said defensively. "Where did they even find this thing?" Harley asked breathlessly. I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure..." I said quietly. "I mean- we need to return this! Right?" Harley asked. I hesitated. "I'm not sure Harley... I mean why do they have this map? How did they even get it? I mean there's a criminal on the lose somewhere and they could be using this to sneak around the castle!" I said with wide eyes. I know for a fact they have been sneaking around the castle at night since their first year, but I want to make excuses to hold on to the map longer. Harley thought about it for awhile. "I don't know Rose..." Harley said. "Please? Let's just hold on to it for awhile longer! At least long enough for us to find out how to work it?" I begged as I held the map close to myself. I looked down at the map once more to see my tiny dot form into a tiny me, a tiny speech bubble appeared next to it and said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good/Mischief Managed." I showed Harley this. "That's odd..." She mumbled. We watched the tiny me hold out a wand and point at the tiny map. "Is it telling us how to work it?" Harley said breathlessly. "Let's see." I pulled out my wand and poked the map, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I said firmly. Nothing happened. I felt a swell of disappointment. "Maybe you said the wrong thing? Let me try the other words..." Harley said as she rummaged in her robes for her wand. She stuck her wand to the map and said, "Mischief managed." We watched as the map of Hogwarts and everyone's dots inside vanish and soon it was only an old piece of parchment. "What happened?" Harley gasped. I stared at what use to be the map in sadness. "How do we get the map to come back?" I asked. "I don't know..." Harley said. "Wait!" I put my wand on top of the parchment and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." And soon the parchment transformed back into the map. I saw the tiny us in the dorms in Gryffindor tower doing a little dance. "We did it!" I said shocked. "So one is to open the map, and one is to hide everything on it?" Harley asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "apparently, good thing Malfoy forgot to close it eh?" I said. "I still think we should return it... I mean- they seemed really worried..." Harley said. "Look- we'll hold onto the map for a couple more days, and then we can give it back ok? Just a couple more days, to study it." I said. Harley thought for awhile, then finally said, "alright fine, but we give it back after a week. Deal?" She held out her hand. "Deal." I shook her hand while smiling. I checked the time and saw I was ten minutes late for rounds. "Crap!" I jumped up, and ran to the door. "What's up?" Harley asked startled. "I'm late!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. I ran down the stairs, out the portrait, down the stairs, and didn't stop running until I was right around the corner from my destination. I checked the map and saw Malfoys dot pacing around the corner. I pulled out my wand and whispered "mischief managed." And it disappeared. I put the parchment in my robes with my wand and ran around the corner. "Your twenty minutes late Weasley!" Malfoy yelled as I stopped in front of him, panting. "I know...was busy... Lost track....of time..." I got out a few words while I tried to catch my breath. "Well because of you, I'll be out longer then I need to tonight!" He yelled. I caught my breath and looked at him. "So?" I said. "So? So! So maybe I have plans tonight and because of you they'll be canceled!" I rolled my eyes, "Malfoy, your a prefect. What plans could you possibly have that would be after curfew?" I asked crossing my arms with raised eyebrows. He turned pink and stuttered, "forget it." And he turned and started walking away. I ran to catch up, "So, what have you and Albus been up to?" I asked with a smirk. He glanced at me curiously. "Nothing." He said. I decided I would have a little fun with this, "Really? Harley said Albus looked worried after you whispered something to him- something along the lines of "the nap is pissing." But I told her that yes you make no sense, but even that sentence is too odd for even you to say." He stopped moving and looked at me, his silver eyes boring into my sapphire. "What do you know that your not telling me?" He growled. I raised my eyebrows in mock confusion. "What ever do you mean?" I asked innocently. His eyes widened behind me. "What?" I asked. He went pale and continued to look behind me, frozen with fear. "Malfoy?" I asked. I turned around and froze in horror. A man, who I had only seen in the papers, was standing only a few yards away. He looked at Malfoy, then at me. He stared at me silently, then smiled. His yelled crooked teeth were set, and then he turned around and ran. I ran trying to chase after him, but when I turned the corner he was gone. Antonin Dolohov had broken into Hogwarts, and escaped once again.

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