Emerald Spartan

By MachineKing123

89.6K 2K 710

Sierra-009 was not the luckiest Spartan II. Being stuck in the deactivated hull of the UNSC Arcturus while fa... More

The Fall
Gem glow
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together breakfest
Lava Lake
So many birthdays
The Gun Slinger
Hunter or Hunted
Mirror Gem
Terms and Conditions
Space Race
Just another day
Fusion Cuisine
Lessons in Shapeshifting
Scouting Mission
Quasar's log 1
Operation missing Quartz
Snowed In
Marble Madness
Rose's Scabbard
Old Scars
Future Vision
Revelation and Retribution
Passing the Flag
Unwanted Guest
New kid on the block
Spartan Training day 1
4th of July special
The Signal
Into The Lion's Den
Bump in the night
Nature of the Beast
Secrets and Shadows
Cleaning house
Ghosts that walk alone
Omake: Bus stop
From the Beginning
Inner Demons


1.6K 42 9
By MachineKing123

Will-009 made his way through the streets of the capital city of Chi Rhi

It was 2535, and it was one of his most memorable engagement against the covenant... for multiple reasons.

Needless to say the orbital battle wasn't going well. Almost all the ships have been taken out. But that wasn't his concern at the moment.

His concern was survival.

This planet was under the order of Vice Admiral Jean Mawikizi. He tried his best to hold out against the covenant, but there was simply to many. So reluctantly he gave the order to evacuate.

He hugged the building as he checked down the streets. A glance to his motion tracker confirmed it.

The time it took to cross the street was insignificant, but that was all it took to be spotted by a jackal.

A beam rifle nicked his back, the titanium plating being melted almost instantly.

"Damn." Will said as he got behind a building. He needed to go that way.

He took a glance out from cover, only to have his head almost melted.

"Gonna have to think of something." He said to himself.

He looked at the building he was leaning up against. It was a hotel, at least being 30 stories tall.

"That'll do."

He kicked open the metal and glass door and made his way inside.

It appeared that some marines had used this place as cover. Their bodies were nearly unrecognizable. Their skeletons and metal of their armor fused together in a horrifying mixture. He didn't dwell on this though as he had a job to do.

He scanned the room through the sights of his shotgun. He subconsciously racked a shell into the chamber even through the chamber. He only had 3 shells left.

He made his way over to the stairs. The door was already blown off its hinges, making the Spartan even more tense. That meant someone was there, or someone was hiding.

He consciously made his way up the stairs. His shotgun pointing to every little book and cranny. It was dark in the stairway. The wooden and titanium walls were smashed and chipped.

He quickly made his way to the top of the stairway. The door was a mixture of rich managing with a metal overlay. Most of the color and door was cracked and faded from the battles. He let go of the pump with his mechanical hand and punched the door open and quickly ran out and scanned the area. This side of the roof was away from where he was being shot at.

He materialized a sniper rifle from his gem. It was something he found out just recently. He learned it when he was in the armory and wanted to carry more guns with him when lo and behold before his eyes the sniper rifle he was holding dissapeared in a green flash and seemed to almost be sucked into his right shoulder beneath his armor.

'CO nearly had a heart attack when I did that.' he thought.

He crouched and walked over to the side of the roof to get a head on exactly where the sniper was at. He soon spotted it.

In the center hub of the city. It was the capitol city of the planet. But you could hardly tell with the Ash and fire in the sky, it brought almost a blanket of darkness to it.

He estimated the target to be about 500 yards away. Usually this wouldn't be a hard shot, but with all the Ash it would be very difficult. He wondered how those jackals even were able to see him.

He zoomed in through the scope and his visor. The image of the birds appeared hazy. He steadied his breath and took the first shot. By the time the jackals even heard the shot one was already dead and the other two were soon to follow.

He was about to move on when he heard a slight shuffle to the side of him. Some barrels and a tarp were huddled together in the corner of the building.

He took a look at his motion tracker and concerned something was there. He turned in the thermal mode of his visor and saw a large blob of heat in the pile.

He put his sniper rifle back in his gem and pulled back out his shotgun. He pointed it at the stack of barrels.

"Identify yourself." He said with a practiced ease.

He could barely hear a muffled gasp with his augmented ears.

"So be it." His voiced was quiet, but it felt like a scream in the oddly quiet rooftop.

He showed the shotgun and pulled out his M6 Magnum on his hip. He slowly pushed away the barrels and pointed the hand cannon in.

But he instantly realized it would not be necessary. What he found inside was a little boy. He was of African American descent with a strange combination of brown hair. His terrified blue eyes stared at the full gold of his visor.

"Come on out, I'm not going to hurt you." He said calmly. He was probably the most sociable of the Spartan II's so this came a bit more naturally to him. The kid crawled out of his hiding spot. It was only now that he got a good look at the child.

He looked a bit malnourished. His t-shirt and pants were in tatters and his entire body was caked in a thin layer of dirt. He wobbled on his feet.

"How long have you been here." He asked calmly. The kid still flinched from the voice of the almost Steven foot soldier.

"1.....12 hours sir." He said shakily. He could tell it was even longer since he's eaten. The situation with refugees and food was bad.

He was about to tell him to come with him to the extraction sight when something rapidly appeared on his motion tracker behind him. He stood up and turned around in a flash, bit it wasn't fast enough.

What tackled him to the ground was an Elite. It's intricate crimson armor dull and scratched from previous engagements.

"You die here Demon." It spat with pure hatred and malice.

The boy just stood there in shock as he stared at Will be pinned by the Elite.

"GO!" He yelled. The boy started to run down the stairs on his Shakey legs.

He turned his attention to the alien currently trying to kill him. He pushed him off and rolled to the side. Where he quickly collected his shotgun. He quickly pointed and fired with his right hand. But the Elite was already gone. He looked to the upper roof and saw the Elite pull out a familiar silver handle. It emitted a viking hiss and out emerged to stark blue blades of pure plasma that made up an energy sword.

A Zealot.

He needed to be careful, even among Spartans the energy sword was a feared weapon. It could cut and stab through even Mjolnir armor.

It roared and ran at him. He aimed his shotgun and fired the last 2 shells at the Zealot. But it held up the sword over itself and blocked most of the lethal 8 gauge buckshot. He could see cracks in it's armor from some pellets that made it through though.

He threw it to the side and pulled out his Magnum. But before he could get off a shot it charged him. The Zealot tried to skewer him in the stomach bug he side stepped it. He then fired a round into the Elites back. It didn't seem to deter it to much though. It then turned around and swiped at him. He again dodged it and tried to back up but it was faster than expected. It delivered a punch to his gut while it attacked with the sword in a fake out.

Will was sent stumbling back into the wall. It tried again to stab him with the sword. But he caught it's arm with his left. He could hear and feel the mechanics struggling to hold the force back. He then dashed to the side and in an instant pulled out his Magnum and emptied the entire clip into the Elite. The first 4 hit their mark but it blocked the rest of them with it's sword. He quickly dumped the empty may out and slammed a new one in its place. But the Elite did something unexpected. It pulled out a plasma rifle and opened fire with it's left hand.

Same of the plasma hit him in the torso, nearly melting through the inch and a half of Titanium. Before it could be dived behind cover.

He quickly thought over his option.'a sniper rifle with one shot, A Magnum with one mag, and a gray grenade. but even if I throw the grenade he would have time time to avoid it and he would open up with the plasma rifle. And if I got close he can skewer me with an energy sword.

"You will not win Demon. When I kill you I will exterminate that youngling and watch...as your pathetic planet burns."

That made him angry. Spartans got angry before, and in those rare moments the covenant learned something valuable. Never piss off a Spartan.

He felt a fire inside him grow and grow. Before cascading in green flames erupting from his body. He saw this but payed it no mind. He had a Zealot to Burn.

He stood up and watched in amusement the smug look on it's mandibles be replaced with shock.

"Power at 800%." His suit read. But he didn't notice.

In the blink of an eye he was in the Elites face. Unbenounced to Will jets of flame had propelled him.

He grabbed onto the Elites plasma rifle with his right hand and crushed it. The Zealot backed up upon seeing this.

It was a terrifying sight to behold, even for someone as battle hardened as the Zealot. The dark green and black of his burned and melted armor shined beneath the dark green flames. His dark gold visor looked at him like an all seeing eye. It felt like the gods themselves stood before him.

But at that moment more elites showed up. There were 6 Elite majors. All equipped with plasma rifles. Then another Zealot showed up beside him, this one not near as much a veteran as the first.

The Zealot couldn't help but smirk. Even with this new Heretical power the Demon wielded would not save it.

The second Zealot ran toward the Spartan. But Will merely raised his hand and a plume of fire erupted from the ground. The dark green flames burnt away his energy shields and started to roast it alive.

The charred armor fell to the floor.

All of the Elite Majors opened fire with their plasma rifles. But simply dodged with a jet of flame from his mechanical arm. He immediately shot forward and immediately dispatched one Major with a close rocket powered punch with his right arm.

In the blink of an eye he punched straight through another's shields and torso. His titanium armored fist exiting out the other side.

Three more were roasted alive in plumes of fire. Third energy shields being of no use to the superheated fire.

The last Minor tried to sneak up on him and stab him in the neck with an energy dagger.

He merely turned around and grabbed the Elites head with his left hand. He proceeded to crush it's head like a grape. The exotic blood of the Elite littered the ground and his armor.

He then turned his attention to the original Zealot. It tried to lung at him with it's energy sword. But he merely planted his foot on his chest and ripped the arm from it's body. The Zealot fell to it's knees, screaming in agony and holding it's stump.

Will just knelt down and picked up the deactivated hilt. He looked at it in his hand for a moment before igniting it. But what come out wasn't the normal brilliant blue blade.

The Elite watched in horror as his holy weapon was defiled. It erupted into to emerald green blades. His own fire mixing with the alien technology to create plasma.

"What...what are you." It asked.

He looked at the defeated alien.

He slowly laughed, it sounded crazy and maniacal. He looked at it. The Zealot only now realized that this....this thing was not the same person he started fighting. This was something much darker.

A dark and terrifying voice that was not his own spoke. It sounded like chaos incarnate.

"I am the War Doctor." He then slashed at the neck of the Elite.

This would be the first and only time it would be unleashed against the Covenant.

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