A Mother's Bond

By ThatKidSway

366K 14.5K 15.3K

What would you do if you found out your whole life was a lie? Sarayah Thompson is forced to answer this quest... More

Please read this. It's important.
Chapter 36 summary
37 Chapter Summary
38 Chapter Summary


3.5K 177 79
By ThatKidSway

Wow. I am so disgustingly far behind schedule that I have decided to throw another update at you.

Solange October 1, 2016
"I don't care." Bey's voice drifted out of her room. "Don't call back if it's about her."

I frowned, pushing open the door. Beyoncé hung up, looking at me.

I glanced down at the phone in her hand. "What was that about?"

She shrugged. "Nothing important."

I nodded. "Mama cooked up a huge breakfast. Lots of meat for your vegan body."

She rolled her eyes and put the phone on the nightstand. "That joke has never been funny."

I waited until she passed me before I grabbed the phone. She whipped her head back.

"What the hell are you doing?" She demanded, advancing on me.

I quickly pressed redial and put the phone to my ear. She tried to grab for the phone, but I jumped onto the bed, evading her.

"Hello?" A male voice answered.

Beyoncé jumped onto the bed and swiped for the phone, but I grabbed her hand, pulling hard. She lost her balance and fell off the bed.

"Who is this, and why did you call?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

Beyoncé jumped up and lunged for me. I jumped over her and ran out of the room. I slammed the door behind me and held onto the doorknob.

"This is Phil, I work at the front gate."

I felt Beyoncé trying to pull the door open. I wedged the phone between my ear and my shoulder, gripping the doorknob with both hands. I leaned back, using my weight to help me keep the door shut.

"Phil, right. I remember you. Why were you calling so early?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"I called to tell Mrs. Knowles-Carter that Sarayah was out here waiting for her."

I frowned. "And then what?"

"W-well..." he stuttered.

I rolled my eyes. "Just tell me."

"She said she didn't care and told me not to call back again."

I let go of the door, sending Beyoncé flying backwards. She fell, hitting her head on the floor with a painful thud.

"Thanks Phil," I said, hanging up.

Beyoncé glared up at me, rubbing her head. "What the hell, Solo?"

I took a few deep breaths, clamping down on my rage. "I am trying my very hardest to be patient with you, Beyoncé, because I know you've been going through it, but you are making it really hard for me."

"Then leave," she snarled.

I studied her for a moment. "You know, you said that same thing to Sarayah and look where we are now. You push people away when you're angry. Keep it up and see where it gets you. You'll end up just like Dad: sad and alone, wondering where all your family went."

I stormed out of her room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. I jogged down the stairs and straight to the key holder.

"Bey, is that you?" Mama shouted from the kitchen.

"No, it's me. Bey is still upstairs." I answered, walking over to her.

She was sitting at the table, eating with Kelly, Michelle and Blue. She pointed her fork at my keys.

"Where are you going? Your sister needs all of us here."

I pursed my lips. "What she needs is a swift kick to the face."

Mama's eyes bulged out. "What did you just say?" She glanced over at Blue, but she was staring absently at her food.

I shook my head. "Talk to your daughter. Ask her what she did this morning. I don't have time to explain. I have to go. Sarayah needs me."

I turned around before she could say anything else and headed out to my car. I drove to the front gate and hopped out of the car. Phil came out to meet me.

"Mrs. Knowles."

I nodded. "Where is she?"

He looked around nervously. "I don't know."

I blew out a puff of air in frustration. "Okay, then tell me something you do know."

His cheeks flushed scarlet as he fumbled for words. I felt a pinch of guilt. None of this was his fault, really. I sighed through my nose., deciding to help him out.

"Which way did she go? You must have seen that."

He nodded, grateful for some direction. "She turned left on the first street."

I smiled at him. "Thank you. Do you mind opening the gate?"

"Of course not." He scurried back to his post and pressed a button, opening the gate. I got back in my car and drove through.

I took the first left and immediately slammed on the brakes. I'd almost driven right past her. Sarayah was sitting against the wall, head between her legs. Dried blood peeked through matted clumps of hair. Her clothes were old and worn down. She was completely unrecognizable. I probably wouldn't have realized it was her if we weren't in such a rich neighbourhood. But as it was, she stood out against the luxurious backdrop of multimillion-dollar homes. If it weren't so early, I'm sure someone would've called the cops to take her away. Shit. Maybe they did.

I parked the car and jumped out, running straight to my niece. I knelt in front of Sarayah, gently holding her knees.

"Sarayah," I called softly. She didn't respond. "Sarayah, baby. Please look up at me. It's Solo."

She stirred, slowly lifting her head. I fell back in shock. She looked half dead. The left side of her face was so swollen, I could barely make out her features. The discolouration was so deep, I wouldn't have been able to tell her real skin tone if I hadn't had the other half of her face to compare it to compare it to. Compared to the left, the right side wasn't much better. All her baby fat had been wiped away, leaving her features unnaturally sharp, harsh. And her eyes. Though her left eye was swollen shut, it was her right eye that scared me. Sarayah's eyes were always her most emotive feature. Now, looking into her eye, all I saw was hopelessness. She was looking right through me, like I wasn't even there. It sent a chill down my spine.

"Tired." Her voice came out in a dry whisper.

I reached out to touch her face. "Oh God, Sarayah. Oh God oh God oh God."

I rocked on my heels, crying, holding my head in my hands. "What did she do to you? Oh God, Sarayah."

I took a breath, trying to steady myself. "You're gonna be okay, I promise."

I hooked my hands under her arms and pulled her up. She fell against me, letting me guide her to the car. I shut the door behind her and got in, driving us back to the house. While we were driving, I looked over at her. She was breathing deeply, her eyes closed.

"Sarayah," I called softly. At her name, she turned her head. "What–How did this happen? Who did this?"

She looked at me for a few seconds before turning back around. She closed her eyes. I watched her for a second, but I decided to drop it for the time being. I pulled into the driveway and parked. I carefully helped her out of the car, shutting the door for her. I slung her arm over my shoulder, practically carrying her to the front door. She was disturbingly light. She looked up at the house, confused.

"No," she protested, her voice rough. "Take me somewhere else."

"Don't worry. I'll take you to the hospital–"

"No, you don't understand. I can't be here."

I looked up at the house, then back at her. "This is your home, Sarayah."

She shook her head. "No. Not anymore. I don't-I can't..." She struggled for words for a second before looking away, her head hung in shame. "She doesn't want me here," Sarayah finally whispered the words as if afraid speaking them aloud would make them true.

"Fuck what she wants," I spat angrily. "You belong here." I readjusted my grip on Sarayah and opened the door, dragging her in with me. She tried to resist, but she was too out of it to put up much of a fight.

Mama was on us in seconds. "Sarayah! Baby, what happened to your face?"

I held up my hand. "Not now. She doesn't need to be interrogated. She needs to rest before I take her to the hospital."

Sarayah frowned. "No hospital–"

She was interrupted by a small body flying at her legs. She stumbled back, causing me to momentarily lose my balance as well. I looked down to see Blue pressing her face into Sarayah's legs. Her little body shook with sobs. Sarayah's face crumpled as she looked down at her sister.

"I'm sorry, Blue. I am so sorry," Sarayah whispered, clutching her tightly. Tears slid down her face as she apologized over and over again.

Kelly and Michelle walked in. Kelly took one look at us and disappeared into the kitchen. After surveying the scene, Michelle stepped forward, resting her hand on Blue's back.

"Hey baby girl, I think Sarayah might need some time to rest."

Blue shook her head, clinging tighter to Sarayah's pants. Michelle shared a look with Sarayah. Sarayah nodded, getting herself together. She lifted Blue's chin to meet her eye.

"I'm just gonna take a shower. I'll see you after, okay? I'm not gonna leave you again. I promise."

Blue nodded, and Michelle picked her up, walking back to the kitchen. Kelly returned with an ice pack. She handed it to Sarayah who accepted it, wordlessly placing it on her injured eye.

Kelly stood there for a few seconds before pulling Sarayah into a hug. Sarayah hissed in pain but didn't move away. After a few seconds, Kelly let go and followed Michelle to the kitchen.

Sarayah wiped a few tears away, looking down as if she was ashamed. "Can I go upstairs now?"

Mama looked at her, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Yes, of course, baby. Of course, you can."

I helped Sarayah walk up the stairs to her room. The hallway was empty. The door to Bey's room was shut. She was hiding, like a coward. I wasn't even surprised. I shook my head and continued to Sarayah's room. I sat her on the bed and stepped back, scratching my head awkwardly.

"Do you need–"

She cut me off with a shake of her head. "No, it's okay. I got it. Thanks, Solo."

"Okay. Call me if you have any trouble. I'll come right away."

She nodded. I started walking out but paused. "I'm really glad you're back, Sarayah. Things will probably be rough for a while, but I want you to know–no, I need you to know that you made the right choice coming back."

Sarayah studied me for a minute, before her lips twitched in what I assumed was her attempt at a smile.

"Thanks," she whispered.

I nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind me.

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