Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

145K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45


9.9K 151 162
By Wolfinator12

Not much is known about the world of Remnant before the surfacing of classes 500 years ago. Only artifacts remained from the time before and only few documents talk about this mysterious time and the arrival of classes. What is known though, is that 500 years the first people were born with 1 of 4 classes. These classes were Worker, Soldier, Hero and Noble and with it came levels, stats and skills. People born after what scholars now call the 'Begin of the Adventure' were born into one of these 4 classes and over generations new classes came to be and the 4 proto-classes became the names of the Class Groups. But with these classes and all their benefits and blessings something dark and wretched came. The Grimm and Dungeons. Not much is known about the inner workings of Dungeons or Grimm. But in less than 20 years after their arrival Humanity was on the brink of extinction, if it werent for the heroes. They slew the Grimm and much to their surpise these creatures, consisting of pure darkness, left so called drops behind, mainly strange coins, which soon became the currency all over Remnant. With this discovery the four class groups worked out a system.

Heroes slay Grimm and collect the coins, named Lien after the first hero Artorias Lien. They use these coins to buy weapons, food, equipment and so on, from Workers. Workers than use the coins to buy materials for their jobs or things they needed to survive. Workers also payed taxes to the Nobles, who use the coins to pay for buildings and such. Soldiers were also payed for by Nobles. Soldiers use their money to pay for weapons and equipment, food and a place to sleep. Heroes could also earn money by completing Quests for the other 3 class groups.

Classes soon brought with them segregation, prejudices and discremination. The more diverse the classes grew the more ways people found to turn the blessing of humanity into a battle of superiority. Soldiers, Heroes and Nobles would look down upon the Workers who they started call names like peasants or NPCs, Needs Protection Class. But not only the Workers were being discriminated. Classes like Rogue, Thief, Assassin, Bandit, Warlock and Necromancer all ended up as targets for others attacks.

Where did this big list of classes came from, if there were only 4 at the start, is still not fully known. Scholars say that it came through a sort of genetic mutation others say it was just random. But one thing was for sure. It was extremely rare to be born into a different Class Group (CG) than your parents.

Yet this rare event was shadowed on the 12th of the April in the 502nd Year after the Begin of the Adventure by something even thought impossible. The boy , born into a simple family of Workers, was not born with a Worker class or even a class of any other Class Group the text above his head said: Y/n Schwarz  Class (Locked), the local alchemist was speechless, he has never heard of a class being locked after birth. He send out a message to the nearest Priest, yet even he couldnt find a reason for Y/ns condition. He used a skill to have a look at his character sheet, the information written into your soul containing your level, stats, skills and class, to find a clue on what his class could be via the stat mods. What he found revealed more questions than it answered. Additionally to the Stats Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Inteligence, Resistance and Stamina, Y/n had a seventh stat called Stat points. All his stats had the mod (locked) written next to them and the Stat points Stat had the modifier S+.

Priest: "In all my years of being a priest I have never seen something like this." The priest said astonished. "If you could keep me informed on this younglings development that would be much appriciated." Y/ns mother Auburn Schwarz, looked a bit reluctant and the priest thought of a way to convince her. "If you want I could pay you a monthly fee for the information." He offered.

Nacht: "We accept the deal, how about 15 Lien per month?" Nacht Schwarz, Y/ns father, offered, his merchant knowledge coming through.

Priest: "Quite alot for something like this but fine, you got a deal. Just tell my friend Wanerius and he will sent it to me." The priest and Nacht shook hands and soon the wife and husband went back to their home. They introduced little Y/n to his new siblings. Venta the oldest, a female Tailor, Abyss the oldest male a blacksmith like Nacht and Eben the third born child and the second daughter, a cook like her mouther.

Eben: "Mommy, mommy? What does the locked class mean?" the 7 year old girl asked after seeing her little brothers class.

Nacht: "Sweety, it means that Y/n is very special." the patriach of the Schwarz household answered while Auburn was rocking a crying Y/n.

Abyss: "Father, this cant be right. His class should be known." The 14 year old boy said.

Venta: "I have to agree to Abyss, this is unheard of." The 15 year old girl said while tickeling her new brother. The father sighed.

Nacht: "We will have to wait and see if his class unlocks. That is all we can do for now." He said a bit sad.

Other the next few years Y/n grew up relatively normal even with his condition. On his first level up he and his family finally found out what the stat points stat means, these are point he is able to allocate himself. He can choose which stat he wants to increase and by how much he wants it to increase. After his 6th birthday Y/n started to help his father and brother in the workshop. Earning the forging skill took way longer than it took his brother, another oddity with his locked class. Y/n was able to unlock skills from multiple classes even some from other class groups, but it always took a lot longer than for someone of the class the skill belonged to and higher tier skills like his fathers 'Fuel the fire' skill were impossible to learn. Y/n grew up with no friends outside his family and close friends of his family, reason being that due to his condition the other children mocked him and bullied him. Saying things like.

Bully: "Hey look its the classless boy! Hey Unclassed how about you show us one of your class skills? What you dont have any skills? So you are classless AND useless. HAHAHAHAHHAH!" The bullies friends too start mocking Y/n, laughing. One even grabbed a rock and threw it at Y/n. Soon all three were running after the crying 7 year old Y/n while throwing stones at him, untillhe finally reached the safety of his home.

Eben: "And how was yo-" stopped as she saw he little brothers condition, some of the stones drew blood. "Lets get you cleaned up and then you tell me what happened ok?" she asked in a soothing voice. Y/n sniffed and nodded, Eben grabbed his hand and brought him to the bathroom, cleaning the blood and dirt off of him. "What happened?" she said, going full big sister mode.

Y/n: "I-I just w-wanted to p-play and these these boys s-started to say mean things and and throw rocks at me." Y/n said between sobs. Eben quickly enveloped her little brother in a hug.

Eben: "Dont worry, Big sis will protect you, like the Heroes that protect the village. Do you want that? Do you want big sis to be your hero?" She asked with a smile and Y/n looked at her with stars in his eyes. She laughed at her brothers enthusiasm and patted him on the head. "I take that as a yes. Come lets go to the bedroom and Ill read you one of the mothers and fathers books."

Y/n: "One about Heroes?" he asked with puppy dog eyes.

Eben: "One about Heroes." She promised and took Y/ns hand. That day not only gave Y/n a good increase in his stamina and resistence but also sparked a dream for Y/n. The dream of becoming a hero. Every hour not spent with helping his father or mother he trained, building up his stats little by little and unlocking basic fighting skills like swordmanship and his personal favorite archery. The local hunter allowed Y/n to come with him into the forest but only a few minutes walk away from the safe village incase a Grimm spawns.

One day Y/n was just coming back from his hunting trip with Desmond only to find his father waiting for him, not looking very happy.

Nacht: "Get inside. We are going to have a talk." He said sternly making Y/n hang his head in shame. The two entered and walked into the living room, where the rest of the family was already waiting. "Eben told me that you are training to become a Hero. Is that true?" Y/n wanted to sink into the ground and hide but he swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded nervously. "This will stop now!" Nacht said angrily banging his fist on the table. "No son of mine is becoming a Hero! I wont allow it."

Y/n: "B-but father." Y/n wanted to protest.

Nacht: "No. My mind is set. What were you even thinking? We are Workers, we cant be Heroes."

Y/n: "You are Workers." Y/n mumbled to himself.

Nacht: "Speak up if you are talking to me." the father ordered.

Y/n: "I said 'You are Workers'."Y/n shot back with heat. The table went silent as everyone looked at Y/n in shock. The softspoken and polite Y/n just shouted at his father. "You and Abyss are Blacksmithes, Mother and Eben are Cooks and Venta is a Tailor. And me? Im a classless nobody, I dont belong to any of the 4 class groups. So why not try to become a Hero? I can learn the skills needed to fight Grimm, Desmond says my archery is nearly on par to that of a 5th level Ranger. Please Father, I dont belong anywhere and want to make my own story, live my own adventure." Y/n begged his father who just looked at him, seemingly deep in thought.

Auburn: "Y/n dear. Being a Hero is a dangerous thing. Are you sure you really want that?" her voice made it clear what she thought about it but at least she left Y/n the option.

Y/n: "More than anything. Since I was 6 years old I tried to unlock my class by working with the different people in the village. Maybe while working as a Hero I will unlock it."

Abyss: "Brother, listen... We dont want to loose you." The older brother spoke.

Venta: "I say let him fulfill his dream." Y/n looked at his oldest sister with a thankful smile.

Eben: "Yeah, Y/n trained hard to have a go at being a Hero. I believe he is nearly at the minimum Level requiered to enter Beacon, and next year he is old enough to be enter, he should be ready by then." Everyone now turned towards their father waiting for his decision.

Nacht: "You know that you are going to have to leave to go to Vale?"

Y/n: "Yes father."

Nacht: "And you know what will happen if you fail the entrance quest?"

Y/n: "I will be forced to become a Soldier in the army of Vale." Y/n answered not backing down from his father fierce stare. After a few seconds of staring each other down Nacht sighed and leaned back into his chair.

Nacht: "Ok, I allow you to become a Hero." Y/n, Venta and Eben started to cheer only to be stopped by Nacht clearing his throat to get their attention. "BUT you will have to pay for the carage to Vale on your own, you will have to make your own weapon and we wont send you any support, be it new equipment or money." After a few moments of heavy silence Y/n nodded.

Y/n: "I understand father. Thank you." Nacht gave a short hmph and got up.

Nacht: "Thank me by not dying out there." he said sternly before walking off. Once Nacht left the room Y/n exhaled a breath he didnt know he held.

Y/n: "Thank you Venta, thank you Eben. I will go and start working on my forging skill. I think I am close to leveling it up." Y/n got up from his seat and walked towards the Workshop, lighting the forge and sifting through the bucket of scraps he found something he could use to make a small dagger. Y/n took it to one if the workbenches and started planning everything out. Once he saw the forge being up to the right temperature he placed the piece of iron into the fire and kept a close eye on it. Taking out the glowing hot metal Y/n started hammering it into shape. He didnt notice his brother and father watching through the door. They watched him work until Nacht gave Abyss a pat on his shoulder and motioned his head towards Y/n. Abyss nodded and walked into the workshop.

Abyss: "I see you are working hard." Y/n glanced towards his brother before focusing back onto the heating piece of metal.

Y/n: "Yes brother, I need more practice to make a weapon I can use to kill Grimm, the smaller ones should be killable with a hunting bow but bigger ones will take a bit more." Y/n said in his usual quiet voice. Before Abyss could continue the talk Y/n took out the piece of metal and continued forging it. Once he was happy with the shape he layed it on the anvil to let it slowly cool down.

Abyss: "Have you ever hardened a dagger before?" he asked his younger brother.

Y/n: "Father told me about the process but I never did it myself." Abyss nodded and took a closer look at the dagger Y/n made.

Abyss: "Say, what is your forging skill at?" Y/n closed his eyes to look at his character sheet.

Y/n: "14, close to 15, I think." His voice showed his disappointment. Over the last 10 years his forging skill only increased by 13 levels. Abyss and his father managed that in less than 3 years. Abyss saw his brothers disappointment and ruffled his hair.

Abyss: "Dont worry Y/n, you are not a Blacksmith so it is only natural for it to take so long to level up. But that dagger looks pretty good. Here let me help you. " Abyss picked up the dagger and brought it to the grinding wheel. "I will grind it for you, meanwhile you can start crushing up some charcoal into a fine powder. Once done mix it with half the amount of flour and two thirds the amount of salt, use water to turn it into a paste once I tell you."

Y/n: "Ok but what will it be used for?" Y/n asked confused.

Abyss: "It is a special trick to turn iron into a special form of steel. It wont be as good as properly made steel but good enough of an alternative." Y/n nodded and began the preparation, Abyss meanwhile was grinding the dagger. "Ok prepare the paste and get some of the clay we use for molds." Y/n once again nodded and soon finished the preparations. Abyss walked over and handed him the ground dagger. "Cover it in a thick layer of the charcoal mixture. Let it dry and than make a tube out of the clay big enough that the dagger fits in and you will still be able to close it up." Once again a nod from Y/n who did exactly as Abyss told him too. "Now we will have to wait for it to be dried. How about we work on some of the contracts?"

Y/n: "I will make the nails for the carpenter you start working on the weapons for the shop?" Abyss laughed and gave Y/n a thumbs up. The two brothers quickly started working. A few hours later they were tired and sweaty and the clay was dried. Abyss told Y/n to place the whole thing into the forge and to keep the temperature as high as possible. It took an hour until Abyss said it was long enough. Y/n quickly took out the glowing piece of clay and quenched it in water making the clay and charcoal layer fall off.

Abyss: "Now we only need to heat treat it and it should be finished, if you add a handle that is." Abyss smiled at his younger brother patting him on his back. "Its a good weapon already." He informed Y/n after using his Blacksmith skill 'Weapon Analysis' which makes him able to see the quality of a weapon and even shows the damage and durability. "Not very powerful but beggars cant be choosers. Durability is great so it should last you a while."

Y/n: "Thank you Abyss." Y/n said with a small bow. The two finished up the dagger and Y/n looked at it in awe. It had a beautiful 10 inch long blade and a simple wooden handle, the blade gained a dark color from Abyss' trick. "Its beautiful." Y/n admired.

Abyss: "What are you going to call it?"

Y/n: "Schwarzer Dolch (black dagger in german)" he said without thinking making Abyss chuckle.

Abyss: "I see you still love that language. But I like it. Have you thought about what kind of weapon you want to use, seeing that you are quite good with the bow and arrow maybe one of those?" Y/n nodded and turned towards Abyss.

Y/n: "I will continue practicing my forging skill and even get some levels in carpentry then Im going to make a bow. Meanwhile I will work with Desmond and help in the workshop, save up all my money for the journey to Vale and entry to Beacon. I still have alot of skill points left so maybe I can get the needed edge if I use those." Abyss looked a bit worried yet proud, sighing he pulled Y/n into a tight hug.

Abyss: "Promise me to atleast come to visit us once a year. Maybe even send a letter, it will calm mother and help father worry less." Y/n nodded into his brothers shoulder.

Y/n: "I promise." Y/n said with a big smile

Over the next year Y/n worked harder than ever to gather enough money for his trip to Vale and the travel to Beacon. The biggest hero school of all 4 kingdoms known for the great heroes the facility created and the unique guild system. For if you want to go on bigger quests you have to do it either for a guild or in the name of a guild.

Y/n also crafted a simple longbow and even managed to kill some Canis, dog like grimm that are considered the weakest type you can come across in the kingdom of Vale.

The day of Y/ns departure was filled with tears from his mother and encouraging words from his siblings. Nacht on the other hand looked sternly and didnt say a single word, saddening Y/n. The classless boy just gave his mother a last hug as one of the guards of the merchant caravan he will travel with called for him.

Guard: "Comeon Classless we are wasting sunlight!" The fighter called.

Y/n: "Coming." Y/n turned to his family. "Till we see each other again. Goodbye." Y/n grabbed his backpack and ran towards the waiting group of merchants and guards. The leader of the guards gave him a judging look and motioned towards the cart in the back.

Leader: "Hope that bow isnt just for show. We will have to travel through possibly grimm infested woods. Ok everyone ready?" a few sounds of agreement came. "Lets go."

Meanwhile at the top of a tower, in the middle of the small city that is Beacon, the Arch-Sage Ozmondias Ozpin was reading the send in applications of the new generations of heroes. He just finished reading one of a knight and placed it on the accepted pile. Ozpin grabbed the next scroll , unrolled it and started reading, only to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Reading it a second time he still couldnt understand what he was reading.

Ozpin: "Glynda have a look at this please and tell me what you think." his assistant nodded and took the scroll from him reading it and having the same reaction as Ozpin.

Glynda: "There has to be a mistake, I never heard of a class called '(locked)' neither of a stat called stat points." She said and Ozpin nodded.

Ozpin: "Mr. Schwarz' class isnt called locked, it is locked meaning it has yet to manifest. This extra stat seems to be a natural way of balancing his soul. My guess is that due to not having an unlocked class his soul would rip itself apart at a level-up. But what interests me are his skills, he has some only available to Soldier classes, most of his skills are Worker skills and he even has one Hero skill." Ozpin mulled looking out of the window.

Glynda: "Well judging from his stats he would be at the bottom end of the acceptable range." Glynda said more to herself than to her boss.

Ozpin: "Please contact Mr. Schwarz and tell him that I would like to meet him in person." Glynda nodded and started casting a spell. A purple rune circle appeared hovering over Ozpins desk and after a few seconds a panting and sweating Y/n was seen. "Good morning Mr. Schwarz I am Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Hero Academy." Y/n looked confused before suddenly being tackled to the ground by a Canis.

Y/n: "Damn mutt." Y/n said in his usual silent voice. "Excuse my lack of interest in this conversation but I hope you can understand that I am currently in quiet the pickle." Y/n said while killing Canis with his dagger. Ozpin let out a small chuckle.

Ozpin: "Its ok. Please dont let me interrupt whatever you were doing."he said with a small smile. Y/n gave a nod towards the headmaster and took out his bow shooting a few more Canis. After a few more minutes of fighting the sounds of men cheering could be heard and Y/n sighed reliefed.

Y/n: "Ok now you have my full attention." he said politely.

Ozpin: "I just read your application and would love to meet you in person. Where are you currently?"

Y/n: "Around a day by horse away from Vale, Im traveling with a group of merchants and work as a guard to cheapen the journey a bit." Y/n explained and Ozpin looked towards Glynda who pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. Swinging her wand a similar looking but bigger purple glyph formed in the middle of the room. "I take it that you would like me to step through the portal that just appeared?" Y/n asked.

Ozpin: "That would be much appriciated." Y/n nodded and the communication glyph disappeared. After a few seconds a dirtied Y/n came limping through the portal which closed behind him.

Y/n: "Apologies for my appearance I didnt expect to meet you this suddenly Sir." Y/n said with a small apologetic bow. "Im sure you already know who I am."

Ozpin: "Indeed I know your name Mr. Schwarz yet your class is what I am more interested at." Ozpin said while looking above Y/ns head to there his class showed be. "You must agree reading that someone has a locked class is something you have to see to fully be convinced." Y/n sighed and nodded.

Y/n: "I will tell you whatever I can. I was born with my class locked, both our local alchemist and the priest of the neighboring village didnt know what to do. All my stats have no mod or better yet their mod is also locked, instead I have an additional stat called Stat Points, with a mod of S+, meaning i get between 10 and 15 points per level up which I can put into the other stats." Y/n started explaing while trying not to put his weight on his injured leg. Both Ozpin and Glynda can clearly see the bite wound on his thigh, most likely hailing from the Canis they watched Y/n kill.

Ozpin: "Would you like to sit down and for me to call our priest to have a look at that injury of yours Mr. Schwarz?" Ozpin said concerned.

Y/n: "That would be much appriciated." Y/n said and limped towards Ozpins desk. Once he was seated Ozpin nodded towards Glynda and she left to get the priest. Ozpin then turned his attention back on the boy infront of him.

Ozpin: "Tell me why do you want to become a Hero? Im sure you know how dangerous this profession is." Y/n sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Y/n: "I have no real answer for that question other than 'it just feels like the right thing to do', this world needs Heroes and due to me technically being in all 4 class groups until my class reveals itself I decided that becoming a hero is what I want to do." Y/n answered truthfully.

Ozpin: "Ok, next question how do you have this diversity of skills?"

Y/n: "My father and older brother are Blacksmiths, my mother and older sister are Cooks and my oldest sister is a Tailor who is married to a Carpenter, so those skills were only natural for me to pick up. Since my 7th birthday I helped out the local hunter and in turn he taught me how to shoot a bow and how to hunt and track, so those three skills came with that. From training with a sword I forged back then I was 6 I unlocked the swordfighting skill same thing happened with the daggerfighting skill and brawling." Y/n listed off.

Ozpin: "And this. "Ozpin picked up the scroll containing Y/ns skills. "'Heroic choice' skill? Where did that come from? That is a hero class skill, a rare one too if I remember correctly."

Y/n: "Im not sure myself, on my level up to level 10 I just unlocked it. I still have no idea what it does. The description only says: ' A heroes choice is his to make.' so not really helpful." Ozpin was about to say something as a panicked looking old fox faunus woman came running into the room and straight towards Y/n, quickly starting to cast spells on his wound.

Priest: "Oh dear, oh dear oh dear, what happened to you my child?" She asked worried.

Y/n: "Ehm... I was helping to defend a merchant caravan and got distracted by-" Ozpin and Glynda made a hand motion signalling him to stop. " the leader of the guard shouting at me. A Canis got the jump on me and I guess managed to bite me. I thank you for your help though." Y/n said politely. The priest looked at Y/n with a smile and pinched his cheek.

Priest: "Aww arent you just the politest young man. Im Beacons priest Kuruma Granite, but everyone calls me Granny." Y/n tried to surpress the pain he felt from her pinching his cheek and gave her a big smile.

Y/n: "Quite rude of them to call such a lovely lady such things, especially one that looks to be at her prime." The pinching got harder. "I would love to continue our chat mrs Granite but the headmaster invited me to talk about some important matters." The pinching stopped and Y/ns cheek was extremely red and hurting badly.

Granny: "Im sure you are going to be my favorite student. I hope we will meet again." she walked towards the exit but stopped and spun around. "Without you being hurt or injured I mean!" She shouted panicked before leaving. Y/n exhaled a breath of relief and rubbed his hurting cheek while turning back towards Ozpin.

Ozpin: "I must thank you for not telling her the truth. I would have never heard the end of it if she found out that you got injured because I contacted you. But back to what I called you here for, I wont lie to you." Ozpins gaze hardened. "This profession is dangerous, life threatening even, you might be underqualified for this, so this is your last chance to turn back."

Y/n: "Nope." Y/n simply said making Ozpin shake his head chuckeling while he placed Y/ns application on the accepted pile.

Ozpin: "The Initiation Quest will be held in a week, please arrive the day before with everything you will need for you possible stay at Beacon. Everything else will be told on the day before the Quest. Mrs. Goodwitch will accompany you out and to a carriage that will take you to Vale." Ozpin said and Y/ns face lit up from happiness realizing he was accepted.

Y/n: "Thank you so much Professor Ozpin." Y/n bowed and walked towards Glynda who led him outside. In Vale Y/n found a Tavern he can stay at for the week and quickly rented a room for the time till the Initiation Quest.

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