Child of the Moon

נכתב על ידי LilyTiger21

96.3K 2.3K 407

" know what I am?" I asked, looking at them. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet all looked at each other, de... עוד

Luna Stone
Meet the Gems
Light Cannon Duo
The Cheeseburger...what?
The Gem Temple
A New Friend
The Cotton Candy Lion
A Feathery Duo
Sword Fighting Accident
Secrets and Dreams
Circo's Birthday
Lies or Truth?
Confused Emotions
Legends and Goodbyes
Family Dinner Plans
We ARE Family
Star People
Who is that?
Beneath the Surface
Message from Lapis
New Friends, New Enemies
Always a Way
Cross Roads
Hanging with Friends
Swords, Friends and Meaning
Not what I Thought
So Close, But So Far
Unexpected Help
Fire Opal
Living Nightmares
Amana Karmaria Jelani
Tiny and Cute
When It Rains
Corrupted Gems
Unexpected Guest
Birthday Troubles
Onyx's Past
Finding the Lost
The Lost Being Found
Finding Home
Three is a Crowd
Catching Up
Common Care
Drag Race Hill
Where Your Meant to Be
Bringing Back Someone Special
Stormy Waters
A Cold Mission
Not So Small
Grown Up
The Past Comes Back
What Rose Quartz Did
Alone Together
Dream Abilities
Walking Among Dreams
Testing for Answers
Flexibility, Love, and Trust
Stepping Up
A Fruitful Birthday
Searching for Answers
Got to Go Fast
One of Us
Alone with Company
There Can Only be One
Second Chance
Detective Doug
Baking Out of Comfort
The Reoccurring past
Giving In

The Old American Sport

368 7 1
נכתב על ידי LilyTiger21

Hey guys! So we're back with our gem group and it seems a Ruby has just landed. What will happen? What will the gems do? Let's find out! :D

-Luna's POV-

I stared in shock at the Ruby, not knowing what to say or do at the sight of it. "Whoa," I breathed, Hands wrapped around my waist and I looked up in time to see Lapis summon her wings. She flapped down once flying up a little and flipping over and facing towards the barn. She quickly flew in, landing lightly on the ground as the other gems rushed in. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl closed the doors, allowing only a small crack of light to come through the space between the doors. They came back over to us and Garnet said, "Hopefully they won't check out the farm any time soon."

Circo, Steven and I walked over to the barns doors, poking our heads out to take a look at the Ruby. I gasped at the sight of not only one, but five Rubies walking around and inspecting the ground and area there ship was at. "Whoa, look at 'em all!" Steven said, his eyes wide with excitement. Peridot poked her head over Steven's head and looked outside, a panic look on her face.

"I knew it. They're after us!" Peridot said, running back inside. Onyx started pacing in place, saying, "This is the end of the line!"

Lapis blinked in surprise at the two gems. "You two really weren't kidding," she said. Peridot looked up at Lapis, saying, "I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond, and I called her a clod... to her face."

"I also might've yelled at her about how she disrespected a friend of mine," Onyx muttered. I glanced at Onyx, seeing the pain and worry on her face. Pearl rolled her eyes and said to Peridot, "Oh, honestly, you call everyone a clod."

"Yes, but not everyone has command over all the armies of Homeworld waiting for the word to shatter me!" Peridot shouted. She ran over to a box of baseball gloves, balls and bats, dumping it onto the floor. She lifted the empty box over her head and hid under the box. Onyx walked over to Peridot and tapped the box. "Hey! You can't hide somewhere without me, Peridot. I'm in big trouble too!"

Steven ran over and said, "Peridot, we won't let them get you." He picked up the box and looked down at her. Circo and I walked over to Onyx, both of us placing a hand on her shoulder. "And you too, Onyx."

"But haven't we caused enough trouble for you guys?" Onyx asked, looking worried. Garner walked over to us and said to both Peridot and Onyx, "Don't worry, you two. It's our sworn duty to protect anything that calls this planet home. And that includes clods like you guys."

"That's my word," Peridot whispered. We all smiled and Garnet gestured for Pearl, Lapis and Amethyst to come over. Once everybody was together, she said, "Listen up, everyone. I have a plan. Or should I say...We have a plan?"

She held up both her hands, her palms facing out. She started to glow and her form separated into two people. Sapphire and Ruby smiled at all of us each of them saying, "Hello everyone."

"Sapphire! Ruby!" Pearl and Amethyst said, smiling. Steven ran towards them, shouting, "HUUUUUUUUUGS!"

He tackles them in hugs and Circo and I waved. Amethyst bounced on her toes and asked, "So, what's the plan?"

Sapphire turned to Ruby, saying, "You got this. Just act casual." She gave Ruby a kiss on the cheek and Ruby punched her fist into the palm of her hand, saying, "Yeah, casual."

Ruby walked out of the barn, doing some weird crab walk towards the other Rubies. Sapphire sighed and did a face palm. We all watched as the Rubies talked. Our Ruby pointed to our barn and I felt my gut drop. What was she doing?! The other Rubies nodded and our Ruby ran over, looking panicked and scared.

"They want to check the barn!" Ruby said, looking sweaty and nervous. "We heard," Steven said.

"And we saw," Pearl said, looking worried. "I'm scared," Peridot whimpered. Onyx patted her shoulder, trying to reassure her. Amethyst grabbed a baseball bat, shouting, "Let's ambush them!"

"No. No one needs to get hurt. Let's be sensible," Sapphire said, calmly. Ruby bit her fingers and said, "What do I do?"

Sapphire places her hands on Ruby's shoulders, saying, "Just go out there and tell them this is a place where humans live." Ruby took a deep breath and sighed, mumbling, "I don't want to go alone."

"How about Steven and I go with you?" I asked, smiling at Steven. He smiled and said, "We can be your backup!"

Ruby smiled and nodded at the two of us. Amethyst handed Steven a baseball bat and Circo whispered to me, "Are you sure? What if they see your gem?"

"They won't," I said, looking at the baseball gloves. I grabbed one and put it on my gem, covering it up. I smiled at Circo and, though he looked skeptical, nodded. Ruby picked up Steven and ran out of the barn. I walked behind them and joined them with the other Rubies. Our Ruby put Steven down and said, "I checked the barn, and I just found a bunch of humans! Hah!"

"Yep! There's only us humans in the barn," I said, trying to sound calm. But I'm actuality, my voice cracked at the end of that sentence and I started to fidget. The Ruby standing on top of of the ship and wearing glasses narrowed their eyes. "Really?" Ruby asked.

"Looks like we failed. Time to go back home! Hah..." Our Ruby said, the nervousness definite in their voice. The Ruby on top of the ship adjusted their glasses, saying, "I think we better double-check. You remember what happened last time."

"L-Last time? What happened last time?" Our Ruby asked. The other four Rubies laughed, the one Ruby with their gem on their belly button said, "Oh Ruby, your so forgetful."

"Alright! Let's search the barn!" The Ruby on the ship said. The other Rubies saluted and nodded. Our Ruby shouted, "Wait! You can't! Because...uh..."

Ruby glanced at Steven and I, and we both panicked. What were we suppose to say?! "You have to... uh... play baseball!" Steven said, holding up the baseball bat. All five of the Rubies gave Steven and I a confused look. I got where Steven was going and said, "Yeah! It's a human thing. I-If you win, you can go inside, and if you lose, you... gotta leave forever."

The leader Ruby narrowed their eyes and said, "Base...ball."

Steven, our Ruby and I nodded. The leader Ruby seem to think about it for a moment, saying, "Okay, we accept this challenge. Go tell your other humans to be ready."

"I-I'll go with them and, uh, make sure they don't cheat!" Our Ruby said, looking nervous. The leader Ruby nodded and the three of us ran back to the barn. We explained the situation and everybody shouted in surprise, "Baseball?!"

The three of us nodded and Sapphire thought for a moment, "I... saw that this was a possibility, though I am surprised that this is the path we're taking." Steven quickly out on a baseball jerseys and whistle. He blew the whistle and said, "Alright. My human baseball knowledge will lead us to victory. Let's just go out there and pretend to be humans. Except Peridot and Onyx. You guys stay here in the barn and hide."

"O...kay," They both said, one looking relieved and the other confused. Circo raised a hand and said, "Can I sit out too? I'm not very good at sports."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. He nodded, "I was never old enough or talented enough to do sports when my dad was around. By the time I was considered maybe ready to try a sport, I was on the run."

"I'm sure your good at it if you tried," I offered. "I've never played but I'm still going to try."

"You also got to remember the teams won't be even if I joined," Circo said. I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine, but if something happens your in."

He have a thumbs up and, once everybody was ready, we went outside to meet with the Rubies. We all stood in a line, facing the line of Rubies along with our Ruby. Steven smiled and said, "Our team is the Humans! Steven!"

"Luna!" I said, giving a thumbs up. Pearl, who was wearing a professional baseball outfit and hat, said, "Earl!"

"Amy," Amethyst said, wearing the shirt and her black pants. Along with a light purple scarf. Lapis was wearing a short crop white shirt, blue shorts and a white and blue baseball cap, saying, "Bob."

"And Sophie," Sapphire said, wearing a short outdoor blue dress, and blue flats. Our Ruby blushed at the sight of her and the leader of the Rubies said, "Understood. Our team is the Rubies! Consisting of... Ruby!"

"Ruby!" Each one of the Rubies said until all six said it. Steven nodded and explained the game, "Here's the rules of the game. We take turns throwing the ball at each other. The batter tries to hit the ball with the bat, and then they run around the bases. Whoever gets the most runs wins."

We allowed the Rubies to go first at the bat. Steven was at the pitcher spot and Amethyst was the Home base catcher. Sapphire was one first, Lapis on second and Pearl on third. I was in the out field, glove on hand in case there were any long balls. Our Ruby was first to bat and purposefully missed all three throws, getting themselves out. I couldn't hear what was going on but it sounded like the Ruby with their gem on their arm was mad. They took the bat and Steven threw it. Arm Ruby hit it so hard that it flew high into the air and past me.

I watched it fly by and asked, "Should I even go get it?"

Steven said, " There's more in the barn. Could you go grab one, Luna?"

I nodded and jogged back to the barn. I past by Onyx, Circo and Peridot, saying, "Just grabbing a baseball."

"What happened to the first one?" Circo asked as I found one. I shook my head and said, "Don't ask."

I ran back to the field and we continued the game. Pearl caught one of the Rubies' hits, getting them out. Steven then tagged the other one out and we switched sides. Amethyst was the first one up and got a home run. But she spun dashed around the bases, sliding on her side when she reached home. I glanced at Steven nervously as one of the Rubies said, "Wow! That purple human is amazing!"

"Yeah we humans are full of surprises!" Steven said nervously, pushing Amethyst back to our side. I glared at her and said, "You need to be more careful!"

She rolled her eyes and we all heard, "Strike one!" We all looked up in alarm and saw that Sapphire had missed the first swing. She was talking to our Ruby and was so distracted that she missed the next two throws and was out. "What's going on? What are they doing?" Steven asked, starting to panic.

"Flirting," Lapis said bluntly. My eyes grew wide and I muttered, "Oh no."

Both our Ruby and Sapphire looked up at us, embarrassed. We all have a concerned look at them and Lapis gave them a thumbs up. The game continued with varying results. At one point, I got my first home run and ran around the bases. I glanced at the Ruby with its gem for an eye, and noticed that that Ruby was staring at my hand. Particularly my right hand. I curled it into a fist and kept running.

The game kept going until the Rubies got the lead by our Ruby accidentally getting a Home run. Steven looked at them angrily and they blushed in embarrassment. The Ruby with the gem on their leg was next and broke our baseball bat. Steven ran to go get another one for our team since I had managed to catch the ball. Steven came back with the bat. I took it and got ready to swing. The Ruby that was throwing threw the ball, but it curved too low for me to hit. I tried to move but the ball came in contact with my knee and there was a loud crack followed quickly by over bearing pain.

I screamed and collapsed to the ground. "Luna!" Steven shouted, running over. Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis and Sapphire ran over. Even our Ruby rushed over. I held my knee gasping for air and focusing on breath. Lapis and Pearl picked me up and brought me over to the bench, lying me on it. I kept taking deep breaths and only focusing on breathing. I heard running and looked up to see Circo standing next to Steven. "What happened?!" He asked, seeing the swelling in my knee grow.

"She got hit in the knee by the baseball," Steven said. "I can't use my healing spit on you now, Luna. If the Rubies see, then they'll know we're not normal humans."

"I...can....take it," I said, whimpering as the pain intensified. I clenched my teeth and felt tears roll down my cheeks. Steven looked at Circo and said, "Your going to have to bat for Luna."

"What?! But-" He started, but I groaned in pain and held my knee again, starting to sob as the pain grew worse. Circo hesitated but nodded. He took the baseball bat and went to the home base. I turned my head so I could watch, but I couldn't hear anything but my own heart beating. He missed the first swing and second one. But he nailed the third one and started to run, only getting to the first base though. Lapis was next and hit the ball on the first try. Circo ran to third and Lapis ran to second. The bases were somewhat full and my vision started to go slightly hazy.

I felt a light pressure on my knee and an overwhelming sense of relief. I sighed and looked up, seeing Steven having his hand rested on my knee. He looked at me and said, "Your going to need to stay down. Even though the Rubies aren't looking you still need to act like your hurt."

I nodded and watched as Sapphire walked up to the batting plate. My stomach dropped as I saw Sapphire wink at our Ruby. Steven then rushed forward, saying, "I'm calling a timeout!"

I couldn't hear what he said, but it seemed like Ruby and Sapphire got the message clearly. Steven walked away and Sapphire missed the first swing. She tried again but missed a second time. The pitcher Ruby lit the baseball on fire and threw it. Sapphire gritted her teeth and swing her bat. It came in contact with the baseball and remained motionless. Then the baseball bat froze over with a layer of ice, putting out the fire and hitting the ball out of field of vision. We all cheered as Sapphire ran around the bases. Circo and Lapis reaches Home and gave our Ruby a high five. Circo and Lapis ran over to me, worried looks on their faces. I bent my knee and gave them a thumbs up. They both relaxed, sighing in relief.

Sapphire ran towards our Ruby and tackled them. The two tumbled and roll and, to our shock, started to fuse. Garnet appeared on the ground laughing but quickly stop. "Oops," Garnet said, dealing their mistake.

All of the Rubies gasped and readied themselves to fight. Garnet jumped up and we all ran over to her, getting ready to fight. "Game over," Garnet said. The leader Ruby growled and shouted, "RUBIES COMBINE!"

The Rubies did a formation and fused into a very larger Ruby. We were all ready to fight when we all heard, "WAIT! STOP!"

We all turned and saw Peridot and Onyx running towards us. They stood in front of us, both of them their arms out to protect us. "It's us you're after right? We're not gonna stand by and let our friends fight our battles!"

"Aw you guys love us!" Steven said. Onyx blushed a little and muttered, "It's what Amber would've done."

I smiled and placed a hand on Onyx's shoulder. She smiled up at me, grateful for the support. Th giant Ruby leaned down and said to Onyx and Peridot, "Are you the Peridot and Onyx assigned to the failed Earth mission?"

"Well I wouldn't use 'failed' as the right word-" Onyx started. But the Ruby cut her off by asking, "Where is Jasper?"

"Your here for Jasper?" Peridot asked. Then she looked upset as she said, "Wait, but I'm the one who betrayed the mission, who called Yellow Diamond a clod, the new leader of the Crystal Gems?"

We all gave her a confused look and Pearl said, "What?"

"Tell is where Jasper is now!" The Ruby shouted, glaring at all of us. Peridot laughed nervously and said. "We know where Jasper is. Um...."

"Well?" The Ruby asked sounding impatient. Steven suddenly pointed up and out at the sky, saying, "Neptune! She's on the planet Neptune!"

The Ruby looked at the direction Steven pointed and looked back at him. He kept smiling but I could tell how tense he was. Finally, the giant Ruby said, "Well why didn't you say so?"

The giant Ruby unfused back into the small five Rubies. The leader counted them all and said, "To the planet Neptune!"

They each started walking away, leaving be eyeball Ruby left. They stared at us before saying, in a strained voice, "Thank you."

The Ruby then got into the ship and closed the hatch. The Ruby ship floated up and, after a moment of powering up, disappeared in a quick blur. We were all silent for a moment before Amethyst said, "Man, Rubies are dumb."

"Not all of them," Garnet said, smiling. I looked at Onyx and asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah. I just wish Amber could see me now," Onyx said. "And see how much I've grown."

"I'm sure she will someday," I said, smiling.

-???'s POV-

"Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!" I shouted, panic rising in me. I'm not one to panic; I'm rather calm in most situations. But when it had to deal with the fate of 'them,' then I tend to go over board. I ransacked my entire base, trying to find the piece of them I need.

It had taken me a very long time but I finally found most of them. I just needed to find the last piece to them and they can come back. I knew where that piece was. But the one I had here was gone. The moment I saw the entrance had been destroyed, I knew that my base had been invaded. I looked up, angry tears welling up in my eyes. I wiped my eyes and nearly screamed when I noticed it. The faintest glimmer of dust.


I picked up the speck and looked at it. The texture and look was one I never could forget. This was hers. Was Lucine here? Is she alive? I thought every gem was shattered since the-

I shook the thought away. I didn't want to be reminded of the past. I quickly grabbed my weapon and left my base, looking around on the ground for a sign of moondust. Instead, not only did I find that, but a very faint trail of specks of powder moonlight. That could only be from Lucine. I glared at the trail and looked up at the direction it led to. I flinched as the trail headed towards human civilization. But I had to do this. For them.

"Lucine, I'm coming for you," I growled. "And you better be not corrupt."

I ran down the path, following the trail.


Who is this mysterious gem? What do they want with Luna's Mom? And what was it they were looking for? Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update ASAP :)

המשך קריאה

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