Toon Wars: The Final Days

Galing kay Frozarburst

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The Final Days Saga, which takes place 5 years after the end of the Samurai Jack Saga, follows the end of the... Higit pa

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Special Update
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
The End

Chapter 29

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Galing kay Frozarburst

My Life as a Teenage Robot Episode 2: Raggedy Android

Jenny, still sitting upright in her bed fully awake with an intensive stare and smile on her face finally hears the alarm clock go off and quickly stops it with her outstretched arm. She runs all the way to the downstairs lab where her mother is sleeping, exhausted by the amount of work she had to put in the making of the human exo-suit, which looks ragged and horrifically undone.

Jenny: Is it ready?!

Nora barely awake: Huh...? What? (Yawns) Oh. Good morning dear.

Jenny: Is this my exo-skin?

Nora slowly rubbing her forehead: Well, let's just call this a prototype. (Barely lifts finger) You see-

Jenny lifting the suit: OH BOY! I can hardly wait to try it on!

As Jenny is about to put on the poorly designed and rather creepy-looking suit, she hears a distant whimper from that of a canine somewhere at a fair distance away from the neighborhood. Her left ponytail acting as an ear transforms into a satellite dish receiving the transmission of the closest radio tower where the dog is. For a moment, she hesitates, looking down at the suit then out of the window, repeating herself before she decides to drop it and wear a determined look on her face.

Jenny: Oh, who am I kidding? I can't go out there when someone's in danger. Especially not a cute puppy! (Turns on rockets) I'll be back as soon as I can, Mom!

Nora: Alright. Just make sure to be carefu-

Jenny rockets herself out of the house through the roof, blowing back Nora into the work table next to her and sitting her head flat on its surface, to which she begins to sleep on. Outside, Jenny searches from the sky for another whimper. Though faint, she can easily pinpoint its exact location thanks to the signals being received. Near the town mall, now empty as the townspeople are at the fair, Jenny lands at a dark alley where she finds a short pink dog with black ears, black spots, and a stubby tail making the noises and shaking his arms up over next to a trashbin.

Jenny: Oh no! You...poor...weird-looking creature. (Kneels to Courage) Did you lose your owner? Are you hurt?

Disembodied Female Voice: That's enough, Courage. I think we got her attention.

Jenny: Huh?

Courage backing to the wall: I just know something bad is going to happen.

Jenny: Oh sweet. You can talk too?! (Shakes head and looks to the back of the alley) I-I mean, who are you?

Disembodied Female Voice: The better question is, who were you?

Jenny: 'Who was I?' What do you mean by that? (Stands up and puts fists up) Show yourself!

Calmly, Fink, the deep-voiced mouse creature from earlier in her purple trench coat, steps forward to the teenage robot with her arms tucked in her pockets. Surprised, Jenny's pigtails lift themselves and her mouth gapes.

Fink: You can call me, Fink. I was brought here to retrieve you for a grander purpose. Something you haven't completed yet.

Jenny: Wha... (Eyes glitch for a moment) What are you talking about? I

Fink: You see, you were supposed to have saved the multiverse from someone in particular. But it seems that they've activated some kind of failsafe in reality. Now I'm here to bring you back.

Jenny: I don't get what you're saying. And you're not helping it any by looking THIS suspicious!

Fink: Ahahaha! Oh, I'm not trying to scare you. Trust me. This jacket's just for show.

Jenny: No not that. I meant the fact that you've just brought me and this poor dog to a dark alley.

Fink darting her eyes to the right: Better than having to be pointed out at the fair.

Angry, Jenny rockets herself toward Fink, only putting her spiked gauntlet fists a fair few inches away from the sides of her head so as not to hurt her. This move on Jenny's part doesn't phase her; Fink still glaring at the robot girl with a smug smile thats' made even creepier when she opens her mouth to speak, revealing jagged teeth.

Fink: Oh! (Puts palms on gauntlet knuckles) Clockwork warned me you'd be a bit feisty by this time.

Jenny is slung to the ground and kicked across the surface while her arm remains extended outward completely stationary by Fink's stomach partially exposed in her unbuttoned jacket.

Fink: What's this move supposed to (Gets tickled in the stomach) doahahahAHAHAHAHA! (Grabs arm)

Fink pulls Jenny back over to her and slams her by the dome of her head to the ground leaving her in a daze.

Jenny: Uugh... (Deploys rockets from back)

Several small missiles flail around and aim back down to Fink who isn't phased by the blasts around her and Jenny. But Courage blindly hops back and forth trying to avoid the small explosions!

Courage flailing around: OoAGH!


Jenny: Critical already? I haven't even landed a single hit on her. And my body's fine.


Jenny: Oh...

Fink: It's cause you're not 100% yet, Jenny. You need to have your thoughts fully restored if you wanna fight me.

Brad running: JENNY!

Jenny struggling to get up: Huh..? Brad?

Fink: The dead man.

As soon as Brad reaches Fink with a broom in his hand, she grabs the end of it and swings him into the concrete floor and pins him with her boot. As he's down, his eyes turn pitch black and filled with tv static before his body starts to fizzle and stutters.

Jenny lifting herself with her arms: What did you do to Brad?!

Fink: I didn't do anything. He was already like that.

Suddenly, Brad's entire body fizzles into pixels and binary text flowing up to the skies above.

Jenny tugging her pigtails: WHAT'S GOING ON?!

Fink: Told you. It's a reality warp. A reset, if you will. My biggest concern is getting you to remember what's been happening lately.

To each of their surprise, above Jenny, Fink, and Courage, the skies start to turn from a calm blue to red. The clouds go black as the lighting in the sky changes. But the most scary in fact are the tiles of TV static appearing and disappearing out of existence.

Fink: We need to leave. A Ghost Portal should be opening near your house where I came from.

Jenny: You came from my house?!

Fink: Well, it used to be the safe zone of the Toon Force.

Jenny: The WHAT?!

A small fragment of computerized debris crashes next to Courage, frightening him enough that he jumps right into Jenny's arms. More falling pixels plummet, forcing Fink to put on her hood and have Jenny wrap her arms around Courage to shield him.

Fink: Better hustle!

Jenny jets back to the path to her neighborhood. But her wingspan is ruptured when more debris collides with it. Behind her, Fink swiftly leaps over and lightly punches some of the rubble away while Jenny makes it to ground level with her roller blades. In the distance at the city fair, screaming can be heard along with the flames in the very back of the sight.

Jenny: The people!

Fink: Don't be fooled by those avatars. All it is is just the virus trying to trick you. None of them are supposed to be alive. This doesn't happen for everyone. But some of that data definitely turns in its favor.

Jenny: What kind of virus is this thing?!

Policeman: There she is!

Jenny turning to her left: Huh?

To the left of Jenny is a group of civilians led by officers with clubs and pitchforks angry at the teenage robot.

Civilian Man: That whacko Wakeman must've created some sort of technological apocalypse!

Civilian Woman: And her most freakish creation is trying to escape!

Everyone: GET HER!

Jenny facepalming herself: Ugh... Don't worry, Fink. It's just another angry mob who hates me again. Nothing we can't avoid.

After that last statement from Jenny, her disappointment turns to horror when the citizens suddenly glitch out and merge their pixels into a horrific humanoid creature of sorts, bald and big-nosed in appearance, constantly stuttering and lagging out of sync with its movements!

Virus Creature: R̷̦̻͙̞̱̦̰̙̠̓̍̕-̷̘̓̂̒̈̄̀̈́͘A̷̡͚̹͛̀̈́-̷̳̮̜̺͋̋́À̷̙̤͒̂̂̓̂̇̂͝-̸̡͇̯̹͉̹̺̈́̀̈́̒̑͛́̏̚Â̸̹̤͖̻̕͘-̸̭̗̌͒̎̈́̋͘A̶̺͋͗͒̆-̵͇͈͉̱͖͛̿̈A̴̭͉̝͐-̴̼̮̯͚̻̭̻͚̺́̔̂̈́̀̌̕͠A̷͍̺̦̲̤͖̣̎̈͊́͋͑͝ͅ-̵̻̆̀̅̿̈O̷̲̩͕̣̝̐Ơ̴̡̢͍̼̗̞͍̩͔͋Ó̶̺́̀̌Ṛ̷̮́̈́̊͑́͂͜͠!̶̢̝̪̍̿̉̇͂̃̋!̴͉̞̮͈̒̊̀̈́!̷̨̰̹͕̒̾̅͜͜

Jenny and Courage hugging each other: EEEK!

Jenny takes Fink by the arm and rockets both she and Courage to her house where the Ghost Portal they're waiting for immediately respawns! Quickly, she pushes the two of them through the warp tunnel and jumps in herself, leading the three into a colossal drop down a warm green vortex slowly shifting into television static and broken text. Even while falling, Jenny herself starts to glitch into multiple figures shaped like herself, at first rearranging her limbs to completely reshaping them into different art styles and designs like a dark purple and blue highlights, to gaining tall rocket boots with flames and transparent metal in her shins. Eventually, at the end of the tunnel, the trio land flat on the floor of a strange dark chamber, decorated with old clocks and books, and a series of round monitors showing footage of other cartoons, including Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Spongebob Squarepants, The Amazing World of Gumball, Samurai Jack, and Mighty Magiswords.

Fink standing up: (Brushes herself off) Well now...that was dramatic. (Gets punched in the cheek) Urgh!

Fink momentarily stumbles to her left and stations herself to glare at Jenny, who to her shock, has been completely redesigned. Back to her Ultimate Armor with her right arm restored, she has her head down facing the floor and her right arm stretched out from her punch, breathing heavily as binary data fades from her pigtails. Finally, Jenny Wakeman, XJ-Ultimate, has returned.

Fink wiping the blood off and smiling: Now you're at 100%.

Disembodied Child Voice: Oh my gosh! You're back!

Coming closer to Courage's height is the 4-year old Anais Watterson. The pink rabbit sister of Gumball, by herself in the mysterious lair. She and Courage embrace, and Fink comes to give her a pat on the back.

Fink: Of course we are, baby. You know us better. This is Jenny we're talkin' about.

Jenny still knelt to the floor:'re Gumball's sister. (Scratches head) I mean, her little sister. I mean, the small version of his big sister. (Drops arms) GUGH!

Anais: Heehee. I know what you mean. I got sent here when Mom attacked. Clockwork watches over time and space here.

Jenny: Clockwork? Oh, he's from Danny's world, right?

Anais: Yes. He's busy right now. Had to make sure no one else was caught in the virus invasion. Bimm's parents and Nyando are in another timeline, and Mrs. Fink and Mr. Turbo are now duplicates of themselves.

Jenny facing Fink: Wait, you're a clone?

Fink: Well, yes and no. It's complicated. Just know I was taken with sweetie to go to another timeline to train for a few years. At the state we were in, we wouldn't have lasted a second apart from sheer luck.

Jenny: Isn't that kind of terrible?

Fink: We thought it would be, but it was actually pretty good. We got to go fight each other at full power. Unlock some hidden power we had. Blow up some stuff. Improve my gaming skills. Turbo got into a little bit of fashion ironically. Jenny, we basically went on an extended vacation and got bored after a while.

Jenny: Oh. How long have you been gone?

Fink: 16 years.

Jenny: WHAT?!

Fink: Time slips up on us a lot. Anyway, now that you've got your body back, what do you remember doing before?

Jenny flexing and rotating her right arm: I remember I lost my arm from fighting the Toon Goddess, who was Nicole corrupted and angry at everyone.

Anais: Yep. That's her. She's back to good. But she's definitely not happy. I tried to call her from here, but every time I do, the signal gets jammed and Elmore glitches out.

Jenny: Is there anyone else you can call?

Anais: Just Dani and Phoebe. They're the only ones who have a phone on them. Plus they're in the Void already, which used to also be the Ghost Zone and several other cartoons we found.

Jenny: Oh yeah. We're cartoons now...

Fink: You're not scared, are you?

Jenny: No. Just got a bit of a headache. But I can take it as long as I know how all this works.

Fink: With that 'Toon God' out there doing his thing, there's no telling exactly how all this works. But we'll get to the bottom of this. Believe me. Once we gather all these people, they'll know what to do.

Anais pointing to a monitor with Courage: As a matter of fact, Nicktoons Unite's starting with Danny and Jimmy right now!

Nicktoons Unite

It is the year 2005. In a dimly lit underground laboratory in a quiet neighborhood in the otherwise buzzling city of Retroville, three extraordinary young men wait for someone near the warp gate against the wall. The first boy, and quite frankly the leader of the group and owner of the lab, Jimmy Neutron, is a superpowered genius with a big head, hundreds, if not thousands of gadgets, and a faithful mechanical dog, Goddard. The second boy is Doug Funnie. About the same age as Danny it seems. Has black hair and a nice warm smile on his face looking proud to be with the other two. Third, and the oldest and tallest of the group of 11 year olds, Danny Phantom, is a superhero. A 14 year old teenager with the power of ghost energy to become half human, half ghost, fighting hundreds of other ghosts from the dark Ghost Zone dimension back at his hometown of Amity Park. He, along with Jimmy are in a very serious mood at the moment, as their worlds have recently been invaded by hordes of mysterious enemies neither of them were capable of handling alone. But Doug, like always, is very assuring of the outcome for Jimmy.

Danny standing by the teleporter: Um, Jimmy, are you sure Goddard and Spongebob will be alright?

Jimmy: I'm sure of it, Danny. It takes a while to send more than one person through two different worlds sometimes, especially one we haven't been to yet. Doug here says he has before when he tested portal technology.

Doug: Yep! It's how I met Jimmy.

Just after Doug replies, a short square yellow creature pops out of the teleporter and plops to the floor. Goddard hovers out next to him using his spinning rotor ears, calmly landing on his feet.

Danny tilting his head: Um...

Spongebob with his face planted on the floor: Ow.

Jimmy: Oh! You made it! Thanks Goddard!

Goddard wagging his tail: BARK BARK!

Jimmy: Sorry I didn't tell you you could just walk through the warp gate. Although, I understand we've all been having difficulty traveling at warp speed through hyperspace and changing depth a lot. (Helps Spongebob up from the floor) I'm Jimmy Neutron, and welcome to my lab.

Spongebob shaking Jimmy's hand: Pleasure to meet you Jimmy! I'm just glad I can see someone I can trust! In fact, didn't you once visit Bikini Bottom?

Doug: I did.

Jimmy: Oh, you have? I had before too. I was even at a Christmas party with you.

Spongebob: Huh... Weird...

Danny: Wow. He can talk too?

Jimmy: Of course he can, Danny. Where Spongebob comes from, all sea creatures can talk. (Taps forehead) Ah... That reminds me. My Neutronic Moisture seal will keep you moist outside of water. (Jimmy sprays Spongebob)

Spongebob: Thanks Jimmy! Boy, this is the strangest morning I've had since... well, last Tuesday.

Doug: Spongebob is a fry cook.

Danny: Oh... Well...I'm in school still. So, don't feel left out.

Spongebob: Ah. Don't worry Danny. It's ok. I can do karate and blow bubbles.

Doug: Like, balloons, right?

Spongebob: No no. Like actual constructs. But enough about me. What's going on with you?

Doug smiles and Jimmy responds.

Jimmy typing at the monitor: I'm glad you asked, Spongebob. This all started with my latest invention, the Universe Portal Machine.

Danny whispering to Goddard: Kind of a weak name, am I right?

Goddard nods in agreement.

Jimmy projecting the schematics: It's a device that lets us travel to other worlds. One of my arch enemies, Professor Calamitous, has somehow gained access to my project plans and created a copy of my machine. I've been tracking his portals for weeks and from what I've gathered, it seems he's been visiting your worlds before I could. He's found an ally in each world and they've teamed up to form a Syndicate! (Projects Plankton and Calamitus on screen)

Danny: Only two of them? I thought there'd be more.

Doug: Well I do have Rodger. He's a bully I always gotta deal with back home since childhood. I don't know why though.

Spongebob: And even Plankton's joined them?! And all this time I thought he was only pretending! Maybe he's forced against his will! Or-

Doug slightly nodding and pointing to Spongebob: Maybe, he's always been bad.

Jimmy: Yep. And if my theory is correct, Calamitus must have some sort of master plan that he and the rest of them can benefit from! They've combined their powers to create an army of Syndicate troops, and they're stealing energy from each of your worlds. We don't know why they're stealing this energy, but whatever it's for, it won't be good.

Doug patting Jimmy's shoulder: But we can take em, Jimmy.

Spongebob: Yeah! We're heroes!

Danny: Well, now that the entire team is assembled, I think it's time to get started. How-

Doug: How bout my place?

Danny: Huh...?

Jimmy: Hey, that's not bad! Rodger probably has a robot Calamitous gave him.

Doug: Wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

Danny: O-oh... Ok. I was gonna suggest Amity, but, I haven't been to your world before. I think we should go there first.

Jimmy: Me too. I've seen it before, but you'll definitely like the more quiet, wholesome atmosphere of Bluffington.

Doug: Then let's not wait any longer. We have a mission to complete! (Starts running to the portal) Come on Jimmy!

Jimmy running to the portal: Right behind you, pal!

Danny: ...(Turns to Spongebob) Did he just forget about us?

Spongebob shrugging: I dunno. But it's nice to be a part of a team. Let's go, Danny!

Samurai Jack Season 5

Episode 1

As the sun goes down, Jack rides his motorcycle across the calm peaceful forests with Momotaro on his back. They both take quick looks at the beautiful trees and rays of light coming from the leaves and bushes of autumn. When they stop by a river, Jack takes off his helmet and sits down near the cliff while Momo checks out the clean water to wash her face from the heat from the beetle drone invasion. While looking at her reflection, she notices a large fish swimming by in close proximity that she swiftly catches with a lunge from her sword with one hand. Momo comes up to Jack sitting against the cliff with the fish in her hands; a large bass big enough for both of them for the night. Jack raises his eyebrows, impressed by the young samurai and prepares a fire that they use to cook quietly as the world seems to come to a stop in the middle of the night. Although, Jack notices that something is a bit off. He's supposed to be reacting to something in the river instead if Momo, and even though he can't remember what, he knows it likely wasn't anything pretty to look at. Instead, after supper, he just rests looking up at the clear night sky knowing that his mission had long been accomplished.

The Next Day...

The episode goes according to plan. Jack takes his motorbike and rides towards a small village with Roman-Style architecture ruined by a massive explosion left behind by their old enemy turned close friend. As Jack parks his vehicle, Momo hops off and can already smell the scent of burning flesh. Something she's already familiar with after facing the Toon Goddess and all the years in the alternate future created by the old Syndicate and Aku. When the two of them proceed slowly with their swords in their sashes and Jack's staff in hand, they are immediately hit by the horrible sight if scattered corpses around the buildings and rubble.

Jack appalled: ..!

Momo: ...I don't like this, Master. I know our favorite Scatman was pretty chill before. But this... This is on a whole different level.

Jack: Although he maybe a machine, he does have a soul. Once we remind him of what Aku has done...or, what Aku will do, we should be able to restore him back to good as we have in ourselves.

Momo flashing her antennae: "Rodger rodger..."

Carefully, the two proceed to the open square of the village where they stop midway to a long thick trail of smoke coming from the ground. Behind it is Scaramouche, slowly revealing himself as the smoke clears while wearing a peppy smile.

Scaramouche: Samurai Jack! Man, it is good to see ya babe! What took you so long? I decimated this village days ago. (Zooms forward to Jack) Just for you! (Comes back) Matter of fact, kinda feels like I already did earlier. I mean, I sure don't remember ever meetin' a guy who look like he came from an american sweatshop, that's for damn sure! What with all that old gear and, (Looks at beard) ruggedness, baby!

Momo chuckling: Teehee! (Immediately gets back into scowling, but still has laughing emoji flashing)

Jack: Scaramouche, you are right to feel that way. You and I have already been through this since the day we met, and the second time when you were repaired by Aku in an alternate future that has yet to be created.

Scaramouche: Woah woah woah! Hold the phone there, brother! You're the guy who's practically racist against robots, an' here you are talkin' to me like yer average joe! Heha! You're already startin' to grow on me! (Swurves hand) But I ain't got time for that, babe. I gotta kill ya for Aku! (Points to self) After all, I am his favorite assassin.

Momo: Oh yeah? Wait till he gets rid of you.

Scaramouche: What're ya talkin' about, little doggy?

Momo: So, in this timeline, Aku killed you. Well, first Jack killed you, then Aku fixed you, then killed you, and then fixed you after that. You see what I'm gettin' at?

Scaramouche: Well, guess that gives me plenty of reason to take y'all out first. (Leans to Momo) Oh, and sorry for the mess, little baby. It smells bad, but it's just bu- (Stumbles backward) AGH!

The noble android is caught in a state of shock and awe at the sight of another Samurai Blade strapped to her waist, just like Jack's. He pauses, not knowing at all what to say or what yo even think. This is complicated to him because he can tell what is a good sword and what isn't.

Scaramouche: Eheheh... (Points) Is, that a sword ya got there?

Momo taking out her sword: Totally! I got this when I achieved the samurai spirit and trained for a few years! You even helped me a few times! It was fun.

Scaramouche starts jittering his hand a little as though he's internally malfunctioning, but his eyes stay focused on Momo's sword, then back to Jack's.

Scaramouche: Ah, screw this...! (Hops backward onto a stone tower) Listen, I dunno what kinda spiritual stuff yer puttin' in me, but even with two, you can't take out the musical beauty that is me, babe! (Takes out flute and grins) Check out this flute. (Starts playing tune)

As Scaramouche plays with his harmonic flute, the large stone rubble surrounding the two samurai gravitates toward each other into a blocky monstrous form, taking its right foot and attempting to stomp on them. But they quickly hop out of the way.

Momo: Oh man. Jack, I think he was starting to realize, but he's not buying our story!

Jack: Do not worry. We will prove to him he can trust us. Remember the first rule.

The gigantic golem faces Momo, standing calmly beside it as it towers over her.

Momo flashing her antennae: "Don't strike first."

With every strike, Hali avoids them. She hops on the arm of the stone creature and slices its head off with her sword while Jack lunges his extended staff at its leg, taking it down and giving his partner a boost to Scaramouche, who smacks her out of the way with a floating brick. She tumbles only a few feet away from him on the roof of the small building, yet still keeps her footing and tosses her sword at his flute, severing it! The sword is stabbed right into a slab at ground level.

Scaramouche: Y'know, you may have broken my magic flute, but ya can't destroy the musical genius that is me, babe. (Starts singing a jazzy tune)

With his 3 daggers, the robotic scatman gravitates them in preparation to toss them at both Jack and the young Momotaro. Only one of them travels toward Momo, but the other two go at an incredible speed to Jack, who's left shoulder pad is knocked off causing him to fall backwards. As he plummets to surface level, he does a light swirl in the air to land perfectly on his boots to kneel and grab the defense weapon to shield himself from the second dagger that slices right into its material! Momo only does a few swift swerves and ducking before rolling underneath Scaramouche's legs to fall back to the ground and pry her sword out of the slab below and only gets back into a light defensive position with her sword held in front of her, both hands on its hilt.

Scaramouche grabbing his other dagger: Hol' up a minute. You ain't even gonna try an' fight me?

Momo: Not that we aren't trying! (Hops up and lands) There's just no reason to.

Immediately, Scaramouche has fun with his dagger and slashes carefully at Momotaro, both downward and upward with very calculated strikes. Yet the child continues to block each one of them like its part of a precise game. Seeing this, Jack makes a run for the next attack. He takes his staff and extends it outward, pinning the front end of it to propel himself up to the two fighters. With the daggers from earlier now aiming for Jack again, he kicks one of them by the hilt to grab it and fight back, now with two weapons in hand. Scaramouche grabs his other dagger, now fighting on equal footing with either samurai at his sides. He spins his torso to rapidly swing at them, tilted slightly down to reach Momotaro and Jack at the same time like an attraction from a theme park. Only when Jack sways to the right that Scaramouche briefly levels himself to properly reach him, giving Momo the chance to cut the hilt of both of his daggers with quick precision, and have Jack kick him against a wall of the roof and pin him by his jacket with his sword. Shocked, the android's ditty immediately stops and his eyes pop out for a moment in his surprise seeing Hali holding her blade's tip near his chin. Then pulls back and reaches her hand out as a gesture of respect and to help him get back up.

Scaramouche getting back up: Nice work with yer fancy sword, samurai...(squints) what's yer face again?

Momo: Hali Momotaro. Or, Momo for short.

Scaramouche stroking Momo's hair: Right Dumbo. So all that future junk you keep mentionin's true huh?

Jack: Yes. Had I killed you, eventually you would have recovered using only your head and found Aku to tell him I lost my sword. Which thankfully I have back in my possession.

Momo: Then after that, your boss killed you. And in a different timeline, he tried to kill you again when Jack told you what would happen if you failed.

Scaramouche: So that's what I get for bein' his favorite assassin! Well, ya only live once, twice, er how many times I've met your asses!

Jack: So, you remember?

Scaramouche: Not 100% on the whole revivin' thing, but I'm all for livin'. Especially if it means you ain't gonna kill me like you did all those other 12,360 robots you've smashed up over the years.

Jack: Trust me. I've learned...

End of Chapter 29

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