
By 3bluemoon

77.7K 1.9K 2.5K

This has to be my favorite BNHA ship so I had to write a story about them. Also, warning I'm going to: spoi... More

3rd Grade
Time Goes On
After the Fight
Stairs and how they kill u
Why am I in this class!!!!
H-h-hey wanna come over?
Dreams are a beautiful thing
We need you to spy
Amajiki's First Year at U.A.
Part 2
Please stop pedophilia
Tryouts with a little dash of backstory
Next class
The chart I failed to add
The meetup/ Mirio's jealousy
Up on the rooftop
Short Mini-chapter
Wakey-Wakey Eggs and Bacey
And Class Begins
Meeting the angry boi
Um what was that?
aaaaahhhhh- with Bakugo and friends
day to play
party animals or not or mabey yes with pointy sticks
after the party
sleep then wake
Spook Scary Skeletons Mini-Story
Evil Plan
Parks and deers
italiano gentlemen
well- that failed
the crushing guilt
Goofy little boy
What happens next?-Edited

30 part special- with fireworks

1K 22 720
By 3bluemoon

A/n 3000 words special for 30 parts that re part of the story. Sorry this is late. HW + waking up at 2= uhg. Also yesterday I saw Wicked so YaaaaaaaaaaaaY. But now I have a headache from staying up too late and waking up early for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

Mirio's POV

Tamaki and I entered the festival and were immediately hit by the sounds and lights. Tama was wearing an outfit that made him look more confident than normal. Will admit, when I saw him in it my face turned into a tomato.

It didn't take long for my shy friend to feel overwhelmed. I just held him close and guided him to some of the less crowded areas. "Hey, wanna fish for some ducks."

"I never got that game, but sure."

We walked up to our chosen game and the game manager said, "Aw. What a cute gay couple. How long have you been dating?"

Tama and I both blushed more than what should have been possible at the remark. "N-no, sir. We a-aren't d-dating." I stuttered which was a rare occurrence.

"Oh sorry. Well, enjoy your game."

Tama managed to capture 4 ducks in his flustered state while I caught 6. When I picked out my prize, Tama looked at the other games we could play. I picked out a beautiful butterfly plushie. I hid it in my bag. I am so giving this to him later. We went from game to game and at most of them, Tama and I were forced to blush by the insinuation that we were a couple. If only.

Tamaki's POV

Why does everyone think Mirio and I are a couple. I mean we are best friends and I do like him like that but do I really want to lose my friendship with him over that. And why does he have to look so handsome? 

How could I ever hope to be with someone like him? He doesn't deserve someone as bad as me?

At some point, I smelled a delectable scent. My eyes felt like they grew and I turned towards Mirio with a childlike expression on my face. "Can we?"

We are so in sync, Mirio lead us to the food stall and bought my favorite food for us. We sat won a bench watching the people go past us. "It's weird everyone thinks we're a couple." Mirio piped up.

"Yeah. I don't know why though. I mean we're just friends." I said hoping the cold and the dark covered up my intense blush.


"Next up are the fireworks."

"Really. Let's hurry." I dragged him along to see one of my favorite spectacles. Mirio and I sat on the ground watching the fireworks shoot into the sky and burst into dozens of tiny lights.

"Why do you like fireworks so much?" Mirio asked.

"It's corny but they remind me that we all have something spectacular within us no matter how we are on the outside."

Mirio brought me in close and whispered something in my ear. I couldn't make out what he said because a  firework had gone off near us at the same time he uttered the small phrase. "W-What did you say?"

"Nothing important. Now c'mon I want to win more stuffed animals for you." Mirio laughed as he pulled me towards the arcade and games area.

We continued playing games until it was a quarter till 11. "I'm kind of tired. Can we call it a night?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"One more attraction?" Mirio put on a puppy dog face. I couldn't help but agree because he looked so adorable. How can I say no to the man I love?

"What do you want to do?" I sighed.

"Let's go on the Ferris Wheel."

"B-But I'm afraid of heights."

"Don't worry. It's perfectly safe. Besides, I won't let anything happen to you."

"Uhg. Fine, but I won't promise to look out of the window."

"But that's the best part."


"Fine c'mon."

Mirio's POV

I pulled my crush to the Ferris Wheel. I was so excited that I forgot all about his fear as we got on. When I looked back at the boy he looked so scared. I quickly sat next to him and hugged him. "Hey. Don't worry. I'm here with you."

"I-I know. It's just scary being so high." he squeaked burying himself into my chest.

"We're only five feet in the air." I chuckled.

"Only five feet. This gets up to 60 ft tall. Oh god, why did I agree to come?" Tamaki looked so scared and his expression hit me hard. Why did I drag him here? I could have just come by myself. Or left him on the ground? Why did I ask him to do this?

"It's ok." Just focus on me. I won't let anything happen to you. You're my best friend."

He calmed down enough to pull away slightly. "I'm sorry I always ask you to help me. It must be pretty pathetic having a friend like me. I- I- I am so sorry that you have to deal with me."

He started crying and all I could do was wonder what to do. "Tamaki. You are the best person I could ever meet. I don't regret being friends with you. If I could I would do more to make you happy. I'm the pathetic one. I can't even cheer you up."

"What are you talking about. I always feel happy when I'm with you. You are the only person who makes me feel like I matter. Like I'm not just a nuisance. I don't know where I would be without you, but I do know it would be a bad place. You saved me and you save me again every time you stand up to me. You matter so much to me."

"You matter way more than me." We sat there holding each other for a couple of minutes. Eventually, Tamaki looked out the window just when we were on the very top. He squeaked and jumped back into my arms. I put my head on his and breathed in his lavender and honey scent. Suddenly, he jerked up and our lips touched for a mere second. That single second, though, felt like an hour of bliss.

Tamaki's POV

I had accidentally fallen asleep on Mirio's chest but I don't think he noticed it. The nap only lasted for a couple of seconds, but when I woke up I was so out of it I got freaked up at the vanilla scent in my nose and the odd movement of whatever we were on. I jerked upwards and my lips touched his. It felt strangely right, but then I realized that I had just kissed my best friend.

I pulled back and jumped to the other side of the cart and I remembered what was going on. My face flushed a shade so dark red that I looked like a giant bruise. Mirio's face didn't look any lighter than my new shade. We tried talking but everything came out in incoherent stutters. By the time we got off, our faces were closer to a normal color. Mirio and I got in his car and we drove back to school in silence. The rumble of the engine soothed me to sleep like a lullaby. Maybe tomorrow I can say sorry to him.

Mirio's POV

Tamaki fell asleep in the shotgun chair and I just kept driving trying to avoid any sharp turns or potholes that wake him up. Our kiss shot through my mind at least a hundred times a second. It was honestly a miracle that I managed to drive us home safely. I looked at the sleeping angel next to me after I had parked and wondered if the movement had been intentional. Most likely not, but how amazing would it be if he liked me like I did. 

I sigh and got out of the car. There's no point in getting my hopes up. After all, the kiss was probably just an accident and nothing romantic will ever happen again. The night air was colder than I had realized. Perhaps all of the moving around and having Tamaki by my side made me blind to the frigidness of the temperature. I closed my door and went to the other side of my car. I picked up Tamaki and closed the door with my foot. I quickly locked my car and carried my crush bridal style into the dorms.

I carried him to his room and placed him down in his bed. His room was oddly cold. There wasn't any heater, so the outside air affected his room. I buried him under blankets but left the heater off. There is must be a reason he has an obscene amount of blankets but the heater is off. I slipped out of Tamaki's room and walked over to Nejire's place.

I knocked and she opened the door sleepily. "Why are you here?"

"I needed some advice."

"Ooh, did something interesting happen on your date with Tamaki."

My face flushed, "Y-Yes s-something d-did ha-happen, but I don't know what it means."

"Ok. What happened?"

I came into her room and told her what happened. "Does it mean anything? What should I do? Should apologize? What am I saying, of course, I should."

"Calm down. From what I can tell this was most likely just an accident. I drooped at her words. "But I think it's a sign from the universe saying you should ask him out."

"Nejire you know I can't do that. I don't want anything ruining our friendship."

"If you already decided what to do then let me sleep." Nejire said shoving me out of her room, "By the way your decision is wrong."

I shook my head and went into my room. It was a sleepless night because my brain could not stop thinking about Tamaki and the kiss.

Tamaki's POV

It has been a week since our accidental kiss. Over the week Mirio and I somewhat avoided each other. I mean we don't see each other often during the day, but we would always refuse to sit near each other in the cafeteria and other places where I would have to confront my feelings. "You need to talk to him at some point." Uma pointed out after class.

"I know. I'm just afraid. What if he hates me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend? What if-" I worried.

"What if's can't do anything and most of the time they are just worrying over nothing. Stop going crazy and just talk to him. He likes you like you do. He's as scared as you are so go up to him and confess, get married, adopt kids, and never break up."

I blushed at her words but knew that she was right. About the fact that I have to confront him. But first I need to go on a walk and clear my head. I left the school grounds and slowly paced around the perimeter of the school a few times. On the fourth time, I went a bit further than the other laps. It was a familiar street, but unusually empty. The shops were closed early and no soul roamed the streets. Feeling an odd sensation, I ducked into the only open store.

"How may I help you?" an elderly man said from behind a counter higher than I was tall.

"I-I was just wondering why all of the shops are c-closed." I said feeling very anxious. Talking to strangers always scared me, but this old man seemed trustworthy.

"There is a neighborhood potluck today. I would have gone but my daughter has a fever so I needed to be here in case she needed me."

"That's sweet."

"You seem like a nice, young boy so I'll give you a piece of advice. Harui's international cuisine is exquisite. You should visit her shop. Also, there have been odd happenings like overturned trash cans and unnoticed injuries around the alleys so be careful.

"Th-thank you." I left the man's shop after buying a small bag of pretzels. I walked the street wondering if I should look into the disturbances sometime in the near future. I ended up brushing it off as just odd occurrences. I was about to change my direction to head back to school when two small yet strong arms pulled me into an alley.

Mirio's POV

After class, I went to find Tama by the request of Nejire. She had finally convinced me that I had to talk to him. Somewhere inside of me I already knew that, but my fear of rejection kept me from apologizing. I jogged around the school but couldn't find my beloved. Suddenly a young voice came from the wall. "Whatcha doing."


"Sorry, it's a Phineas and Ferb reference so you wouldn't get it. Except, in this case, Amajiki would be Isabella and you'd be Phineas. But I don't want to be the others. I mean their dorks other than Ferb and Perry but they don't talk a lot. I mean I guess Vannessa is good but I'm no side character." Uma walked through the wall like I usually did. The main difference is that her clothes weren't lost on the other side.

I was lost at the bluenette's words. "No, it's my fault. I'm not used to someone else being the person who comes out of the wall. Hey- do you know where Tamaki is."

"No. Jiki went on a walk a few minutes ago so it shouldn't be that hard to find him though."

"Oh." I wasn't used to talking to the odd girl by myself. "I guess I should ait for him to come back."

I turned to leave but, Uma placed her hand on my shoulder. "I hheard what happened last week. If your going to do anything don't apologize. Just tell him how you feel. I didn't want to lose Jiki's trust, but he loves you." the small girl clenched her fists and bowed her head. "If he thinks that you don't like him and never will, it might break him. Please don't do that to my brother."

I didn't know how to respond. "I-I-"

Suddenly, Uma lifted her head and started dashing towards the exit dragging me along.

"What's wrong? Where are we going?"

"Jiki's in trouble!"

Her words caused two emotions well up inside me. The first was confusion about how she could know and what was happening. The other was a blinding sort of anger that made me want to punch someone. If someone was hurting my best friend, I would send them to the hospital.

Tamaki's POV

I was cornered by a small, knife-wielding woman. She didn't seem very strong, but her grip felt like it could break my bones. I hissed in pain which seemed to delight her. "I keep looking for cute young boys, but this town doesn't have any. It's so fortunate that you came along. I'm sure a boy as cute as you wouldn't mind giving up his life force."

She gave me a small peck on my lips making me startled. The strange woman Pinned me to the wall. I could only whimper, trying desperately to use my powers. For some reason, they wouldn't work. My phone! I tried to call for help, but she thought of that as well. She took one of her hands off of my arm and pressed hard on where my phone was, crushing it before my hand could even reach the pocket. I opened my eyes through the pain to try to evaluate her.

Without a doubt, she seemed like trouble. "Who? Who are you?" I asked. I tried to access my powers.

"Mmm. Just a girl who wants to satisfy her never-ending hunger. I hope your not the type to fight back. Or have you been trying this whole time and I failed to notice?" the strange woman held my wrists in her hand. She dragged my hands together over my head. Using one hand to keep my arms on the wall, she removed the other and grabbed my face. "I would say I'm sorry for this, but I really don't mind. You see, I need to take your life force for me to feel better. The only way to do it is to steal it from that red little mouth of yours. I wonder how you taste?" 

A/N This won't go into smut but if you don't want to read what happens to the pure boi just go to the next a/n

Her free hand left my chin and traced it's way down my chest. She slipped it under my shirt. "Ooh. You've got strong muscles. That will make this more fun."

Her hand once more traveled this time to my hips. I winced away from her touch but she just squeezed my wrists hurting them further. Her hands felt my legs. "Your body. I haven't been able to capture such a perfect one in a long time. I might just take a little from you." she brought her lips to my ear. "That way I enjoy this in a more suitable spot. There's this empty apartment I know. It's owners left it fully furnished, so I can get you in bed. I do like dinner and a show."

Her tongue flicked my ear making me cringe. Why did on this walk? Why won't my powers work? Why won't anyone come to rescue me?

A/N Done I'm sorry for that but I needed it to move the story along

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