Short Mini-chapter

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2 weeks ago

Tamaki's POV

So I was walking down the hallway when I bumped into class 1-A, Mirio, and Nejire. they were talking about this challenge. It was to see who could touch type the best. When I walked up they all looked at me and decided that I should complete the challenge with their names. Of course, I freaked out, but Mirio said I didn't have to do it. He followed that up by saying how proud of me he would be if I gave it a shot. I, being hopelessly in love with him, decided to do it. It ended up looking like:

Mieip DTogota

Nejitr Hado

Ixulu Moorkya

Katali Balugo


Ekiro Lieishima

I got super embarrassed that I got all of the names wrong. But Mirio just hugged me and proclaimed how proud of me he was for conquering my fears and doing the challenge. I heard some of the girls giggling at this. By the time I could leave, my entire face was red, as well as my neck and ears. Mirio left with me. He led me to an ice cream shop. "My treat, ok. For doing such a great job." I got oreo ice cream and Mirio got a strawberry-chocolate mix. Even though I was cold from the ice cream, it warmed my heart to know that Mirio was proud of me. when we finished, Mirio picked up his napkin and wiped some ice cream off my face. Once more, I turned beet red and as he turned away I could have sworn that he had whispered, "So cute."

A/N Sorry that this isn't part of the main story, but I wanted to do the challenge. It seems I need practice.

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