My Brother's Matchmaker (ReyN...

By bastasidonat

26.9K 1.1K 554


Chapter 1 I Throw A Water Balloon
Chapter 2 Welcome to Camp Half Blood
Chapter 3 I Meet The Stolls
Chapter 4 The Tour
Chapter 5 Father?
Chapter 6 My Weapon
Chapter 7 They're Demigods Too?!
Chapter 8 Let The Training Begin
Chapter 9 Murderer?
Chapter 11 Travelling
Chapter 12 The Blue Warrior
Chapter 13 Water Fight! Uh oh...
Chapter 14 The Ride's Here
Chapter 15 Pegasus Riding
Chapter 16 Secrets And Stuff
Chapter 17 The Hunters of Artemis
Author's Note
Chapter 18 Stuck in Spain
Chapter 19 Hello Italy!
Chapter 20 The search
Chapter 21 The hotel
Chapter 22 Decisions
Chapter 23 Dresses and Tuxedos
Chapter 24 Party Time
Chapter 25 Fighting
Chapter 26 Sacrifices Must Be Made
Chapter 27 They're Alive
Chapter 28 Funeral
Chapter 29 She's Back
Chapter 30 Preparing for Christmas
Chapter 31 Merry Christmas!
Chapter 32 Preparing for the Party
Chapter 33 Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
Chapter 34 Camp Jupiter
Chapter 35 Reyna Takes a Break
Hey Guys
Chapter 36 I Wish There Was A Closet Here
Chapter 37 Dreams and Guinea Pigs
Chapter 38 This Is Important
Chapter 38 Nico Gives A Peace Offering
Chapter 39 Right?
Chapter 40 Calm Down Dark People
Chapter 41 Hehehehe, Let's Party
Please Read
Chapter 42 Amnesia
(Late) Valentines Special
Chapter 43 Nope, Please Tell Me That Didn't Happen. Thanatos, Let Me Die Now
The End

Chapter 10 Figuring Things Out

604 32 23
By bastasidonat

After dinner I walked to Chiron.

"Sir, I'm sorry for my sudden outburst. I didn't mean to suddenly stand up and scream like that. I didn't know what got into me. I'm really sorry sir."

"Ms. Dela Cruz, it's fine but next time I do not want sudden outbursts during dinner. Do you understand?"

"Aye aye, Captain."

"Fine, now go to your cabin. Before the harpies get you."

"I have one thing to tell you Chiron." I nervously stammered. He looked at me with those old wise eyes.

"What do you wish to tell me, Ms. Dela Cruz?"

"I think I'm the last person for the quest." I murmured. "I did it." His eyes regarded me with a pointed expression. He sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If you think you are the person, you may go."

After that, I headed back to the Hermes cabin. Nico said that he'll be staying in the Big house for the night, he won't go back to the underworld since the Hades cabin will be done tomorrow and the quest also starts tomorrow. I crawled into my bunk hugging my pillow. This will be my last night here, and before I knew it I was asleep.

I sat on my bunk looking around the interior of the Hermes cabin before rechecking my things for the quest.

Things needed:

Ambrosia- ✔

Nectar- ✔

Extra clothes- ✔

Δαρκνεσσ on my waist- ✔

First aid kit- ✔

A few drachmas- ✔

A flashlight- ✔

Water- ✔

Some mortal money from the camp store- ✔

Phone from Hephaestus - ✔

I checked the things from a little list that I made and saw that they were all complete. I zipped my backpack before going outside. I took one last look at the Hermes cabin, sighing. I have a feeling this is the last time I'm gonna see it again.

I made my way to Camp Half-Blood hill. I saw that the rest were already there even the Stolls.

"We heard your conversation with Chiron last night. Good luck." Travis confessed and hugged me.

"This is your first quest so take care, and stay alive for us okay?" Connor hugged me after Travis let me go.

"Thanks. I'll stay alive, I'll come back I promise" I said smiling.

Just then Chiron came galloping to Half-Blood hill.

"Heroes, good luck with your quest. Be careful with the dangers you will face." Chiron told us. "Now go."

We stepped outside the border of camp and looked behind. Instead of seeing camp we saw a hill with only trees, camp disappeared.

"We need to plan you know, leaving camp without a plan is one of the reasons a demigod dies." I said, and they all agreed. "We need a leader, I choose Reyna to be our leader." I nominated Reyna.

"I agree." Nico said, as Ken and Yzabella looked at each other.

"We both agree too." Ken confirmed.

"So, we need to figure things out as best as we can, but then prophecies have double meanings. So lets just guess." Yzabella tried to break the silence.

"Sure, lets try guessing. So the five, that's us so no comment there. Next line." I added quickly.

"Silvia, I just didn't want to ask because it seems disrespectful but, why are you here?"

"Well, I talked with Chiron and Rachel and she saw my face. So we think that being the murderer has something to do with me being a child of Hades, y'know with the death and stuff." I fibbed.

"Oh, alright." Now that's out, point one for Silvia!

"She shall be found under the full moonlight. Goddess of snow can't escape through might. So we'll find her during the full moon which is in two weeks. If she can't escape through might, and we can't free her through strength. We'll have to use trickery or something." Reyna guessed.

"They'll find two on the way home but first they must defeat an old foe. They shall succeed but only six shall come home. So basically we'll find two people after the quest and six will come home which doesn't make sense because there are five of us and there will be two more. Two plus five is equal to seven." Ken ranted.

"She shall be found in the origin of Angel. I lived in Venice, Italy when I was younger." Nico said.

We all gulped as we realized the last line.

"And one shall perish through the hands of a soul. One of us will die." I breathed.

We were all silent then a hissing voice spoke.

"Maybe your going to lose one right now." The voice screeched as we turned around to see five empousai. We did the sensible thing, we drew our weapons.

Ken's POV

"Oh my gods!" I heard Silvia scream. "Empousai!" She fumbled for her chain.

"Silvia this is not the time for acessories. You need your weapon not a chain." I shouted, seriously monsters attack and she grabs a chain. I drew my bow which was disguised as a fancy cane. My quiver was in a pocket in my back pack.

"Oh really?" Silvia asked, sarcastically. Then she swung the end three times, the circle extended into a Stygian Iron sheild with macabre scenes engraved on it. "I need to use it if I want to live."

"Oh, OK sorry." I mumbled and we all charged.

I was doing well. I shot and bonked the monster's head with my bow. I stole a glance to see how everyone was doing, Reyna and Nico already killed theirs. Silvia, Yzabella and I were still fighting, it was a bad descision to take a peek at my surroundings, beacause when I turned back the empousai lunged at me and I wasn't ready. I swung my bow but I didn't feel my it hit the monster so I knew I failed to delay the empousai. I thought it was my end but I heard a scream of pain. I thought that somebody was hurt so I gathered my courage to take a look and I saw that the empousai was a few inches away from my face, with a blade in the middle of her stomach then she exploded into monster dust and all over me. I brushed the monster dust off myself and saw Silvia with a Kusarigama in her hand. She placed the blade on her palm and whispered something with her eyes closed and it returned to being a chain.

"So everybody O.K? Is anybody hurt?" Reyna asked, and everybody nodded.

"So how do we get to Venice?" Yzabella asked.

"I can shadow travel you guys there." Nico suggested.

"Gods I forbid you to do that Nico the last time you used it in a group wasn't a good experience." Reyna reminded him.

"I can help him though. But we can only shadow travel a few miles and we would walk sometimes." Silvia said.

"Very well as long as Nico uses less power and effort than you." Reyna said.

"If we stand here any longer we could be attacked by monsters." I said. "We've got Reyna and Nico who are two powerful demigods as my cabin mates told me."

"Yeah, we need to move to throw off the scent. We walk first." Reyna said.

"Yeah, well at least the prophecy is clear now right?" Silvia cheered trying to cheer everyone up.

"Yeah right." I heard Reyna mutter sadly.

"But then prophecies tend to have double meanings so that conversation was a little bit useless. But hey, at least we have our guesses." Nico assured.


Hey minions!!! Thank you for 186 reads. THANK YOU SO MUUUUUUCCCHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So yeah we have a new cover made by @Sean_Garing. Sorry for errors. Thank you for the love and support, I really appreciate it. So vote, comment, fan and whatnot. Characters belong to Rick Riordan except for Silvia, Clover, Ken, Yzabella and Thomas I made them up, Yzabella is based on mah best friend and Ken is based on my awesome neighbor friend. So see you guys in the next chapter. PEACE!!!!!!! :)

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