A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Boo...

By CJ0340

73K 2K 117

"Happy birthday Kagome!" Hikari Okami was always interested in wolves since a young age. Little did she know... More

A/N [New Book!?]


1.3K 40 1
By CJ0340

Welcome back! By the way, sorry for the crappy chapter this time around.


~Okami's POV~

I woke up the next morning to hear a lot of snickering nearby both from the wolves and the two boys who led them. I groaned as I felt a large weight on top of me. "What the hell?..." I asked groggily as I glanced down to find Koga was snuggling up to me in his sleep! I furiously blushed as I remembered what happened last night and then turned to the snickering to find Ginta, Hakkaku, and their wolves were acting like fan boys about this and holding in squeals if utter delight. I glared at them and they finally noticed that I was awake, visibly tensing up because of it. They apologized and chuckled nervously as they rubbed the back of their heads.

"Could you apologize to me after you get him off of me?!" I whisper shouted and they nodded before moving to help me. As the started to move his body, however, Koga started shuffling around so they dropped him back onto me so he wouldn't wake up. We all glanced at each other before sighing in relief... Though that seemed to do the trick and accidentally wake him up. I watched Koga open his eyes and look around a little, seemingly lost as to what was going on. Once he realized what position we were in he jolted up as his eyes widened significantly. He jumped away from me and pointed in my direction with a bright red face.

"What the hell were you just doing to me!?" The blue eyed male exclaimed as I practically saw steam emitting from his face. My eyebrow twitched as my ears and tail sprung forth out of pure anger.

"What did I do to you!? You were the one who fell on top of me last night!" I exclaimed and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hah!? You could've at least pushed me off of you!" Koga shouted.

"You were too heavy for me to move!" I explained.

"Then wake me up!" The black haired male yelled.

"I was trying to look out for your health and let you sleep! You told me you haven't slept in days and the last thing you needed would be me waking you up you damned pervert!" I raised my voice again at him, knowing damn well he had something wrong on his mind which was why he was so upset.

"I'm the pervert!?" He asked in response, as if implying that I was the dirty-minded one- I mean I definitely could be, but I wasn't the one who woke up and went off for no reason now am I?

"Damn right you are! You were just snuggling my chest in your sleep!" I shook my head at him as his face became beet red by this point.

"I don't recall ever doing such a thing!" He huffed and I facepalmed at him.

"Yeah, because you were asleep and dreaming about dirty things!" I said as our back and forth only got worse and worse.

"Ugh, I knew traveling with you would only end in disaster!" He replied, which hurt me a little but I wasn't giving up this fight easily.

"Oh yeah!?" I added fuel to his already massive flames as he shouted back at me.

"Yeah!" When he said this I went silent for a few moments before replying.

"I see... Then I guess I won't travel with you anymore then!" I responded as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Fine!" He exclaimed as I stood up and put a hand on my hip.

"Fine!" I answered irritably.


And just like that our group's morning ended with Koga and I walking off in the opposite direction of one another. 'Why does he have to turn every little thing into an argument? Ugh! He is so difficult to deal with it's aggravating!' I thought as I heard voices behind me.

"You two! Wait a second!... Why do they always have to fight like this?" Ginta and Hakkaku said in unison before I heard footsteps coming up behind me.

"What do you want? It's clear that he's made up his mind about us traveling together." I spoke as Ginta appeared by my side. I assumed that Hakkaku went to go calm down Koga.

"Big Sis you've gotta hear me out on this one. I know Koga can be an idiot sometimes... no... all the time, but he really doesn't mean what he said to you just now! He just didn't know how to react to being in such a flustering situation and let his pride and ego get in the way of letting it go and apologizing!" Ginta exclaimed.

"How do you know that?... To me it seems like Koga really doesn't want me to be here... and who am I to go against his wishes?" I stopped walking and so did Ginta.

"Big Sis, he wants you here more than any of us. He enjoys your company and goes out of his way to see you smiling. Koga only offered to race you up that mountain because he wanted to get a laugh out of you."

"Seriously?" I asked and Ginta nodded furiously before clapping his hands together.

"Please come back and talk to Koga! I'm sure you two can settle your differences if you do! He really doesn't want you to leave, he just doesn't know how to say it!" Ginta pleases with me. I sighed before I ruffled his hair.

"As if I could say no to you. Now, let's go find Koga and get this over with." I said before Ginta tackle hugged me.

"Thank you so much Big Sis! You won't regret this, I promise!" I giggled at Ginta's behavior before getting up and walking towards where Koga went by his side. Little did we know that there as a girl standing there who had been watching this ordeal from the very beginning with a grin on her face as she changed forms, from a bush to... Koga?


While Ginta and I were walking he decided to run ahead to find Koga and the other wolves. I took that time to think over what I would say to Koga when I finally saw him again. 'Obviously he's still going to be a little angry, so what could I say to calm him down?' I thought as suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I gasped and turned to get a look at who did this to find...

"Koga? What're you-"

"Okami, I wanted to come and tell you that I'm so very sorry for what happened."

"I-It's okay, I'm sorry too, but why are you acting like this? You've never been this way with me before..."

"Because... I want to prove to you that I care. Why don't you just relax a little, get a bit of rest after using up all of your energy arguing with me, then we can talk more about this later." Koga spoke and I realized that I did feel tired.

"You're right... I think I'll just sleep it off..." I responded as my eyes started drooping, not hearing the laughter coming from Koga.


~Koga's POV~

After Hakkaku finally convinced me to go and talk to Okami I realized how silly I had been acting, how rude I was to her. I felt bad and I knew that I needed to go and fix things no matter how much it would wound my pride. Though when Ginta regrouped with us, he was without Okami. "Ginta, where's Okami?"

"She was right behind me just a second ago..."

"You left her all alone out here!? Who knows what could try and kill her out here without us knowing! We have to find her now!" I exclaimed before running off into the direction of where Ginta had come from. 'She'd better be okay...' I thought as I finally found her in my arms? There were two of me all of a sudden, and one was wrapping it's arms and now it's tongue around Okami!

"Hey, let her go! I'm warning you!" I exclaimed, thinking of ways I could possibly get her out of there.

"Oops, the wolf boy actually found me. I need to be more diligent next time I suppose~" The demon cooed in voice that was a replica of my own.

"There won't be a next time if you don't let her go right now... And stop pretending to be me when I've already caught you!" I yelled at the demon across from me as my men finally caught up with me. They took in the demon's appearance and glanced between the two of us.

"Since when were there two Koga's?" They asked and I face palmed as the demon changed forms. The demon morphed from me to it's actual form, which had a long green tail and a matching outfit. She was a woman who had short brown hair and large brown eyes, she reminded me of a lizard.

"I knew I couldn't keep the act up for long, but I wish it would've lasted longer~" The shorter woman sighed.

"What do you want with Okami?" I asked, standing my ground.

"Her flesh of course!" She exclaimed nonchalantly.

"What!?" I growled, not happy with that answer at all.

"We chameleon demons are rather hungry creatures. We've gotta eat at some point and this wolf, though she isn't exactly my type, was the first candidate I've come across in a while." The woman explained.

"Like hell I'd allow some stranger like you to devour her!" I responded and got into a fighting stance.

"Oh, excuse my rudeness then! My name is Meisai. See? Now I'm not a stranger~" Meisai cooed and I shook my head.

"I don't give a damn who you are! I'll only say this to you one more time, let her go now or prepare to die!"

"No can do~"

"So be it."

I ran at her with intense speed and tried to attack her. Meisai was one step ahead of me and camouflaged herself and Okami into the trees behind them before I could get a hit in on her. I looked around quickly to find that Meisai had moved to stand behind me now, allowing herself to reappear in front of me. "How stupid can you be, Koga?" Meisai asked me.

"Hah? What do you mean?" I said as I turned around to face her.

"Okami is still in my grasp. I could kill her at any moment if I want to, she's already been lured into a false sense of security now that I tricked her into believing I'm you. If you aren't careful you might end up hurting Okami instead of me when you try and attack me." I scoffed, knowing she was right when she said that.

"Damn it..." I cursed under my breath.

"As you can see there is no winning here and all of you are now doomed to be devoured by me-" Meisai started.

"If you think I would ever go down that easily you are sorely mistaken, Meisai." A familiar voice spoke up from in Meisai's arms.


~Okami's POV~

My hand engulfed into flames as I placed my hand up to Meisai's face. I almost burnt her to a crisp, but unfortunately she was to quick for me and pushed me off of her and out of the way so only her cheek was singed. "Big Sis!" The boys shouted, seemingly excited about my return.

"What? You're still awake? How did you-" Meisai was having a hard time believing that I was actually awake that whole time.

"To put it simply I was falling under your spell and being rendered unconscious until I realized that there was something off about you when you were pretending to be Koga. There were a number of things off, but one that stood out to me was that Koga's eyes aren't brown. Your eye color doesn't properly change when you transform does it, Meisai?" I asked her as she went quiet, proving my theories to be correct.

"Just as I suspected, and so when I realized that I snapped out of it and only pretended to be asleep while you had a little chat with Koga over here." I said as I made my way to Koga's side and pointed towards him. He stared at me, just as shocked as Meisai was about me being awake.

"What? Is it that shocking that I can have a trick or two up my sleeves?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I'm just... Glad you're safe." He said softly and I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. Save the sappy stuff til after this battle is over, okay?" I asked him as I ran off to finish off the demon.

"Hey!" Koga exclaimed, obviously not done with the conversation, as well as annoyed that I ignored his sentimental statements. I laughed lightly as he finally ran after time to help me finish Meisai. She of course camouflaged herself multiple times in an attempt to outwit us. Koga and I eventually stood back to back as we looked around for possible places for her to be hiding, the boys and their wolves hiding behind some nearby trees.

"How can we catch someone that we can't see?" Koga asked me and I sighed.

"Didn't you hear me before? Her eyes don't change color. Just look for her eyes and we can find her in no time." I said and he nodded as we searched for a pair of light brown eyes.

"Over there!" Koga exclaimed and pointed to the pair of eyes we were searching for. We ran at her before she had a chance to react and punched her, Koga's fist going straight through her gut and mine hitting her right in the face and causing her entire body to catch on fire as we jumped away from her. She burnt to ash before our very eyes as Koga shook the blood from his hand. I allowed my ears and tail to disappear as well. We both looked towards each other before smirking at each other. I held out my fist to him and he gave it a weird look.

"Never heard of a fist bump before?" I asked him, genuinely surprised at first before remembering he and I lived in different time periods for most of our lives.

"The hell is that?" He asked and I demonstrated by unclenching my balled up hand before re-balling my hand into a fist.

"Put your hand into a fist like this." I explained as he did what I suggested, his eyes fixated on me, seemingly determined to do this little handshake right which made me smile at how cute he was acting about all this. It was only a celebratory handshake and he was acting like a child trying to get their friend's approval for doing it right, like he wanted to look cool in front of me or something.

"Okay. Now what?" He asked and I held my knuckles out towards him.

"Gently hit my fist with yours. It's a form of celebration and friendship where I come from." I explained to him as he did so, a wide smile adorning his features as if he were proud of himself for accomplishing some sort of amazing feat despite him just learning a simple fist bump.

"The customs from where you come from are weird... I like them." He responded and I chuckled.

"I'm glad."


Just then, Ginta, Hakkaku and the other wolves ran out from their hiding spots and tackled hugged me to the ground. "Thank goodness you're okay!" Ginta cried happily as Hakkaku nodded in agreement.

"We were so worried about you!" The mohawk having demon said as tears ran down his cheeks. I managed to make out some phrases between sobs from Ginta and Hakkaku as well as whines from the wolves.

I sighed and pet their heads gently. "You guys are ridiculous. I'm fine and I can handle myself, you know that, don't you?"

"Y-Yeah..." They replied in unison with small nods.

"So stop the tears and calm down already." I chuckled as the boys wiped their tears with their arms and sniffled.


"That's my boys. Here, have these as an apology for making you worry about me." I said and opened up my backpack before pulling out a couple bags of chips of different flavors ranging from barbecue to cheddar to sour cream and onion.

"I was saving these for Shippo and the others, but today I'll make an exception for you guys." I said as I handed Ginta and Hakkaku a bag each.

I then held one out to Koga. "You too."

"...Thanks." He replied.

"Thank you Big Sis!" The boys beside him bowed their heads to me as I smiled and nodded.

"You're welcome."

Ginta and Hakkaku then gave each other a look before excluding themselves and the other wolves to go eat in private, though I could tell they just wanted to give us a minute to work things out. "Listen Koga, I-"

"I'm sorry, Okami."


"I'm sorry for not taking your feelings into account when I should have. I... I know you were only trying to look out for me when nobody else would, and for that I'm grateful to you. Please don't take what I said to heart... I never meant to hurt you or say what I did I just-"

"I've heard everything I've needed to hear already Koga..."

"I see..."

"And I forgive you. We all have our moments and I can't blame you for having yours in such an awkward situation. Oh, and I'm sorry for wrongfully accusing you of being a pervert, I was just angry."

"Okami... Thank you." I nodded in response before turning to a couple of trees and bushes nearby.

"You can stop eavesdropping now, we've made up already." I said as the boys popped up from their hiding spots in surprise.

"How did you know we were there?"

"Oh please, I've had enough experience of my own spying on Kagome and the mutt to know that you guys wouldn't be able to resist doing the same."

"You didn't think to tell me that they were there the whole time?" Koga cut in and I shrugged.

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked as Koga growled, growing irritated once again.

"Besides-" I started, catching Koga's attention again.

"If I'd have told you that they were there, you wouldn't have genuinely told me what you were feeling. I didn't need your pride getting in the way again." I said with a smirk.

"I-Whatever, let's just get going. We have a castle to find." Koga said and crossed his arms before turning around and walking off without us. I nodded and caught up to him, walking beside him as we left the others behind. They yelled out to us before running to catch up with us.


By the time we stopped again I started to recognize the area we were in, meaning we were close to Kaede's village. We decided to stop here for now and set up camp for the night. I watched Ginta and Hakkaku run around with the wolves and play around like children in a field close to the campsite because I found it amusing, plus they probably need supervision at all times if they act like this most of the time. Koga walked up beside me and looked down at me. "Tell me, how does it feel to spend time with your own kind for a change?"

"Its like I'm babysitting a bunch of children, but I like children so I'm not that fazed by it all." Koga chuckled at my words and sighed.

"Well you've gotten to know what life is like here, but I wish to know what life is like where you come from. Where fist bumps are a thing and they make advanced ninja snacks like these. I mean, how did you end up there in the first place considering your family was of these lands?" Koga asked as he held up his bag of chips that I had given him earlier.

"You won't believe me if I tell you the truth." I replied with a small scoff.

"Try me." He smirked and I sighed in response as I tried to find the words to explain.

"Well... Naraku banished me from this world, or era, when I was little by pushing me down the Bone Eater's well... I was then trapped in what is known as the modern era that sat on the other side without my memories of these lands because I hit my head so hard back when it happened. Then I met Kagome there and lived my life as if I were one of the people who lived there, growing up with all of these new and fancier things that I would've never gotten to see if I hadn't fallen down that well. Then Kagome's fifteenth birthday rolled around and we both ended up falling through that well again by random circumstances and found ourselves here again. That's when we met the mutt and the others. Now we travel back and forth between your land and ours through that well, but only Inuyasha, Kagome and I can make it through for whatever reason." I spouted as Koga blinked at me a few times in shock before replying.

"Seriously? That's sounds crazy..." He muttered.

"It is crazy... Wait, you believe me? But I thought you said that you only believe what you see-" I began only for him to cut me off

"I do, but I know you don't have any reasons to lie to me. I'm still very skeptical about this Bone Eater's well nonsense and I want to see it for myself... But I trust you enough for now to let it go."

"Thank you Koga. That means a lot to me." I spoke as I noticed a humongous red soul collector fly by behind Koga. My eyes widened as I noticed it was chasing somebody, and that somebody being Kikyo.

"I'm sorry, Koga."

"Sorry for what?"

"I must cut our travels short and bid you farewell for now!" I exclaimed as I dashed past him and raced off towards where I saw the demon and Kikyo disappear to.

"What the hell? Okami! Where are you going?" Koga yelled after me.

"No time to explain! Just say goodbye to the boys for me!" I responded as I followed after the two figure I saw. 'That soul collector is after Kikyo's souls, I'm sure of it, and if I'm right about the direction their heading in that'll mean that... They're going to end up running into the others!' I thought as the sun started to set.


After a while I lost them and the moon had made an appearance in the sky. I soon made it to the Bone Eater's well and just as I did I saw Kagome running of after the souls flying towards Kikyo's current location in the sky.

'This can't be good...' I thought as I ran after her. "Kagome, wait!" I exclaimed as Kagome turned to me in utter confusion.

"Okami, where'd you come from? I thought you were with Koga." She tilted her head at me.

"Long story, but I came back because I saw Kikyo being chased this way. I don't know what's going on here though if Kikyo's involved then Inuyasha is probably already there talking with her." I explained and she gasped before thinking something over. Moments later she turned and continued on her way towards where Kikyo would be, most likely wanting to find out what's going on for herself. I followed with her just in case things got violent. We had to hide behind some trees when we found Kikyo because she was having a private conversation with Inuyasha. I watched in disbelief as Inuyasha basically confessed his undying love for Kikyo right in front of us. It disgusted me to be honest because I know Kagome cares about him more than he knows and he's going to throw it all away for a woman who isn't even among the living anymore.

Kikyo in return put a knife up to his neck and revealed her plans to kill Naraku because he still has Onigumo's heart within him. My eyebrow twitched knowing that even after his confession she still wants him and Naraku dead in the end. The woman left just as quick as she came and Kagome slid to the floor beside me, not knowing how to react to what she had just heard and witnessed. I felt sorry for her, but I couldn't do so for long because Inuyasha heard her movements. We were caught. Kagome and I revealed ourselves to him and he was just as shocked to see us as we were to see him. Inuyasha gave Kagome a weird look that said a million words, I could tell what he was trying to say and I'm sure Kagome did too, and that's why she ran away before he could actually say it to her. 'So Inuyasha has finally chosen huh? I can't say I didn't expect this, but I'm still very disappointed in his decision.' I glared at the mutt as he just watched her run without even thinking of running after her.

"I can't believe you. Even after all you've been through together you still chose the dead one... Just looking at your face makes me sick to my stomach! I will never forgive you for the hurt you've caused her!" After giving him my opinion I turned and ran after Kagome without even waiting for a response. He didn't deserve my time anymore for playing Kagome this way.


I hope you've enjoyed and I'll cya next chapter!

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