Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werew...

بواسطة Taekooktrash_tk

959K 49.1K 31.9K

"What are you doing here? Do I know you?", Jungkook rose a brow, sassing on his mate. Taehyung immediately h... المزيد

Chapter # 1
Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3
Chapter # 4
Chapter # 5
Chapter # 6
Chapter # 7
Chapter # 9
Chapter # 10
Chapter # 11
Chapter # 12
Chapter # 13
Chapter # 14
Chapter # 15
Chapter # 16
Chapter # 17
Chapter # 18
Chapter # 19
Chapter # 20
Chapter # 21
Chapter # 22
Chapter # 23
Chapter # 24
Chapter # 25
Chapter # 26
Chapter # 27
Chapter # 28
Chapter #29
Chapter # 30
Chapter # 31
Chapter # 32
Chapter # 33
Chapter # 34
Chapter # 35
Important Note
Chapter # 36
Chapter # 37
Chapter # 38
Chapter # 39
Chapter # 40
Chapter # 41
Chapter # 42
Chapter # 43
Chapter # 44
New Books

Chapter # 8

25.8K 1.3K 761
بواسطة Taekooktrash_tk

Author p.o.v

Jungkook was feeling like he was taking a sun bath. His body was feeling so warm and at the same time igniting. Luna purred at the sensation his body was feeling. He could feel that his wolf acting like he was finally at home, at his safe place, at his safe heaven. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, he felt warm breathe brushing against his neck and he could feel something brushing his nape.

He turned around to look and it was one of the most worst decision he took because Taehyung face was only an inch apart. If jungkook would have turned without shuffling, his lips would have brushed against older's lips but since he shuffled a little before turning away, their is only an inch difference between their lips. The older was snoring softly. It was older's breathe that was brushing against his neck and it was his nose that was touching his nape.

Jungkook breath hitched when he saw older with this proximity. He look so breathtakingly beautiful. It's not like he isn't beautiful but looking him from this minimum distance he looks more handsome, more so surreal. His beautiful silk lock was covering his eyelids. His thick long lashes were like curtains around his eyes. His straight nose with a cute mole around it, his pinkish pillow-y kissable lips were slightly parted as soft sounds were coming out, his little round cheeks were a little red due to warmness he assume and his sharp jawline that younger assume if he touch, he might get a cut. In short he is the definition of the word perfection.

Jungkook was staring him with so much concentration that he didn't realize when did his body moved on his own and closed the distance between them until his lips brushed against the older. It felt like a spark, like his body was supplying blood around his body a little too fast, skin started covering in goosebumps from head to toe as a shiver ran around his body. Luna purred and the moment younger gathered his thoughts, he moved away immediately. Luckily the older was still sleeping.

He stood up and went out straight, splashing cold water on his face. What are you doing. calm your ass down. I was about to move my lips. Damnn.... You should be helping me Luna. Don't get carried away on things which we regret later.

"It feels so right", Luna whimpered.

"But it isn't right"....

"I know".....

"Please let not hurt each other or catch feelings for the one who isn't going to return it"....

"Yes I understand.... I'm sorry"......

Jungkook sighed loudly. Even after 10 minutes or so, his mind was still picturing older lips. They were so soft more than what he imagined but a part of him was having a feeling that he did feel the same sensation before like this, like he had kiss older before. Of course his mind is going crazy and maybe he is imagining things but their is something about this kiss that he can't pinpoint exactly but he is sure he felt this way before. Maybe in one of his wet dreams.

His reverie broke when the older called him from the other side of the tent in his morning deep voice and Gosshhh... Jungkook literally wanted to get laid for him.

"When did you woke up? You should have waken me too".

"I-i just woke up like few minutes ago myself and you were sound asleep so I didn't wanted to ruin your sleep plus we still have an hour to go to the main camp".

"Alright. Should we head first there? Or should we wait for an hour?", Taehyung asked.

"We can go early if you like. Let's change first then we should leave".


With that Jungkook went in first to change after 5 minutes he came fully dressed soon after him Taehyung came too few minutes later fully dress. They carried their small bag around their back and started walking.

"So who always win this competition?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"It's the Tom and Harry duo. The foreigner. They're really good at it plus the difference between 1st and 2nd place is always so high".

"You aren't the one who win?", Taehyung asked confused.

Jungkook laughed softly. "Nooo....what makes you think that I'll be the one on top?"

"Well you were so excited about this camp trip and all plus you're quite popular in university".

Jungkook smiled at older's comment then replied "Sure I was excited but I was excited because Yugy and I enjoy the trip. We do missions of course but we manage to get 4th or 5th position so we are good to go and I'm famous because I'm a good athlete but you yourself are getting quite popular in university in such a small span of time"

"Well I'm not good of an athlete and by far I didn't do anything or contributed in any field. I still don't know why they talk about me?", Taehyung said matter of factually.

"Because you're handsome and your presence is very eye-catching", Jungkook replied and blushed immediately after what he said. Of course there's no lie on what he said but what if older will think about him as a weirdo or maybe a pervert. Noo.. No... That's not good...

"You think so?", Taehyung asked with a slight twitch on his lip which younger assume maybe he was controlling his grin or wide smile which was exactly true as older was trying so hard not to smile like a 5 year old boy who just got his favorite lollipop.

"Umm y-yeah... T-that's w-what I heard in university from everyone", Jungkook stuttered.

"And you?", Jungkook blinked at older's comment because he didn't quite get the meaning behind older's question so he asked, "Sorry.. I didn't understand.. What me?"

"I mean what do you think about the comments? Due you think my presence is eye-catching?".

Jungkook gulped as his adam's apple moved up and down but he manage to generate a small 'Yeah' which resulted another small smile from older. He was confused because of older's behavior. This is not good for his poor heartuuuu... He was mentally chanting

'Do not fell for him Jungkook.. Do not fell for him Jungkook... Think about banana milk but it has a banana and maybe taehyung di-- Fuckkk fucckkk... Nooo... Nooo... think about something else... Like taehyung's ass--- nooo... nooo.. Fucckkk... Don't think about taehyung at all... But he is a fucking 4 course meal... and he is fucking inviting me like that... what am i supposed to do?? say NO??? Noooo... No isn't an answer.. we should take 10 steps forward if the person in front of you take 1 step...

"Jungkook.... Jungkook.... JUNGKOOK", Taehyung said a little too loud.

"Huhhhh... Waaaooo what happened?", He asked blinking his eyes absorbing his surrounding.

"I was talking to you and you suddenly zoned out so I tried calling you out. Are you feeling alright?", Taehyung asked concerned.

Bitch how am I supposed to be alright when you fucking giving me wrong signal. Don't act like that with me or my inner hoe will jump out and fuck you here in this ground while you scream MY NAMEEEEEE'

No .. Don't worry I'm perfectly fine". Taehyung looked at younger with judging eyes but still nodded in return.

"So I was asking if you were with Yugyeom what you two would be doing?".

"If he was with me right now then we would still be sleeping and showed up at camp half hour late then we would have scared some human students and pranked some and when get bored of it then we would have started our task or whatsoever".

"So why did you woke up early today?".

'Because of you dipshit. You were fucking close to me and I even kissed you in your fucking damn sleep and if I didn't went out at the right time, I would have been on top of you while my dick will be in your beautiful hole that was made just for me and we would be fucking like there's no tomorrow'

Jungkook groaned at the way his mind was working too extra, but he replied, "Well I woke on my own and for the first time I experience that how beautiful the view look around here. So yeah".

He wasn't completely lying though that beautiful view was this handsome Devil angel face who captivated him and he couldn't resist it.

Taehyung hummed and then said something that took younger off guard, "We can try the same if you wanted to. No need to go to camp that early". Jungkook eyes turned the size of saucers but then he soften his gaze. "Thanks for the offer but I think we should try something new. Let's try to take a position in Top 3. What say?".

"I'm fine by it. Let's try then".

With that saying both nodded and soon they were in front of the camp. If you ask the truth then younger did wanted to get rowdy and act all crazy with older, and wanted to see his different side but at what cause? It's not like they will act so crazy and by the end of the camp trip they will fall in each other's arm. It's not some movie or fanfiction, it's real life and he don't wanted to be the only one falling for him more and more when he's already head over heels for him.

Plus whatever they had is for this field trip. The moment they will be back in university he know older will be the same as before. Right now he is alone with him so maybe the way he was trying to make a conversation and being this nice is because he has nobody around him and he is stuck with him. So maybe older is pretending this way so that they both won't die out of boredom.

He knew if they pass by some chicks, older will totally ignore his existence. So instead of focusing on 'how to fall more for kim taehyung' he should focus on 'how to survive these 6 more days without falling for him more'. They were the first one to arrive at the camp and Mr. Park was surprised to see Jungkook to be the first to arrive.

"I'm impressed Jungkook. You both are 45min early. Wanna know about your mission?", Mr. Park said.

"It was because of my partner Kim Taehyung Sir. He is punctual so we said let's try to get a position in Top 3", Jungkook said.

"Well good job Taehyung. I hope he guided you properly and good luck with your little resolution".

"Thank you Sir and Jungkook is really good at guiding. I couldn't ask for any better partner as his. He's so amazing", Taehyung replied. Jungkook blushed lightly at older's compliment.

"Alright. That's good to hear. So for today's mission you have to catch 10 fishes from the dirty lake. You have 12 hours for that. You both have to report me at 9 p.m."

Jungkook groaned when Mr. Park left after telling them about their first mission. "What happened? Why are you making such a face?", Taehyung asked.

"Let's drop the idea to get a position in Top 3 and aim for staying on Top 5".


"Because that's fucking hard. Last time Suho and Kris was there and they're wolves too but even after spending 15 hours, they manage to get 5 fishes out of that lake. It's like a tunnel from the inside and once Tom and Harry was given that task but they couldn't even manage to get 1. So we won't be wining this first round anyway. So no point for today", Jungkook said grumpily.

"We didn't even started it. Don't loose hope. We will go there as early as possible".

Jungkook sighed loudly but nodded nonetheless. After 10 minutes they saw Namjoon and
Jin coming, they greeted them and to younger's surprise Jimin and Yoongi came too.

"Wow Hyung you're early?", Jungkook asked his brother surprisingly.

"Yeah we thought why not try to get in Top 3".

"We will try too", Namjoon said.

"Hyung but Jin Hyung and you aren't partner", Jimin asked.

"Yeah we had different partners but we learned a lot from yesterday. So we are here early to request to switch partners and since our partners has no issue with that, we arrived early to see if the schedule will vary or not", Jin replied.

"Let's see who manages to secure a position in Top 3 then", Yoongi smirked and they all looked at each other with a smirk.

"Good luck everyone", Namjoon said. After like half an hour students started gathering and they started eating their breakfast. Mr. Park reminded everybody again about the mission and everybody nodded. Jungkook was searching Yugyeom who were nowhere in the crowd. He sighed knowing he will appear late. It was 8:40 a.m. when they bid goodbyes with their friends.

Jungkook read the map and after 20 minutes they were at dirty lake. Jungkook groaned at the sight in front of him. Taehyung placed his hand on younger's shoulder to boost him up. "Don't worry we can do it. I believe in us". Jungkook blush at older's words but nodded anyways. Jungkook walked in front of the lake and were half in when Taehyung questioned,

"Aren't you going to strip?". Jungkook blushed harder this time. "I-i ... N-noo.. Why would I strip?". Taehyung blushed too because of his bluntness and sounding really weird as his words really come out wrong way. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I was talking about that your clothes will get all muddy. The water consistency here is thick compare to other".

"Ohh... Don't be sorry it's okay and I'm fine by it. You can ..ummm... strip if you want", Jungkook said turning his head on the other side still blushing. "No I'm good too". With that Taehyung get in the muddy water too. Jungkook took a deep breath and then he got under water. He tried to swim properly or see but it was so hard to do as everything was pitch black under water. He cursed under his breath getting this mission.

While he was under water Taehyung did something younger didn't knew about. He concentrated on the water closing his eyes, he could feel younger presence down there then he felt some kind of a school of fishes and when opened his eyes they were crimson red. He gestured his index finger from he felt that vibration and soon fishes were coming out of water like some kind of a lava or geyser bursted.

Jungkook gasped when he came out of water and saw this scene, his lips were formed in O shape and he exclaimed with a bright cheerfully smile, "OMG Tae... WOW just WOW... You really are like a lucky charm". Jungkook hugged the older, too caught up in the moment and since taehyung was concentrating on catching fishes, he lost his balance and fell under water with jungkook on top of him. Now both of them were covered with muddy water.

Taehyung snaked his arm around younger securely so that he don't get drowned. He knows so well he wouldn't drown but bitch let's not miss an opportunity like that. Taehyung liked how younger is so small around his big hands. They came on surface gasping and laughing at each other as both were covered in mud.

"Let's catch the fishes before they ran away again", Taehyung said and younger immediately nodded.

"How many do we need to catch?", Jungkook asked.

"Total 10".

"Cool. We have more than 10 let's take as many as we can, or enough that fit in our basket".

Taehyung nodded and they caught more than 20 fishes in just half an hour. "Wow... I never in my life finished a task that quickly plus when the task was so difficult", Jungkook said grinning happily.

"Guess we were lucky".

"Of course we were. How else would we able to get them otherwise".

Taehyung smiled at his words and at 9:50 they were in front of camp. Mr. Park and the teachers were surprised to see that the younger caught this many fishes plus they're the first one to ever complete this task. Of course they didn't mention that to them. Plus seeing the duo covered all in mud and sweaty they did understand they didn't cheated.

"Both of you young men go and take a bath", Ms Marie said.

They both nodded and when they were around the lake, they saw all their hyungs talking. They joined them. "Didn't you guys left for the mission?", Jungkook said raising his brow.

"Naah we didn't.. We thought about chilling as mostly are here chilling anyways", Jimin replied. Jungkook looked around and it was true everybody was chilling around.

"Did you finished your task?", Yoongi asked. Before Taehyung could utter a word, Jungkook jumped in. "Naahhh... Do you really think we could finish that shitty task this fast and come back from there? We were feeling so gross so we came to take a bath and maybe we will go back soon".

"Well that one hardest task bitch even the Topper never did that task", Jimin said and the evil cunning younger just played along saying 'True...true'.... They all started removing their clothes when Jimin and Jungkook still stayed in shirt.

"Why aren't you stripping?", Jin asked looking confused.

"Because my mate wouldn't like that plus Jungkook and I will leave at that corner you see, we will remove our shirt there", Jimin replied.

"We all are mostly wolves and all are mostly mated too", Namjoon said.

"Well what we did is something only my mate wanted to see and since jungkook is still not mated, it is better if he don't expose himself much", Jimin replied.

"If you will see what they're trying to hide trust me your eyes will pop out of their socket", Hoseok said with a smirk. Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon were confused but nodded anyway. Taehyung didn't removed his shirt either. It was only Hyungs who were shirtless and taehyung eyes were fixated on someone else.

Soon when Jungkook and Jimin were at the other corner of the lake, they were both facing each other when they removed their shirts. Something boiled inside of taehyung but he tried calming himself by saying jimin is like his brother but he so desperately wanted to be the one in front of jungkook not jimin. Taehyung saw younger's naked back, his tempting milky skin, his beautiful curve and sexy slim waist, he immediately remember the moment he was holding him in his arms, his waist was a perfect fit in his arms like a jigsaw puzzle.

He groaned as his wolf was getting excited but he didn't wanted to get too excited which give him a problem, he can't took care of.

(I hope you know what kind of problem he mean🌚🌚 )

After half an hour of long relaxing bath they changed into new clothes. Their hyungs left 10 minutes early to start their mission and Jungkook and Taehyung went back to their camp...


I updated the longest chapter of this book. 3200 words. I was planning to complete the whole trip in this one chapter but that isn't possible. So yeah the drama will continue in next chapter 🌚🌚

Please follow my account, vote and comment and I'll guarantee to feed your TaeKook heartuuu 🐯💜🐰

Love Yourself Babies ♥️♥️ and spread positivity ❤️ Take Care of Yourself ♥️ I love you all so much 💜 💜

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