All It Took (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

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Sequel to * A Monstrosity * *completed* After arriving at the mountain kyungsoo is now slowly reaching the en... More

Prologue (might change)
| Chapter 1 : Snowball |
| Chapter 2 : A Line In The Snow |
| Chapter 3 : Warming up |
| Chapter 4 : The Bound Mates share |
| Chapter 5 : Fallen|
| Chapter 6 : Special Luna |
| Chapter 7 : Manipulation|
| Chapter 8 : traitor |
| Chapter 9 : Right Here |
|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |
| Chapter 11: Of Predicting|
Story/charackter Info
| Chapter 12 : Handshake |
| Chapter 13: Oh No |
| Chapter 14 : when she took him |
| Chapter 15 : One Life For Another |
| Chapter 16 : The Worry |
| Chapter 17 : Everything of her |
| Chapter 18 : Ready for Sacrifices? |
| Chapter 19 : A Fear Of |
| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |
| Chapter 21 : Back In The Dark |
| Chapter 22 : One Way |
| Chapter 23 : Revenge |
| Chapter 24 : Return of the past |
| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |
| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |
| Chapter 27: Relief |
| Chapter 28 : Precious |
| Chapter 29 : Hopeful |
|Chapter 30 : Last Hideout |
| Chapter 31 : Finally |
| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |
| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |
| Chapter 35 : The pain |
| Chapter 36 : A True Alpha |
| Chapter 37 : Dreams |
| Chapter 38 : More than one |
| Chapter 39 : Prepare yourselves |
! recap important !
| Chapter 40 : The Edge hope |
| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |
| Chapter 42 : Its Bullshit |
| Chapter 43 : My Special One|
| Chapter 44 : Not Leaving |
| Chapter 45 : When we gave up|
| Chapter 46 : For our Miracles |
Another Epiloge
Story/Charackter info Completed

| Chapter 47 : For Him |

436 21 6
By sugarwtter


The smoke cleared up after baekhyun and chanyeol helped me to walk and get behind the thickest tree trunk that was still standing as the moved the roots over us as a protection.

I couldnt wait any longer moving away from them as I clutched my chest still in pain, looking around through the dusty air. I rushed toward where they were fighting earlier, chanyeol close behind me. ,, jongin!" He attempted to pull me back but I just growled at him in warnings.

He sighed following me closer while baekhyun was on the other side of me looking out for anything himself.

,, kyungsoo !?" I called out picking up my steps to get to the spot quicker as the smoke cleared up slowly.
,, KYUNGSOO !" the more time it took and the longer it was so quiet only having the sound of a few left branches and grass burning crackling from burning down in my head was making me go insane.

In the end t started rushing almost running and stumbling as I hurried to it. The air had almost completely cleared out when I finally reached the spot but there was nothing to be seen and I turned around frustrated looking around me until I saw it.

A flicker, a light in the distance and i ran toward it, speeding up my pace when it was slowly dying down.

My eyes were wide when I got close enough to see his brown hair, how he used to look like, the smoke moved and I actually saw his huge chocolate brown eyes looking into mine not too far away, he stood there and he smiled.

I broke into tears chuckling as I ran toward him and he stumbled over his steps falling forward, I was just there ready to catch him.

But he fell through my arms and disappeard into nothing.

All the air has left me when my arms where still stretched out and I collapsed to land on my knees still staring at hands where he should be... I just had him.
He was just here.

the fat tears started rolling down my cheeks as I looked beneath me to see the dead grass start to come alive again. As if he was laying in my arms and causing it.

But he wasnt,

I closed my hands into fists hitting the ground beneath me with it. Hitting the come alive grass as if j could blame it for that it came alive again but kyungsoo didnt. And I kept hitting it until the pain from my chest hindered me and i ended up folding together leaning over my knees to bury my face in my hands on the ground.

And I screamed, and cried as if it would do something or could somehow bring him back to me.
But I know it wouldn't
,, bring him back.. b-bring him b-back.
P-p-please ... PLEASE ! Bring him back !"

I felt chanyeol and baekhyun being just behind me knowing to give me space and that I needed time as i would describe it but at that moment it felt like no space nore time could make it better.

It hurt, more than anything I've ever experienced. It was pain from inside and I couldnt bandage it or squeeze it to make myself believe I made it better. It wa just pure agony and I sobbed to that agony picturing his smile in front of me.

Imagening he would tap me on the shoulder and laugh at me for being over dramatic when he was the one who sacrificed himself for a world that didnt deserve him.

How could I have let this happen..
this is my fault I could've stopped him.
We could've ran.

If we had ran then I would still be able to feel him falling asleep in my arms.

But now I'll never experience this feeling again, the sparkles with every touch, the sound of his laugh and voice, the kisses the comforting gestures the way he understood me even if I didnt use words nothing will ever happen again. I wont see his smile again.

,, jongin .." baekhyuns hand landed on my shoulder ,, we should find the others, I still need to properly check on your babies and ee need to find hyunsik and sehun "

,, w-what if he comes back " I looked at him through my tears observing my surroundings before looking at chanyeol who was whipping over his eyes pressing his lips together once he noticed me looking ,, he could be injured.. I need to be here "

,, jongin .." baekhyun started but then only signed as I pushe this hand away from my shoulder .

Chanyeol ended up getting closer as he pulled me into a short yet tight hug as if to tell me silently that he wont come back as he was sighing heavily
,, let's go .." and then pulled me to my feet guiding me away.

I still turned around as we walked tho hoping to see what wasnt there.


It felt like we were walking for houres until we finally found some people. A lot
Most of them bandaged or unconcuous on the ground as people where still rushing around. But I didnt care to look much. But I noticed how everyone turned quiet and stopped what they were doing when they saw us.probably expecting news on how it will continue or what's happened. Or maybe they just hand expected us to come back alive.

After the long tense and silent atmosphere baekhyun decided to announce the news ,, diana and lucifer have fallen !"

It took a moment for them to believe and realize his words before cheers broke out people yelled and breath out in relief, highed each other and some cried for that the danger was over or did they cry for their loss ?

Were they even aware of what I've lost. Of that it took kyungsoos life to win!?

Were they aware of the pain I am in !?

,, guys ! " aehun voice cracked through and I looked up to see him limping toward us from out of the woods, hyunsik carrying a wounded huntress over his shoulder and setting her down by one of the medics before he turned to us aswell just as sehun was finished with hugging baek and chanyeol.

He had a slight smile on his face still when he move to me wanting to hug me but he hesitated once he realized my expression and state. He looked between us all and so did hyunsik before hyunsik decided to ask first.
,, where's kyungsoo ?"

I clenched my teeth and hands to fists while staring at the ground but I saw in the corner of my eyes how baek shock his head lightly.
,, this is a sick joke right?.. "

,, he sacrificed himself to make sure the moon goddess would die " baekhyun explained. ,, he died as a her-"
,,BULLSHIT ! " hyunsik pushed him back only causing chanyeol to step between them with a growl.the others were all quiet now mostly looking at me as it was known kyungsoo was my mate.

When hyunsik pushed more against them and complained ,, We have to get BACK ! You just left him !"

His words set me off the edge and I growled loudly making everyone tense as it was clearly a broken growl that cracked at the end ,, I WAS THERE ! I STILL SAW HIM BEFORE HE FELL THROUGH MY HANDS " I pushe him harshly back as the tears just started rolling down my cheeks again when I rose my hands up much like I had earlier when is till thought I could catch him ,, SLIPPED THROUGH MY FINGERS !" I sobbed looking at him in nothing but sorrow ,, disappeared just like that... and left me. " I calmed shrugging my shoulder not minding the fat tears that constantly filled my eyes
,, he ... he Just left me "

It was silent after that and hyunsik just down down aswell burying his face in his hands while sehun instandly followed comfort his pain as he started crying himself.

My eyes lifted to see my parents in the distance who had teary eyes themselves.
Yet I got to them because of my babies.

I simply brushed past them once I spotted the basket behind them by a little fire, Somehow feeling my heartbeat puck up its speed again the closer I got.

Finally i got the change to take them out in my take and observe them peacefully in my arms. It made me feel relief somehow when I saw the 2 laying in there peacefully asleep as if the world hadn't almost ended moments ago.
My son was there too and it made me feel a little more at ease knowing the baby I saw in the middle of the battle earlier wasnt actually him.

Thinking of that made me also recall the last kiss we shared, the last touch wof him before he turned away and they pulled me back to hide.

I smiled weakly when I held up my daughter now, her beautiful little face usually I would have trouble telling the gender of a baby apart but it seemed much more clearer with those too. My babygirl was so tiny compared to him.

She moved her fingers just a little bit and I made me chuckle when I stroke my finger over her full cheek making her twitch a little in respond.

,, jongin .. " mother came closer sitting down across from me with father behind but I only briefly glanced up at them with a cold expression. ,, we're sorry for-"
,, are you ? You sure your not glad about it ?? Not too long ago you still wanted him dead "

,, we followed the wrong belief son.. we didnt .. we loved him aswell he was very kind and obviously selfless-"
,, oh realy ? I wouldn't have guess it just by knowing he literly gave his life so people like you who tried to kill him to survive!.. or when he killed his own father fo stop this insane blood thirst !" I now looked at everyone who were close as they listened with sad eyes to what I have to say while looking in between each other.
,, he left everything he believed in behind himself for me, because he loved me.. he was the most beautiful person I have every met in and outside. Hes always been honest with me, and always tired to be there for me as much as I did try to be there for him too. He just wanted to help everyone.. make everyone happy and accept him for who he was.." sehun and chanyeol looked down at that and when I looked at them my thoughts drifted to kris aswell who hadn't said a word about it as he was leaning against the tree further away in silence looking down an lost in his own thoughts.
,, hes the last person to deserve this..
All he wanted was peace..
Even if it meant hiding his own pain even from me .. or giving up his life.. "

I started to smile sadly remembering all these smiles and giggled he would give me after we had woken up in the morning together. Well I would wake up earlier since I'm a wolf and needed less sleep. He would end up grumbling about it because I'd always memorize his facial features in the morning, letting my fingers run through his soft hair until the sun had risen and he would open thos beautiful big chocolate bron eyes.

The way he would walk, or skip a few steps when I came home after being away almost the whole day. And then jumped on me to let me hug him.
How he would doze off still on the couch with an half empty cup of hot chocolate letting me carry him to bed even when he complains that he could walk.

When we first went out and ate ice cream, his eyes eyes widened at the taste and he ate so much that it almost made him puke afterwards.
The way he would blush just because I called him cute or brought him a present.
The way he would call me when he needed help, trusting me to help him.
How he bit his bottom lip when he was thinking hard. How his fingers gently traced my skin accepting all the scars like I've accepted his.
And how he would just smile at me for looking at him, smile and be happy that I was there with him.

Thinking of him and how much joy and happiness he gave me. I'll cherish each moment. And a part of him will be in our children who I will cherish just as much. Who's moments with me I will cherish just as much.

Kyungsoo hasn't just given his life for the world to keep spinning. He had also given his life for our miracles. For me and our pack And I need to treasure this.
Protect what he had protected
for him.

My eyes lifted to the rest of my pack as I smiled lightly.

- The End -

And an Epiloge

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