All It Took (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

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Sequel to * A Monstrosity * *completed* After arriving at the mountain kyungsoo is now slowly reaching the en... More

Prologue (might change)
| Chapter 1 : Snowball |
| Chapter 2 : A Line In The Snow |
| Chapter 3 : Warming up |
| Chapter 4 : The Bound Mates share |
| Chapter 5 : Fallen|
| Chapter 6 : Special Luna |
| Chapter 7 : Manipulation|
| Chapter 8 : traitor |
| Chapter 9 : Right Here |
|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |
| Chapter 11: Of Predicting|
Story/charackter Info
| Chapter 12 : Handshake |
| Chapter 13: Oh No |
| Chapter 14 : when she took him |
| Chapter 15 : One Life For Another |
| Chapter 16 : The Worry |
| Chapter 17 : Everything of her |
| Chapter 18 : Ready for Sacrifices? |
| Chapter 19 : A Fear Of |
| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |
| Chapter 21 : Back In The Dark |
| Chapter 22 : One Way |
| Chapter 23 : Revenge |
| Chapter 24 : Return of the past |
| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |
| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |
| Chapter 27: Relief |
| Chapter 28 : Precious |
| Chapter 29 : Hopeful |
|Chapter 30 : Last Hideout |
| Chapter 31 : Finally |
| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |
| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |
| Chapter 35 : The pain |
| Chapter 36 : A True Alpha |
| Chapter 37 : Dreams |
| Chapter 38 : More than one |
| Chapter 39 : Prepare yourselves |
! recap important !
| Chapter 40 : The Edge hope |
| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |
| Chapter 42 : Its Bullshit |
| Chapter 43 : My Special One|
| Chapter 44 : Not Leaving |
| Chapter 45 : When we gave up|
| Chapter 47 : For Him |
Another Epiloge
Story/Charackter info Completed

| Chapter 46 : For our Miracles |

406 17 5
By sugarwtter


my eyes opened slowly blinking
a few times as i tried to stretch myself but i couldnt .
jongins strong arms had me tight in his gripp. he almost squeezed me with my back against his chest .

,, jongin.. " i whined with a small smile, this wasnt the first time he did this. he didnt respond and i knew he was fake sleeping he always does that because he doesnt need as much sleep as me..

a wolf doesnt need as much sleep as a human ..

,, jongin !" i raised my voice a little pushing myself away .

,, lets just lay a little " he whisperd against my hair

,, you're lazy " i whisperd back turning with hard work around to face his chest.

kissing his bare collar bones because he always sleeps shirtless, i noticed my bottomlip hurting a little but i ignored it.i had to admit tho .. i didnt mind laying like this longer .

thats until he suddenly groaned and i frowned .he finally losened his gripp and i backed up a little looking at him .

,, they're calling .. " he answerd my unspoken question .and i rolled my eyes smiling as he just stood up not giving me another look .

i wanted to stand up aswell but as soon as i got to my feet i felt a sharp pain going though my back and bottom . i tried hard not to cry out but that didnt change the fact that it hurt so bad, i had to steady myself with one of my hands on the nighttable ,the other holding my back .

,, kyungsoo " jongin was instandly at my side ...
oh right ..
the bound we had made. he sensed if i was in pain which was pretty unfair because i couldnt sense if he was in pain at all since i'm a fucking useless human.

,, whats wrong ?" he asked me worried and i looked up at him as he steadied me

,, i hurt you last night , didnt i ?" he looked guilty. hurt even as he glanced over me

,, n-no dont worry i'm fine its not youre fault that i'm just human " i smiled playing it off. it realy wasnt his fault and i dont want him to blame himself .besides that it wasnt even that bad. i've had worse .

,, i like you the way you are " he pouted sadly at me and i kissed his pout. looking into his eyes .

I opened my eyes moving back from leaning my forehead against his as I looked at him tiredly.
,, I'm not human .. "

,, what ?" He chocked out confused as he looked over my eyes and I blinked to myself.

,, this is what she wants ..." I've come to realize when I looked at all of them.

,, what are you talking about ?"

,, why dint she get sehun or hyunsik or any of you to kill in front of me? " I started ,, when alios was sent to hell and punished because diana said he had touched him , artemis was furious and destroyed everything.. she used her light to destroy. She knew killing jongin would set me off , she doesn't care about out babies.. it's not real.. "

,, I.. I dont get it ? " chanyeol looked between us all keeping his eyes on the battle that seemed to be getting closer to us again before moving away.

,, that's not my son up there" I looked up at the bundle of blankets and the baby sleeping in it ,, it's an illusion it's some sort of trick.. jongins parents brought our babies away, she doesn't care about them. Artemis is my mother, by giving birth to me she gave her light to me, maybe diana thought I would give the light to our babies aswell but it didnt happen so now shes just after me"

Jongin tended as i spoke it out gripping onto my other hand aswell.
,, s-stop talkin' like t-that "

,, killing you would've set me off and it would've been the easiest to knock me down and get the light again, killing you would probably make me give it to her voluntary if she continued threatening me about killing more" I admitted and jongin only looked at me in sadness and almost pleadingly as if he was getting what I'm thinking of.
,, she cant have it, shell destroy everything like alios said "

,, n-nugget " jongin turned in effort grunting at every move while clutching his chest, even if it was already healing. It wouldn't be fast enough he needed time.

I cupped his face as soon as he sat not even wanting to say more when I leaned into him to present a slow and gently kiss to his lips to which he instandly responded. It felt like forever when we last kissed like this.

It used to be such a normal thing for us to just exchange these kisses without thinking too much of it but now I focused on it. I focused on him being here and where his hands were around me.

It was the saddest kiss I've shared with him but also the most beautiful one.
Looking back to everything we did together, how we fought for each other no matter what and lastly for our children. How much I had meant in his life and how much he had meant in mine.
How much love there was for each other just .. love , our love.

A love that deserved better like baekhyun would've said to give me Hopes but I always knew that this world didnt care for fairness and for what one deserved.

Or maybe it did, killing my father was for the greater good but it didnt make up for the blood that was on my hands from my previous actions, when I had killed many many innocent wolfs, maybe this was a chance for me to give a little bit back to the world I took from.

I leaned back fromt he kiss but still rested my forehead against him with closed eyes not wanting move away and not wanting to say goodbye because it would hurt too much.
,, y-you wont go alone " he spoke shakingly and it just made it all the harder.

I stroke my fingers over his cheeks
,, this time I will "

He shock his head and i felt his tears coming down when he leaned forward to kiss me again and i let him, not as long as earlier tho when I felt like the longer we kissed that harder it would get for the both of us.

So he leaned into me inhaling my chest as he rested his head on my shoulder nuzzling my neck.
Any other day I would've giggled at it but now it just made my eyes fill with tears when I in the meantime looked at baekhyun and chanyeol who had heartbroken expressions not exactly understanding what I was going to do.. or refusing to understand it.

,, you should find sehun and hyunsik .. I did realy care about them and I'm glad they found to each other even if they still chockablock each other for no reason " I did try to crack a joke but it just made me ache even more ,, and i forgive your parents " i spoke softer to jongin before gently pushing him back and away from my embrace.

He was crying.. it was rare to see him cry especially like this.
,, I.. I'm-"
,, we'll hide.. we'll find a solution "

,, this is the solution " I moved my hand away from his even as he refused
,, no this is unfair !" His voice cracked when he tried to crack my hand again but I stood up instead glancing down at him with tears.

,, just stop making it harder!"

I looked over at baekhyuns dagger laying on the ground and looked up at him briefly ,, c-can I.. "

He picked it up, getting to his feet as he walked over to me, putting it into my hand before crushing me in a tight hug. He had no words however and I was thankful for that when soon after the was done chanyeol ende sup crushing me in a hug aswell which was a little overwhelming since we never realy hugged like this as he was so huge I felt like disappeard in his embrace.
,, I'm.. you're realy something "
He muttered lost for words
,, very .. special, human, wolf, angel or whatever doesn't matter. Anyone will realize when they meet you " it didnt realy make much sense as he rambled but I understood what he meant and I smiled at him.

Then jongin appeard again bearly able to stand as chanyeol reacted instandly steadying him despite his protest. He crushed me in a hug aswell sending these beautiful tingles over me and I closed my eyes hugging his back but not for me than a few seconds as I pushe him back again not looking into his eyes even as he kissed my forehead.
,, you'll come back to me ..
you always do. This isnt how its suppose to end I know if isnt "

,, I love you jongin.. " was my answer to his empty hopeful words, my hand on his hand to remove it from my cheek gently before I turned around.telling myself not to look behind me for thati will get weak as i put a glare over my expression.

Taking heavy steps, all the pain had been forgotten I was still bleeding but it felt as if I had managed to close the sound myself as I was getting the hang of it somehow. It my emotion that's controlling it.

I just need to lose myself to freak..
yet I didnt need to explode to finish this.

My grip tightened on the handle of the dagger as I turned it in my hand for once telling myself not to hold back.
If the stories where true which I'm pretty sure now are. Then lucifer meant no threat to my family so my eyes were fixed on diana.

The cause of all this misery.
My blood boiled as I recalled it all.
The best thing that would happen is that i would get to stab her just in time to explode and tear her to pieces so not even a god would survive it. Or I'll die trying it which will guarantee that she wont get the light. Either way she cant win.

And either way I wont make it back to jongins arms.
Because of her

I yelled in anger as I started running the last few steps up to them I felt the dagger in my hand light up as I squeezed it.

Just as she was lashing down her staff onto lucifer, I stepped between holding the dagger up to block it and pushing it back to make her stumble.
She frowned obviously not having expected it. Lucifer stayed on the ground injured and beaten enough and I somehow trusted in his soft eyes that he gave me earlier, I turned him to not stab me in the back. Not that it would make a difference like I've said either way she cant win.

But it would be a whole lot better to give her what's he deserved.

I charged forward angrily swinging my arm up in Hope's I would slash her but she had dodged it just in time swinging her own staff from the opposite side which I had dodged aswell by jumping backwards before taking a stance again adjusting the dagger in my hands.

She moved forward aswell swinging her staff around which I grabbed and jumped over pulling it down with a sudden that made her lose her grip as she wasnt expecting it.

It rolled over at the ground and she stopped to glance at me
,, maybe I shouldn't have let you grow up in that mans house afterall "

I ignored her words as I was furious enough being beyond my father's tragic story that was also caused by her.
As I swing my fists and the dagger at her again jumping up to kick her as she dodged it all ,, it was easy making him lose his mind, just let him have a few nightmares to make him guilty and then a few more encounters of rogues..
Humans are such easy toys to play with "

I yelled angrily finally landing a harsh kick to her chest and she fell backwards coughing and changing her shape again.

As it took few moments I took deep breaths grunting a little when I looked down to see fresh blood seeping through my shirt, before flinching back a little when she suddenly took the shape of my father ,, miss me failure ?"

Another growl escaped me and I felt my eyes glow when I continued charging at her. But I had no chance she was too fast
,, first betray your own family and then you kill your own father " he yelled at me, grvabug my arm and twisting it before harshly throwing me to the ground.

she realized my father wasnt enough to mess with my head and started shifting against as she stepped toward me now laying onto he ground.

My wife eyes now glanced up at jongin standing there with a worried expression
,, n-nugget ..." he turned me to lay on my back as he got on me and I cried out when he sat down on my stomach on my wounds grabbing onto my throat while crying. Having his painful and sad expressions s he looke deep into my eyes ,, H-how could you do this to me !? Leave me with 2 kids ! Losing a mate is like losing a part of you and now I have to take care of 2 kids aswell ! I never wanted this ! It was always you who wanted to go through with this and now !? You just leave me ! I hate you-"
,, NO!" I screamed back against her illusion against he fucked up and twisted game.

His hands gripp tightened on my throat and I started becoming anxious. If I just passed out she could still take me ! Then it would've all been for nothing. I grabbed onto his hands aswell trying to fight against it ,, I wish I never met you ! Because of you so many lives have died ! You killed so many wolves and today so many more have died just because of you!!"
I was losing it, my vision wa starting to turn malcom and my strength to hold her gripp on my was loosening as my conciousness was slowly fading away without me being able to do anything.

Until her hands disappeard, I gasped in a deep breath sitting up to cough as I looked beside me where Lucifer had her suddenly, pushing her into he earth deeper and deeper as she screamed until she was very much deep under earth and he pushed more earth over her to bury her beneath it before stumbling toward me with fire red glowing eyes.

His face was serious yet blank and I backed up shakingly as he got closer to me which he didnt seek to bother much.
,, she's not the only one with tricks " his hand lowered to lay on my shoulder and I frowned confuse dnot knowing if I should shove and fight him off or not.
,, I know I'm the devil .. the bad guy in mortals stories but I've never meant it.. I've never wanted this.. your mother was a beautiful person despite the man who raised you I see her very much in you luckily more than i see me aswell, I've watched you.. im in no place to be saying this but I am .." my shoulder started burning with his hand and I grunted my eyes widened when I grabbed onto his glowing hand in pain
,, very much proud of you " it started smoking and I screamed as he was burning my flesh moving his hand up to lay against my throat as he squeezed my skin between them.

It only stopped when diana appeard once more, he staff stabbed right threw him and he looked at me again with those soft eyes before she pulled the staff out of him and stabbed it back into him again, black liquit dropped out his mouth as he dropped his hand, I found myself reaching forward lightly when she pulled him back to fall backwards.

My eyes stayed on his body slowly losing it glow and turning to black as he took shallow cut off breaths.

And she pulled me back up to my feet before lifting me into the air.
,, you've been getting on my nerves... I'll enjoy watching you die like him once I've got the lig-"

She stopped talking when I had finally moved my hand to stab her into the side of the stomach. Her face twisted in shock before she dropped me and I harshly pulled th dagger out with me making me yelped before stumbling back.

In her desperation she ended up crawling back little holding her wound in confusion.
,, byun baekhyun, .. you know him ?" I held my own stomach in pain I've probably lost way too much if I was human I would've already been dead by now and with whatever I am I'll soon be
,, hes probably the smarted elf on earth, thank god he performed a spell on the blade before the battle began"

I stepped closer having lost all sympathies for her as she tried to make me feel bad by shaking and crawling away with whimpers. Finally I got down to her again ready to stab her once more when she shifted to be my mum.
,, k-kyungsoo "

Her eyes glanced up at me sadly and full of pain as she held her bleeding side
,, h-honey, please "

But it wasnt real, clenching my teeth I stabbed the dagger harshly into her again with all my strength before pulling it out and doing it again. My throat started burning the more I stabbed into her and the weaker I got front he blood loss.

She screamed aswell trying to stop me as I cried and she held my fist that wa snow red from her blood and shaking with the dagger in it.
,, f-f-fool " she spat
,, no-no mo-rtal c-an "

,, I'm not j-just a mortal !" I screamed at her stabbing her again and and again and again even as my vision completely disappeard from the blood lose.

The anger made me give in, and I felt myself heating up I would tear her apart to make sure shell never come back and j knew it would take my all.
So I continued not hoding myself back in any ways.

My mother died
Because of her
Lucifer was sent to hell
Because of her
My father had suffered
Because of her
A kingdom had been destroyed
Because of her
I had suffered
Because of her
Jongin had suffered
Because of her
My own father was beating me
Jongin had to fight with demons
He had to proof his stance even as a true alpha
He had to lead his pack into war
He had to lose elders of his pack !
So many hunters have died
So many lives have been given
I'm losing jongin and my newly found lack.
Because of her
All because of her.

Yet I was thankful.
For that at least our little 2 miracles could live even if I wasnt able to watch them grow with the person I loved and wanted to grow old with.


{2 chapters left}

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