Off Limits ✔️

By PitchSlapped2208

113K 3.6K 1.5K

Beca was about to start her senior year of high school alongside her group of friends and her twin brother. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part I
Chapter 17 - Part II
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 2

3.1K 96 6
By PitchSlapped2208

Later on that day, Beca would be walking into her second class of the day, English, which she hated the most. Being dyslexic her whole life the brunette didn't enjoy the subject due to always struggling with reading and writing. However, she never told anyone because she didn't want the sympathy and pity looks throughout her whole life when it came to writing or reading anything. Only Stacie knew of her struggles and she refused to tell her teachers because she knew that they would just see it as an excuse from her to do less work.

As she'd enter the room she'd walk straight towards the back of the classroom, sitting in the same seat she has occupied the last three years that she has had this teacher. Beca would drop her bag on the floor under her chair, immediately bringing her head down to rest on the table, her arms acting as a cushion as she'd close her eyes.

"Are you seriously having a nap already on the first day of school?"

"Bite me Swanson! I got woken up by the golden child this morning way earlier than I needed to, so I'm resting my eyes till class starts", she'd grumble out, hearing him laugh now as he'd take a seat at the desk next to hers.

"You know Miss Bryce doesn't like it when you sleep in her class", he'd answer back to her, taking out his notebook and pencil case from his bag, placing them both on the table as he'd look around at the room, noticing that it was slowly filling up.

"Well is she here yet?", Beca would keep her eyes closed, smirking to herself as she'd already know the answer to her question.

"No?", he'd sound confused.

"Then shut up and let me sleep", she'd snap back at him, instantly making him go quiet.

The next few minutes, Miss Bryce would enter the room along with the rest of the students, not noticing Beca still 'resting her eyes' at the back of the room as the older women would start to write something on the whiteboard. When the bell would ring to signal the start of class, Beca would groan quietly in her seat before moving her head off the table as she'd look for her own notebook in her bag, still keeping her eyes down.

"Okay class, welcome back from the summer, I hope you all had a lovely break but I also hope you are all ready to work hard in your last year of high school", the teacher would smile as she'd turn around to face the class now.

Her hopes and wishes would be met with low grumbles and tiredness amongst the rest of the class, sparking a conversation now between friends all over the room. "I don't understand how teachers can be so happy on the first day back", Beca would laugh at Jesse's observation as she'd run a hand through her hair.

"Probably cause they're all hooked up on coffee, they don't even realise that they have to spend the next 9 months trying to teach us irrelevant shit that we aren't even going to need once we leave", Beca would continue the joke with one of her closest friends, not hearing the door of the classroom open again now and a student crashing into the room, out of breath.

"H-Hi, I'm r-really sorry but I-I couldn't find my way around and-", Chloe would be holding her hand up, apologising profusely to Miss Bryce, one hand on her chest as she'd be breathing heavily from running.

Beca would stop laughing now to look at the front of the classroom, seeing the same redheaded girl from this morning in the hallway. She'd let her eyes rake over her body once again, taking in the curves and dips that seemed to be in all of the right places, making Beca think if she had ever seen someone look so perfect.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll let you off this time seeing as it's the first day and you must be the new student that's joining us", the older woman would smile once again, trying to reassure the girl. "Why don't you quickly introduce yourself to the rest of the class?"

"U-uh okay", Chloe would turn to face the rest of her peers more now, smiling nervously at them as she'd introduce herself, "I'm Chloe Beale and I just moved here from Georgia.. uhm.. I like hanging out with my friends and I love animals", she'd shrug her shoulders casually, before smiling back at her teacher.

"Great. We're so happy to have you, feel free to sit wherever you'd like", Miss Bryce would nod her head before moving back to her desk to start the lesson. "Okay, can everyone turn to page 3 of 'To Kill A Mockingbird', we are going to be looking for extracts or quotes from the book that we can use in our book reports in a few weeks", she'd begin to explain as she'd hand out a bundle of books to the students at the front of the room to then hand out to everyone.

Beca would be zoned out from her teacher's instructions as she'd watch Chloe closely trying to make a decision on where to sit. She'd feel herself, deep down, hoping that the girl would choose the desk next to her for some reason, but shrugged off the feeling instantly as she'd notice Chloe sit down next to the one and only, Aubrey Posen, Barden High School's student body president and Beca's number one pain in the ass. "Chloe Beale..", she'd mumble quietly to herself.

The brunette would shake her head as she'd take the book from the boy's hand that was giving them out. She'd gulp nervously, but discreetly, as she'd open the book now to page 3, trying to focus on the words in front of her as much as she can. Beca would grow frustrated as she'd watch the letters jumble up and feel as though they were moving around the page making it difficult for her to read. "What do you think of the new girl? Have you spoken to her yet?", Jesse would lean over the aisle between the two friends.

"Nope, but from the looks of her seating choice she already seems like a goody goody", Beca would smirk to herself, giving up quickly on reading the book as she'd close it. "I mean she sat next to Posen, who still hates my guts for the prank I pulled at the Summer dance last year"

"I mean you did pull the plug on all of the fairy lights and then turned off the lights to the gym to leave everyone screaming and running into each other when she was about to announce the king and queen of the dance", Jesse would roll his eyes, smirking as he'd look down at the book in front of him now, starting to write notes.

"You thought it was funny at the time, till you developed this weird crush on her over summer break", she'd make a disgusted face, taking her snapback out of her backpack now and pulling it onto her head, pulling it low to cover her eyes before leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms

"W-What? I don't have a crush on her", he'd snap his head over to his best friend now, watching her move her chair back a little to rest her feet on the desk.

"Don't even try to deny it Jesse, ever since Jason's pool party at the start of summer I've noticed the way you've looked at her has been different", she'd smirk, closing her eyes once again, "It's weird, it's disgusting and I don't know if we'd be able to be friends anymore if you ever got with her"

"Well, I actually-"

"Jesse, Beca! Is there a problem? I don't remember telling you that you could work in groups. You're meant to be working on your own, making notes for the book report", the teacher would have her arms crossed now, glancing between the two friends, then focusing on Beca as she'd notice the way she was sat. "Mitchell, are you even going to attempt to do some work in my class this year?", she'd sigh.

"I dunno, maybe", Beca would shrug her shoulders, looking back at her teacher now, "Depends on if your lessons get more interesting or not", she'd smirk, hearing her classmates start to giggle and mumble quietly around her.

"Well, maybe you'll find the lesson more interesting when you do it after school every night this week in detention", Miss Bryce would raise an eyebrow at the student now before moving around the rest of the room, helping anyone that needed it.

"Fucking great", the brunette would roll her eyes and mumble as she'd put her feet back on the floor.

"Looks like you've got yourself a fan, Becs", Jesse would whisper quietly to her.

Looking up at the boy now Beca would watch him nod his head towards the front of the room. As she'd turn her head to see who was watching her, she'd lock eyes with Chloe. Feeling the confidence oozing off of her, and knowing that she already had the attention of the girl hooked, she wink back at the girl and smirk to herself realising how easy she could get her attention.

Beca felt like celebrating on the inside as she'd notice the slight blush that rose up Chloe's cheeks before the redhead turned back around to continue working.

Chloe's POV

Chloe's first day at her new high school was going well so far, she had already met some people in her first class that she seemed to get along with, which she was happy about because there's nothing worse than going to lunch and having to sit on your own because you don't know anyone. She had already met a guy this morning that was really helpful, showing her the way to her locker and then walking her to her first class, that he also happened to share with her.

Chloe had learnt that Tom was the quarterback for the football team and was a senior just like her who hoped to gain a scholarship this year for college. She had enjoyed their conversation while he showed her around the school and walking to her locker and felt totally comfortable around him when he was asking questions about her previous school or summer.

The redhead actually felt quite sad that she had to break away from him for her second class, after finding out that he was going to a different lesson. But could feel the butterflies in her stomach as he told her to find him at lunch before smiling and walking down the hallway towards his own class. It was only once he had left that Chloe realised she had no idea where she was meant to be going, which resulted in her being late to her first English class, her favourite lesson at her last high school and she was pretty sure it would remain that way as she loved anything to do with the subject.

When she stood at the front of the class, after being put on the spot with her introduction to the class, she looked around the room, finding any spare seat that she could take. Not wanting to sit too far at the back, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see the board as much and would end up not getting as much work done, she quickly sat down in a seat next to a tall blonde girl that seemed focused on her notes already, even though the lesson hadn't started yet.

"Hi, sorry, can I sit here?", she'd quietly mumble as the redhead would sit down.

Aubrey would instantly look up and smile at the new girl that was sat next to her, wanting to be as welcoming as possible, being student body president and everything. "Yeah, of course, I'm Aubrey by the way"

"Nice to meet you", Chloe would smile back at her, relaxing immediately as she'd feel the warmth and knowing almost instantly that the two of them would get on. "This school is so big, I feel like I'm never going to know my way around"

"Aww, no don't worry about it", Aubrey would giggle a little, flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she'd smile again. "We've all been there and if you ever need some help then just ask and I'd be more than happy to show you around or whatever you need"

"Thank you, that's so nice of you", the redhead would find herself smiling even more now, picking up the book from in front of her and opening it to the right page. "Everyone has already been really nice to me, I met this guy earlier and he was super helpful with my locker and everything"

"Let me guess, Tom?", Aubrey would raise an eyebrow, glancing back down at her notes.

"Yes", Chloe would smirk, looking shocked at her new friend, "How did you know?"

"Only because he is the nicest guy in school and is super helpful and friendly with everyone", the blonde would roll her eyes sarcastically before getting back to taking notes and reading. For some reason, Chloe would feel her stomach drop a little at her words, feeling as if she wasn't as special as she felt when she was with Tom after hearing that as he was like it with everyone, but quickly brushed it off as she started taking notes.

"Jesse, Beca! Is there a problem? I don't remember telling you that you could work in groups, you're meant to be working on your own, making notes for the book report", Chloe would look up to see Miss Bryce stood with her arms crossed as she was looking towards the back of the classroom. "Mitchell, are you even going to attempt to do some work in my class this year?", she'd hear her sigh now.

"I dunno, maybe", Chloe would look over her shoulder now to see where the source of the voice was coming from. She'd instantly feel butterflies once again, but this time only once she had seen the girl that was speaking. "Depends on if your lessons get more interesting or not", she'd smile as she'd listen to the girl confidently answer back to the teacher, her chest tightening as the confident brunette would smirk.

"Well, maybe you'll find the lesson more interesting when you do it after school every night this week in detention", Miss Bryce would raise an eyebrow at the student now before moving around the rest of the room, helping anyone that needed it.

Looking over the girl more now, she noticed her snapback was slightly hiding her long brown hair, but it definitely wasn't hiding the deep blue eyes that she was already finding herself getting lost in. Before she could even think about looking down at the outfit the girl was wearing, she'd see the girl's eyes flick to her now, locking with her own for a few seconds. Chloe couldn't help but smile at the girl, before feeling her cheeks blush and instantly trying to calm down as the girl would wink at her before smirking once again. The redhead would quickly turn around to face the front of the room, fixing her gaze back on her notebook, hoping that the blushing wasn't noticeable by anyone.

"Beca Mitchell, Barden's number one troublemaker", Aubrey didn't lift her head to look at Chloe, already knowing who the redhead was looking at when she had turned around, "I'd stay away from her if I was you, she's nothing but trouble"

Chloe would bite down on her lip a little, trying to hide the small smile that she was trying not to show as she urged herself not to turn around and look at the brunette once more, that she had found insanely attractive. "Beca Mitchell..", she'd whisper quietly to herself as she'd continue to work. One thing that Aubrey hadn't learnt about Chloe yet was that if you told her that she shouldn't do something then it made her want it even more. So, the redhead knew deep down that she wanted to learn even more about the troublesome brunette that she had already taken a liking to even though they hadn't spoken a word to each other yet.

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