A Feudal Love [Koga X OC] Boo...

By CJ0340

73.1K 2K 117

"Happy birthday Kagome!" Hikari Okami was always interested in wolves since a young age. Little did she know... More

A/N [New Book!?]


2.2K 73 6
By CJ0340

Hey, welcome to the chapter and hope you enjoy! Now it's on with the chapter!


~Okami's POV~

As soon as we returned to Kaede's village, the mid-day after our return Kagome had left to our time since we had a test coming up in school. I told her that this time I'd have to miss out on study sessions and testing since I have a few questions for Myoga and Kaede, and stayed behind. Inuyasha had run off into the forest after Kagome left saying that he is 'on the hunt for dinner' and Shippo decided to stay with me whilst I talked to Kaede and Myoga. I sighed as I walked towards said woman's hut with Shippo on my shoulder, sort of dreading the long overdue conversation.

"What's wrong Okami? Is everything okay? You've been staring off into space for a while now." Shippo asked me, taking notice of something I hadn't. I'd been staring into the sky the whole time I was walking. I chuckled lightly before responding to try to give the boy some sort of reassurance.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine Shippo. I'm just lost in thought is all." I told him and he nodded as we reached the entrance of Kaede's hut.

'And a little nervous.' I thought as I took one last look at Shippo before smiling and striding into the hut.

"Hey Kaede, Myoga?" I asked as I stepped inside to find the two chatting together, and I seemed to be interrupting as they both stopped themselves and looked towards me.

"Why hello there Okami. What brings ye to us at this time dear? I thought Kagome had just gone home." Kaede greeted.

"Heya, and yes, Kagome did leave. I just stayed behind this time because I had a few questions for you." I said which caused them to usher me to sit down, in which I did, Shippo hopping off into my lap after I did so.

"So, what is it you'd like to talk about?" Myoga asked curiously as he sat on Kaede's shoulder. I took a deep breath before starting.

"Myoga, remember when we were in battle with Sesshomaru? Right before I had first seen him, you and I were in conversation. You then seemed to recognize me from somewhere, though I had never met you before that day from what I could tell. You even asked for my name, that of which you didn't receive due to Sesshomaru's grand appearance." I said as we all had a small flashback to these moments whilst I continued to explain.

"Then during our battle, once you heard my name aloud, you seemed to recognize my name as well. This is incredibly odd since I'm not from this era. Plus at the end of our battle with the Thunder Brothers, you had recognized the flames that spouted from my hands as 'The Eternal Flames of Hell'. After all of these things and hearing Shippo talk about being an orphan I had been left to wonder... Who am I really and how could you recognize so many things about me if you've never known me?" I finished and awaited an answer.

"Now I see. You want to know what I know about yourself?" Myoga asked and I nodded.

"Alright then, well this story begins many years ago. Demons and humans alike never got along for as long as they've been around, even now that hatred still remains. Though there was one woman who had never believed that hatred was deserved. She actually happened to be a demon wolf, though unlike you, she's full on demon. Her name was Mistress Hitoshī." He began with everyone else in the room clinging to his every word.

"Hitoshī was undeniably beautiful and fearless, and had the power of the Eternal Flames of Hell just like you do. She hated the idea of the hatred between humans and demons, though her parents were on the opposite side of the argument. They banished her from her old village for her beliefs when she stood up for a human girl that they had tried to kill. After leaving her old life behind, the human she saved came back to serve her as an adviser and friend. They traveled together, making many friends along the way who followed her beliefs and ultimately they had built up a village hidden deep in the forest for the people of the world who believed that humans and demons could actually get along and even find love. The village slowly grew and she had a whole community and army of people following her, she loved her new life, but with every upside there is always a downside." Myoga continued on.

"With the many people that loved her, there were also many people that hated her. Many demons and humans came after her for the sole fact that she believed in a better future for demons and humans. Hitoshī had gone through many battles and wars because of it, causing her to travel out more often than usual to finish battles. Though that was also the reason she found the love of her life in the first place. During one of her expeditions she came across a man in the army against her people. He threatened to kill her, though being who she is, she wasn't afraid in the slightest. She somehow impresses and intrigues the man, who has been awaiting the chance to see her again since she left their first meeting. Soon realizing that he was falling in love with this demon woman. His name was Eien no honō." Myoga says and I interrupt out of pure curiosity.

"Myoga, are you perhaps trying to say that this woman is my ancestor or that I'm her reincarnation or something? Because I dunno if I believe that." I said and Myoga sighed.

"Possibly, but I think the next part of the story will explain who and what I really think you are clearly. If only you'd let me continue." He said and I just nodded as a way of telling him to proceed.

"Once they finally met again, the army man had proclaimed his love for her that had been there since their first meeting. The woman could only smile and take his love into consideration. The man had by then decided to leave the army and live in Hitoshi's village, and over time, the two fell deeply in love with one another. Then after a while they had gotten married and had a child. It was a little girl, and they named her... Okami. She was a human girl from what everyone had known and one night up and went missing, never to be seen again. Ultimately a while after that Okami's parents were killed and the village became most difficult to find over time." Myoga finished and my eyes widened in shock.

"So... What your saying is... I might actually be from this era!?" I exclaimed and Myoga slowly nodded.

"That might be one of the only explanations for your condition." I pondered it for a moment before asking another question.

"Can you tell me anything else that you know about this Okami girl?" I asked curiously.

"Sure. I've actually met the young girl once, before she disappeared, in her village due to my own travels. She was only human and nothing more like you were before you came here and looked exactly like you. All I could say about her was that she takes after her mother and that she's beautiful." That's when I suddenly got pulled into darkness.


After a while I woke up and found myself in an unknown yet familiar place. A forest clearing that was full of amber colored flowers. In the center of this clearing was a little girl who looked exactly like me. I watched as she picked one of the amber flowers out of the ground, they matched the girl's eyes. "Okami! Come say hello to our newest friend!" I suddenly heard a woman yell from the edge of the clearing, I could only see their shadows, but it seemed like she was holding a small flea out to the girl and a man and woman stood beside her as she did so.

"Yes Mother!" The girl called as she ran up to her mother happily and greeted the flea like creature.

"She takes after her mother in looks, she's just beautiful." The small thing said as the woman and girl thanked him for the compliment.

"I'm Okami sir. May I ask who you are?" The little girl asked.

"Pleasure to meet you, Okami. I'm Myoga the flea." They smiled at eachother and Okami shook her finger with his tiny flea hand. After that I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. I just could just watch in my place. I then saw Okami give the flower she had to the woman holding the flea, who then put it into the girls hair as an accessory. And before I could see any more of this interaction, my vision yet again faded to black. Soon enough I woke up, lying on the hard wooden floor of Kaede's hut.


"Ugh... Where was I?... What was that?..." I mumbled out as everyone in the room started to ask me questions and all sorts of things like that to make sure I was alright. I sat up before responding.

"I'm fine guys, don't worry." I smiled at them and ruffled Shippo's hair to show him I'm okay. They all sighed in relief before asking what had happened to me.

"Uh..." I thought about what I should tell them before speaking.

"Nothing. Just an odd dream." I waved them off... What? The best thing I could think of to do was to make this my little secret until I truly put the puzzle pieces together on who I am.

"Alright then. I'm off for now." I stood with a smile and headed towards the exit of the hut, much to everyone else's dismay. They all asked me why I was leaving etc. etc. I stopped in my tracks because I knew they would act like this since I pretty much just awoke from passing out.

"Sorry, but I have one last thing to do today before the sun sets and I have to go back to my era to do that. I'll be back, I promise." I said as I walked out and started running off towards the bone eaters well.

'The sun is soon to go down and I've got to know more. Though I can't remember everything from my childhood. So who better to ask about my childhood than... My parents themselves.' I thought as I reached the well and jumped in, soon after appearing on the other side. I jumped out of the well and started hopping off towards my parents home. I soon enough passed the hospital in town to find Kagome leaving there I got concerned as to why she's there. Actually, now that I think about it, Kagome's shrine seemed a little off when I left. Maybe something happened? No time to ponder this, I've gotta go. Just as I was jumping away, Kagome called out my name.

'Damn, she noticed me. She's always been a sharp girl.' I thought before looking towards her, smiling and waving as I kept going towards my parent's house. As soon as I got there I felt nervous. I reached my hand up to knock, but that's as far as my hand would move.

'Damn it! Why are you suddenly getting so nervous about this!? You can do it! They can't hurt you anymore so just do it!' I thought before closing my eyes tightly and knocking on the door. I opened my eyes and tried to look casual when I heard the door being unlocked with a 'click'. Then the door opened to reveal my 'Father'.

"Hello Mr. Hikari, may I come in for a moment?" I asked carefully picking out my words. The man stood there for a moment before sighing and nodding, opening the door just enough to let me in.

"Yes you may Ms. Hikari, but there better be a good reason for you to interrupt our family on a day like this." He had told me in annoyance and I rolled my eyes as I stepped in.

"Whatever." I muttered blandly as a woman called out from the close by living room.

"Kaname dear, who is it?" She asked sourly, because she knew exactly who it was.

"It's a girl by the name of Hikari, she says she has some business with us." He said as we stepped into the room the woman sat in.

"Alright then. Let's talk, go ahead, take a seat." She said without looking up from her magazine she held. She sat on one couch that was right across from another, a coffee table in the middle. This was like an interrogation room and I hated it so very much. I sat down on the couch across from my 'Mother' and sighed as I waited for my 'Father' to take his seat. He sat next to the woman he loves so much before they both closed their eyes. Soon after they both opened their eyes and stared at me with a piercing gaze.

"Now, what do you want girl." They said in unison, more so in a stating tone than a questioning one.

"I wanted to ask you both one simple question... Where did I come from?" I asked staring them straight back in their eyes to show that I didn't care about what they thought and that I just wanted answers. They gave a bored expression.

"You want the truth, right?" The woman asked and I nodded.

"Okay. Well, to put it simply, we found you as a kid crying on the steps on the Higurashi shrine." My eyes widened at what was said.

"So all this time... I was adopted? I... Really don't belong to you?" I asked.

'I may not even belong to this era for all I know now.' I thought as they explained how they found me. After that short explanation that I don't want to relive at the moment I looked out the window to find the sun had set. At this point I had left my parents home and I was walking down the street towards Kagome's to see what she was up to. On the way there however, I saw Kagome run past me in her pajamas. Her hand was bleeding and she was holding the sacred jewel shards in her hands as she ran. I already knew something was up and started running after her.

"Kagome!? What the hell are you doing!?" I yelled as I caught up to her and ran beside her.

"Long story." She said and first pointed behind her at a blob of something that she told me was flesh and a mask.


Soon enough we had run our way onto a construction sight and were many floors up at this point. Kagome had finally finished explaining the whole situation she was in to me now. Pretty much we're alone in the modern era fighting against an ancient mask that's out for flesh. Honestly, I'm a bit scared of the mask, it really creeps me out. And just when we thought we were in the clear for at least a moment, the mask shifts before throwing itself from the ground to the floor of the building we were on. Kagome and I try to run but get cornered by the mask. I sigh and I know we are pretty much done for since I'm still not yet in control of my powers.

"Iron Reaper Soul Stealer!" Is all I heard before a flash of light came into our vision. Inuyasha had come to save the day once again as he sliced the mask's flesh blob in half. After landing, I noticed Sota had been on Inuyasha's back the whole time.

"Sota? Why are you with that mutt? He's dirty and he'll stink you up, and probably put you in even more danger than before you got here." I said, muttering the last part so nobody except Inuyasha could hear it.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I'm about to save your sorry ass if you hadn't noticed!" He said with a tone full of annoyance.

"Language! We're in front of Sota, remember?" I yelled at him and he just turned away with a 'tch'.

"Sis, Okami!" Sota exclaimed and jumped off of Inuyasha, into his sister's arms. He hugged her then moved to me and did the same. I smiled and caressed his cheek as he pulled away and nodded to tell him we would be just fine. Suddenly Inuyasha and Kagome got into a fight.

"Ugh, not surprised..." I said and then sighed in unison with Sota. Finally after bickering like an old married couple they got serious. I cracked my knuckles as the mask told us it's story.

"Nice backstory. Though it's useless to tell us such a thing when you'll just be a dead hunk of wood by the time this is over." I said with a smirk.

"You wench! I guess I'll have to teach you to watch your tongue!" The mask then moved it's blob of flesh in my direction and I got in a fighting stance.

"Now that's what I'm talking about, real action!" I smiled as my ears and tail popped out, finally they're listening to me.

"Woah~" I heard Sota say from his spot behind me.

I chuckled before going to punch the mask, getting my hand caught in between the sides of it... It has teeth!? "What the- Ah!" I exclaimed as I was dragged into the mask's being. I saw sparks start around me as I sat still inside of the blob, unable to move. The mask then left the blob and I winced.

'O-Ouch... I-It stings...' I thought to myself as I saw Inuyasha make his way into the blob as well, wrapping his arm around my waist. I gave him an odd look and he gave me one back that said that he'd explain later if necessary. I shook my head as he took his sword out and sliced through the flesh and freeing us.

"You go help Sota, I'll get Kagome." I said and ran towards Kagome, now noticing the scent of her blood in the air. I went over to her to check out her hand that had been cut by the glass of a window earlier. She explained such to me as I looked it over. I then looked up at her with a dirty look.

"Hm? What's wrong Okami?" She asked and I sighed.

"Don't 'What's wrong Okami' me. How come when you were explaining the noh mask to me, you forgot to mention that you were bleeding!?" I told her off and she started to nervously laugh and wave me off like it was nothing.

"Oh that? Um... Eheheh..." She tried to come up with a reason as I just shook my head.

"I'll let you slide this time. Next time, I can't promise you won't get punished." I said in a low voice, after noticing her shiver and walk towards Inuyasha who had now slain the mask, I knew my job here was done for now. I then followed her over to the guys happily as the sun arose from the horizon. Then Kagome remembered we had a test in school today that neither of us got to study for. I sighed and was about to head back with Inuyasha to the feudal era instead to ask a few more questions to my good old village friends, but got stopped. Kagome for some reason took a hold of my arm and ran off with me.

"Oh no you don't Okami! There is no way that I'm going through this pain alone today!" She exclaimed and I groaned as we ran off together.

"Fine... Bye then Sota~ See you around!" I managed to get out before they were out of sight.

"Wait, I didn't even get a chance to study! I'll be lucky if I pass!" I exclaimed as we continued running, pulling Kagome onto my back before jumping away towards our destination. I then heard angered yells from Inuyasha that he didn't get anything like a goodbye from either of us. I laughed at that as we ran.

'Poor mutt...' I thought as we continued on our way, testing equations on eachother on the way dreadfully and yet happily.


Heyo, hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways I have nothing else to say but... Cya next chapter~

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