Sugary Compilation

By luhTopjr

22.3K 741 394

Just a compilation of different imagines of your favourite sus boys More

I'm sorry,what?} playboiuzi
Almost }ybnskimask
call on me}21NBA
you p-promised} 21Lee
fools day}21NBA
Territorial} NBAK (rewritten)
I would rather......} ynw47
I promise}21Lee
Crumbling Paradise} NBATentacion
Never better} 21Lee
one nightstand}YbnSavage
sTrUnG oUt}21Carti
Stockholm syndrome}21Carti

ūNø} ynwyoungboy

3K 91 69
By luhTopjr



A frown formed on Kentrell's face as he looked from one executive to the other. This can't be right. Nah. This just a nightmare and real soon I'm gonna wake up and everything will be normal. He thought as his blood boiled in his veins.

"I'm sorry Gaulden. We have to let you go for now. Believe me if there was any other option we would keep you but your services-"

"Bullshit! All I'm hearing is bullshit! What you mean y'all gotta lemme go? I dedicated too much into this job. I done put allat of my sweat in this shit and y'all just finna fire me? For what? One mistake that I ain't even know nun' 'bout? On slime you got me fucked up!" Kentrell snapped forgetting all formalities.

"Calm down Mr Gaulden. We aren't really firing you. You're services are just suspended till further notice. If you're indeed innocent then you will immediately resume working."the real employer spoke calmly. They were well aware that Kentrell was an asset they couldn't afford to lose but then there were legal procedures to be followed and company protocol to be adhered to. In the case of the missing five million dollars that so happened to have disappeared mysteriously plus other critical documents from the department Kentrell was in charge off,of course there were investigations to be carried out. Kentrell didn't understand why they had to suspend him though. He wasn't directly involved. He just happened to be in charge of the group.

"How can I be sure you ain't just buttering my ass right nai?" Kentrell was still fuming.

"After such language and you're still in my presence?"the CEO spoke making a point.

"How long exactly is this suspension?" Kentrell spoke trying to be proper again.

"Until further notice."


"I have other things to attend to Gaulden. I'll get back to you." And the somberly clad group rose from their seats leaving behind a stranded and angry Kentrell.

It took him almost two hours to vacate the building mostly because he didn't want to leave. Then there wasn't any traffic on the way home so he got there faster than he anticipated. Parking his car in their driveway,he just rested his head against the steering wheel. His mind was racing with only four words.

Suspended until further notice

Kentrell was some what of a workaholic. He couldn't imagine staying at home doing nothing when he'd devoted himself to making money for his husband of four years and their two year old son. All he ever wanted was to ensure they never lacked for anything and his job accounted a lot for that. Ever since he almost lost his son due to a fatal children's disease and he had no money to pay for his medication, Kentrell vowed to work his ass off to ensure that never happened again. He never wanted to see his husband so sad and scared again and above all he NEVER wanted to feel that helpless again.

Finding his neck stiffening from the current position,he sat up taking in his surroundings. He looked around as if he was in the wrong place and not his own home. Reason being he was never around much. He had given his husband the money to get whichever house he wanted and Jamell had definitely liked this one which cost a pretty penny but the good thing was he could afford it. He also liked the fact that it was in the most quiet environment. A soft cool breeze hit him immediately he stepped out of his vehicle. Again he looked around completely at awe. Now he understood why Jamell fell in love with the place. It seemed so serene and beautiful. A frown formed on his face as he walked towards the door. It had just hit him how much he wasn't around his house. The frown deepened as he opened the door everything seeming so new to his eyes under the bright sunlight that seemed to fill the whole house.

Before he could dwell on that one thought though,noises attracted him to the kitchen. His heart lept in his chest at the thought of his husband and a sudden unexplainable aching made his stomach churn. He had missed his husband. Despite laying in bed with him every night-when the few hours he could manage-Kentrell felt as if he hadn't really seen the other male in ages. This again proved to him how much he wasn't around.

He shook his head making eager steps towards the kitchen. He felt as if he was coming back home after a long trip away. Excitement took over him momentarily forgetting about his earlier troubles but that quickly died the moment he stepped into the kitchen. He blinked once then twice his jaw slack at the sight. His knees weakened and his limbs almost gave out. His heart contracted painfully in his chest and he stood frozen on the spot.

"Oooh mah gawd! J.just thaaat-fuck!"that soft lust filled voice was familiar but it felt like he hadn't heard in forever. The voice however seemed to have broken the initial shock and now anger surged through every vein he possessed completely blurring his vision. He let out an animalistic growl that alerted the other two making them jump apart instantly.

"K-Ken?"Jamell squealed quickly readjusting his robe staring at his husband as if he had never seen him before and he was an intruder.

Kentrell looked from one to the other. Surprised faces looked back at him. Hazel eyes turned almost black switched from surprised husband to a scared shiny faced Jonathan. Kentrell let his eyes stay fixed on his best friend since diapers. They locked eyes and the guilt in the taller man was clear as the blue sky outside.

"I'm sorry mane."the taller blurted out seeing the bottled anger radiating from the other male. Kentrell however focused on the mess on Jonathan's face. The mess that was HIS husband's juices and slick." Kentrell-"the rest of the sentence was swallowed as Kentrell closed the gap between the two and was already throwing fist after fist. The image of his best friend's face buried deep between his husband's thighs in their kitchen counter replayed in his head over over again. That just fueled him more and he continued to destroy the other man's face.

"Kentrell stop! Oh my fucking god! You're gonna kill him." Jamell screamed trying to pull his husband off the other lanky fellow. It was no use he was too small. Jonathan managed to flip them over trying to pin Kentrell down. He didn't wanna hit him. He was in the wrong and he knew it.

"Nigga calm down!"he huffed blood already spilling from his nose.

"Fuck you bitch ass nigga!" Kentrell flipped over again adding more hits until Jonathan had to fight back too. If he didn't Kentrell was gonna kill him. Jamell continued to scream for them to stop but none of the two men listened.

He grabbed his dreads tears streaming out his eyes as he watched the two men helplessly. He cringed and cried harder at every nasty blow.

"Bitch! Thas my fucking husband! You 'possed to be my brother!" Kentrell yelled slamming Jonathan against the floor. Jonathan retaliated pushing him off him at last. He stood up trying to put as much distance between them as possible.

"Yeah I know that but it seems like you've forgotten that yourself!" Jonathan shot back furiously wiping the blood from his nose but it kept flowing.

"You're a fuck nigga-"

"I could say the same for you bruh. If you ain't neglect him like you been doing then may be he wouldn't have to beg for pleasure from other niggas!" Jonathan's voice filled the room." You know what ion even regret it. You acting the same way your father did!"

"Jonny stop!" Jamell cried out feeling all the more stupid and guilty. It was true. He had begged for another man's touch because his husband wasn't around anymore. He had really tried to cope with Kentrell's constant absence but he was only human. Touching himself wasn't even satisfying anymore. It had been three months and three weeks since Kentrell touched him sexually. Yes they slept on the same bed and lived under the same roof but Kentrell was always too tired or too busy or just not there at all. No matter how many times he convinced himself he understood it never registered in his brain.

"No Jamell. It's the truth. He-"Kentrell had pounced on him again and they continued the fight. Jonathan was losing badly.

"Ken please stop." Jamell grabbed Kentrell's arm pulling him away from Jonathan. In his anger Kentrell yanked his arm away turning his raged attention to his husband ready to strike. Jamell's eyes opened wide as he froze but the hit never came. Kentrell couldn't. Even in his blind rage he wouldn't dare. Instead they stood frozen eyes locked and different emotions reflecting on their faces. For Jamell it was guilt and fear. For Kentrell it was anger and pain. Jamell couldn't stop crying his body shaking with the hysterical sobs he was letting out. He looked down in shame breaking the eye contact.

"You! Stay out of this slime! I'mma deal withchu later." Kentrell muttered. He then dashed upstairs. Jamell quickly got to helping Jonathan on his feet.

"I'm so sorry. You have to go! Now! You know him Jonny. He's gonna kill you." Jamell's small frame struggled to help the other male up.

"He's being an ass and you got to stop allowing his bullshit."

"Please just stop it okay. Just leave." Jamell sniffed his eyes still leaking.

"I ain't leaving you here. Who knows what he'll do." Jonathan grunted. His whole body was in pain.

"I'll be fine. He can't hurt me." That he was sure of. Kentrell would never hurt him physically." Just go quickly."

"No Melly. Come with me. We'll get Junior."

"Stop Jonathan! I said I'll be fine okay. Now leave!" Jamell snapped. Jonathan bit his lip noticing he was already upsetting the man more.

"Just be careful. Stay out his path. And call me." Jonathan pulled him into a tight hug. Jamell stared nervously at the stairs. He could hear things breaking in their room and was sure Kentrell was looking for his piece.

"You have to go." Jamell pulled away pushing Jonathan out towards the door.

"Stay safe." Jonathan reached out touching the small forming bump on Jamell's stomach then he left just as heavy footsteps filled the living room.

"Where is he? The fuck he go to?" Kentrell asked looking around but cussed aloud when he heard a vehicle pull off. He ran outside in the hopes of catching the man but he was too late. He stomped his foot angrily punching the air in frustration.His anger was still boiling in his veins as he got back into the house slamming the door as hard as he could. Jamell jumped and scurried upstairs to get away from the man's rage.

"Open this motherfucking door!" Kentrell banged on it but still it remained closed." I'm givin' you two seconds bitch. One-"the door opened and hysterical sobs reached his ears. Even now in this current situation those broken sobs disturbed him to his core. He hated hearing Jamell cry but he was too angry at the moment to address it.

"Whatchu cryin' foe? This what we doing nai slime? Huh? It just had to be my fucking hommie? Seriously?"Kentrell yelled swinging his gun every which way. Veins had popped up on the sides of his neck as he moved around still knocking things around. Then he was advancing towards the younger male. Jamell backed up watching him warily." How long this been going on? Did he fuck you? Huh? Did he?" By now Jamell was trapped between the wall and his very angry husband. He shook his head furiously his body trembling. He knew that Kentrell wouldn't hit him but that didn't stop him from being frightened by this angry demeanor." Tell me the truth gah damn!" Kentrell yelled slamming his fist on the wall an inch closer to Jamell's face. Jamell jumped letting out a yelp.

"No! We didn't do anything else."he spoke hastily his voice trembling just as bad as his body." Baby I swear we ain't do nun else. I just-i-i'm sorry."he broke down clinging to the man. Kentrell moved away a grunt falling from his lips.

"I've given you everythang I possibly could. Money,food,cars,this big ass house! Everythang and here we are! You still find it in you to be a hoe"it stung saying it out loud and he visibly cringed. Jamell's heart broke into a million pieces and before he could process it he was slapping the hell out of his husband.

"A hoe? I know you did not just call me that nigga! A hoe? A hoe. Me. A hoe." Jamell shook his head letting out a hysterical laugh. He grabbed at his dreads shaking his head as he looked at his husband in disbelief." You right. You've given me everything. A good house,money,cars, a beautiful son and another blessing on the way. Everything. Everything except you. This wouldn't have happened if YOU wasn't sooo busy doing God knows what. How sure I'm I you don't got hoes entertaining you before you crawl back into my bed at one in the morning?" Jamell sassed and as he said it he refused to believe it.

"The fuck you talm 'bout slime. I ain't never in my fucking life thought'bout cheating on yoh ass. All I do is make sure you and Junior ain't lacking for nothing. I work my ass off all day in that damn company to make sure my family is straight. And what do I get in return huh? I find out my fucking husband is getting it down for my hommie. You're fucked up and you got ME fucked up!"Kentrell yelled.

"You talking as if I do this every single day bitch! Well I don't! I just got carried away this one time! The last time you touched me was three months three weeks and five days ago! Yes I count!" Jamell yelled too. Now that Kentrell was FINALLY around he could open up all the bottled emotions." I ain't saying that I'm proud of what I did but still I'm human Kentrell. I want you and I could honestly do without all this if only I could have my husband back. You are never home and when you are you got something else to do. Yesterday was Junior's birthday. I called you about fourty times! He stayed up till one waiting up for you and when you finally showed up you were too tired to pay any attention to him. He needs his father and I want my husband."

"Well I'm sorry that you don't like the fact I'm working extra hard to provide for both of y'all. Everything I do is for y'all."

"And I appreciate that Kentrell. I really do. But we need you. I was honestly happy when you weren't obsessed with making money."

"So just because I've been busy providing for YOU and our son and I've denied you some dick you think it's okay to make my pussy public?"the words fell out his mouth before he could stop them. The image was still haunting him." I'm also human Jamell and if you haven't gotten sex from me then that means I haven't either but I ain't go running to your hommies to get a nut. I ain't even jacked off in all this time but I'm the bad guy? I see." Jamell bit his tongue as anger and hurt engulfed him. He couldn't stop the leaking tears however.

"I.I was w.wrong and i'm sorry. I lost control but your not being fair. If I can admit my share of mistake I don't get why you can't own up to yours."Jamell blinked back a few tears then reached for his robe opening it wide." I've been trying to tell you for the longest time but again you never have time. So before you stand there and call me a hoe try and think why I turned into one." Kentrell's eyes had remained fixed on the small bump that was already visible on his husband's stomach. Everything else seamed to dissolve and his brain stopped functioning. Jamell retied the robe turning on his heel and fast walking to the bathroom where he slammed the door shut and instantly fell on his knees crying.

Kentrell felt all his energy drain from him as he fell on his knees on the floor. Had he really seen what he thought he saw? He was more confused than angry. His heart broke all the more as Jamell's muffled cries reached his ears. He let the tears spill as he wondered where the hell he went wrong. All he wanted was the very best for his family but turns out he failed. Could there be anything worse?

Jamell slowly cracked the door open stepping back into the room. Kentrell lifted his head from his hands and they made eye contact. Both had red and puffy eyes from all the crying they had done. Jamell felt his lower lip tremble again. Guilt consumed him and he looked down at his feet in shame. He watched from the corner of his eye as Kentrell slowly stood up making his way towards him. He stopped right in front of the shorter towering over him. Jamell remained looking down not daring to make eye contact again. He'd really thought about his actions and realised how stupid and fucked up it was. His actions had no justification whatsoever and his greatest fear at the moment was Kentrell leaving him. However his thoughts were interrupted when Kentrell lifted his head up by the chin.

"I want you to swear to me right nai that y'all ain't do nun else and it's only this one time."he said a firm but gentle grip on the shorter's chin.

"I swear it baby. I'm sorry." Jamell's eyes filled with tears again. Kentrell gave a curt nod before letting go of Melly's chin.
They stood in that position for a minute before Kentrell used his shaking hands to undo Jamell's robe. His eyes once again landed on the small bumb. He turned away for a second a tear flowing down his cheek.

"How far?"he asked in a shaky voice.

"Turning four months this Friday." Jamell sniffed. This isn't how he'd pictured this moment. Kentrell was suddenly on his knees in front of him his arms wrapped around his waist.

"Jonathan was right. I'm a fuck nigga." Kentrell broke down. How is your husband four months pregnant and you don't know? He felt like trash and there was nothing anybody could say to make him feel any better. This was officially the worst day of his life.

"Shhh" Jamell couldn't contain his own tears.

"I'm sorry Mel. I'm so fucking sorry."

"I'm sorry too Kenny."they held each for what felt like forever. Both feeling guilty but most importantly willing to make amends.

"And that's it. Jonny didn't wanna do it. I really had to beg him and you how he is. He's just too nice of a person." Jamell sighed feeling guilty all over again. The poor guy got a beating for trying to help him.

"I'm still heated." Kentrell announced. Jamell sighed ready to apologize for the millionth time." And it won't happen again." Kentrell assured shifting so they could make eye contact.

"Of course it won't. I promise babe."

"I'm gonna be a dad." Kentrell now shifted his attention to his husband's growing tummy. He caressed the small bumb gently allowing his eyes to water again." I'm sorry Mel. I shoulda been here for you. I-"

"Sshhh. Not right now." Jamell stopped him. He was enjoying having him this close again and didn't want the painful reminder of his absence. He rested his head on Kentrell's chest just listening to the beating of his heart. For once the silence around the house didn't bother him. Kentrell pulled him closer leaving multiple kisses on Jamell's forehead.

"Where's Junior?" Kentrell broke the silence.

"In school. He's gonna be so exc-"

"Good.we have time."

"Time for wha-oh dear lord!"


"Aah-shit..Ke-Ken-oh fuck!"

Jamell struggled looking for something to hold on as his body spasmed due to the pleasure he was received. His husband's tongue game was ace. That was a fact he'd almost forgotten but Kentrell was making sure he remembered every detail and wasn't likely to forget.

"I-i.."his toes curled as his stomach tightened. He was already a hot mess." I'm gonna-fuuuuuck!"he came all over his husband's awaiting tongue. His chest heaved up and down as he struggled to calm down. Kentrell however had other plans in mind. He lifted his head from between his husband's legs face shinny from the slick and juices. He smirked seeing the mess that Melly was yet he hadn't even started with him. He leaned over trailing kisses everywhere he could till he reached his lover's mouth. They exchanged a sloppy and heated kiss both groaning into it.

"Missed this so bad." Jamell whimpered against those familiar soft lips.

"Oh yeah? How bad?" Kentrell teased biting on the other's lower lip. Jamell groaned.

"So bad daddy. So fucking ba-aah"a gasp left his lip as his husband slowly entered his warm abyss. All the times he'd touched himself or used the 10 inch chocolate colored silicon rubber couldn't compare to the feeling of hi husband filling him up."mmmh...give it to me daddy. I can take it." Jamell whimpered in his lover's ear. He wanted his brains fucked out. He wanted that iron slang on him. Kentrell was gonna deliver but he still had the baby in mind.

"Fuck me up daddy." Jamell swooned wrapping his legs around his husband's waist.

"Bet." Kentrell smirked moving back then firmly thrusting into the already awaiting heat.

Kentrell chuckled as he walked into the bathroom and seen his husband slumped inside the tub. Well let's just say they had quite ab afternoon. Having spent hours having sex in all the places in the house that they could think of. It was needed to ease all the sexual frustration between them.

"Mell,baby wake up." Kentrell softly said as he knelt against the side of the tub. He kissed the other male on the forehead making him stir.

"Mmh-i'm tired." Jamell slurred his eyes barely opening. A lazy smile spread over his lips.

"Is that a complaint." Kentrell smirked picking up the loofah and starting to clean the smaller's body. He felt satisfied bt the multiple hickeys that littered the beautiful body that he adored.

"Hell nah!" Jamell let out a bit more enthusiastic. He opened one eye looking at his husband." I'm about sore assa bitch tho'"he groaned sticking his tongue out then a dopey smile followed. Kentrell laughed.

"Well I look like I was fighting cats from the alley."he shook his head continuing to clean up the other man. He had scratches on his arms and back but he didn't mind it all.

"Hush. It ain't my fault you got bomb dick." Jamell waved him off.

"Well that pussy was talking to me. Can't complain." They bothed laughed Jamell splashing some of the soapy water on Kentrell. It got silent after that Kentrell finishing up with washing the other male.


"Yeah...." Kentrell answered standing up to grab a towel.

"I'm sorry..." Melly's voice trembled as tears filled up his droopy eyes. Kentrell frowned returning to his position next to the tub towel in hand.

"I never meant to come off as the ungrateful bitch. There's a roof over my head,food on the table,the best school for my son and it's honestly more than I bargained for.I appreciate all of it but you know what would be even better? Having you share all of it with us. To be honest you're all that I value out of all this. You and Junior and now this baby im the way are my world and-"he was getting emotional all over again. Kentrell wasn't having it. He leaned over connecting their lips.

"I hear you mamas and I'm gonna do something 'bout it,ight. Don't stress yoh'self 'bout this nomo. I gotchu."he reassured. Jamell cheesed through his tears thanking God for giving him such an understanding husband.

"I love you Kentrell. So much."

"I love you more lil baby."

No marriage was perfect but if both parties were willing to make it work then it was gonna work. Surely it would take a lot of patience and compromise but that's what it was all about. The ride is tough and bumpy and there can only be hope that both will stick around for it.

Kentrell lifted his husband out of the tub with ease wrapping the towel around him. He moved to their room placing him on the bed gently. He then proceeded to dry him off then slipped his sleeping clothes on his body. By the time he was done Jamell was already knocked out breathing softly a contented look on his face.

Kentrell sat there for a long minute just staring at that face he adored. He hadn't meant to hurt the love of his life the way he did. Now looking at the situation he wasn't even mad anymore that he was laid off work for awhile. Everything really did happen for a reason.


Erh this ain't it. This ain't how I wanted this to be but well hell💁

Anywho I hope it was at least slightly good.

I'm not good at smut so I skipped it😭

Please leave suggestions if you have any😊

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