Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werew...

بواسطة Taekooktrash_tk

1M 51K 32.1K

"What are you doing here? Do I know you?", Jungkook rose a brow, sassing on his mate. Taehyung immediately h... المزيد

Chapter # 1
Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3
Chapter # 4
Chapter # 5
Chapter # 6
Chapter # 8
Chapter # 9
Chapter # 10
Chapter # 11
Chapter # 12
Chapter # 13
Chapter # 14
Chapter # 15
Chapter # 16
Chapter # 17
Chapter # 18
Chapter # 19
Chapter # 20
Chapter # 21
Chapter # 22
Chapter # 23
Chapter # 24
Chapter # 25
Chapter # 26
Chapter # 27
Chapter # 28
Chapter #29
Chapter # 30
Chapter # 31
Chapter # 32
Chapter # 33
Chapter # 34
Chapter # 35
Important Note
Chapter # 36
Chapter # 37
Chapter # 38
Chapter # 39
Chapter # 40
Chapter # 41
Chapter # 42
Chapter # 43
Chapter # 44
New Books

Chapter # 7

26.2K 1.4K 367
بواسطة Taekooktrash_tk

Author p.o.v

After one hour of silent ride they all stopped in the middle of woods. Jungkook didn't said a word during the past hour. The older was a little disappointed to see this change but 'Oh well' he earned that. Then they all start moving out of the bus, Jungkook exhale a long sigh which he was holding for who knows how long. He can't help it. He still yearn for older which is not good and he knows really well that it will make him miserable.

The moment all student stood in pair, Mr. Park announced the schedule. "So students here we are. All of you got your 7 days schedule. From today onwards you all will complete the task assigned to you all. All the students knows that by the end of the day you have to report to us teacher. New students your partners will guide you but still if you need any help, we are here for you. The schedule is same as before but of course with different task. Now go find a place for your camp and remember no cheating or else both partners will receive -10 and disqualification. Your time starts now".

With that said all students carried their bags on back and turned towards different direction. Jungkook guided Taehyung to follow him. "I know a really good place for camping. Let's run fast so that nobody else took that place". Taehyung nodded and ran behind Jungkook. After 10 minutes of running, they were in the middle of a little meadow. "Are we going to do camping in the open?" Taehyung questioned confuse.

"No of course not! We need to walk a little more and there is a secret place cover with woods. That place look like a natural camp".

Taehyung nodded and when he finally saw the place, he was in  awe. There were huge trees and in the middle was a little waterfall. The land was smooth no hard rocks, good for their camps. "Now we don't have to worry about drinking water. We have fresh water here but if you wanted to take a bath, we all gathered at the lake, the camp side of teachers. That's where we all will gather again whenever we complete task and report", Jungkook was explaining him every thing in detail, giving him tips and tricks.

"One more thing. If you think you understand everything and you wanted to change partners, you can do it tomorrow after the completion of our first task. Just ask Mr. Park and he will switch your partner".

"I'm fine with you but thanks I'll keep that option in mind", Taehyung responded quickly.

Jungkook felt heat rising to his cheeks and he looked away immediately. Soon they opened their camping tent and put their bags in. Jungkook took out a chips pack from his bag and went outside of the camp. He started munching when Taehyung came out too. Out of generosity Jungkook asked the older if he want some and to his shocked, he sat beside him and took some chips from the pack. Jungkook gulped silently because he wasn't expecting anything like that to happen.

He was avoiding older as much as possible. Looking everywhere but him then both of their hands brushed against each other as they both tried to took some chips out at the same time. Shivered ran throughout younger's body and Taehyung too felt that spark. He instantly removed his hand and apologize. Jungkook stood up and went towards the waterfall to drink some water and yet again everything turned back into silence. He was getting bore . 

He was wishing that he had his cellphone for at least this trip when his partner is Taehyung. Students aren't allowed to use phones. There phones are collected by teachers and  for direction , they all were handed maps. Jungkook was kicking stone and counting little ants on the ground who were going who knows where.

"I'm hungry. Do you want to eat some ramen?" Jungkook turned towards Taehyung shocked on older's offer but nodded. He gathered some small sticks and made a small stove for them. Jungkook filled the water in the container and they waited near fire for water to boil up.  When the water started bubbling he added the ramen and tastemaker. Jungkook was drooling seeing the noodles and the aroma that started covering the place was making it more irresistible. Taehyung served some for Jungkook and for himself. He thanked him for the food and instantly start eating.

He burned his tongue a little while chanting 'hot hot'  "Careful", Taehyung said and digged again. Jungkook moaned at the flavor and Taehyung wet his lip with his tongue. "Umm.. It's my favorite flavor. I like BBQ. Do you like it?", Taehyung asked. Jungkook mouth was stuffed with noodles when he replied "I wuv it.. iifff wummyyy". (I love it.. It's yummy) Taehyung lips twitched a little as he tried so hard not to show younger that he is smiling. They ate and washed their utensils and put them inside the camp again.

"You wanna hunt some fruits for dessert?",  Jungkook asked hesitantly expecting a 'No' . "It's okay if you don't wanna come. Stay here and I'll grab some for both of us".

"No. It's okay. I like to come so that I know about the area too".

Jungkook blushed again and stoop down to hide. 'Fuck what is happening to me? It's not good'. He mentally cursed for being this whipped because older just answered to what he asked and here he is blushing like a virgin like older just asked him to kiss or something. Shit what is he thinking?? Damnn he shouldn't have seen a romantic clitché movie a day before the camping.

They were walking and walking, every now and then Jungkook guide him about which place will lead to where. Soon he halt in his position and told Taehyung to change their direction. Taehyung got confused because of a sudden decision of changing the route when a moment ago younger told him that they will found strawberries there. "But you just said awhile ago that we can pick strawberries from there".

"W-we will pick them later. L-let's find s-something else for n-now", Jungkook stammered.

"Well we were walking for like 20 minutes or so, why change route now when in 5 or more minutes we could be there?", Taehyung said.

"Don't you use your wolf senses?", Jungkook questioned raising his brow.

"Of course I do when needed. Why asking now?", Taehyung asked in confusion raising his brow as well.

"Well I'm always on guard and use my senses. So use them while you're in jungle, you'll need it", Jungkook huffed.

"Yeah sure I'll use it but for now I'll go to pick strawberries. You shouldn't have taken strawberries names if you were about to turn your back in middle because I'm not going anywhere unless I got some", Taehyung said folding his arm.

"Stop acting like a child. We will come back after a-an hour or so".

"I'm not waiting that long. You wanted to come then you're welcomed but if not then I'll go alone". 

With that said Taehyung started walking again ignoring younger's warning. Then younger finally bursted with anger. "FOR FUCK SAKE. STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD AND USE YOUR FUCKING WOLF INSTINCT WHEN NEEDED. HYUNG AND JIMIN ARE HAVING SEX THERE. WANNA SEE THAT?? THERE... HAPPY I SAID IT NOW. ARE YOU EVEN A WEREWOLF OR WHAT??? CAN'T YOU FUCKING SENSE THAT??" Jungkook huffed annoyed, breathing heavily. His face was crimson red after what he just said. He looked away immediately, and started walking to other side. After listening to younger he finally used his senses and 'Fuck' he could hear Jimin's moan loud and clear. He now too was red as a ripe cherry.

He cursed under his breath and without saying a single word he followed the younger yet again. After 20 minutes of walking they found 'Bananas' well something is better than nothing. They sat in silence and peeled some banana eating without exchanging anymore words. Food is food but after hearing some loud make out noises and now holding a banana when you're a horny person is not a good combination specially when the person you're crushing on is sitting in front of you holding a banana and eating like-- 

Both latter mind were clouded with dirty thoughts and both were hiding their faces behind the peel as much as possible. After like eating seven bananas he stood up, dusting his pants lightly. They saw a red light on the sky and Jungkook told the older that it's the sign that now they have to gather near lake. Taehyung nodded and soon they joined all the remaining students. Jungkook spotted Jimin immediately and leaped towards him. He dragged him and started scolding him.

"Can't you guys fucking wait for the night? Taehyung and I were about to cross path with you". Jungkook whispered yelled.

"It's your brother who can't control, not my fault. Plus what you expect me to say? NO? That not possible. Even if you saw us it wouldn't matter bitch we all see porns so what's the difference?" Jimin whispered.

"You have no shame. Do you?" Jungkook said with a 'So done' face.

"Bitch whoever wanna see, see it. I don't care neither my mate but yeah he will kill anybody who see me naked".

Jungkook sighed in defeat knowing exactly what his best friend said is true. After half hour of chitchatting they all sat together for dinner and after eating teacher reminded that their first mission start tomorrow at 9 o'clock so that means they all have to be here again by 8 in the morning for breakfast. They bid goodbyes with each other and went to their separate ways. The walk to the camp was yet again silent. They didn't exchanged any words and even during their time near lake they didn't even interacted for once.

When they finally came to their camp Jungkook suggested to change first if he wanted to. "You can go and change first inside while I'm out then I'll go in to change and you will stay here. Okay?"

"I'm okay. You can go and change first".

Jungkook nodded and immediately went it. The camp has torch light on and Taehyung can only see younger's silhouette from the outside. He was looking at the other side of the camp when something inside of him tingled and he turned his head towards the camp.

Jungkook was bending a little to pick his clothes out. He removed his shirt and was about to wear another one when Taehyung's eyes popped double the size. Jungkook has a really slim waist and muscular biceps. He can't see how his skin looks like or how would it feel under his touch-

When Jungkook wore his pajama, he could see younger's curves and round ass. Taehyung was drooling at the sight and his wolf was growling, just wanted to be release. Several images clouded his mind. He found 3 things today

Number # 1: Jungkook is a very good observant and is very sharp when it comes to handling something.

Number # 2: Under his thick baggy clothes, he hides his slim beautiful waist, thick thighs and round ass.
(He should hide it because it's only belongs to him)

Number # 3 If Taehyung didn't control himself properly, he might end up fucking him up- which shouldn't be happening-

Jungkook came out in PJs and Taehyung tried avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Jungkook told him he can change now and he got in the camp. His face was red because now from his thick loose clothes, he can still picture his body shape and curves.

Taehyung changed into his clothes too and this time it was younger's turned to drool over the sight. Luna was whimpering and Jungkook looked  away. He went towards the waterfall and splashed cold water on his face to get rid of the heat rising to his face.

Because of older he is too much distracted. They wouldn't have taken the route in the first place if Jungkook was attentive. His senses are more sharper than any wolf but because Taehyung was by his side he couldn't concentrate on anything. All his attention was on older. He felt so happy and giddy whenever Taehyung compliment him or praise him which is a bad sign.

Taehyung called out younger's name so that they can sleep. Jungkook asked Moon Goddess to show some mercy on him while he's here with him and just like that they went to sleep on their sleeping bags, turning off the lamp and getting lost into their fantasy world


Keep reading, commenting and voting guys it means a lot 💜💜 Follow me and I will guarantee you to feed your TaeKook heartuuu 🐯🐰

I love reading your comments. It makes me so happy 💜💜

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