Chemical World || Damon Albarn

By classicrockdreams

80.9K 2K 748

Erin Kelly is a 22 year old girl living in the heat of the mid-90s England music industry. She plays rhythm g... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

3K 94 35
By classicrockdreams

Thanks so much for 1,000 reads! This book is getting so much more publicity than I thought it would. It means the world to me!

The concert went by amazingly fast, and even though I hated to admit it, I loved every single second of performing that night. Normally, when we would tour, I would enjoy the shows, of course, but I would tire out easily, the result of getting literally no sleep as we were out all the time.

But tonight, something about not having played live in forever because of album recording, made everything sound better. Even Liam's voice, which had never really amazed me anymore since I had gotten so used to it, was much better than it had been in recording.

Or maybe it was the fact that Damon was here, and I felt the need to play better than even in front of him. And it sure as hell didn't help that every time I even glanced at him, his eyes met mine and I could feel him staring at me.

Of course that made me more anxious than I already was, but I guess it also made me, personally play better. So I guess I'm thankful that he actually showed up tonight.

  Our set had ended around ten, and all five of us were now sitting backstage in the outdated room, Noel and Tony on the first couch, Guigs by himself, and Liam and I on the third.

  Currently, Liam had pulled me into a bear hug with one hand and took a swig of a beer bottle with the other. Obviously high off the show we just played, and possibly coke, I wasn't quite sure, he periodically made jokes and wouldn't let go of me, making us all laugh, and making me want to get out of the situation even more.

  About ten minutes had already passed and I knew it was time to see the 'guest of honor' before he wandered away. I moved Liam's arm off of my shoulder and sat up, making him give me a weird look.

  "Where are you heading?"

  All the heads turned to look at me, and I knew that everyone was even more suspicious than they had been earlier.

  The only difference was that this time I didn't have a lie to tell, and I had to quickly make something up before I stepped out of the room.

  "I'll be right back," Was all I came up with and I heard everyone go back to what they were originally talking about as I left the room, thankful that no one asked anymore questions, and glad that they didn't mind me leaving.

Once I got out and walked the hallway that was starting to become very familiar, I braced myself to enter the crowd of people, bowing my head and letting the hair that was pushed behind my ears, fall in front of my face in hopes that no one would see me.

However, after I had actually wandered into the people in the bar area, I realized that it wasn't nearly as crowded as before since the concert had ended. I lifted my head up slightly and caught glimpse of Damon, sitting by himself at the bar, a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other.

  And for what seemed like the millionth time this night considering how many times it had happened on stage, our eyes connected. Of course, that smirk of his appeared on his face, but this time I couldn't really blame him since a smile began to grow on mine.

  I made my way over to him, weaving my way through a couple of drunks and people dancing the night away. And it wasn't long before I was next to him, pulling him into a hug, which was definitely unexpected for the both of us. We pulled away at the same time, and I took a seat next to him, grinning as he spoke.

"Well you seem happy," He mused and returned the smile.

  I answered after I ordered just a beer from the bartender. "I am," I admitted. "This was a really good night for us and I'm just happy that you were here."

  "I agree," He responded, then paused. "Well, I think you played amazing, the other guys though..."

  "Oh shut up," I laughed as I got the beer, paid, and took a sip of it. "You're not serious, are you?"

  "Of course I am," He playfully stated. "Especially Liam. I think you guys need a new singer."

  "What? You think you can do better?" I raised an eyebrow, knowing that all his teasing was somewhat going to his head.

  "Yeah I can," He stuck his tongue out to clarify that he had 'won'. "But don't tell Liam that."

  Hell no, I wouldn't. But at that moment, such a stupid idea popped into my head, and with all that had happened tonight, it seemed like an okay idea to go through with it. So of course, that's how all this shit began to happen.

  "I won't," I answered. "So why don't you tell him yourself?"


"Go tell him!" I jumped up and grabbed his hand, making the both of us stop and blush for a second. But for some reason, I didn't let go, and continued on like it was completely normal. "Come meet the band!"

"Are you out of your mind?!" He hissed lowly, trying not the attract attention to us. "Have you forgot that we're rivals and aren't even supposed to be seen together?"

Really, I didn't forget that we weren't supposed to be hanging out, but something came over me that made me not care. Maybe it was the way we played tonight, or maybe it was the fact that I really liked Damon and wanted the guys to like him too, but suddenly, I didn't care if the guys kicked me out of the band. I didn't care what they thought at all.

  "Yeah," I spoke my mind. "But I don't care."

  And so there we went, me pulling Damon through the crowd of people, not
letting go of his hand the entire time, even when we were alone in the hallway because I liked the feeling too much. We stopped in front of the door to backstage, and that was when I finally let go of his hand, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach since I didn't know if they were from anxiety or enjoyment.

  "Erin," Damon stopped before I was about to open the door.

  "Damon," I mocked his tone and licked my lips.

  "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He chuckled and asked.

"Positive," I replied and opened the door, walking into the room.

It seemed like nobody had moved since I left, everyone being in their same spots on the couch. All their eyes fell on me as I walked into the room first, but then fell on Damon as he followed. And they did not show happy expressions.

  "What's he doing here?" Noel was the first to speak sharply, and I could easily tell that he was the most angry. Well, him and Liam. No surprises there.

  "Uh, he showed up to watch us," I answered truthfully, but the next part was a lie. "Randomly."

"Yeah, right he did," Liam continued and gave a tongue in cheek expression.

Not long after this, Noel had stood up and walked over to us, pulling my hand over to 'his side' and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, staring Damon directly in the eye.

"Noel, stop," I mumbled and took his arm off of me, but still stood next to him.

I thought our rivalry wasn't that big of a deal, and more for show than reality. However, with no one speaking towards one another, I guess I was wrong.

  "Okay," I broke the silence. "I'm going out to have a smoke, since nothing much is happening here." I emphasized the last part and headed out the doorway.

  As I walked out, I felt Damon stroll up beside me while we found our way outside.

  "Tough crowd I guess," He joked.

  This made me laugh a little, and I knew that the rest of the night would go well, as long as I stayed away from the band, and spent some more time with Damon.

  "You have no fucking idea,"

A/n: This was really bad and all over the place, sorry. But next chapter I'm very excited to write so it should be better. Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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